New Player Experience

I am a new player, got around 30 hours in and I really like this game so far. Played both survivor and killer equally I think. My highest killer is a level 19 doctor. Been trying out all of them trying to find one or two I like the best.
I will out right say I am not very good at either role maybe a 4/10 if you had to rank me. Still learning and I get caught as a survivor very quickly and I can get looped endlessly as killer by decent survivors.

As much as I want to get better and play more the people are so toxic it has almost turned me off playing. I had a game last night as Doctor. I was getting beat for the most part, had hooked a few survivors maybe 4 times total with one of them being twice. I had just hung one as the last gen popped, I ran in that direction and happened to get another one quickly. I hung them on a hook very close to the previous one. The gate is available, and I have 2 hooked close together. So, I decided to just run back and forth between the hooks trying to get at least 1-2 kills. Again, I suck and managed to lose both and everyone escaped.

As soon as we get to chat they are blasting me for camping, even though during the game I didn’t spend one second around a hooked survivor until the very end when I was essentially beat.

Why is there so much animosity in this game? I always say gg after every game no matter what happens. Maybe it’s because I am older and being a dick on the internet is the cool thing to do these days. But I plead with the everyone playing this game please try and use some maturity and have fun. It is just a game at the end of the day. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, either way BE NICE.

Grumpy old man rant complete. Have a nice day.


  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Better get used to that.. and it doesn't just happen when they lose. You get salty ass people even when they win.

    If it bothers you much, you are best to turn off the end game chat, or start enjoying it as victory. The more salt you can generate the better your victory.

  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    Yup. You might as well leave the lobby first thing, or turn off the chat. When players get in the moment, they do not care about the other side's feelings. It's a side effect of the game in general. There's just something about it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Report them using the in-game report. Help purge this cancer that plagues the community.

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    The game's design just fundamentally makes people get angry with each other. Killer is supposed to be this unstoppable force that survivors are supposed to avoid, and it's hard to avoid the killer when you're new. This can lead to frustration, i.e. calling you a camper and being a general dick to you.

    People in general are just salty in this game, i wouldn't take it to heart. At this point I gave up trying to say anything in post-game chat because of it

  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    @Orion said:
    Report them using the in-game report. Help purge this cancer that plagues the community.

    Eh, that won't do much. I think what dbd needs is a rep system, kinda like overwatch's.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @AntiJelly said:

    @Orion said:
    Report them using the in-game report. Help purge this cancer that plagues the community.

    Eh, that won't do much. I think what dbd needs is a rep system, kinda like overwatch's.

    It'll get them banned, since "people" like that are consistently like that. It'll do more than pretending they don't exist.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Unfortunately, the community is full of those "cool kids".

    If you want to avoid it, you can hide the chat by clicking that little icon next to the chat window.

    The devs punish deathwishes and "excessive insults" (whatever this means) so I'd just report anyone that is offensive to you and let the devs decide if it's worth a ban or not.

    I can just tell from experience that it doesn't really look like they actively ban people for hasassing others in the endgame chat, but maybe I'm just really unlucky so I keep facing toxic players.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @PiiFree said:
    I can just tell from experience that it doesn't really look like they actively ban people for hasassing others in the endgame chat, but maybe I'm just really unlucky so I keep facing toxic players.

    I can tell from experience that they do. One of the problems is the mentality that they don't, which those very players help perpetuate, since it means people won't report them.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    Well if you win as the killer you get to hear: You camper! You tunneling! You use NOED! Ruin XYZ! You are bad! 

    If you lose as killer as the killer they say: EZ! You are so bad! Worst killer ever! Uninstall!

    Just ignores the kids and have fun. 
    And if you want to try out a build or playstyle that's fun for you, go for it and don't let others tell you how to have fun.

    If you want to get better I would recommend you Tyde Tyme or Ardetha to watch, 2 YouTubers with educational content on the game.
  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323
    edited February 2019
    best advice we can give is close the chat box
    in my experience most survivor dont write anything in post game chat, few say gg or flame. the few that flame really ruin the experience for me so i just keep the chat closed
  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Don't let it bother you you made the logical choice, Who cares if they call it camping. Same goes for tunneling, If someone's injured already and you decide to go for them over a person fully healed, you make the smarter decision as a killer.

