Why do people hate NOED so much?



  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    @t3hp0larbear said:
    Simply put: NOED is annoying and that is why.

    Personally, I don't hate it. It's an unpleasant surprise, especially if you busted your ass to survive the trial you're in. But really, I've only been paying this game since last August and by now I've accepted it as one of the many occupational hazards of being a survivor. If the gates are powered and nobody has been hit since then, I automatically assume that NOED is in play and don't stick around to find out if it is or not. Breaking dull totems doesn't take much time at all and I generally stop to do them as I encounter them throughout the trial.

    The idea is that stealth and "hiding" is to be happening more than it does.

    People don't really hide that much from the killer at times, and at end game... they get caught out and boom.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @The_Crusader said:
    Tucking_Friggered said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Tucking_Friggered said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Cool. A race to the bottom with crappy perks. Just what the game needs. Much fun.
    The perks are fine. You're just mediocre in talent and cleansing gens which require map navigation and awareness are too complicated for you to do reliably. That's a personal issue. A git gud one specifically. Understanding that, play carefully and exit the gate instead of sticking around to troll the killer and try and unhook that survivor through brute force.
    Nice assumption. Ok I'll learn to do that. Thanks for the advice.

    Perhaps you could learn how to pressure gens, learn when a survivor is better than you and give uo the chase, and stop relying on perks to carry you through?

    No thanks. The perks are there for that specific purpose. Deal with it. As for all of those terms you like to throw around, the amusing part is that you lack the talent to do any of that which is why you're a survivor main. Your skill caps at staying immersed and looping a pallet. When you fail at doing those two things and find yourself on a hook near the end game because you wasted all the pallets early and mid you are upsetti spaghetti your teammates can't save you easily. Or in the opposite scenario, you can not save the guy that made those same mediocre choices. The sad part of all of this is even if they removed NOED and you managed to climb to the top ranks you'd have your ass carved and handed to you gourmet by killers that absolutely never use NOED.

    Don't like NOED - must be a survivor main.

    Great logic. I mean it's not like there are killer mains out there who don't use it and think it feels cheap.

    No, I know you are a survivor main because you have spent days on the forums whinging about an endgame perk that affects the easiest side to play. If you played killer to any real degree along with survivor you'd understand none of the complaints you are making have any merit and you'd have the ability to just lose with grace.
    You'd also have some insight into why you can not save every survivor and have to put self preservation as top priority. Failure to do so is why NOED is OP to you.
    Also, just because you or others feels it is cheap doesn't mean anything. That's just subjective opinion with an emotive argument. Some killers have one hit downs and they can NOED you every single time, all match long, with no way to avoid it outside of dodging. Just like NOED.
    And therein lies the point of NOED. It gives one hit down ability in the end game for killers that need it.

    @The_Crusader said:
    Tucking_Friggered said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Tucking_Friggered said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Cool. A race to the bottom with crappy perks. Just what the game needs. Much fun.
    The perks are fine. You're just mediocre in talent and cleansing gens which require map navigation and awareness are too complicated for you to do reliably. That's a personal issue. A git gud one specifically. Understanding that, play carefully and exit the gate instead of sticking around to troll the killer and try and unhook that survivor through brute force.
    Nice assumption. Ok I'll learn to do that. Thanks for the advice.

    Perhaps you could learn how to pressure gens, learn when a survivor is better than you and give uo the chase, and stop relying on perks to carry you through?

    No thanks. The perks are there for that specific purpose. Deal with it. As for all of those terms you like to throw around, the amusing part is that you lack the talent to do any of that which is why you're a survivor main. Your skill caps at staying immersed and looping a pallet. When you fail at doing those two things and find yourself on a hook near the end game because you wasted all the pallets early and mid you are upsetti spaghetti your teammates can't save you easily. Or in the opposite scenario, you can not save the guy that made those same mediocre choices. The sad part of all of this is even if they removed NOED and you managed to climb to the top ranks you'd have your ass carved and handed to you gourmet by killers that absolutely never use NOED.

    Don't like NOED - must be a survivor main.

    Great logic. I mean it's not like there are killer mains out there who don't use it and think it feels cheap.

    No, I know you are a survivor main because you have spent days on the forums whinging about an endgame perk that affects the easiest side to play. If you played killer to any real degree along with survivor you'd understand none of the complaints you are making have any merit and you'd have the ability to just lose with grace. Y
    ou'd also have some insight into why you can not save every survivor and have to put self preservation as top priority. Failure to do so is why NOED is OP to you.
    Also, just because you or others feels it is cheap doesn't mean anything. That's just subjective opinion with an emotive argument. Some killers have one hit downs and they can NOED you every single time, all match long, with no way to avoid it that can't be done with NOED too.

