Chapter idea: Everymanhybrid

Huntedfailure Member Posts: 181

These ideas a from a horror web series called Everymanhybrid so all the stuff presented here is bases on that. Also, these are ideas and only ideas and Shouldn’t be take that seriously

Killer: HABIT/ The possessed

Killer bio: Evan was a man who never had a chance, a chance to stop the horrible creatures stalking his friends, a chance to save the love of his life and his new born daughter and a chance to stop a creature from taking over. Habit is a unknow creature who took over Evan over the course of years allowing so much pent blood lust be unleashed and a deal to be made…

Ability: HABITS ability is called trials, HABIT can mark a survivor that’s a small distance in front of him this makes them enter trial one where they are unable to use pallets and have a 2% speed decrease if they can escape a chase with these debuffs they enter trial 2 where they are unable to use lockers and they have a 3% speed debuff if there in HABITS terror radius for 8 seconds without entering a chase they enter trial 3 where every generator has skill checks happen every 16 seconds for them if they complete a generator they return to normal with buffs in the form of a 4% speed increase and easier skill checks and faster action completion. Debuffs do not persist after each trial.

Perk 1: HABITS first perk is called devil among men, after 2 survivors have been scarified and one hooked the hatch is revealed to you for 5 seconds. -You think you're untouchable? Not even God can hide from me! – HABIT

Perk 2: HABITS second perk is called a deal’s a deal, if a survivor tries to take another survivor off a hook the entity will swat them away and alert you. This only works 3 times per survivor. - IT IS I WHO INHABITS THIS SANCTUARY – HABIT

Perk 3: HABITS third perk is called joy in carnage, knocking down a survivor with another one nearby increases your speed by 4% and decreases their speed by 2% for 6 seconds - I know you're not Evan. You're HABIT! - Noah Maxwell

Survivor: Vinny/Vincent

Bio: Vinny was trying to have a normal life and enjoy his college years, but things ever go how they should, Vinny was stalked by mysterious creatures for an unknown reason one of these creatures took over his friend Evan and proceeded to manipulate Vinny and once he had enough he got out but that came at a cost…
Perk 1: Vinnys first perk is called experience, good skill checks become great skill checks in the killer’s terror radius. look at it, you've seen it before, it's gonna help you survive - HABIT

Perk 2: Vinnys second perk is called persistence, escaping a chase makes the next generator be completed 4% faster. Well. I'm sure by now you guys can kind of figure out what we're doing here. - Vinny

Perk 3: Vinnys third perk is called knowing evil, after escaping a hook you see the killer’s aura for five seconds. you could come with me - Vinny