    You don't see survivors stopping gens if they think it's going too fast for the killer.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    @DexyIV said:
    The game's design just fundamentally makes people get angry with each other. Killer is supposed to be this unstoppable force that survivors are supposed to avoid, and it's hard to avoid the killer when you're new. This can lead to frustration, i.e. calling you a camper and being a general dick to you.

    People in general are just salty in this game, i wouldn't take it to heart. At this point I gave up trying to say anything in post-game chat because of it

    It's bad on console as well. I had to turn my messaging to friends only, lol.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Mr_Sparkle Glad to see another new member to the ever-growing community of Dead by Daylight! I'm sorry that you had to deal with some unpleasant comments however, I am afraid that negative comments in the post-game chat are all too common. Let me share with you some advice I'm stumbled across in my time playing.

    For Survivor:
    Your ability to hit skillchecks will play a large role in how well you and your "allies" do in trials. If you want to practice skillchecks without the threat of being savagely beaten for messing up I recommend that you try using this skillcheck simulator ( ). As for everything else, it all comes down to experience.

    For Killer:
    Usually, as a killer, you just need experience and perks to handle problems. Since you're new I highly recommend that you continue playing Doctor to maximize your practice with him and Bloodpoint gain. Then after each trial, I highly suggest that you take your newfound bloodpoints and pour them into one of these three killers (if they're available to you).

    1.) Hag - You probably saw this coming but HEX: Ruin's usefulness is truly amazing. Getting teachable HEX: Ruin unlocked so that you can have Ruin on the Doctor should almost guarantee better games. As an added bonus of leveling up Hag you can try getting Teachable Devour Hope which can work excellently on Doctor as long as they can't find the totem early. (Since you said you like Doc I would recommend that you avoid using Third Seal on Doctor as the madness screams counter the lack of aura reading. This being said, don't be shy to unlock teachable perks when you get the chance.

    2.) Hillbilly - If you are tired of toxicity then Billy's perks are for you! While Tinkerer is a bit of a hit or miss perk, Lightborn and Enduring can let you consume pallets and flashlights like a machine. If you really want to eat flashlights you can pair Overwhelming Presence from your doc with Lightborn to just devour flashlight durability. If you plan on maining doc in the long run then I strongly recommend that you get Enduring while you learn the shock therapy timing for pallets.

    3.) Trapper - The Trapper's perks work really well on the Doctor, it's scary how good they are. Brutal Strength is a great asset for any killer and from my personal experience, it is an excellent part of a Doc build if you don't want Enduring (people usually drop pallets early for me to counter my shocks). Unnerving presence also works wonders with the Doctor due to his ability to make skillchecks warp and shake. Finally, Agitation is always useful on killers and when you use Calm addon's with Unnerving or Overwhelming Presence it works even better.

    All in all, just keep your chin up and don't let the mean nonsense folks spew at you do anything to your psyche. Dead by Daylight is a game that usually makes it impossible for everyone to be happy. If the survivors all escape, then the killer isn't happy (usually). If the killer kills everyone then the survivors whine (usually). Just do your thing and have fun!

    Also, here's a video about running tiles that might help boost your chase game on both survivor and killer:

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Mr_Sparkle, toxic players are very hard to deal with. I just had a SWF with four DS, 4 insta heals, 4 adrenaline. Hooked them all once, killed one, and was met with the constant "EZ Baby killer" at the end. Those groups are less common at my rank right now, but as you get towards red ranks, it can increase. Same with killers. Had one last night that hard camped on the first hook and kept striking the survivor on the hook. Sucked for that survivor, but we did gens and left. At the end, he started talking about BS Gen rushers and how we were exploiting the game because one of us had a brown toolbox and gen rushed.

    It happens. Ignore it. Most of them are sad little people with sad lives and they take out their frustrations online where they are safe behind their monitor. Many people are fun in this game. Before that last game with the toxic SWF, I had a fun SWF match where they complimented my trap usage on Hag after I 4k'ed. Just move on from the bad ones.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Mr_Sparkle I'm glad you are playing both sides and seeing the entire game. The community can be super toxic. Looping can be frustrating when playing as killer but you will learn what is safe and unsafe and if you are better just breaking off the chase and going after someone else. Don't let not ranking up or not getting a 4k or escaping discourage you. Focus more or trying to learn something or improve each game.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Actually...Yeah, it probably is the cool thing to do nowadays. (Though i don't like being cool then.)
    You got channels on YouTube after all who inspire people to play and act more toxic. (Yes, whether they want to inspire them or not, their behaviour WILL affect their fanbase.)
    I don't know how much you like to say gg, but my advice would be to close the chat by clicking on the double arrow next to the chat.

