Gift Bloodpoints

I know, in the first thought this may sound stupid, but listen up.

I like playing dbd with friends and it happens a lot that either i am close to a million bloodpoints, when my friends have none to spend or the other way round.
prestiging is not always an option and spending points after lvl 50 on a non prestige char just makes no sense, so i would be glad if you could gift bloodpoint to friends.
maybe with a fee of 10% of the point getting lost or sth, so the devs also have something from it :)


  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    That would probably be easy to exploit. Like people could sell you BP for money and I doubt that's something they want to encourage.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @fluffybunny said:
    That would probably be easy to exploit. Like people could sell you BP for money and I doubt that's something they want to encourage.

    Jesus I would make hell lot of money if it happened.

    Let it happen, my brand new job, bloodpoint seller.

  • SadCyclops
    SadCyclops Member Posts: 118

    @fluffybunny said:
    That would probably be easy to exploit. Like people could sell you BP for money and I doubt that's something they want to encourage.

    you are totally right. But there could be a fix amount or a kind of cap or sth like that.