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Decisive Strike isn't that powerful



  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @Tarvesh said:
    What about making it so that no survivor in SWF can bring the same perk, or bring more than two of the same perks?

    That would generally be a good thing to do in regards to the SWF balance. DS on it's own needs another rework though.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765
    PiiFree said:

    @Tarvesh said:
    What about making it so that no survivor in SWF can bring the same perk, or bring more than two of the same perks?

    That would generally be a good thing to do in regards to the SWF balance. DS on it's own needs another rework though.

    I think it would at least bring more balanced teams to SWF.

    As far as DS goes, what about making it so that the skill check bounces all over the screen. I mean, you are being carried on a moving Killer’s shoulder after all. It would only make sense that you wouldn’t have a precise target.
  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    The only problem I have with DS is that it's an obsession perk, right? Well... where is the down side to It? All the other obsession perks have a down side except DS.

    It'd be a balanced perk if It worked as Deliverance:

    After performing a Safe Hook Rescue on another Survivor, the Perk activates. 
    If you are the Obsession, once per trial, when grabbed by the Killer, succeed at a tremendously/considerably/moderately difficult skill check to escape the killers grasp and stunn them for 3'5 seconds.
    If you are not the Obsession, once per trial, while in the Killer's grasp, once the wiggle meter has reached 40 %,  succeed at a tremendously/considerably/moderately difficult skill check to escape the killers grasp and stunn them for 3'5 seconds.
    After performing an escape from the killer's grasp thanks to DS you gain the Broken Status Effect for 100/90/60 secs.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @The_Crusader said:
    Literally changes the entire outcome of the game 🤣

    Had this happen to me so many times. It takes away all momentum from the killer and allows all other survivors to remain on generators.

    The perk that only needs to be fun for one side.

    Throw in a few tbags at the end too thanks to the "EZ" game. This is your typical killer experience against SWF.

    Mhm yeah perfect example and it wasnt even a 4 man ds

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    tt_ivi_99 said:
    The only problem I have with DS is that it's an obsession perk, right? Well... where is the down side to It? All the other obsession perks have a down side except DS.

    It'd be a balanced perk if It worked as Deliverance:

    After performing a Safe Hook Rescue on another Survivor, the Perk activates. 
    If you are the Obsession, once per trial, when grabbed by the Killer, succeed at a tremendously/considerably/moderately difficult skill check to escape the killers grasp and stunn them for 3'5 seconds.
    If you are not the Obsession, once per trial, while in the Killer's grasp, once the wiggle meter has reached 40 %,  succeed at a tremendously/considerably/moderately difficult skill check to escape the killers grasp and stunn them for 3'5 seconds.
    After performing an escape from the killer's grasp thanks to DS you gain the Broken Status Effect for 100/90/60 secs.
    Wouldn't solve it.

    With Deliverance you at least ger a hook. Eith DS you get nothing. The free escape is simply too powerful.

    Broken doesnt make much difference as survivors often get chased after a DS anyway so they couldn't heal. Plus people would just leave it until the last hook, or when the hatcb/exit gates are open they are still granted a free escale.

    The only way to balance it would be to combine it with No Mither. Give them a free escape on a button press but they're broken the whole game.
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @Tarvesh said:
    As far as DS goes, what about making it so that the skill check bounces all over the screen. I mean, you are being carried on a moving Killer’s shoulder after all. It would only make sense that you wouldn’t have a precise target.

    I think the effect of DS itself is the problem. If you make it harder to hit the skillcheck, that will ultimately result in a nerf for the already lesser skilled players (because they wouldn't be able to hit the skill check) but the high skilled players would probably still hit it without problems.

    The main problem I see with DS is that it rewards survivors that messed up while it punishes Killers for doing good.

    Imagine a Killer getting 360 juked and as a result the Survivor lands on a hook the next time they get hit? That's the concept of DS, you mess up but you get rewarded for it and the opposite side gets punished. That's a major flaw in game design.

    You can give the Survivor a reward for messing up, but it shouldn't punish the Killers. DS not only prevents Killers from getting a hook, it also makes them lose a point in Malicious. It instantly denies them 3 Malicious points, which is quite a lot for a single perk. 4 of them means 12 Malicious points lost and now keep in mind that 11 are required to get bronze, 36 to get iridescent.

