New Survivor Idea

BillyBoiMain Member Posts: 164
edited February 2019 in Creations

Survivor Name: Matthew O’Riley

Matthew was an extremely creative child growing up, always interested in construction and buildings. He took this after his father who was an engineer.

His father soon let him help with repairs, fixes and house plans. Matthew became extremely good at his crafts, soon starting his own business, which built and extended houses.

One day, he was adding an extension to an old cabin in a forest. While he went back to get more wood from his truck, a sudden force knocked him down and dragged him through the forest, getting tangled in branches and twigs, he soon reached a stop, and was never seen again.


Handyman: Your craftsmanship has seemed to help you fix many defenses. You can fix dropped (But not broken) pallets and allow the pallet to be used again. Can repair one pallet one/two/three time(s) before it will break automatically after being used. This action takes 7/6/5 seconds.

Hole Digger: Can open the black lock without a key. This action will take 40/30/20 seconds and will stay open for 10/20/30 seconds.
If the black lock is opened by a key, it is open for an extra 10/20/30 seconds.

Missing Tools:
You seem to find the right tools in the most stressful of situations. You can re-roll a chest to instead give you a Toolbox/Mechanic’s Toolbox/Engineer’s Toolbox. This action can only be activated once.

Description: Wears a hi-vis vest, with a brown worn out work jacket with cargo pants and work boots.

Difficulty: Easy

Post edited by BillyBoiMain on


  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    I like the ideas, and the fact that you tried to make them balanced. With Handyman, I'm not too sure about your wording, but I assume you mean picking up pallets. Do you mean overall a survivor can "repair" 3 dropped pallets, or do you mean he can "repair" each pallet 3 times?

    Regarding Hole Digger, I think that perhaps it would be more balanced if the killer is given some sort of notice, like a notification sound, or even reveal the survivor's aura. Obviously, this would not be a top tier perk, because there would probably not be too many situations in which you actually would get the opportunity to get hatch. But the concept is interesting.

    As for Missing Tools, the idea of "re-rolling" a chest seems like an interesting idea, but perhaps this perk ought to be a toolbox variation of Pharmacy.

  • BillyBoiMain
    BillyBoiMain Member Posts: 164
    edited February 2019

    I like the ideas, and the fact that you tried to make them balanced. With Handyman, I'm not too sure about your wording, but I assume you mean picking up pallets. Do you mean overall a survivor can "repair" 3 dropped pallets, or do you mean he can "repair" each pallet 3 times?

    Regarding Hole Digger, I think that perhaps it would be more balanced if the killer is given some sort of notice, like a notification sound, or even reveal the survivor's aura. Obviously, this would not be a top tier perk, because there would probably not be too many situations in which you actually would get the opportunity to get hatch. But the concept is interesting.

    As for Missing Tools, the idea of "re-rolling" a chest seems like an interesting idea, but perhaps this perk ought to be a toolbox variation of Pharmacy.

    With Handyman,yes you are correct, you can repair an infinite amount of pallets, but if a singular pallet is repaired 3 times, it will then immediately break when dropped.

    Thanks for the comment dude.
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019


  • BillyBoiMain
    BillyBoiMain Member Posts: 164