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Every Killer Tier list

This post is mainly to show which killer rank where when it comes to having certain things. With perks and add-ons, without perks or add-ons. This is what varies the Killer tier list for people. And after a lot of game play and research of other people's tier list, I can categories each killer in each category.

Without Perks or Add-ons:
1. Nurse - Even without perks or add-ons, if you master playing the nurse then you can ignore pallets, find survivors and get to them pretty easily. Her base ability makes her GOD tier even without add-ons. Without perks she will slightly be weaker, but you can still make up for it with precise blinks and hits.
2. Huntress - Even without add-ons, the Huntress is good at hitting survivors in the chase. Her base ability makes vaulting a hazard. She can easily take down survivors without any help of perks/add-ons.
3. Hillbilly - The reason Huntress beats out Hillbilly at 2 is because it takes longer to get his chainsaw up. Survivors can get to cover by then or get to a pallet. But he can still traverse the map pretty well and down survivors that accidentally walk into death.
4. Myers - He doesn't need add-ons or perks. He's a instant down machine. Although not having faster stalking is a bit of a hindrance, he can still stalk and down his prey. His short terror radius is also why he's high on this list. He can get the jump on survivors easy. Not as well as Wraith or Pig, but in a much deadlier way.
5. Clown - Much like the other killers here he doesn't need add-ons or perks to help him either hit or down survivors. All you need to do is throw bottles, slow survivors down, down them, hook and repeat.
6. Hag - Admittedly, Hag does need slightly need help from her add-ons. Mainly, because they are SO good now. But she still can stop loops and find survivors pretty easily with her base ability.
7. Pig - Now with her recent update, she really doesn't need add-ons as much. She can get the jump on survivors extremely well (as long as you don't surprise attack all the time and know her to sneak up to survivors) and her reverse bear traps slow the "game" down. Perks would be nice to have with her though.
8. Trapper - Now Trapper's add-ons don't really do much for him unless you use extra trap pickups or setting trap speed. And even then they don't make much of a difference. Perks on him are as normal as other killers. He sort of needs perks to help out his power. He's mid tier on this list because he can catch people in chases and loops. If you place your traps right.
9. Doctor - Facing Doctor without add-ons or perks is easy but hard at the same time. Since his ability can help you find survivors easy (and help you in the chase if your good) you can eliminate survivors if your good in the chase.
10. Cannibal - Only thing your missing out on with Cannibal is the extra bloodpoints.
11. Spirit - I hate putting Spirit this far down on the list but she's not as effective without add-ons. You still have the mind games but there not as effective without add-ons. Her add-ons help her with loops, gen grabbing and all the things she's great at. But without add-ons you can't get to people/trick survivors as effectively.
12. Wraith - Without his uncloak add-on, your gonna have a slightly rougher time. You can still get hits like crazy, but having a faster uncloak is better to have. Spirit is better than Wraith without add-ons because she can still get hits easier than Wraith can.
13. Legion - Perks aren't really that effective on him/her so that doesn't matter. Add-ons are sort of important on him/her because at base his/her ability is good but not great. I could go into the pros and cons of Legion but I'd rather not. Without add-ons he/she becomes much weaker.
14. Freddy - Now Freddy's bad but without add-ons or perks he's worse. Playing without add-ons or perks is sort of hardcore mode for killers.