    So my solution to DS would be that it allows Survivors to escape the grasp but instead of denying 3 malicious points, it would actually give them one point instead.

    Another buff could be that the Killers, after getting hit with DS, enter Bloodlust 3 and/or Survivors get Exposes status effect as a result.

    This would not fix the thing regarding Malicious points though, but it would allow Killers to still get something in return for ending a chase successfully before getting DS'd.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765
    PiiFree said:

    @Tarvesh said:
    As far as DS goes, what about making it so that the skill check bounces all over the screen. I mean, you are being carried on a moving Killer’s shoulder after all. It would only make sense that you wouldn’t have a precise target.

    I think the effect of DS itself is the problem. If you make it harder to hit the skillcheck, that will ultimately result in a nerf for the already lesser skilled players (because they wouldn't be able to hit the skill check) but the high skilled players would probably still hit it without problems.

    The main problem I see with DS is that it rewards survivors that messed up while it punishes Killers for doing good.

    Imagine a Killer getting 360 juked and as a result the Survivor lands on a hook the next time they get hit? That's the concept of DS, you mess up but you get rewarded for it and the opposite side gets punished. That's a major flaw in game design.

    You can give the Survivor a reward for messing up, but it shouldn't punish the Killers. DS not only prevents Killers from getting a hook, it also makes them lose a point in Malicious. It instantly denies them 3 Malicious points, which is quite a lot for a single perk. 4 of them means 12 Malicious points lost and now keep in mind that 11 are required to get bronze, 36 to get iridescent.

    So my solution to DS would be that it allows Survivors to escape the grasp but instead of denying 3 malicious points, it would actually give them one point instead.

    Another buff could be that the Killers, after getting hit with DS, enter Bloodlust 3 and/or Survivors get Exposes status effect as a result.

    This would not fix the thing regarding Malicious points though, but it would allow Killers to still get something in return for ending a chase successfully before getting DS'd.

    What about removing the Malicious point part and either removing or needing the killer stun?

    The survivor is already resetting the chase. Why should the killer be stunned at the reset? This would make using DS more strategical as well because then the survivor would have to choose a good place to make the attempt.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Better solution

    We start a Gofundme. The balance team wake up to find a huge wad of cash on their desks. Decisive strike is no more. World peace is declared. People hold hands and sing hallelujah.
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    I really don't know. I tried it a few times just to see and while it can save you sometimes it is only used once and situational. Even if killers didn't hate it I would probably not use it because I prefer other perks.
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069


  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    And NOED 'Literally changes the entire outcome of the game' as well. So what? Long as there is noed I don't mind people taking DS at all. I forget which perk came first.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited February 2019

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    The only problem I have with DS is that it's an obsession perk, right? Well... where is the down side to It? All the other obsession perks have a down side except DS.

    It'd be a balanced perk if It worked as Deliverance:

    After performing a Safe Hook Rescue on another Survivor, the Perk activates. 
    If you are the Obsession, once per trial, when grabbed by the Killer, succeed at a tremendously/considerably/moderately difficult skill check to escape the killers grasp and stunn them for 3'5 seconds.
    If you are not the Obsession, once per trial, while in the Killer's grasp, once the wiggle meter has reached 40 %,  succeed at a tremendously/considerably/moderately difficult skill check to escape the killers grasp and stunn them for 3'5 seconds.
    After performing an escape from the killer's grasp thanks to DS you gain the Broken Status Effect for 100/90/60 secs.

    Tbh sole survivor also needs a rework. I don't think that Laurie is a type of scumbag person that want everyone to be dead. This perk also needs to have an downside and an other reward for blocking aura.

    Post edited by Ihatelife on
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    darktrix said:

    And NOED 'Literally changes the entire outcome of the game' as well. So what? Long as there is noed I don't mind people taking DS at all. I forget which perk came first.

    Read again. Nobody is defending Noed.

    That mentality just leads to a battle of the broken perks. One side brings one so the other side brings the other. The entire outcome about o be swung by 2 perks.

