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Uninstalling this game, here's the reasons why.


So this thread is about my giving the devs the reason why I am uninstalling it, and same goes for others peoples viewpoints aswell when it comes to these reasons.

I've played this game for 42 hours, and I'm honestly getting sick of it, the game is too hard for the survivors, and doesn't leave alot of balancing in the game between killer and survivors.

Reason 1: Campers, campers has been infesting my game everytime i play a survivor, this makes the game boring and the playstyle of this camping is just lazy tbh, I did a review where it said that if you wanna play killer on this game, camp the hooked survivors, and then catch anyone else who tries to help them. (cause usually this is what happens, cause noone wants to work on generators when strength is in numbers.)

Reason 2: Survivors don't get a well enough satisfying win, I really don't understand why people play survivors when it's so catered to the killer to kill the survivors without any hassle, even if you escape, you dont really get anything except for a few bloodpoints here and there, whilst the killer (who is the host) can immediately play in whatever playstyle and get awesome pips and bloodpoints all around.

Reason 3: the maps are boring, I don't know what kind of devs that made the maps, but they are boring, most of them are out in a forest which is so boring for us, we dont wanna sit in a boring forest, give us a hotel building, give us a long street (the michael myers map sucks.) like something that stands out, even the new clown map is out in a dumb forest, and it's just...what? :sick:

Reason 4: but one of the main reasons why I am uninstalling it is because I'm probably really bad at this game, I've been doing good for teamplay, but I always die, 17 rounds in a row, and I just kept dying over and over again.

I know alot of wannabe edgy trolls is going to write "git gud" and other lame comebacks, so I won't check back on this thread on its answers, cause I really don't care what anyone has to say. :)
I just hope this game will improve in the future when it comes to better balance, otherwise this game for me is completely dead, and the devs has killed it.


  • Wicked_Django
    Wicked_Django Member Posts: 128
    You wanna know how I dont get camped? Dont run everywhere and hide the instant you hear a heartbeat. EZ
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,750
    edited June 2018

    I can understand the frustration with campers. Killers like that are the worst. But hang in there. Not all killers play like that.

    I sort of understand the criticism with the maps. A lot of them are forest type settings and I guess people could get a bit fed up of that. But I love Haddonfield, Badham school, the swamp, and Red Forest (the rain is very atmospheric). You also have the Game and Lery's Institute, which along with Haddonfield and the school are a break from the forest maps types.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,104

    I suggest staying with it. It's a very unique game and there isn't anything else like it, not to mention a few bad games can ruin your experience but they aren't all like that. Sometimes the killer is just playing to have fun/relax as well, and doesn't resort to negative behavior just to kill you/ruin your experience. (Yes, I understand they need to get kills too, but as people have shown it isn't difficult to do decently without camping/tunneling). There's new stuff out now, with lots more planned for the future. It will be exciting to see what comes out next!

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 984
    42 hours isn't a lot of time to experience all the content that dbd has to offer. But if it's not enjoyable there's probably not much point in playing the game long enough to experience it all. 
  • TheChanelOberlin
    TheChanelOberlin Member Posts: 80
    I stopped reading after ‘too hard for the survivors’ like, top kek.
    try playing a game a shame killer past Rank 15 and you’ll see just how ‘OP’ the killers are aka not very. The game is balanced extremely badly, it’s hard af low ranks but the minute you start ping higher it becomes far too difficult and a bit of a chore as the killer. You have to full on sweat to get a much deserved 4k sometimes.
    42 hours is nowhere near close enough with a game like this to pass judgment.
    dont ever complain again, if the developers listen to idiots like You the game will never be fun for killers.
  • PatWesker
    PatWesker Member Posts: 252