1. Hillbilly - Wait. Nurse isn't number 1?! What?!?! I'll get more into that on Nurse's section. Hillbilly on console is more tolerable because framerate isn't that bad while he's using his ability. Harder to aim on console but he can still make survivors wet their pants once they hear the insta-chainsaw.
2. Nurse - Now I know it's a shock to see Nurse not being number 1 but here's why. FRAMERATE. Blinking with Nurse on console is hard to do. There's framerate after you blink and before. Now there are some games where it's not as bad and you can do really well. But there are other games where it's impossible. Survivors lag away from you once you blink and you eyes will burn watching. But she can still be GOD tier once you adjust to it.
3. Myers - Reason Myers is high on this list is because all he has to do is stalk and slash. Framerate doesn't effect this much. Except when you go into Evil Within 3. It always either lags or you receive frame rate when you go into your next tier but you can still down survivors without much difficulty. (If you don't get frame rate.)
4. Doctor - Another "shock". A mid tier killer that's higher on the list? Well this is sort of another issue with console. Whenever you play againist the Doctor on console, whenever you get a difficult skill check, it lags. Yeah it lags during the skill check making it harder to do them. Now this makes Doctor much stronger on console because he can make skill checks impossible. Now before you think it's from bad connection on my end, check it out for yourself. Watch any survivor go against Doctor on PC then watch someone face Doctor on console. You'l notice the lag skill checks.
5. Clown - Clown is still pretty good on console. He can slow survivors still without much of an issue.
6. Huntress - You didn't think I'd forget her did you? The reason why huntress is lower on this list is, you can guess it, framerate. Whenever the Huntress throws her hatchet, no matter how good the connection, it lags. The second you throw it your screen will lag. Causing you to either miss. Playing Huntress on PC feels smooth and right. I struggle trying to get her to throw straight on console.
7. Spirit - She receives framerate every time she phases and after phases. But not much issues.
8. Pig - Pig's pretty much the same on PC on Console.
9. Trapper - The same but people will warp to the traps more often if they run near them.
10. Hag - Why is Hag down here? What do you think? Framerate and Lag. Whenever she teleports to her trap you'll lag for a sec and receive the definition of framerate soon after. It hurts my eyes to play Hag on console. Teleportation to your trap is still useful but hurts to watch.
11. Wraith - Almost same as PC. Varies on framerate per game when uncloaking.
12. Cannibal - He receives some lag whenever he his someone with his saw and when he starts his ability. Makes him slightly worse.
13. Legion - Not that much of a difference actually.
14. Freddy - On console the only issue Freddy has is a slight bit of lag when some goes into the dream world but so does the survivor so it's not too bad.

Now you make a tier list of you're own down below.


  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Tier list based off of the killers most powerful add-ons and how viable they are in red ranks.

    1. Nurse
    2. Billy
    3. Spirit
    4. Huntress
    5. Myers
    6. Hag
    7. Clown
    8. Wraith
    9. Pig
    10. Legion
    11. Doctor
    12. Trapper
    13. Leatherface
    14. Freddy :(

    Doctor is the most overrated killer. What’s so special about him? Everytime I go against a Doctor, he gets easily demolished by survivors.

    Top three are easily Nurse, Billy, and Spirit.

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    Doctors not bad but hes not any where near top tier. He has the ability to help track, some ability to waste time with madness III and the big thing if you can use your shock therapy correctly you can prevent access to window's and pallets to secure hits. However the zappy boy requires the right timing of his shocks and flow into punishment mode to make real use of his stun and experience to time it right. The doc isn't bad, he has a higher skill cap then a lot and the reward for mastering him won't get the same reward as nurse billy or even Myers. However hes still around mid to low Mid tier.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    No addons in your average r1 game:

    Billy, Hag, Spirit, Huntress (against depip squads: Huntress, Spirit, Billy, Hag)

    Myers, Pig, Clown, Doctor
    Wraith, Trapper, Leatherface, Freddy, Legion

    Hag and Trapper vary depending on swf. Higher on the list against solos, lower against coordinated survivors.
    Leatherface could be the worst, since his ability is truely useless against good survivors. Wether its worse than freddys drawbacks or legions 110%, idk. But those three compete for worst killer.

  • For me, it goes

    Huntress, Spirit, Hillbilly, Michael, Legion, Doctor, Nurse, Pig, Leatherface, Freddy, Hag, Clown, Wraith, and finally Trapper.
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @TeaLeaf said:
    Doctors not bad but hes not any where near top tier. He has the ability to help track, some ability to waste time with madness III and the big thing if you can use your shock therapy correctly you can prevent access to window's and pallets to secure hits. However the zappy boy requires the right timing of his shocks and flow into punishment mode to make real use of his stun and experience to time it right. The doc isn't bad, he has a higher skill cap then a lot and the reward for mastering him won't get the same reward as nurse billy or even Myers. However hes still around mid to low Mid tier.

    Doctor is the best at tracking, but other than that I don’t see how he is great at red rank. I mean a single perk (Calm Spirit) pretty much negates any tracking he has with survivors. A four man SWF will destroy Doctor easily. His shock can help at pallet loops but it’s very minimal and the survivors will probably just run to another pallet while Doctor stands there like an idiot trying to switch over and over again through treatment and punishment mode.

    I just don’t care for his power. As you said, the reward for mastering him is pretty low. I do love his lore and cosmetics though, but gameplay wise? Nah...there are much better killers.

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    @MegMain98 said:

    @TeaLeaf said:
    Doctors not bad but hes not any where near top tier. He has the ability to help track, some ability to waste time with madness III and the big thing if you can use your shock therapy correctly you can prevent access to window's and pallets to secure hits. However the zappy boy requires the right timing of his shocks and flow into punishment mode to make real use of his stun and experience to time it right. The doc isn't bad, he has a higher skill cap then a lot and the reward for mastering him won't get the same reward as nurse billy or even Myers. However hes still around mid to low Mid tier.

