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General Discussions

Reputation System?



  • Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2019

    Does anyone here play Overwatch? They have a pretty good endorsement system. You can give (only) positive endorsements once per match, and only once per person per 24 hours or something. You can’t give it to people you’re grouped with, so that would take care of SWF lobbies.

    Every time you gain an endorsement level (1-5), you get lootboxes. Maybe for DbD, it could be bloodpoints? Or shards? In Overwatch, if you left the game early, you lost an endoresment level, maybe that would help a tiny bit with the DCing problem in DbD?

  • Member Posts: 2,230

    Back in the days, the devs semi-regularly showed a ranking on stream of the top Killers with the highest post-trial ratings.

    Without exception, all of those Killers were known farmers and/or bots.

    Also, have a look at DbD on Xbox, which has a built-in reputation system from Microsoft that can't be opted out of. Killer mains had their reputation destroyed on a regular basis, all from salty Survivors abusing the rep system. Causing repercussions in other online MP games even.

    This community and a rep system simply does NOT work and it's a bit naive to believe otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 1,155
    edited March 2019

    @DocOctober I was one of the victims of the Xbox report raids as a killer main, and I do agree with the fact that the community cannot handle it when there's an option to vote someone else negatively, but what I am saying (In response to almost everyone else on this thread) is that my "what if" scenario of a reputation system, there would not be an option to vote negatively, just an option to vote on the person's playstyle.

    Insinuating that I'm naive to think that a reputation system wouldn't work is blatantly rude, and honestly destructive to any point you might make. No hard feelings.

    On top of that, having a bloodpoint/shard bonus for voting would greatly increase the players' want to vote, and vote well.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    There's a good way to fix what people are saying here

    SWF can't vote for each other

    If there's multiple voting options, only you see what they voted for, others only see that your rep became more positive

    Maybe survivor's can have a flare above them that looks more Benevolent the higher their rep is. Repeatedly disconnecting survivor's have a more Entity-like flare

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Good bump I was thinking about before.

    The game already includes a rating system for the match. I dunno what this is used for but it would be cool if it could somehow act as a reward system. Survivors would rate killers on the scale of 1-5, and the game would track and keep an average of your rating. Then at the end of the season, before rank resets, you get some sort of bonus based on your rating. BP, shards, auric cells? Dunno. But then your rating resets afterwards, so that if you maybe get shanked by salty survivors one month it's not going to permanently affect you. Though maybe keep a running rating average that the killer can see just for them. For survivors IDK how it would work since killer would have to rate them individually. Maybe they can just give props and every time you as survivor get props from a killer you just get a bonus then an there. I think that's fair and wouldn't be abused. If you have a low rating as killer, it doesn't negatively affect you, you just don't get a bonus. And if you don't get props as survivor, same thing. But it would encourage good behavior through rewards.

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