    Other than that, i simply get used to them behaving like that, though i still don't like it.

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    I really relate with this post.

    Any new player will be at a disadvantage enough from the learning curve, (and) having a suboptimal loadout, (and) the BP grind, (and) the perk unlocking, (and) all that. It’ll take at least 100 hours to get “polished” enough, but all of that can be overcome and with great fun. Sadly this is all on top of other players being really bad sports in a 4v1 situation and leaving you feeling like “what is the point?”

    It’s a problem every reasonable person in the community acknowledges. Playing killer in particular is damn stressful. The best anyone can say is if one wants to see a reduction in toxicity, don’t participate in it. And we’ll just have to be the best antidote we can by setting a good example.

    I do my absolute best to be as decent as possible, but secretly, I see it as penance. I was no saint in the Unreal Tournament & TFC days...

  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114


    Thanks for your feedback and welcome to the game!

    As @Orion mentioned, we act on player reports so don't hesitate to report when you feel you are being wronged. We have a team of Associate Community Managers that are reviewing player reports and issuing bans for harassment and griefing. (you can consult the rules here)

    As some others mentioned, you also have the option to hide the after game chat if you do not want to communicate with your opponents / teammates. I hope this helps!

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    @not_Queen How about the chat is disabled? Entirely. Delete it from the game. It’s the main source of toxicity.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Mr_Sparkle said:
    I am a new player, got around 30 hours in and I really like this game so far. Played both survivor and killer equally I think. My highest killer is a level 19 doctor. Been trying out all of them trying to find one or two I like the best.
    I will out right say I am not very good at either role maybe a 4/10 if you had to rank me. Still learning and I get caught as a survivor very quickly and I can get looped endlessly as killer by decent survivors.

    As much as I want to get better and play more the people are so toxic it has almost turned me off playing. I had a game last night as Doctor. I was getting beat for the most part, had hooked a few survivors maybe 4 times total with one of them being twice. I had just hung one as the last gen popped, I ran in that direction and happened to get another one quickly. I hung them on a hook very close to the previous one. The gate is available, and I have 2 hooked close together. So, I decided to just run back and forth between the hooks trying to get at least 1-2 kills. Again, I suck and managed to lose both and everyone escaped.

    As soon as we get to chat they are blasting me for camping, even though during the game I didn’t spend one second around a hooked survivor until the very end when I was essentially beat.

    Why is there so much animosity in this game? I always say gg after every game no matter what happens. Maybe it’s because I am older and being a dick on the internet is the cool thing to do these days. But I plead with the everyone playing this game please try and use some maturity and have fun. It is just a game at the end of the day. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, either way BE NICE.

    Grumpy old man rant complete. Have a nice day.

    Just ignore the chat.
    DBD is really special in that regard since BHVR doesnt hand out banns enough

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I would suggest choosing a different Killer, Doctor is an anti-stealth Killer and you seem to have problems with chases. Maybe for a little bit choose Legion since you're brand new to the game but you would be better off with The Shape/Michael Myers or The Cannibal/Leatherface, you have to pay for them but they both have easy one hit down abilities. Hillbilly has one too but I didn't suggest him becuase he has a learning curve and you just started so these other two could be a better choice.

    In the beginning you really need to understand your own playstyle and which Killer is right for you and how you enjoy playing this role.

    I enjoying sneaking, juggling targets, and strategy so I've been laying a lot of Pig(sneaking), Legion(juggling), and Freddy(strategy), Pig is also all three of those combined.Here's hoping the toxicity doesn't get to you and that this helped, I might also suggest looking upo TydeTyme on Youtube, he has a beginners Survivor and Killer guide for new players which cover basics.

  • Mr_Sparkle
    Mr_Sparkle Member Posts: 11

    Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. I know the majority are not that bad. Just a couple bad groups in a row i guess and i needed to vent. I will definitely take the doctor tips into consideration as he is the only killer i seem to have any success with.

    I wish you all well and hope to see you in game.


  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Mr_Sparkle said:
    I am a new player, got around 30 hours in and I really like this game so far. Played both survivor and killer equally I think. My highest killer is a level 19 doctor. Been trying out all of them trying to find one or two I like the best.
    I will out right say I am not very good at either role maybe a 4/10 if you had to rank me. Still learning and I get caught as a survivor very quickly and I can get looped endlessly as killer by decent survivors.