    Doctor is the best at tracking, but other than that I don’t see how he is great at red rank. I mean a single perk (Calm Spirit) pretty much negates any tracking he has with survivors. A four man SWF will destroy Doctor easily. His shock can help at pallet loops but it’s very minimal and the survivors will probably just run to another pallet while Doctor stands there like an idiot trying to switch over and over again through treatment and punishment mode.

    I just don’t care for his power. As you said, the reward for mastering him is pretty low. I do love his lore and cosmetics though, but gameplay wise? Nah...there are much better killers.

    He isn't for every one, and yeah hes not meant for Red Teir, hes mid rank type of killer. I don't think hes overrated though. I doubt many expects him to be any where near the top 5.

  • Artisks
    Artisks Member Posts: 10

    hag against good swf is easily low tier.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505
    My best killers against good players is Spirit, Hag and Legion.

    I love playing Myers and Trapper but against good players I get my butt kicked with them unless I play really well.
  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    Am i the only one that thinks Freddy is a mid tier killer? I don't understand people jumping on the bandwagon. Please explain why he is worse then Clown and why clown is better?

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @TheEdgeGamer said:
    This post is mainly to show which killer rank where when it comes to having certain things. With perks and add-ons, without perks or add-ons. This is what varies the Killer tier list for people. And after a lot of game play and research of other people's tier list, I can categories each killer in each category.

    Without Perks or Add-ons:
    1. Nurse - Even without perks or add-ons, if you master playing the nurse then you can ignore pallets, find survivors and get to them pretty easily. Her base ability makes her GOD tier even without add-ons. Without perks she will slightly be weaker, but you can still make up for it with precise blinks and hits.
    2. Huntress - Even without add-ons, the Huntress is good at hitting survivors in the chase. Her base ability makes vaulting a hazard. She can easily take down survivors without any help of perks/add-ons.
    3. Hillbilly - The reason Huntress beats out Hillbilly at 2 is because it takes longer to get his chainsaw up. Survivors can get to cover by then or get to a pallet. But he can still traverse the map pretty well and down survivors that accidentally walk into death.
    4. Myers - He doesn't need add-ons or perks. He's a instant down machine. Although not having faster stalking is a bit of a hindrance, he can still stalk and down his prey. His short terror radius is also why he's high on this list. He can get the jump on survivors easy. Not as well as Wraith or Pig, but in a much deadlier way.
    5. Clown - Much like the other killers here he doesn't need add-ons or perks to help him either hit or down survivors. All you need to do is throw bottles, slow survivors down, down them, hook and repeat.
    6. Hag - Admittedly, Hag does need slightly need help from her add-ons. Mainly, because they are SO good now. But she still can stop loops and find survivors pretty easily with her base ability.
    7. Pig - Now with her recent update, she really doesn't need add-ons as much. She can get the jump on survivors extremely well (as long as you don't surprise attack all the time and know her to sneak up to survivors) and her reverse bear traps slow the "game" down. Perks would be nice to have with her though.
    8. Trapper - Now Trapper's add-ons don't really do much for him unless you use extra trap pickups or setting trap speed. And even then they don't make much of a difference. Perks on him are as normal as other killers. He sort of needs perks to help out his power. He's mid tier on this list because he can catch people in chases and loops. If you place your traps right.
    9. Doctor - Facing Doctor without add-ons or perks is easy but hard at the same time. Since his ability can help you find survivors easy (and help you in the chase if your good) you can eliminate survivors if your good in the chase.
    10. Cannibal - Only thing your missing out on with Cannibal is the extra bloodpoints.
    11. Spirit - I hate putting Spirit this far down on the list but she's not as effective without add-ons. You still have the mind games but there not as effective without add-ons. Her add-ons help her with loops, gen grabbing and all the things she's great at. But without add-ons you can't get to people/trick survivors as effectively.
    12. Wraith - Without his uncloak add-on, your gonna have a slightly rougher time. You can still get hits like crazy, but having a faster uncloak is better to have. Spirit is better than Wraith without add-ons because she can still get hits easier than Wraith can.
    13. Legion - Perks aren't really that effective on him/her so that doesn't matter. Add-ons are sort of important on him/her because at base his/her ability is good but not great. I could go into the pros and cons of Legion but I'd rather not. Without add-ons he/she becomes much weaker.
    14. Freddy - Now Freddy's bad but without add-ons or perks he's worse. Playing without add-ons or perks is sort of hardcore mode for killers.