    Again, killers can do nothing all game then get a few kills with one perk. More so if combined with bloodwarden which we're seeing a lot of recently.

    Everyone knows noed is cheap and rewards failure, you just can't admit it because you don't care if the game holds your hand to compensate for a lack of skill. It doesn't matter how you win, it only matters that you win.

    The fact that you're comparing NOED to something like evil within 3 only shows your lack of deeper understanding of the game.
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @MhhBurgers said:
    Even zubatlel sometimes uses NOED so the "only bad killers" use NOED is thrown out of the window. I use it on legion for the 4% MS increase and sometimes to surprise adrenaline users or ppl who just run for the hooked guy.

    And ppl who compare NOED to DS are beyond helping.

    The only perk that would be an equivalent to DS would be a perk that would reduce neccesary hooks on survivors by one which yes, would be incredibly broken. Welcome to DS.

    NOED is nothing but a "free" down but only if you catch the survivor in the first place AND if your totem lights up in the first place. If more than 1 person gets downed by NOED then it's ENTIRELY the survivor's fault for not cleansing totems and still being altruistic while NOED is still up.

    When did NOED start randomly and automatically downing a survivor? Did I miss an update? I always have to find someone, chase them down, and hit then them! #########? Is my game broken? Pretty good job so far!

  • You guys stop with the "survivor ez mode bla bla bla". Present some argumentation instead of acting like little children such as the survivors you hate so much.

    Back on the topic: NOED has the same problem with DS. THEY REWARD MISTAKES. These are both extremely powerful perks which are faulted for the simple reason they are not gained at all. Anything that reward players for being bad IS bad design. End of the story.
    There’s nothing automatically “bad play” about NOED. I know people like to assume that every killer who runs NOED is a bad player who probably only gets a couple hooks all game but the reality is a lot of killers use NOED because if the game happens to reach the end, it gives them a chance at a really powerful perk. And in exchange for that possibility, they play the game with only three perks.

    I run NOED on some killers and at least 3/4 of the time the games don’t even reach the end, I either 4k or 3k and other person gets hatch. And out of that 25% or so where we reach end game, probably only 1/2 of those games does NOED even pop. But when it does, woooo boy.

    A killer isn’t always “bad” because all the gens get done. There are plenty of strong SWF teams out there who knock gens out. There are plenty of ######### maps, especially on console where certain maps are just frame rate death for killers. And some killers just aren’t the same tier as other killers. Sure I could run Spirit or Billy or Nurse every game and stomp people but I enjoy using Bubba and Hag and Trapper, all of whom have pretty weak map pressure. 

    Survivors hate NOED for the reasons listed already. They do five gens and think they deserve a win. Just like if they see the hatch they think the killer should just give it to them. And for the record, if you make it to the hatch, I give it, I don’t camp the hatch. But I’ve downed many survivors who were running very close to the hatch and plenty think that just being close enough to hear the hatch is enough for them to deserve the escape LOL
  • I mean, you’re taking about the same group of people who think if they 4% off the hook, you aren’t allowed to kill them. How the **** do you think they’ll feel about NOED lol
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @TrAiNwReCk said:

    This "Also this isn't any comparison to the hatch either so all the hatch complainers don't even bother since there's no equivalency here." Is Hilarious.

    The only time players bring up being rewarded for "poor performance" in regards to killer or survivor they bring up

    • Hatch
    • NOED

    As they both aren't earned, they are ACTIVATED automatically when substandard game mechanics are applied.

    • Survivor did all gens, but not all totems . . . Get an instant down Killers

    Hmmn 4 individual survivors including any solos which are at least 30% of all lobbies so the solo players cleanse all the totem they can find. They either die or can't find that last well hidden totem and die to NOED to a killer that just played horribly the entire map.

    • Killer killed 3/4 survivors and ONLY 2+ gens got done . . . Get a free escape last Survivor (your team failed to get all gens done to escape, but one of you can still escape . . . just because)

    You just can't see the forest for the trees here, it's not free because in order for it to even spawn 2 gens must be done minimum. Then the other 3 survivors must die in order for it to even spawn still and that last person. Well they have to actually make it to the hatch and get into it without being grabbed.

