Bad survivors are the ones who can mess up a match



  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019
    You know relying on any perk isn't good? To say someone is bad if they use urban or self care then bad if they don't use adrenaline makes you post null and void.

    Some use certain perk builds for more of a challenge, some use them to save their ads, others because they feel the need then.

    With urban I've seen so many clutch saves against the hag due to it which otherwise wouldn't gave been possible, self care again so many clutch saves since the players healed up before attempting it as it saved time trying to find another player.

    Running to a gen you are on can't be helped without knowing you are there, bond helps with this but not everyone runs it and if its the only pallet or loop area then you should use your eyes and move before they get thereIf you are good, that is on you.

    Sounds like you by your comments you play swf which gives all the info and makes healing others a lot easier, it may be an assumption but it's just like your whole post an assumption, it sounds elitist to be honest 
  • Tiyr
    Tiyr Member Posts: 52

    Telling people which perks they can and can't run is never gonna end well. I've seen bad players using almost every perk and the opposite is true also. Perks don't make the player bad it's more how they play and their level of skill.

  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    @AdánAR said:
    It's very frustrating to play with people who thinks are good only for dropping pallets but the reality is that almost all survivors are a ######### playing this game. I mean, you only have to do gens, loop, distracting the killer a while, not waste so much pallets and being good at chases. But always I find this kind of teammates who:

    • Doesn't do gens
    • Doesn't look for Ruin and try to do gens but they can't
    • Do unsafe unhooks or farm other survivors
    • Uses Urban Evasion
    • Uses Self-Care
    • Sandbags you when he's being chased (running to the gen that you are repairing; that ######### happens to me almost all matches)
    • Wastes pallets (they drop the shack pallet at first chance lul)
    • Wastes time Self-caring himself or others
    • Gets caught in 5 s
    • Dc's if he gets caught (This always happens in my matches)
    • Blames killer for his lack of skill (some teammates that I had called killers "tryhards" or "campers, tunnelers" when they dc only for failing DS or got farmed when killers doesn't did anything bad, just playing his role)
    • Don't use Adrenaline (That's a really big mistake imo; Adrenaline saved my ass a lot of times and helped me to escape. I noted that begginers and bad survivors doesn't really use this perk)

    Seriously people. If you gonna do such kind of things, then don't play DBD. You ruin all matches with these mistakes.

    Yeah but thats exactly a killer needs to be competitive, imagine facing 4 good survivors. You would lose the match in 4min 30 seconds. Killer is completly dependend on survivor mistakes, and they can have a good amount of mistakes in a game. So chill really

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited February 2019
    Using SC and Urban Evasion is for bad survivors but using DS not #########. Also not using Adrenaline is another indication of a bad survivor. You are pretty extremist and your "rules" are too arbitrary. 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    Just had another game with a last second lobby switch to Flashlight/Decisive.

    Was tempted to disconnect on the loading screen due to previous experiences, but decided no I'd give it a go.

    They taunt the killer, go down in under a minute and disconnect.

    Welcome to the life of a solo survivor. ######### it next time I'm disconnecting.

    Its not just bad players. There are too many trolls. Had one earlier with no mither who tries to get the killers attention to derank
  • AdánAR
    AdánAR Member Posts: 118

    @The_Crusader said:
    Just had another game with a last second lobby switch to Flashlight/Decisive.

    Was tempted to disconnect on the loading screen due to previous experiences, but decided no I'd give it a go.

    They taunt the killer, go down in under a minute and disconnect.

    Welcome to the life of a solo survivor. [BAD WORD] it next time I'm disconnecting.

    Its not just bad players. There are too many trolls. Had one earlier with no mither who tries to get the killers attention to derank

    I arrived to the point that i doubting playing survivor again. I'm really tired of boosted morons just hanging around and doing nothing but stupid #########.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    edited February 2019
    I only use Adrenaline when I duo with my friend. But when getting teamed with Urban Evaders you know all 5 gens dont get completed in most games so its waste of perk slot almost every game when playing solo.

    On rest I agree. Im Bond gamer and sometimes I wonder how some of my team mates even manage to tie their shoe laces.
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I get the OP's frustration. But keep in mind that it is mainly the fault of the bad ranking system.