    1. Hillbilly - Wait. Nurse isn't number 1?! What?!?! I'll get more into that on Nurse's section. Hillbilly on console is more tolerable because framerate isn't that bad while he's using his ability. Harder to aim on console but he can still make survivors wet their pants once they hear the insta-chainsaw.
    2. Nurse - Now I know it's a shock to see Nurse not being number 1 but here's why. FRAMERATE. Blinking with Nurse on console is hard to do. There's framerate after you blink and before. Now there are some games where it's not as bad and you can do really well. But there are other games where it's impossible. Survivors lag away from you once you blink and you eyes will burn watching. But she can still be GOD tier once you adjust to it.
    3. Myers - Reason Myers is high on this list is because all he has to do is stalk and slash. Framerate doesn't effect this much. Except when you go into Evil Within 3. It always either lags or you receive frame rate when you go into your next tier but you can still down survivors without much difficulty. (If you don't get frame rate.)
    4. Doctor - Another "shock". A mid tier killer that's higher on the list? Well this is sort of another issue with console. Whenever you play againist the Doctor on console, whenever you get a difficult skill check, it lags. Yeah it lags during the skill check making it harder to do them. Now this makes Doctor much stronger on console because he can make skill checks impossible. Now before you think it's from bad connection on my end, check it out for yourself. Watch any survivor go against Doctor on PC then watch someone face Doctor on console. You'l notice the lag skill checks.
    5. Clown - Clown is still pretty good on console. He can slow survivors still without much of an issue.
    6. Huntress - You didn't think I'd forget her did you? The reason why huntress is lower on this list is, you can guess it, framerate. Whenever the Huntress throws her hatchet, no matter how good the connection, it lags. The second you throw it your screen will lag. Causing you to either miss. Playing Huntress on PC feels smooth and right. I struggle trying to get her to throw straight on console.
    7. Spirit - She receives framerate every time she phases and after phases. But not much issues.
    8. Pig - Pig's pretty much the same on PC on Console.
    9. Trapper - The same but people will warp to the traps more often if they run near them.
    10. Hag - Why is Hag down here? What do you think? Framerate and Lag. Whenever she teleports to her trap you'll lag for a sec and receive the definition of framerate soon after. It hurts my eyes to play Hag on console. Teleportation to your trap is still useful but hurts to watch.
    11. Wraith - Almost same as PC. Varies on framerate per game when uncloaking.
    12. Cannibal - He receives some lag whenever he his someone with his saw and when he starts his ability. Makes him slightly worse.
    13. Legion - Not that much of a difference actually.
    14. Freddy - On console the only issue Freddy has is a slight bit of lag when some goes into the dream world but so does the survivor so it's not too bad.

    Now you make a tier list of you're own down below.

    Ok. I've played EVERY killer there and my version is:


    1. Nurse
    2. Billy
    3. Hag
    4. Huntress
    5. Myers
    6. Pig
    7. Wraith (he's got a good base ffs)
    8. Trapper
    9. Leatherface
    10. Doctor
    11. Legion
    12. Clown (I disagree with you, I've played his base and he sucks, he's rubbish at base)
    13. Freddy


    1. Billy
    2. Hag (I play her on console and she's fine idk what u were talking about no offense)
    3. Myers
    4. Pig
    5. Wraith
    6. Leatherface
    7. Doctor
    8. Trapper
    9. Legion
    10. Clown
    11. Freddy
    12. Huntress
    13. Nurse

    That's from someone who plays console and PC.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    @CronaWins said:
    Am i the only one that thinks Freddy is a mid tier killer? I don't understand people jumping on the bandwagon. Please explain why he is worse then Clown and why clown is better?

    Freddy is better against bad survivors, while Clown is better against good survivors. Freddy is similar to Legion, decent against survivors who have no clue what to do. If they just split up and do gens and loop while chased (basically highlevel gameplay), Freddy is countered and has to wait 7s before a hit. He cant even camp effectively, which is one of the usual gamewinning moments when killers start to lose.

    Clown can slow down survivors and cut chases short. And good loopers hate when they're slowed down and their route doesnt work out anymore. So they have to make supoptimal plays, like predropping pallets and not taking windows. Stopping them from playing like good loopers. But other than freddy, clown gets genrushed easily if his chases aren't consistently good. He is overall pretty hard to play, while Freddy can just run around and tag people and has more room for error. Freddy may seem stronger in your everyday game, but when you're against good survivor teams, Clown is better.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    @Weederick said:

    @CronaWins said:
    Am i the only one that thinks Freddy is a mid tier killer? I don't understand people jumping on the bandwagon. Please explain why he is worse then Clown and why clown is better?

