Time limit for survivors after one exit gate is open

NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

Edit: I foresaw the Endgame Collapse two months ago, see thread below. ;)

The following issue is not new: One or two exit gates are open and survivors don't leave. They aren't waiting at the exit gates but hiding somewhere on the map just to troll the killer.

So a time limit for the survivors is the logical consequence and has been brought up by the community before, I believe. I'd like to make a concrete suggestion:

As soon as the first exit gate has been opened, a timer starts. The survivors have 120 seconds to leave. If they fail, they die. The timer doesn't start or is paused when there's one of the following exceptions:
Bloodwarden is active and/or at least one survivor is in a chase, hooked, downed or wears a RBT

The timer will start/continue 45 seconds after the exceptional situation ended.

Please let me know your thoughts!

Post edited by NoShinyPony on


  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Two minutes is not enough time, especially since Freddy's perk can lock you out for half of that. Also, sometimes people want to make hook rescues, while the killer is off chasing the rest out. It would have to be at least three, but I'm not sure how to make it fair enough and not upset players on both sides who might lose because the game ends before they're ready.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Coriander said:
    Two minutes is not enough time, especially since Freddy's perk can lock you out for half of that. Also, sometimes people want to make hook rescues, while the killer is off chasing the rest out. It would have to be at least three, but I'm not sure how to make it fair enough and not upset players on both sides who might lose because the game ends before they're ready.

    Concerning rescues: Did you see what I wrote about pausing the timer? And how comes Freddy's power into play if the gate has been opened already?

    I'm not super fixated on the 120 seconds. Let's put our focus on the general idea and if you guys like it, we could evaluate the exact amount of seconds afterwards.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Oh, I see how that would work. I still think three minutes of play time or goofing around for totems might be better than just two, but it would help games from being pointlessly long while you scour the map looking for scratch marks.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    They should definitely do something about this. I don't even know what satisfaction killers or survivors get by holding the game hostage.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I feel like every Survivor should get an AFK Crow for every minute that passes once in endgame. (After all Generators are repaired.)
    And with AFK Crows, once you get your third one, you'll start giving out notifications.

    Or perhaps it would be better to give them all 3 Crows at once after 3 minutes, to still allow stealth during the first 3 minutes.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312
    edited February 2019
    Maybe just give the killer the option to end the game after the gates are opened for a certain amount of time? And I don't mean quit.
  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    Maybe just give the killer the option to end the game after the gates are opened for a certain amount of time? And I don't mean quit.
    Yeah, a "surrender" they have that in Identity V for both sides. 
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @samination said:
    Maybe just give the killer the option to end the game after the gates are opened for a certain amount of time? And I don't mean quit.

    @JanTheMan said:
    Yeah, a "surrender" they have that in Identity V for both sides. 

    That wouldn't solve the problem, I'm afraid. Survivors could still troll without losing the game if the killer had to surrender.

    We need to make it so that the survs are facing a loss if they don't leave.

    @Boss said:
    I feel like every Survivor should get an AFK Crow for every minute that passes once in endgame. (After all Generators are repaired.)
    And with AFK Crows, once you get your third one, you'll start giving out notifications.

    Or perhaps it would be better to give them all 3 Crows at once after 3 minutes, to still allow stealth during the first 3 minutes.

    I prefer the timer solution. I believe crows aren't compelling enough. We want the survs to leave so that we can start a new match and not prolong a game that has been decided.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @samination said:
    Maybe just give the killer the option to end the game after the gates are opened for a certain amount of time? And I don't mean quit.

    @JanTheMan said:
    Yeah, a "surrender" they have that in Identity V for both sides. 

    That wouldn't solve the problem, I'm afraid. Survivors could still troll without losing the game if the killer had to surrender.

    We need to make it so that the survs are facing a loss if they don't leave.

    @Boss said:
    I feel like every Survivor should get an AFK Crow for every minute that passes once in endgame. (After all Generators are repaired.)
    And with AFK Crows, once you get your third one, you'll start giving out notifications.

    Or perhaps it would be better to give them all 3 Crows at once after 3 minutes, to still allow stealth during the first 3 minutes.

    I prefer the timer solution. I believe crows aren't compelling enough. We want the survs to leave so that we can start a new match and not prolong a game that has been decided.

    I prefer the Crows, since there are still enough possibilities that can happen, and a timer just ending it in the middle of it is too abrupt.

  • e8Lattice
    e8Lattice Member Posts: 189

    If Survivors are doing this to me I'll just go afk, make a coffee, do something productive with my time like pick up a pencil and draw a masterpiece cartoon character, run it through Adobe Illustrator, come back and their still butt dancing I'll go and touch it up in Photoshop.

    They want to waste their time that's all good with me I have far better things to do with my time

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @e8Lattice said:
    If Survivors are doing this to me I'll just go afk, make a coffee, do something productive with my time like pick up a pencil and draw a masterpiece cartoon character, run it through Adobe Illustrator, come back and their still butt dancing I'll go and touch it up in Photoshop.

    They want to waste their time that's all good with me I have far better things to do with my time

    More than likely they just find a good spot and also do something else.
    Or at least, i don't think they rub their hands together and go MUAHAHAHA for 4 minutes.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @samination said:
    Maybe just give the killer the option to end the game after the gates are opened for a certain amount of time? And I don't mean quit.

    @JanTheMan said:
    Yeah, a "surrender" they have that in Identity V for both sides. 

    That wouldn't solve the problem, I'm afraid. Survivors could still troll without losing the game if the killer had to surrender.

    We need to make it so that the survs are facing a loss if they don't leave.

    Well, think about it again. The time limit for a Killer to surrender should be 2-3 minutes. Punishment for the survivors is that they don't get the escape points? Or get less points? That's more than enough time for everyone to leave and the last one to find the hatch. I can tell you with certainty the devs will NEVER go for locking the survivors in with no means of escape based off the fact they won't allow killers to close the hatch.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @samination said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @samination said:
    Maybe just give the killer the option to end the game after the gates are opened for a certain amount of time? And I don't mean quit.

    @JanTheMan said:
    Yeah, a "surrender" they have that in Identity V for both sides. 

    That wouldn't solve the problem, I'm afraid. Survivors could still troll without losing the game if the killer had to surrender.

    We need to make it so that the survs are facing a loss if they don't leave.

    Well, think about it again. The time limit for a Killer to surrender should be 2-3 minutes. Punishment for the survivors is that they don't get the escape points? Or get less points? That's more than enough time for everyone to leave and the last one to find the hatch.

    Yes, that is the suggestion of the op? Give the survivors just enough time to leave, but if they don't, they would die and not get escape points.

    @samination said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @samination said:
    Maybe just give the killer the option to end the game after the gates are opened for a certain amount of time? And I don't mean quit.

    @JanTheMan said:
    Yeah, a "surrender" they have that in Identity V for both sides. 

    That wouldn't solve the problem, I'm afraid. Survivors could still troll without losing the game if the killer had to surrender.

    We need to make it so that the survs are facing a loss if they don't leave.

    I can tell you with certainty the devs will NEVER go for locking the survivors in with no means of escape based off the fact they won't allow killers to close the hatch.

    Where did you read anything about locking survivors in? At least one exit gate has to be open for the timer to start.

  • Tiyr
    Tiyr Member Posts: 52

    I wouldn't be against your suggestion

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I called it. 😉

This discussion has been closed.