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Hook Camping and what to do

A lot of survivors get really mad whenever the killer is protecting someone in a hook, also wanting the devs to add some sort of penalty for killers who do so.
My problem here is the fact survivors want us killers to give them free unhooks for doing absolutely nothing.
Here are a few things you can do while a killer is camping:
-Fix Generators! Killers will be extremely busy camping the hooked person they won't bother protecting gens!
-Clean Totems, you may find that Ruin or Huntress Lullaby that has been getting on your nerves, cleaning dull totems will also reduce the chances of No One Escapes Dead appearing.
-Under no reason save the hooked person in front of the killer unless you have borrowed time! If you don't, this could only make matters worse.


  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    They only thing that matters is to do gens nothing else.

    The problem wirh camping isn't about the killer doing the job they are meant to it is about how the devs made emblems, even thiugh camping is a legit strat it doesn't go hand in hand with how they have setup the game.
  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    You don't have time to be cleansing totems when a killer is camping, unless of course ruin is still up. 

    It already waste a bunch of time for everyone one to figure out the killer is camping in the first place (this is why we want Kindred build into the game).

    Saddly most campers are going to run NOED through, which pretty much guarantees them 2 kills. 

    And Solos running around trying to break all all the totems to prevent NOED, it going to results in no gens being done.

    Your better off just letting the get that NOED + camp, so that 2 can escape. Killer will most likely not pip anyways.