    Freddy is better against bad survivors, while Clown is better against good survivors. Freddy is similar to Legion, decent against survivors who have no clue what to do. If they just split up and do gens and loop while chased (basically highlevel gameplay), Freddy is countered and has to wait 7s before a hit. He cant even camp effectively, which is one of the usual gamewinning moments when killers start to lose.

    Clown can slow down survivors and cut chases short. And good loopers hate when they're slowed down and their route doesnt work out anymore. So they have to make supoptimal plays, like predropping pallets and not taking windows. Stopping them from playing like good loopers. But other than freddy, clown gets genrushed easily if his chases aren't consistently good. He is overall pretty hard to play, while Freddy can just run around and tag people and has more room for error. Freddy may seem stronger in your everyday game, but when you're against good survivor teams, Clown is better.

    Good loopers can loop the Clown :/ Players can easily out loop the clown because cutting a loop short just means they move to the next loop. The clown power makes one less rotation for a loop, i don't see how that is good. His chase power is rubbish. I've never seen a good survivor lose to a Clown.

    If you're basing your tier list in chase power then yes, but Freddy isn't about chase, he is about control and his control is better then the Clown's chase.

    Freddy has aura reading, information and his ability has the power to slow the game to a crawl, better then the Pig does. I've seen survivors throw pallets early and killers getting free hits.

    I'm a red rank player on both killer and survivor and honestly, i've seen Freddy players 4k more consistently then Clown.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    @CronaWins said:

    @Weederick said:

    @CronaWins said:
    Am i the only one that thinks Freddy is a mid tier killer? I don't understand people jumping on the bandwagon. Please explain why he is worse then Clown and why clown is better?

    Freddy is better against bad survivors, while Clown is better against good survivors. Freddy is similar to Legion, decent against survivors who have no clue what to do. If they just split up and do gens and loop while chased (basically highlevel gameplay), Freddy is countered and has to wait 7s before a hit. He cant even camp effectively, which is one of the usual gamewinning moments when killers start to lose.

    Clown can slow down survivors and cut chases short. And good loopers hate when they're slowed down and their route doesnt work out anymore. So they have to make supoptimal plays, like predropping pallets and not taking windows. Stopping them from playing like good loopers. But other than freddy, clown gets genrushed easily if his chases aren't consistently good. He is overall pretty hard to play, while Freddy can just run around and tag people and has more room for error. Freddy may seem stronger in your everyday game, but when you're against good survivor teams, Clown is better.

    Good loopers can loop the Clown :/ Players can easily out loop the clown because cutting a loop short just means they move to the next loop. The clown power makes one less rotation for a loop, i don't see how that is good. His chase power is rubbish. I've never seen a good survivor lose to a Clown.

    If you're basing your tier list in chase power then yes, but Freddy isn't about chase, he is about control and his control is better then the Clown's chase.

    Freddy has aura reading, information and his ability has the power to slow the game to a crawl, better then the Pig does. I've seen survivors throw pallets early and killers getting free hits.

    I'm a red rank player on both killer and survivor and honestly, i've seen Freddy players 4k more consistently then Clown.

    Currently you can loop everything just once and Clown can cut it to zero. Only the very safe pallets are still loopable, but he is still good for cutting most loops in the game. Either they get hit or they predrop it, wasting lots of pallets to stay safe. Moving to the next loop shouldnt work either if you throw the bottle when you are already at the loop. If you prefire it to distant loops, then you can, but you shouldnt do that.

    Freddy has some advantages, he can cause some havoc. But its really limited against good survivors, they are not afraid to be seen and chased. And they're gonna stay away from each other similar to Legion. When he cant tag multiple people who group up, he doesnt have the map pressure (similar to legion). A really good noobstomper and due to the matchmaking and how easy it is to pip, i believe you, that he 4k's more than Clown. But i would still rate him lower on a highlevel tier list.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @Poweas said:

    @TheEdgeGamer said:
    This post is mainly to show which killer rank where when it comes to having certain things. With perks and add-ons, without perks or add-ons. This is what varies the Killer tier list for people. And after a lot of game play and research of other people's tier list, I can categories each killer in each category.

