Rework the Penalties for Quitters

Arxaion Member Posts: 104
edited February 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Disconnecting from a match isn't fun for anyone involved, and can be used to de-rank quickly if done in moderation. I know that repeat offenders can face temporary bans, as well as permanent if called for, but this doesn't seem to deter players quite enough. Here are some suggestions to further deter players from disconnecting or idling a game (based on a low number of inputs compared to the time you were in the game). This of course shouldn't replace temporary bans, but serve to punish those who quit the game on their own.

  1. Force quitters to wait in the main menu for 15 minutes, and occasionally interact with prompts that, if ignored, pause the waiting period.
  2. Remove a single pip, and nullify the next two pips they would receive (forcing a minimum of one decent match before they can begin gaining pips again). This also solves the problem of people disconnecting to de-rank, as that process is slowed considerably.
  3. Halve their gained blood points and experience from each match where a pip is nullified.
  4. After 5 purposeful disconnects in a reset period, display their name as orange in online lobbies until the next reset.

* I prematurely submitted this before checking to see if it would belong in another area on the forums, so here it is.


  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    Each DC should take 100k BP from them
    Add ons/Items used in a trial are gone, even with DC
    1 DC = 1hr of no new game

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    How about a limit of 1 or 2 disconnects per day, resetting when the daily ritual renews? This would prevent all abuse while still maintaining the option for those who need it.

    Sure, people could restart the game mid-match, but the time it takes to do this each time is punishment enough to be a deterrent I think.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    @yobuddd said:
    How about a limit of 1 or 2 disconnects per day, resetting when the daily ritual renews? This would prevent all abuse while still maintaining the option for those who need it.

    Sure, people could restart the game mid-match, but the time it takes to do this each time is punishment enough to be a deterrent I think.

    Furthermore, how about the option to trade in unused daily disconnects for a couple thousand bloodpoints each? Perhaps even save up 5 or so disconnects throughout the week to exchange for the spawning of an additional daily ritual?

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    These are all interesting ideas, but you have to factor in a few things. Currently, the game state doesn't really allow for this sort of implementation. You can't really tell exactly why someone disconnects and with the game being p2p a lot of the backend tracking isn't really there. Maybe when dedicated servers come in that would set a base for that sorta stuff. Honestly, even the time delay doesn't really sway many from dcing if they do it constantly. You see it in many other games with better matchmaking and stricter ban reasoning. DBD is sort of the wild west when it comes to dealing with bad actors it seems which even incentives don't calm down the issues. Lately, the dc's have gotten much more frequent and I don't know how you could force someone to not just alt f4 the game and just start it back up.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @bendermac said:
    Each DC should take 100k BP from them
    Add ons/Items used in a trial are gone, even with DC
    1 DC = 1hr of no new game

    Oh hell no.
    100k BP is playing 5 decent games on Survivor. Life stuff would literally make this a chore (and i know this doesn't happen)
    Oh also most people who d/c don't care for BP anyways