    Thus factually, logically and definition wise IT'S NOT A FREE ESCAPE. The can escape if they manage to do so because they did enough of their objectives to do so. You're not entitled to a free 4th kill and they have to actually do something to even have a chance at getting out.

    Rant all you like, but trying to shut out those with common sense "hatch complainers" proves how ignorant you are. You don't want the game balanced around facts, you want the game balanced around feelings.

    The only rants here are those of you and those like you that don't like to accept the simple fact the hatch isn't a free escape at all under any shape form or fashion. Also the only ones wanting the game balanced around feeling are you and those like you that when confronted with actual facts and logic go berserk.

    I don't care about hatch or NOED. The simple fact is that they have more in common with how their mechanic works, rewarding those who don't have to work for anything. All they have to do is wait for the mechanic to become activated.

    No, NOED can reward you for doing nothing the entire game and you could stand in the corner twiddling your thumbs all game and still 4k.

    The hatch requires that at least 2 gens be done which is more than doing nothing, in other words the survivors have to work towards that something for it to even become available.

    Then they have to work to actually make it to said hatch, they have to work to actually make it safely into said hatch.

    Oh and here just to put the end to this childish free nonsense yet again.

    The very definition of the term free.

    adjective 1. not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.

    adverb 1. without cost or payment.

    Wow would you imagine that the hatch isn't a free escape because they've got to actually do something in order for it to even appear let alone use it.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    I mean, you’re taking about the same group of people who think if they 4% off the hook, you aren’t allowed to kill them. How the **** do you think they’ll feel about NOED lol
    You don't deny me my miracle kobe. 
  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @powerbats said:

    @TrAiNwReCk said:

    This "Also this isn't any comparison to the hatch either so all the hatch complainers don't even bother since there's no equivalency here." Is Hilarious.

    The only time players bring up being rewarded for "poor performance" in regards to killer or survivor they bring up

    • Hatch
    • NOED

    As they both aren't earned, they are ACTIVATED automatically when substandard game mechanics are applied.

    • Survivor did all gens, but not all totems . . . Get an instant down Killers

    Hmmn 4 individual survivors including any solos which are at least 30% of all lobbies so the solo players cleanse all the totem they can find. They either die or can't find that last well hidden totem and die to NOED to a killer that just played horribly the entire map.

    • Killer killed 3/4 survivors and ONLY 2+ gens got done . . . Get a free escape last Survivor (your team failed to get all gens done to escape, but one of you can still escape . . . just because)

    You just can't see the forest for the trees here, it's not free because in order for it to even spawn 2 gens must be done minimum. Then the other 3 survivors must die in order for it to even spawn still and that last person. Well they have to actually make it to the hatch and get into it without being grabbed.

    Thus factually, logically and definition wise IT'S NOT A FREE ESCAPE. The can escape if they manage to do so because they did enough of their objectives to do so. You're not entitled to a free 4th kill and they have to actually do something to even have a chance at getting out.

    Rant all you like, but trying to shut out those with common sense "hatch complainers" proves how ignorant you are. You don't want the game balanced around facts, you want the game balanced around feelings.

    The only rants here are those of you and those like you that don't like to accept the simple fact the hatch isn't a free escape at all under any shape form or fashion. Also the only ones wanting the game balanced around feeling are you and those like you that when confronted with actual facts and logic go berserk.

    I don't care about hatch or NOED. The simple fact is that they have more in common with how their mechanic works, rewarding those who don't have to work for anything. All they have to do is wait for the mechanic to become activated.

    No, NOED can reward you for doing nothing the entire game and you could stand in the corner twiddling your thumbs all game and still 4k.

    The hatch requires that at least 2 gens be done which is more than doing nothing, in other words the survivors have to work towards that something for it to even become available.

    Then they have to work to actually make it to said hatch, they have to work to actually make it safely into said hatch.

    Oh and here just to put the end to this childish free nonsense yet again.

    The very definition of the term free.

    adjective 1. not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.

    adverb 1. without cost or payment.

    Wow would you imagine that the hatch isn't a free escape because they've got to actually do something in order for it to even appear let alone use it.

    All that non sense aside.

    • 5 generators need to be done
    • And 1 key

    For all survivors to use the hatch.

    The survivors get owned and get less than 5 gens done.