    Without Perks or Add-ons:
    1. Nurse - Even without perks or add-ons, if you master playing the nurse then you can ignore pallets, find survivors and get to them pretty easily. Her base ability makes her GOD tier even without add-ons. Without perks she will slightly be weaker, but you can still make up for it with precise blinks and hits.
    2. Huntress - Even without add-ons, the Huntress is good at hitting survivors in the chase. Her base ability makes vaulting a hazard. She can easily take down survivors without any help of perks/add-ons.
    3. Hillbilly - The reason Huntress beats out Hillbilly at 2 is because it takes longer to get his chainsaw up. Survivors can get to cover by then or get to a pallet. But he can still traverse the map pretty well and down survivors that accidentally walk into death.
    4. Myers - He doesn't need add-ons or perks. He's a instant down machine. Although not having faster stalking is a bit of a hindrance, he can still stalk and down his prey. His short terror radius is also why he's high on this list. He can get the jump on survivors easy. Not as well as Wraith or Pig, but in a much deadlier way.
    5. Clown - Much like the other killers here he doesn't need add-ons or perks to help him either hit or down survivors. All you need to do is throw bottles, slow survivors down, down them, hook and repeat.
    6. Hag - Admittedly, Hag does need slightly need help from her add-ons. Mainly, because they are SO good now. But she still can stop loops and find survivors pretty easily with her base ability.
    7. Pig - Now with her recent update, she really doesn't need add-ons as much. She can get the jump on survivors extremely well (as long as you don't surprise attack all the time and know her to sneak up to survivors) and her reverse bear traps slow the "game" down. Perks would be nice to have with her though.
    8. Trapper - Now Trapper's add-ons don't really do much for him unless you use extra trap pickups or setting trap speed. And even then they don't make much of a difference. Perks on him are as normal as other killers. He sort of needs perks to help out his power. He's mid tier on this list because he can catch people in chases and loops. If you place your traps right.
    9. Doctor - Facing Doctor without add-ons or perks is easy but hard at the same time. Since his ability can help you find survivors easy (and help you in the chase if your good) you can eliminate survivors if your good in the chase.
    10. Cannibal - Only thing your missing out on with Cannibal is the extra bloodpoints.
    11. Spirit - I hate putting Spirit this far down on the list but she's not as effective without add-ons. You still have the mind games but there not as effective without add-ons. Her add-ons help her with loops, gen grabbing and all the things she's great at. But without add-ons you can't get to people/trick survivors as effectively.
    12. Wraith - Without his uncloak add-on, your gonna have a slightly rougher time. You can still get hits like crazy, but having a faster uncloak is better to have. Spirit is better than Wraith without add-ons because she can still get hits easier than Wraith can.
    13. Legion - Perks aren't really that effective on him/her so that doesn't matter. Add-ons are sort of important on him/her because at base his/her ability is good but not great. I could go into the pros and cons of Legion but I'd rather not. Without add-ons he/she becomes much weaker.
    14. Freddy - Now Freddy's bad but without add-ons or perks he's worse. Playing without add-ons or perks is sort of hardcore mode for killers.

    1. Hillbilly - Wait. Nurse isn't number 1?! What?!?! I'll get more into that on Nurse's section. Hillbilly on console is more tolerable because framerate isn't that bad while he's using his ability. Harder to aim on console but he can still make survivors wet their pants once they hear the insta-chainsaw.
    2. Nurse - Now I know it's a shock to see Nurse not being number 1 but here's why. FRAMERATE. Blinking with Nurse on console is hard to do. There's framerate after you blink and before. Now there are some games where it's not as bad and you can do really well. But there are other games where it's impossible. Survivors lag away from you once you blink and you eyes will burn watching. But she can still be GOD tier once you adjust to it.
    3. Myers - Reason Myers is high on this list is because all he has to do is stalk and slash. Framerate doesn't effect this much. Except when you go into Evil Within 3. It always either lags or you receive frame rate when you go into your next tier but you can still down survivors without much difficulty. (If you don't get frame rate.)
    4. Doctor - Another "shock". A mid tier killer that's higher on the list? Well this is sort of another issue with console. Whenever you play againist the Doctor on console, whenever you get a difficult skill check, it lags. Yeah it lags during the skill check making it harder to do them. Now this makes Doctor much stronger on console because he can make skill checks impossible. Now before you think it's from bad connection on my end, check it out for yourself. Watch any survivor go against Doctor on PC then watch someone face Doctor on console. You'l notice the lag skill checks.
    5. Clown - Clown is still pretty good on console. He can slow survivors still without much of an issue.
    6. Huntress - You didn't think I'd forget her did you? The reason why huntress is lower on this list is, you can guess it, framerate. Whenever the Huntress throws her hatchet, no matter how good the connection, it lags. The second you throw it your screen will lag. Causing you to either miss. Playing Huntress on PC feels smooth and right. I struggle trying to get her to throw straight on console.
    7. Spirit - She receives framerate every time she phases and after phases. But not much issues.
    8. Pig - Pig's pretty much the same on PC on Console.
    9. Trapper - The same but people will warp to the traps more often if they run near them.
    10. Hag - Why is Hag down here? What do you think? Framerate and Lag. Whenever she teleports to her trap you'll lag for a sec and receive the definition of framerate soon after. It hurts my eyes to play Hag on console. Teleportation to your trap is still useful but hurts to watch.
    11. Wraith - Almost same as PC. Varies on framerate per game when uncloaking.
    12. Cannibal - He receives some lag whenever he his someone with his saw and when he starts his ability. Makes him slightly worse.
    13. Legion - Not that much of a difference actually.
    14. Freddy - On console the only issue Freddy has is a slight bit of lag when some goes into the dream world but so does the survivor so it's not too bad.

