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Another Objective for Survivors to Do

We need to slow this game down (jUSt A LiTtLe biT).
What do y'all think about this: when a generator is completed, you need to get a cable from somewhere on the map and then connect the cable to an exit gate. A gate needs at least four cables connected to it to work, more cables will open the door faster. If a killer downs a survivor while they're carrying a cable, the cable resets.


  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    Just a question; What do you think will happen to survivors in nearly all ranks (20-2 and even 1) when you simply slow the game down?

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    I think the survs NEED another objective. I have been playing both killer and survival, and there's literally nothing one can do when the team just hits all objectives. Even if you get the first guy down fast (which you often won't in these cases, it seems).

    I was more thinking survs need a part to fix the gens myself.

  • Arsoul
    Arsoul Member Posts: 320

    Gate will just get camped.
    Better off slowing gen progress down, but putting items around the map that increase the speed

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
    Just a question; What do you think will happen to survivors in nearly all ranks (20-2 and even 1) when you simply slow the game down?

    SWF will become balanced.
    Solo players will require ingame voice comms

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    SWF will become balanced.
    Solo players will require ingame voice comms

    Now replace the 2nd sentence with what will actually happen to solo's?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    SWF will become balanced.
    Solo players will require ingame voice comms

    Now replace the 2nd sentence with what will actually happen to solo's?

    What do you mean?

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    SWF's became balanced. We just fixed that in this post.
    Now what will happen to solo's? Will they become stronger, weaker? What median win-rate for solo's across ranks do you expect to see?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522

    Sounds interesting, but I'm not sure how effective that would be. Assuming the generator completed is really far away from either gate, say it takes 20 seconds to sprint over there with the cable. That's just one less survivor on generators for 20 seconds. A coordinated group would still have three others working on generators. If you look at it purely from the aspect of one survivor per generator (most efficient way, currently), that brings the time from 80 seconds each generator to 100 seconds, and that's being generous and assuming every generator is pretty far from either gate.

    I also think this might be a little confusing. How would you be able to track which generators are attached to which gates without having a cluttered and overwhelming HUD?

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Peanits said:
    Sounds interesting, but I'm not sure how effective that would be. Assuming the generator completed is really far away from either gate, say it takes 20 seconds to sprint over there with the cable. That's just one less survivor on generators for 20 seconds. A coordinated group would still have three others working on generators. If you look at it purely from the aspect of one survivor per generator (most efficient way, currently), that brings the time from 80 seconds each generator to 100 seconds, and that's being generous and assuming every generator is pretty far from either gate.

    I also think this might be a little confusing. How would you be able to track which generators are attached to which gates without having a cluttered and overwhelming HUD?

    When I read this I was thinking the cables were allready at the Exit and they had to spend time plugging them in, which could actually make the game harder lol.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I don't think this would fit the game properly. The whole point of the Exit is that it is a beacon of Hope, which the Entity feeds off of, and making it take longer to open the Exit could actually make it harder and maybe even impossible so you become Hopeless.

    If the Exits need Cables I'm assuming you could connect them before or after the Gen is done but then the game switches to the Cables, Gens, and the Exit. Sur you got all the Gens done but only 2 cables is on one Exit and only 1 is on the other and they're only 3 of you, garuntee at least 1 more Survivor will die and another MIGHT escape; especially if everyone is Solo.

    I think focusing new Objectives for the Gens would be better or, switch out the Gens for an entirely NEW Objective and each match switches between fixing Gens and fixing ???

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited February 2019
    What if we needed to repair/find pieces for the exit gate switches prior to powering all the gens. Have a rng # of parts for each 2-4( can have offerings to flux it). The killer can't camp 2 places at once, gens are still being prepped, and when finished the box could signal like when gens are done but only to the survivors. This could slow game progression down so that rapid gens might work against the team. If a gate isn't repaired have the last gen backfire and lose x%, so killer can't camp a single gate.
  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    edited February 2019
    the 2 problems I see when a topic like this is brought up are 1. solo survivor will be even more awful than it is now and 2. S and A tier killers would basically be unstoppable unless they're against a really good swf group.

    I'm really not fond of the idea of making nurses and spirits more of a nightmare than they already are but I also hate to see a lower tier killer struggle to get pressure on gens. although I have seen good players hold their own as someone like trapper with good knowledge by knowing when to slug, look for crows, or split their focus.

    so I sum it up to "git gud". besides, how often do you guys actually get that dreaded 4man swf I see every post talk about? I personally rarely get stomped on as pig and i can never actually play my best.