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What I learned from getting rank 1 survivor for the first time

So, I've been around in the game since pre-Nurse. But since I almost only played killer, I suck at survivor (and, to a lesser extent, as killer too). I can't loop, I don't know totem or hatch places and I don't know good escape routes. I like the killer role and got rank 1 as killer around the time MM came out.
Lately, I've begun to play survivor more and more because it's less stressful. This resulted in me getting to rank 9 for the first time and I thought, hey, why not go for rank 1?

That was 3 days ago, so I went from "never played survivor enough to get past rank 10" to rank 1 in less than 3 days. I have learned some things about the game.

  1. ANYBODY can get rank 1 survivor. You don't even need to be good. I know I suck. I didn't believe it when people told me that getting to rank 1 was easy. It is. Just play a lot.

  2. You don't have to loop in order to win. As I said I can't loop. I play stealthily and try not to be found in the first place, or to run to areas where the killer would be at a disadvantage (too far from hooked survivors and/or generators, lots of cover). I didn't make statistics about my escape rate, but I'd say it was ~50% maybe?

  3. You don't need meme perks as long as you are used to your perks. I played ALL my games using what I found until level 41: Lithe 2, Self Care 2 (okay, this is somewhat meme, but it's rank 2), Alert 3 and Urban Evasion 3. I've grown to like these perks and whenever I play a different survivor for my daily I really miss each and every single one of them.

  4. Ragequitters are a problem at every rank. I had 6 ragequitters in 4 consecutive games. One time after the first player got hooked after 30 seconds of gameplay, he suicided and two others DCed. This happened at rank 3.

  5. While anybody can get rank 1, there IS a difference in quality of the games. Teammates don't try to lose the killer by running past other players. Everybody (almost) always does something worthwhile. People are more altruistic and they are smarter when unhooking. Nobody farmed, nobody endlessly crouched around campers who didn't leave the hook.

  6. Killers camp less. I had one facecamper (I have no idea why he did that, as I don't DS, loop, teabag or otherwise BS killers) and maybe 4 or 5 killers today who didn't leave the hook for more than 5 seconds. Most high rank killers willingly left the hook to chase other survivors. Most of them didn't even return when the unhook happened.

  7. Killers played at higher ranks are mostly Pig, Michael, Huntress, Nurse. No Trapper, no Legion. One of Hillbilly and Leatherface each. One Clown, one Wraith. A few Freddys and Spirits (though no Spirit since rank 3) and maybe 2 Docs and Hags each.

  8. NOED and Ruin are to be expected in every game. Nothing new here. Same as low ranks. I was surprised by the occasional Iron Maiden though!

  9. People at high ranks are extremely chill, even when they lose. Not a single flame. Salt, sometimes. But with a very "Canadian" feel to it, if you get what I'm saying.

So these are my experiences, fresh from the memory. I like playing at high ranks, but I'm afraid I can't always spare the time to get there each month.


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,201

    I'm a killer main that just recently got to rank 1. The biggest difference I see is the speed of the games. There is often no margin for error whatsoever as a killer. Efficiency is everything, which is why it's Nurse, Hillbilly, and Spirit for the most part at those ranks. Survivors generally seem more objective focused, as they should be. I know people don't like to play against the same 3 killers, but you lose at least 1 gen in travel time playing slower killers. It's math, unfortunately.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Milkymalk said:
    So, I've been around in the game since pre-Nurse. But since I almost only played killer, I suck at survivor (and, to a lesser extent, as killer too). I can't loop, I don't know totem or hatch places and I don't know good escape routes. I like the killer role and got rank 1 as killer around the time MM came out.
    Lately, I've begun to play survivor more and more because it's less stressful. This resulted in me getting to rank 9 for the first time and I thought, hey, why not go for rank 1?

    That was 3 days ago, so I went from "never played survivor enough to get past rank 10" to rank 1 in less than 3 days. I have learned some things about the game.

    1. ANYBODY can get rank 1 survivor. You don't even need to be good. I know I suck. I didn't believe it when people told me that getting to rank 1 was easy. It is. Just play a lot.

    2. You don't have to loop in order to win. As I said I can't loop. I play stealthily and try not to be found in the first place, or to run to areas where the killer would be at a disadvantage (too far from hooked survivors and/or generators, lots of cover). I didn't make statistics about my escape rate, but I'd say it was ~50% maybe?