    Now you make a tier list of you're own down below.

    Ok. I've played EVERY killer there and my version is:


    1. Nurse
    2. Billy
    3. Hag
    4. Huntress
    5. Myers
    6. Pig
    7. Wraith (he's got a good base ffs)
    8. Trapper
    9. Leatherface
    10. Doctor
    11. Legion
    12. Clown (I disagree with you, I've played his base and he sucks, he's rubbish at base)
    13. Freddy


    1. Billy
    2. Hag (I play her on console and she's fine idk what u were talking about no offense)
    3. Myers
    4. Pig
    5. Wraith
    6. Leatherface
    7. Doctor
    8. Trapper
    9. Legion
    10. Clown
    11. Freddy
    12. Huntress
    13. Nurse

    That's from someone who plays console and PC.

    I’m on console and this is my tier list with every killer using their best add-ons and viable perks for their playstyle.
    1. Nurse
    2. Billy
    3. Spirit
    4. Hag
    5. Huntress
    6. Myers
    7. Clown
    8. Wraith
    9. Legion
    10. Doctor
    11. Pig
    12. Trapper
    13. Leatherface
    14. Freddy

    You also forgot Spirit by the way.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @TheEdgeGamer said:
    This post is mainly to show which killer rank where when it comes to having certain things. With perks and add-ons, without perks or add-ons. This is what varies the Killer tier list for people. And after a lot of game play and research of other people's tier list, I can categories each killer in each category.

    Without Perks or Add-ons:
    1. Nurse - Even without perks or add-ons, if you master playing the nurse then you can ignore pallets, find survivors and get to them pretty easily. Her base ability makes her GOD tier even without add-ons. Without perks she will slightly be weaker, but you can still make up for it with precise blinks and hits.
    2. Huntress - Even without add-ons, the Huntress is good at hitting survivors in the chase. Her base ability makes vaulting a hazard. She can easily take down survivors without any help of perks/add-ons.
    3. Hillbilly - The reason Huntress beats out Hillbilly at 2 is because it takes longer to get his chainsaw up. Survivors can get to cover by then or get to a pallet. But he can still traverse the map pretty well and down survivors that accidentally walk into death.
    4. Myers - He doesn't need add-ons or perks. He's a instant down machine. Although not having faster stalking is a bit of a hindrance, he can still stalk and down his prey. His short terror radius is also why he's high on this list. He can get the jump on survivors easy. Not as well as Wraith or Pig, but in a much deadlier way.
    5. Clown - Much like the other killers here he doesn't need add-ons or perks to help him either hit or down survivors. All you need to do is throw bottles, slow survivors down, down them, hook and repeat.
    6. Hag - Admittedly, Hag does need slightly need help from her add-ons. Mainly, because they are SO good now. But she still can stop loops and find survivors pretty easily with her base ability.
    7. Pig - Now with her recent update, she really doesn't need add-ons as much. She can get the jump on survivors extremely well (as long as you don't surprise attack all the time and know her to sneak up to survivors) and her reverse bear traps slow the "game" down. Perks would be nice to have with her though.
    8. Trapper - Now Trapper's add-ons don't really do much for him unless you use extra trap pickups or setting trap speed. And even then they don't make much of a difference. Perks on him are as normal as other killers. He sort of needs perks to help out his power. He's mid tier on this list because he can catch people in chases and loops. If you place your traps right.
    9. Doctor - Facing Doctor without add-ons or perks is easy but hard at the same time. Since his ability can help you find survivors easy (and help you in the chase if your good) you can eliminate survivors if your good in the chase.
    10. Cannibal - Only thing your missing out on with Cannibal is the extra bloodpoints.
    11. Spirit - I hate putting Spirit this far down on the list but she's not as effective without add-ons. You still have the mind games but there not as effective without add-ons. Her add-ons help her with loops, gen grabbing and all the things she's great at. But without add-ons you can't get to people/trick survivors as effectively.
    12. Wraith - Without his uncloak add-on, your gonna have a slightly rougher time. You can still get hits like crazy, but having a faster uncloak is better to have. Spirit is better than Wraith without add-ons because she can still get hits easier than Wraith can.
    13. Legion - Perks aren't really that effective on him/her so that doesn't matter. Add-ons are sort of important on him/her because at base his/her ability is good but not great. I could go into the pros and cons of Legion but I'd rather not. Without add-ons he/she becomes much weaker.
    14. Freddy - Now Freddy's bad but without add-ons or perks he's worse. Playing without add-ons or perks is sort of hardcore mode for killers.