    Awe At Least 1 Survivor Should Get To Escape, Even Though They Did Not Do What Is Required To Escape As A Team

    The last survivor alive doesn't even have to touch a gen. The other 3 survivors did at least the 2 gens, the useless survivor doing nothing the whole game gets the hatch = FREE

    You take things so literal it's hilarious. I gave simple to the point illustration how you are wrong and to drowned us all in a wall of text you generalize everything you say ONLY to try and feel like you're right, but you be WRONG

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    "Why do people hate NOED so much?"

    Here's an idea. Read one of the 1,000 or so threads discussing why players hate it. Personally, I don't have a problem with the perk. The way I see it, if you don't cleanse totems then you don't deserve to complain about it.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited February 2019

    @TrAiNwReCk said:

    All that non sense aside.

    • 5 generators need to be done
    • And 1 key

    For all survivors to use the hatch.

    The survivors get owned and get less than 5 gens done.

    Awe At Least 1 Survivor Should Get To Escape, Even Though They Did Not Do What Is Required To Escape As A Team

    The last survivor alive doesn't even have to touch a gen. The other 3 survivors did at least the 2 gens, the useless survivor doing nothing the whole game gets the hatch = FREE

    You take things so literal it's hilarious. I gave simple to the point illustration how you are wrong and to drowned us all in a wall of text you generalize everything you say ONLY to try and feel like you're right, but you be WRONG

    5 gens need to be done and a key, that means if all 5 gens get done and they escape with a key that means you completely failed in your objective.

    If you let them do 5 gens and find the hatch and all 4 get out through it and yet you want to blame the survivors because you failed that game.

    Now if you don't get all 4 then you obviously didn't own them, and the survivors aren't a team since each is an individual working to get out.

    Now they did in fact do enough of their objective to get out, 1 person made it out if they in fact actually get the hatch.

    **The very definition of the term free.

    adjective 1. not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.

    adverb 1. without cost or payment.**

    From the Wiki.

    The Black Lock, also known and commonly referred to as the "Hatch", is one of the two potential ways for Survivors to escape a trial in Dead by Daylight

    The Hatch will become visible ("spawn") whenever the number of fully repaired Generators IconHelpLoading generators.png exceeds the number of living Survivors by 1:

    4 Survivors remaining: 5 repaired Generators / Exit Gates are powered
    3 Survivors remaining: 4 repaired Generators / 1 Generator left
    2 Survivors remaining: 3 repaired Generators / 2 Generators left
    1 Survivor remaining: 2 repaired Generators / 3 Generators left

    So since the survivors have together done enough to meet the minimum objectives that means the hatch isn't a free escape.

    Post edited by powerbats on
  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @powerbats said:

    @TrAiNwReCk said:

    All that non sense aside.

    • 5 generators need to be done
    • And 1 key

    For all survivors to use the hatch.

    The survivors get owned and get less than 5 gens done.

    Awe At Least 1 Survivor Should Get To Escape, Even Though They Did Not Do What Is Required To Escape As A Team

    The last survivor alive doesn't even have to touch a gen. The other 3 survivors did at least the 2 gens, the useless survivor doing nothing the whole game gets the hatch = FREE

    You take things so literal it's hilarious. I gave simple to the point illustration how you are wrong and to drowned us all in a wall of text you generalize everything you say ONLY to try and feel like you're right, but you be WRONG

    5 gens need to be done and a key, that means if all 5 gens get done and they escape with a key that means you completely failed in your objective.

    If you let them do 5 gens and find the hatch and all 4 get out through it and yet you want to blame the survivors because you failed that game.

    Now if you don't get all 4 then you obviously didn't own them, and the survivors aren't a team since each is an individual working to get out.

    Now they did in fact do enough of their objective to get out, 1 person made it out if they in fact actually get the hatch.

    **The very definition of the term free.

    adjective 1. not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.

    adverb 1. without cost or payment.**

    From the Wiki.

    The Black Lock, also known and commonly referred to as the "Hatch", is one of the two potential ways for Survivors to escape a trial in Dead by Daylight

    The Hatch will become visible ("spawn") whenever the number of fully repaired Generators IconHelpLoading generators.png exceeds the number of living Survivors by 1:

    4 Survivors remaining: 5 repaired Generators / Exit Gates are powered
    3 Survivors remaining: 4 repaired Generators / 1 Generator left
    2 Survivors remaining: 3 repaired Generators / 2 Generators left
    1 Survivor remaining: 2 repaired Generators / 3 Generators left

    So since the survivors have together done enough to meet the minimum objectives that means the hatch isn't a free escape.

    yes but the survivors aren't escaping through the hatch together, rather only a single person is escaping. And there is no guarantee that they actually did any of the gens. No finding the hatch is not itself challenging enough to say it isn't free anymore than having to unwrap a gift makes it not free.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @NuclearBurrito said:

    yes but the survivors aren't escaping through the hatch together, rather only a single person is escaping. And there is no guarantee that they actually did any of the gens. No finding the hatch is not itself challenging enough to say it isn't free anymore than having to unwrap a gift makes it not free.