    As much as I want to get better and play more the people are so toxic it has almost turned me off playing. I had a game last night as Doctor. I was getting beat for the most part, had hooked a few survivors maybe 4 times total with one of them being twice. I had just hung one as the last gen popped, I ran in that direction and happened to get another one quickly. I hung them on a hook very close to the previous one. The gate is available, and I have 2 hooked close together. So, I decided to just run back and forth between the hooks trying to get at least 1-2 kills. Again, I suck and managed to lose both and everyone escaped.

    As soon as we get to chat they are blasting me for camping, even though during the game I didn’t spend one second around a hooked survivor until the very end when I was essentially beat.

    Why is there so much animosity in this game? I always say gg after every game no matter what happens. Maybe it’s because I am older and being a dick on the internet is the cool thing to do these days. But I plead with the everyone playing this game please try and use some maturity and have fun. It is just a game at the end of the day. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, either way BE NICE.

    Grumpy old man rant complete. Have a nice day.

    Blame the survivor and killer mains. They're all selfish high ranks (I'm high rank and selfish too) and they want their side to be easier. It ruins the experience for new players.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Also are you on xbox or ps4?

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Peasant said:
    @Mr_Sparkle Glad to see another new member to the ever-growing community of Dead by Daylight! I'm sorry that you had to deal with some unpleasant comments however, I am afraid that negative comments in the post-game chat are all too common. Let me share with you some advice I'm stumbled across in my time playing.

    For Survivor:
    Your ability to hit skillchecks will play a large role in how well you and your "allies" do in trials. If you want to practice skillchecks without the threat of being savagely beaten for messing up I recommend that you try using this skillcheck simulator ( ). As for everything else, it all comes down to experience.

    For Killer:
    Usually, as a killer, you just need experience and perks to handle problems. Since you're new I highly recommend that you continue playing Doctor to maximize your practice with him and Bloodpoint gain. Then after each trial, I highly suggest that you take your newfound bloodpoints and pour them into one of these three killers (if they're available to you).

    1.) Hag - You probably saw this coming but HEX: Ruin's usefulness is truly amazing. Getting teachable HEX: Ruin unlocked so that you can have Ruin on the Doctor should almost guarantee better games. As an added bonus of leveling up Hag you can try getting Teachable Devour Hope which can work excellently on Doctor as long as they can't find the totem early. (Since you said you like Doc I would recommend that you avoid using Third Seal on Doctor as the madness screams counter the lack of aura reading. This being said, don't be shy to unlock teachable perks when you get the chance.

    2.) Hillbilly - If you are tired of toxicity then Billy's perks are for you! While Tinkerer is a bit of a hit or miss perk, Lightborn and Enduring can let you consume pallets and flashlights like a machine. If you really want to eat flashlights you can pair Overwhelming Presence from your doc with Lightborn to just devour flashlight durability. If you plan on maining doc in the long run then I strongly recommend that you get Enduring while you learn the shock therapy timing for pallets.

    3.) Trapper - The Trapper's perks work really well on the Doctor, it's scary how good they are. Brutal Strength is a great asset for any killer and from my personal experience, it is an excellent part of a Doc build if you don't want Enduring (people usually drop pallets early for me to counter my shocks). Unnerving presence also works wonders with the Doctor due to his ability to make skillchecks warp and shake. Finally, Agitation is always useful on killers and when you use Calm addon's with Unnerving or Overwhelming Presence it works even better.

    All in all, just keep your chin up and don't let the mean nonsense folks spew at you do anything to your psyche. Dead by Daylight is a game that usually makes it impossible for everyone to be happy. If the survivors all escape, then the killer isn't happy (usually). If the killer kills everyone then the survivors whine (usually). Just do your thing and have fun!

    Also, here's a video about running tiles that might help boost your chase game on both survivor and killer:


  • Mr_Sparkle
    Mr_Sparkle Member Posts: 11

    @Poweas said:
    Also are you on xbox or ps4?

    I am on PC

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    People feel only cool and strong in the internet nowadays. Real life values don't matter anymore. That is what society became to. And it will get worse.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Mr_Sparkle said:

    @Poweas said:
    Also are you on xbox or ps4?

    I am on PC

    Ah OK.