    Except noed is at a disadvantage because it can be disabled.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox I’m sure you are a much stronger killer than Tru3 is and 4K 5 Gen every game. I understand everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but it kind of becomes an issue when someone (you) denies anything and everything said that clashes with what they believe to be true. 

    Case and point, DS can be an absolutely broken perk. There is little to no way to counter it without the use of other perks, especially for those running it who aren’t the obsession. No perk should ever just give a free escape. At least 2/3 of survivors who hit me with DS think they’re hot ######### for hitting a skill check while their team held M1.

    It’s difficult to deny it’s strength and I am still waiting for someone to give a reason as to why it’s such a problem other than “baby killers can’t handle it”. This isn’t just DS. NOED is the same thing the other way around. But that’s a totally different discussion.  
    There are many things in this game that can be broken depending on the situation, perks or addons, but that's what makes the game interesting, because if everything was predictable game would be boring.
    Does it suck when i'm playing solo and randoms let Myers get his infinite EW3? Yes, but i just eat it, accept defeat and move on.
    The main problem with this community, the loud one at least, is that they expect the game to be the way they want, i just ######### adapt instead.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @The_Crusader said:
    Better solution

    We start a Gofundme. The balance team wake up to find a huge wad of cash on their desks. Decisive strike is no more. World peace is declared. People hold hands and sing hallelujah.

    I prefer the strike option tbh :wink:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @darktrix said:
    And NOED 'Literally changes the entire outcome of the game' as well. So what? Long as there is noed I don't mind people taking DS at all. I forget which perk came first.

    Every killer would immediately trade NOED for DS.
    Because NOED can be easily countered

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    @Master said:

    @darktrix said:
    And NOED 'Literally changes the entire outcome of the game' as well. So what? Long as there is noed I don't mind people taking DS at all. I forget which perk came first.

    Every killer would immediately trade NOED for DS.
    Because NOED can be easily countered

    I for one would immediately trade DS for NOED, I never used DS. I would definitely like to see both gone. NOED is countered by totems, sure, but is far easier to obtain than DS. It appears for every killer in RNG bloodweb. Survivor needs to first purchase Laurie, then level her up for the trainable perk, then they get RNG blood web.

    But yeah my point is there is no point arguing about one without the other while both exist any threads like this are meaningless.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @darktrix said:

    @Master said:

    @darktrix said:
    And NOED 'Literally changes the entire outcome of the game' as well. So what? Long as there is noed I don't mind people taking DS at all. I forget which perk came first.

    Every killer would immediately trade NOED for DS.
    Because NOED can be easily countered

    I for one would immediately trade DS for NOED, I never used DS. I would definitely like to see both gone. NOED is countered by totems, sure, but is far easier to obtain than DS. It appears for every killer in RNG bloodweb. Survivor needs to first purchase Laurie, then level her up for the trainable perk, then they get RNG blood web.

    But yeah my point is there is no point arguing about one without the other while both exist any threads like this are meaningless.

    Every commited player has access to DS, its really not hard. You can literally buy laurie, get her on 40 and get DS on your main character in a single day

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    alright then..

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @Plu said:
    Thanks for restating what Tru3 said ages ago.

    To be more accurate tho,  DS is like Dead hard, it can be incredibly ######### or a life saver depending on the skill of the survivor who uses it.

    DS is broken tho, I won't deny it, takes no skill to use for such a huge reward.

    DS is only garbage if you miss it. Because just using it and stunning the killer is a huge boon in most areas, and the only counter a killer has against its usage is dropping the survivor off of a ledge--which also doesn't work if the survivor has Balanced Landing, or the distance is too short.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    SenzuDuck said:

    I really don't mind the D-Strike that I know about - I can work around that.

    it's the 33% ones that you waste so much time on, that being said they are few and far between but I do think it warrants being looked at by the devs.

    Exactly, i consider the Obsession DS a necessary evil until the tunnel perks like Remember Me and Dying Light get reworked, but the non obsession DS doesn't have any justification for being a free out of jail card (which should not exist in any game). 
    Its mindboggling how the non obsessions get a more powerful version on top.Â