    My point is that it's not a free escape, something that has to be worked towards isn't free and the one getting the hatch could be the one doing nothing sure.

    But the one doing nothing the entire match is a legitimate strategy just as slugging is while i dislike both I do understand them. As a killer i'll only slug to find that person doing absolutely nothing or for the adept and for toxic jerks.

    As a survivor I'm not giving the killer a freebie for slugging, you want that 4k earn it, if you're camping i'm not coming for the save. I'll do totems, try and may'be do gens depending on where they're at and look for hatch while at it.

    If you're patrolling depending on where you're at I'll try and go for a save and get the person up at least but i'm still not giving you any freebies.

    For the person doing nothing the entire match and i mean I know for a fact they're doing nothing not the assumption because they don't get caught either. I'll give myself up to the killer if the killer wasn't a toxic douchebag or make them chase me.

    I'll struggle on the hook so thy know to go look for the douchebag and they've got time for it but if they're a toxic killer I'll suicide.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @powerbats said:

    @NuclearBurrito said:

    yes but the survivors aren't escaping through the hatch together, rather only a single person is escaping. And there is no guarantee that they actually did any of the gens. No finding the hatch is not itself challenging enough to say it isn't free anymore than having to unwrap a gift makes it not free.

    My point is that it's not a free escape, something that has to be worked towards isn't free and the one getting the hatch could be the one doing nothing sure.

    But the one doing nothing the entire match is a legitimate strategy just as slugging is while i dislike both I do understand them. As a killer i'll only slug to find that person doing absolutely nothing or for the adept and for toxic jerks.

    As a survivor I'm not giving the killer a freebie for slugging, you want that 4k earn it, if you're camping i'm not coming for the save. I'll do totems, try and may'be do gens depending on where they're at and look for hatch while at it.

    If you're patrolling depending on where you're at I'll try and go for a save and get the person up at least but i'm still not giving you any freebies.

    For the person doing nothing the entire match and i mean I know for a fact they're doing nothing not the assumption because they don't get caught either. I'll give myself up to the killer if the killer wasn't a toxic douchebag or make them chase me.

    I'll struggle on the hook so thy know to go look for the douchebag and they've got time for it but if they're a toxic killer I'll suicide.

    Yes of course. You should never give freebie wins to the other side, that's just a bad idea.

    However while players aren't exactly bad people for doing cheap strategy's like hatch camping and slugging that doesn't mean we should encourage it when we can avoid it.

    The existence of the hatch means that in 9/10 games you almost have to slug if you want to 4k when you are at the point where you could get a 3k.

    Am I saying that you should always 4k every 3k? Of course not, if I was I would want an outright removal with no replacement. Hell if I REALLY wanted a 4k every game then I would have 1v1's instantly reveal the last survivor or something.

    Instead I just want to rework the hatch to be more of a final test rather than a pity escape.

    The killer just proved himself as competent when he killed 3 people, can you (the survivor) prove yourself to be better than them? That kind of mentality means the hatch needs to be hard to use, not something you can just walk up to and hop into mid chase without any major counterplay.

    And since the only thing the killer can do about it is slug or hope he gets lucky (because admit it, 2 gens is something you are going to expect to be done against all but the best killers or the worst survivors) that means that 3rd survivor is going to be sitting there for the entire process, and if we just let him DC then we are back to square 1.

    You can argue all day about HOW killer sided the hatch should be, but anything more survivor sided than a 50/50 (which is already pushing it) just isn't a good system when the goal is to let a good survivor win despite a bad team

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Also could you define toxic killer real quick. I want to make sure of something

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Everyone, NOED is a joke when you use a map with an add-on to show you the killer's belongings! However, being forced to cleanse every totem because the killer is bad shouldn't be a thing in my opinion.

    NOED shouldn't activate if you don't have many hooks and its speed boost should be replaced with a attack cool down decrease %.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @NuclearBurrito said:
    Also could you define toxic killer real quick. I want to make sure of something

    Those are the ones that simply tunnel one person to the exclusion of all else even when someone injured is in front of them. The ones that basically hard camp at 5 gens and chain smack someone on the hook because they got outplayed.