    I play killer myself sometimes, and I don't understand especially the trapper or the Hag who puts traps on the ground and still camp after doing it...
    If I camp, it's never more than once per game and it's to use my insidious perk to cancel the heartbeat.
    According to what I saw, the Cannibal camps like 95% of the times I play against him even with the chile n BBQ perk (#########). So according to what you say and your profile picture Tsulan, you really look like a camper yourself and I don't agree that the broken side is the killer.
    I mean that if the 4 survivors play well and the killer knows how to play well too, everybody will have fun and a good killer doesn't need to camp to win.
    So if you think the broken side is the killer side, you should just need to practice...
    When I play killer I don't camp and, yes, sometimes 4 survivors escape, but sometimes I kill them 4.
    It's not an excuse to camp if you don't accept that it's too hard for you to kill a survivor.
    Furthermore, there is a abused bunch of perks to help the killer find the survivors and, like insidious, encourage him to camp or the invisibility of Wraith or the stealth of the pig.... I find it overkill and I personally say that the survivor side is the broken one.
    They really should reconsider a lot of things to solve the camper issue and they should add a report system specially for campers.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,183

    I love watching people rage on the forums after they get camped 1 game haha

  • Sinister_Fury
    Sinister_Fury Member Posts: 27
    edited June 2018
    @Chambie said:

    I've played this game for 42 hours, and I'm honestly getting sick of it, the game is too hard for the survivor. 


    Post edited by Sinister_Fury on
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    42 hours isn't enough time really and yes it's really difficult when you 1st start out since the 20-15 ranks especially for newer players is heavily killer biased. also you'll find campers at pretty much all ranks except for the 1-5 range most likely. Just keep at it, play killers that're easy to play for a break then go back and play survivor you like.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Chambie said:

    I've played this game for 42 hours, and I'm honestly getting sick of it, the game is too hard for the survivors, and doesn't leave alot of balancing in the game between killer and survivors.

    This line right here destroyed your credibility. I know it might seem like the game is killer sided but it is not, it is not BY A LONG SHOT. Good killers crush new survivors like yourself but once a survivor gets good at the game it is a very different story. You have 42 hours in this game. For alot of games this is enough to be considered experienced but in the case of Dead By Daylight you are still a green horn noob. I implore you play killer and once you get to the high ranks you will start to see just how survivor sided this game is to a broken degree. If you are interested in seeing how OP survivors actually are when you are experienced just search Marth 88's depip squad.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    i feel better about my own antics that are replete with sticking out my bottom lip, sucking my thumb and stomping my feet when i read threads like this.  thank you.
  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Sinister_Fury said:
    I've played this game for 42 hours, and I'm honestly getting sick of it, the game is too hard for the survivor. 



  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Chambie said:

    I've played this game for 42 hours, and I'm honestly getting sick of it, the game is too hard for the survivors, and doesn't leave alot of balancing in the game between killer and survivors.

    This line right here destroyed your credibility. I know it might seem like the game is killer sided but it is not, it is not BY A LONG SHOT. Good killers crush new survivors like yourself but once a survivor gets good at the game it is a very different story. You have 42 hours in this game. For alot of games this is enough to be considered experienced but in the case of Dead By Daylight you are still a green horn noob. I implore you play killer and once you get to the high ranks you will start to see just how survivor sided this game is to a broken degree. If you are interested in seeing how OP survivors actually are when you are experienced just search Marth 88's depip squad.

    Most new people think that, because of a big problem in low ranks; survivor skill floor is so far down it’s in the depths of hell. No seriously, SWF is definitely op, but being new will always result in you getting waffle stomped down the drain.

  • Circlesho
    Circlesho Member Posts: 22

    You definitely need to actually try playing killer, game is favored to survivors and camping gets you no bp

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    If you want to l2p survivor play killer to see how to get away or waste the killers time.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Blueberry said:
    I’m sorry but this is simply a learn to play issue. You have so few hours that you’re bad at the game still which is why you have this opinion. The game is heavily survivor sided and this is coming from someone with 1700 hours. You just didn’t play the game long enough to learn. 
    This right here. Though, at least the developers are working on it. It just needs a little more work on the Loops. Some are just still too long. Ever since I went back to Nurse, I never feel cheated out of a game. If I lose it’s totally my fault. 
  • Cypraz
    Cypraz Member Posts: 136

    low rank detected, newbie killers will camp bro just get good and rank past it, also stop blaming everyone else for everything and take some responsibility for your own game bro. we all were low ranks once, if you are stuck there then perhaps you need to practice instead of a goodbye dbd rant?

  • kimukipi
    kimukipi Member Posts: 137

    "cool story bro"