Ranking System - D Ranking - ETC

Hey everyone,

I am writing here to speak about the current ranking system and some thing that I think would help the system not be a meme. I want this to be a positive environment for discussion so please only talk facts and observations without attacking anyone.

I don't know if this is the same for everyone but I find it really hard to not stay at rank 1 for survivor, i find is a really struggle street from rank 10 to 5 to get past before I can get straight to rank one and once I am there I pretty much always pip . For killer I find I get really challenging games from about rank 12 to 7. I will state I am not a killer main but I do try play an even spit but i find killer quite stressful in some games (I feel this statement is felt by a lot of people and will support later points). When I play SWF and get games in a lower rank there are quite a few good killers who are obviously not supposed to be that rank. I also want to state D ranking is a known issue and Third Party rank editing software exists.

The way the games dynamic is shifted is it seems a large amount of rank 1's do the tricks that are frowned upon, eg face camp, proxy camp tunnel off hook. This post is not to talk about this issue but I just want it on the record that this happens all the time at rank 1.
Games are stressful for most killers because it is so much easier to be bullied by a good survivor or looped all game so you have do down with M1 only (Some killers avoid this drama but I am writing this because I think all Killers should be the same treat level). Being a survivor is stressful if the killer tunnels you off hook every time to get the a 3 hooks asap and kill the survivor.

To the Point
My solution to this drama is to give rank value to make people want it. I think that as you get higher in rank your points you earn need to be higher and so does the cap, and thus the pip value. This is my point in a nutshell and I will expand and develop as I go.

Increased BP cap for all game objectives/ skills/ hits/ hooks/etc, depending on your rank. The make amount of points per category should increase by the same ratio as well as the pip values increasing. Nothing changes in core mechanics you just earn more points being a higher rank.

At rank one there could be a BP bonus to piping because you still pip at rank 1 and gain nothing so 1 depip is back to rank 2.
Example model: you get 1 100% bonus BP for piping at Rank 1 and a 200% bonus for a 2 pip. This would make rank 1 competitive and harder.

Now the reason I think it is best to fix the ranking over anything else is because as I observed by my previous context there is a lot of imbalance in where killers and survivors are placed because there is no benefit to ranks we can't balance anything correctly. If we balance the ranking system so good players stay in there skill area then this should make the rest easy.
Having a rank system that works will show what killers rank where with their killer of choice. Thus true balancing can begin.

Issues I foresee and ideal balances:

  • Tunnelling and camping will still be a thing because people get point hungry. Balance: successive hooks on the same person within a time limit yield less points than a fresh hook. I also think a killer shouldn't get notified that a survivor is pulled off a hook; this should at least be no notification if within a certain range
  • Looping becomes more common around rank 1 (no explanation needed). Killers bloodlust improved, only lose 1 stack on a pallet break and they break it faster the more bloodlust they have. You can't easily break Line of Sight at small loops so good luck getting to the next pallet with a super-speed killer. Also you should vault faster with Bloodlust.
  • Infinites abused more. Balance: make bloodlust harder to loose bloodlust when you loose sight.
  • Longer queue times at rank 20 for new players. Balance: throw them in and group the lower tier ranks.
  • Harder to level up. This is probably the biggest issue but this could be made worth it by earning shards after games like we use to and the bonus at the end of the level.

Please comment and try not to just shut this down because you don't agree with some points. I love love feed back, suggestions of changes and tweaks for the suggested changes and I will try reply to every comment.