    1. Hillbilly - Wait. Nurse isn't number 1?! What?!?! I'll get more into that on Nurse's section. Hillbilly on console is more tolerable because framerate isn't that bad while he's using his ability. Harder to aim on console but he can still make survivors wet their pants once they hear the insta-chainsaw.
    2. Nurse - Now I know it's a shock to see Nurse not being number 1 but here's why. FRAMERATE. Blinking with Nurse on console is hard to do. There's framerate after you blink and before. Now there are some games where it's not as bad and you can do really well. But there are other games where it's impossible. Survivors lag away from you once you blink and you eyes will burn watching. But she can still be GOD tier once you adjust to it.
    3. Myers - Reason Myers is high on this list is because all he has to do is stalk and slash. Framerate doesn't effect this much. Except when you go into Evil Within 3. It always either lags or you receive frame rate when you go into your next tier but you can still down survivors without much difficulty. (If you don't get frame rate.)
    4. Doctor - Another "shock". A mid tier killer that's higher on the list? Well this is sort of another issue with console. Whenever you play againist the Doctor on console, whenever you get a difficult skill check, it lags. Yeah it lags during the skill check making it harder to do them. Now this makes Doctor much stronger on console because he can make skill checks impossible. Now before you think it's from bad connection on my end, check it out for yourself. Watch any survivor go against Doctor on PC then watch someone face Doctor on console. You'l notice the lag skill checks.
    5. Clown - Clown is still pretty good on console. He can slow survivors still without much of an issue.
    6. Huntress - You didn't think I'd forget her did you? The reason why huntress is lower on this list is, you can guess it, framerate. Whenever the Huntress throws her hatchet, no matter how good the connection, it lags. The second you throw it your screen will lag. Causing you to either miss. Playing Huntress on PC feels smooth and right. I struggle trying to get her to throw straight on console.
    7. Spirit - She receives framerate every time she phases and after phases. But not much issues.
    8. Pig - Pig's pretty much the same on PC on Console.
    9. Trapper - The same but people will warp to the traps more often if they run near them.
    10. Hag - Why is Hag down here? What do you think? Framerate and Lag. Whenever she teleports to her trap you'll lag for a sec and receive the definition of framerate soon after. It hurts my eyes to play Hag on console. Teleportation to your trap is still useful but hurts to watch.
    11. Wraith - Almost same as PC. Varies on framerate per game when uncloaking.
    12. Cannibal - He receives some lag whenever he his someone with his saw and when he starts his ability. Makes him slightly worse.
    13. Legion - Not that much of a difference actually.
    14. Freddy - On console the only issue Freddy has is a slight bit of lag when some goes into the dream world but so does the survivor so it's not too bad.

    Now you make a tier list of you're own down below.

    Ok. I've played EVERY killer there and my version is:


    1. Nurse
    2. Billy
    3. Hag
    4. Huntress
    5. Myers
    6. Pig
    7. Wraith (he's got a good base ffs)
    8. Trapper
    9. Leatherface
    10. Doctor
    11. Legion
    12. Clown (I disagree with you, I've played his base and he sucks, he's rubbish at base)
    13. Freddy


    1. Billy
    2. Hag (I play her on console and she's fine idk what u were talking about no offense)
    3. Myers
    4. Pig
    5. Wraith
    6. Leatherface
    7. Doctor
    8. Trapper
    9. Legion
    10. Clown
    11. Freddy
    12. Huntress
    13. Nurse

    That's from someone who plays console and PC.

    I’m on console and this is my tier list with every killer using their best add-ons and viable perks for their playstyle.
    1. Nurse
    2. Billy
    3. Spirit
    4. Hag
    5. Huntress
    6. Myers
    7. Clown
    8. Wraith
    9. Legion
    10. Doctor
    11. Pig
    12. Trapper
    13. Leatherface
    14. Freddy

    You also forgot Spirit by the way.

    Thanks for me Spirit would be after Hag in both.