    3. You don't need meme perks as long as you are used to your perks. I played ALL my games using what I found until level 41: Lithe 2, Self Care 2 (okay, this is somewhat meme, but it's rank 2), Alert 3 and Urban Evasion 3. I've grown to like these perks and whenever I play a different survivor for my daily I really miss each and every single one of them.

    4. Ragequitters are a problem at every rank. I had 6 ragequitters in 4 consecutive games. One time after the first player got hooked after 30 seconds of gameplay, he suicided and two others DCed. This happened at rank 3.

    5. While anybody can get rank 1, there IS a difference in quality of the games. Teammates don't try to lose the killer by running past other players. Everybody (almost) always does something worthwhile. People are more altruistic and they are smarter when unhooking. Nobody farmed, nobody endlessly crouched around campers who didn't leave the hook.

    6. Killers camp less. I had one facecamper (I have no idea why he did that, as I don't DS, loop, teabag or otherwise BS killers) and maybe 4 or 5 killers today who didn't leave the hook for more than 5 seconds. Most high rank killers willingly left the hook to chase other survivors. Most of them didn't even return when the unhook happened.

    7. Killers played at higher ranks are mostly Pig, Michael, Huntress, Nurse. No Trapper, no Legion. One of Hillbilly and Leatherface each. One Clown, one Wraith. A few Freddys and Spirits (though no Spirit since rank 3) and maybe 2 Docs and Hags each.

    8. NOED and Ruin are to be expected in every game. Nothing new here. Same as low ranks. I was surprised by the occasional Iron Maiden though!

    9. People at high ranks are extremely chill, even when they lose. Not a single flame. Salt, sometimes. But with a very "Canadian" feel to it, if you get what I'm saying.

    So these are my experiences, fresh from the memory. I like playing at high ranks, but I'm afraid I can't always spare the time to get there each month.

    1. yes
    2. true
    3. you can play without any perks aswell, I always run WGLF and that chest perk (whats its name again :lol: 3. )
    4. A shame that DCing isnt punished properly
    5. True, but since everybody can reach rank1, there are also some complete potatoes up there
    6. Yes, camping only works against noobs
    7. I really rarely see myers, but apart from that I agree
    8. Of course, only tools to slow down the game atm (sadly)
    9. Well not everbody, but its maybe a bit more chill than purple ranks
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited February 2019
    Milkymalk said:
    1. ANYBODY can get rank 1 survivor.

    I find way easier to pip as a killer than as a survivor.
    As a survivor, if killer decides to camp/tunnel you that's probably gonna be a depip.
    As a killer, i don't remember last time i depiped, honestly.
  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221

    @EntityDispleased said:
    I'd love to get the rank 1 survivor achievement but it just takes an awfully long boring time to get there. Fighting your way through brain dead teammates, moris, camps, tunnels etc is a pain in the ass as well. As killer I just have to rely on myself.

    Everything you listed becomes less of an issue the higher you climb. The real problem, it sometimes felt, is not finishing the game too quickly to pip. I had a lot of games where we gen rushed and got the hell out of there, but then I had almost no points in Evasion and Altruism so no pip for me.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Vietfox said:
    Milkymalk said:

    * ANYBODY can get rank 1 survivor.

    I find way easier to pip as a killer than as a survivor.
    As a survivor, if killer decides to camp/tunnel you that's probably gonna be a depip.
    As a killer, i don't remember last time i depiped, honestly.

    Anybody can get rank 1 on both sides, its not that much of a deal

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @edgarpoop said:
    I'm a killer main that just recently got to rank 1. The biggest difference I see is the speed of the games. There is often no margin for error whatsoever as a killer. Efficiency is everything, which is why it's Nurse, Hillbilly, and Spirit for the most part at those ranks. Survivors generally seem more objective focused, as they should be. I know people don't like to play against the same 3 killers, but you lose at least 1 gen in travel time playing slower killers. It's math, unfortunately.

    See, if they did like Friday the 13th, and had a part or two you had to get in order to fix gens or something, then it would give the killer some more time. I think they should do this. Having been on the other end of a gen rush recently, I had no idea what to do. Gens just kept falling left and right, because I'd chase one person, all 3 would focus on the next gen. Rinse/repeat. Literally have zero idea how to counterplay this, so I was a little upset, to be honest.