    A survivor can be a very bad player yet at the same time they can easily make it to rank 1.
    Pips are gained way too easy. You don't have to do much in order to get a pip.

    And since the survivors have reached rank 1, most of them think they must be good. They don't see how much more they need to improve.

    And then, these inexperienced "rank 1" players get matched with real high rank survivors and killers. As a result, we have frustrated good survivors like the OP and frustrated inexperienced survivors who claim that killers are overpowered.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Imagine if all survivors played opimally.... the game would be dead so fast :lol:
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Master said:
    Imagine if all survivors played opimally.... the game would be dead so fast :lol:

    Yesterday, I played a match as surv (with random teammates). I did not touch a single gen, I didn't do any unhooks, I didn't heal anyone. Hey, I opened one exit gate. I pipped. :)

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Master said:
    Imagine if all survivors played opimally.... the game would be dead so fast :lol:

    Yesterday, I played a match as surv (with random teammates). I did not touch a single gen, I didn't do any unhooks, I didn't heal anyone. Hey, I opened one exit gate. I pipped. :)

    I once role played as Dwight. I did absolutely nothing, only went from one locker to another one, getting rid of crows.
    And yet I blackpipped... thE emblem system is such a joke 
  • AdánAR
    AdánAR Member Posts: 118

    @NoShinyPony said:
    I get the OP's frustration. But keep in mind that it is mainly the fault of the bad ranking system.

    A survivor can be a very bad player yet at the same time they can easily make it to rank 1.
    Pips are gained way too easy. You don't have to do much in order to get a pip.

    And since the survivors have reached rank 1, most of them think they must be good. They don't see how much more they need to improve.

    And then, these inexperienced "rank 1" players get matched with real high rank survivors and killers. As a result, we have frustrated good survivors like the OP and frustrated inexperienced survivors who claim that killers are overpowered.

    Yep, they think ranking up is being good but they can't do a flashlight save, a pallet save, run a killer longer than 5 s, doing gens... I mean, they need to learn a lot and yeah, I got frustrated because of that.

  • AdánAR
    AdánAR Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2019

    @Master said:
    NoShinyPony said:

    @Master said:

    Imagine if all survivors played opimally.... the game would be dead so fast :lol:

    Yesterday, I played a match as surv (with random teammates). I did not touch a single gen, I didn't do any unhooks, I didn't heal anyone. Hey, I opened one exit gate. I pipped. :)

    I once role played as Dwight. I did absolutely nothing, only went from one locker to another one, getting rid of crows.
    And yet I blackpipped... thE emblem system is such a joke 

    That happened to me a few minutes ago: I didn't did any gen, not unhooking anyone, just running around a Spirit for like 5 minutes using Iron Will, she got pretty confused and pissed because she couldn't catched me. Then she tunneled me, I got saved and I hid in a locker while the other ones where killed. I found hatch and I pipped... Ranking system dude LUL

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    AdánAR said:

    @Master said:
    NoShinyPony said:

    @Master said:

    Imagine if all survivors played opimally.... the game would be dead so fast :lol:

    Yesterday, I played a match as surv (with random teammates). I did not touch a single gen, I didn't do any unhooks, I didn't heal anyone. Hey, I opened one exit gate. I pipped. :)

    I once role played as Dwight. I did absolutely nothing, only went from one locker to another one, getting rid of crows.
    And yet I blackpipped... thE emblem system is such a joke 

    That happened to me a few minutes ago: I didn't did any gen, not unhooking anyone, just running around a Spirit for like 5 minutes using Iron Will, she got pretty confused and pissed because she couldn't catched me. Then she tunneled me, I got saved and I hid in a locker while the other ones where killed. I found hatch and I pipped... Ranking system dude LUL

    I know it sucks. After my Dwight game I understood why there are so many potato players at rank 1 nowadays.....
    I just wish bhvr had some balls and didn't immediately cater, making emblems literally a playing reward
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    edited February 2019
    Flashlight save? Yeah that's hard, wait hidden until killer picks up someone (not doing gens). Piu! Ochido style. Flashlights are unfun for killers so why make someone miserable when we all should have fun? I agree that chases are fun but there are non toxic ways to do it and make it fun for the killer too.