An idea for the Devs

Its probably been suggested before and would definitely be logistically daunting to say the least, but I think the Devs could foster a whole lot of goodwill with the Dbd community if they held a design a killer/survivor contest. 

Both would have to be on point (ie no having a great killer but scrub survivor, etc). The Devs could do several rounds of narrowing it down before turning over voting to the community. Eventual winner gets to work with design team to see their creations implemented. 

What do you think?



  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765
    edited February 2019
    I think the fans should be able to vote for every round. Maybe go like this:

    Round One: Chapter Theme/map
    Entrees describe a theme for a chapter without killer or survivor. Haunted mansion. Abandoned Subway. Post apocalyptic mall. Etc.

    Round 2: Killer idea based of of the winner of Round 1. Entrees have to create a killer that fits the theme of the chapter and map.

    Round 3: Survivor based on the winners of Round 1 and 2.

    This would give people multiple opportunities to enter and win, making it more of a community contest instead of a single individual’s win.
  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43
    That's one way of doing it. If I was going to go that route id say killer would be the last round.

    To clarify my original post, initially I think Behavior would get thousands of entries (potentially). They would weed through those to get a top 32 or so. Then community voting on battle royal match ups would narrow the field from there.

    I'm not opposed to having a separate contest for killers and survivors. Perhaps even another one each for survivor and killer perks (general ones that aren't teachable). You there can be more than one winner.