The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Who is your favorite killer?

I don't mean the most optimal. I mean which killer is your favorite to play and to try to escape; and why? Is it Aesthetics, the abilites, the lore? I would really like to know who people actually LIKE the most, not who they play because x is more optimal. I'll start.

Though I haven't played her yet, I LOVE the aesthetic of Spirit. She looks AMAZING, very goddamn scary. Her lore is really sad. It was so dark reading her bio. Honestly, she is one of the creepiest, if not THE creepiest killer in the game so far. Hands down, my favorite is spirit, and I look forward to unlocking her once I have enough shards to do so.


  • jordirex
    jordirex Member Posts: 204
    edited February 2019
    Huntress, currently 1400 hours on that killer.

    Since i started in october 2017 she is my favourite killer because of my FPS background in games like css, pubg, Overwatch, insurgency, etc.

    I also enjoy to play other killers sometimes like nurse, hag, trapper, wraith, etc. Huntress is also my favourite killer to face when I'm survivor.
  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    In terms of fun: Doctor. I enjoy his ability the most. It's just hilarious to walk after a survivor zapping him/her constantly. His laugh makes me laugh at times. I wish his charge time or shock-stun was a little quicker/longer so his anti-loop would actually work. Other than that I really like playing him the most.

    In terms of fun/challenge: Huntress. Getting a good throw is tricky but if you manage to land one of those BBQ shots across the map it feels so satisfying.
  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    Fun killer mechanics+viability= SPIRIT. I also love versing spirits because I run Iron Will which hard counters spirit's tracking.
  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @thekiller490490 said:
    Fun killer mechanics+viability= SPIRIT. I also love versing spirits because I run Iron Will which hard counters spirit's tracking.

    I WISH grinding shards didn't take so long--I want Spirit, dammit!

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited February 2019
    Huntress was my first killer, and is still my fav. Lore, looks, powers, I like her.

    Spirit is probably my deadliest, and I enjoy her, too. Looks, lore, powers. 
    I think she looks intimidating with the red mark face and the burial kimono.

    Pig is up there. I want to play as her more than I do.

    Susie is a fav, aesthetically. 
  • CaptainXym
    CaptainXym Member Posts: 86

    Wraith will always be my baby boy

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614


  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    Spirit is definitely my favorite, she's fun to play with an excellent power that can turn anything into a mindgame plus her lore is good and her design is probably my favorite out of all the killers.

    Coming in a close second place though has to be Wraith, there is just something so basic yet relaxing about using wraith. Plus the cosmetics he gets are pretty cool.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    I love to play as and against a Spirit. Im still running IW as survivor just to play against Spirits as I suck vs her
  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Legion, i like how they play and Susie really sold me on them, i relate to both her look and "personality" to some extent, just not the janitor murder part.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    I keep switching between Spirit, Clown and Doctor. I'd play my Legacy 3 Nurse more if I didn't suffer from bad motion sickness whenever I whip her out for a go.

  • Mullato
    Mullato Member Posts: 104
    1. Myers - My personal favorite to play. Alot of fun building your power up in the shadows , and making survivors ######### themselves when his T3 pops. He is a simple basic attack killer, but he can go 0-100 real quick. I've easilywrecked over-altruistic swf squads by getting an early hook, then slugging the rest as they run in for the saves. I've also been destroyed by smart survivors because I wasn't able to utilize my stalking fast enough. (Lol.)

    2. Billy - What can I say? I like to go fast.

    3. Wraith - Stealthy is deadly. Playing as wraith puts alot of survivors uneasy once they all figure out who the killer is. Because they are constantly paranoid about where I'm at. I love to body block someone in the corner before coming out of stealth. Or getting the first suprise hit, going into stealth, and then following them until they think they're safe. Bing bong. .....

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    My favorite is bing bong boi.

    I don't have a favorite to go against

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    The Pig. I really enjoy trying to live the dream of RBT kills.