    That's the types I think of as toxic, if they've just hooked someone and someone runs in and unhooks in front of them and they rehook the person that's not toxic. That was just a stupid unhook move and I always go for the unhooker in that case.

    As for the earlier part about killing 3 that may have been a group of potatoes which we all know are way to common. So the killer destroying 3 really quickly isn't always skill but just being fed a bunch of idiots.

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @powerbats said:

    @TrAiNwReCk said:

    All that non sense aside.

    • 5 generators need to be done
    • And 1 key

    For all survivors to use the hatch.

    The survivors get owned and get less than 5 gens done.

    Awe At Least 1 Survivor Should Get To Escape, Even Though They Did Not Do What Is Required To Escape As A Team

    The last survivor alive doesn't even have to touch a gen. The other 3 survivors did at least the 2 gens, the useless survivor doing nothing the whole game gets the hatch = FREE

    You take things so literal it's hilarious. I gave simple to the point illustration how you are wrong and to drowned us all in a wall of text you generalize everything you say ONLY to try and feel like you're right, but you be WRONG

    5 gens need to be done and a key, that means if all 5 gens get done and they escape with a key that means you completely failed in your objective.

    If you let them do 5 gens and find the hatch and all 4 get out through it and yet you want to blame the survivors because you failed that game.

    Now if you don't get all 4 then you obviously didn't own them, and the survivors aren't a team since each is an individual working to get out.

    Now they did in fact do enough of their objective to get out, 1 person made it out if they in fact actually get the hatch.

    **The very definition of the term free.

    adjective 1. not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.

    adverb 1. without cost or payment.**

    From the Wiki.

    The Black Lock, also known and commonly referred to as the "Hatch", is one of the two potential ways for Survivors to escape a trial in Dead by Daylight

    The Hatch will become visible ("spawn") whenever the number of fully repaired Generators IconHelpLoading generators.png exceeds the number of living Survivors by 1:

    4 Survivors remaining: 5 repaired Generators / Exit Gates are powered
    3 Survivors remaining: 4 repaired Generators / 1 Generator left
    2 Survivors remaining: 3 repaired Generators / 2 Generators left
    1 Survivor remaining: 2 repaired Generators / 3 Generators left

    So since the survivors have together done enough to meet the minimum objectives that means the hatch isn't a free escape.

    Another wall of text . . . Trying to convince us and yourself that you are right smh.

    Still doesn't mean the last survivor did any gens to help open the hatch and gets to use the hatch = a free escape.

    No matter how many words you cram into a post it doesn't change facts.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @powerbats said:

    @NuclearBurrito said:
    Also could you define toxic killer real quick. I want to make sure of something

    Those are the ones that simply tunnel one person to the exclusion of all else even when someone injured is in front of them. The ones that basically hard camp at 5 gens and chain smack someone on the hook because they got outplayed.

    That's the types I think of as toxic, if they've just hooked someone and someone runs in and unhooks in front of them and they rehook the person that's not toxic. That was just a stupid unhook move and I always go for the unhooker in that case.

    As for the earlier part about killing 3 that may have been a group of potatoes which we all know are way to common. So the killer destroying 3 really quickly isn't always skill but just being fed a bunch of idiots.

    You are missing the point. Skill is measured relatively. The Killer has shown himself to be better than at least 3 of the 4 survivors. However since part of a survivors gameplay is teamwork that means having the 3 dying is a count against the 4th survivor. Does that mean he is worse than the killer? No, but he should have to prove that he isn't. The killer had to work to get to that point for sure, even potato survivors need to be found and chased short of griefing, and in that situation the survivors aren't getting even those 2 gens.

    Thus the remaining survivor needs to prove that he is significantly better than the killer and thus the rest of the team. Surviving for that long is easy, just hop in a locker and avoid the generators since the Killer is approaching those all the time. Going for the hatch needs to have risk so that the survivor needs to overcome it by mechanical skill or strategy rather than just luck.

    Yes the killer should have to work too, but he for sure already has at least a little, if the killer is a potato along with the survivors then he wouldn't put up too big of a fight assuming the 1v1 endgame is designed correctly.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Had a game earlier. I was killer.

    No decisive strikes.
    No NOED.

    It was glorious. No safety nets or crutches for either side.

    If only all games where like that.
  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @Nickenzie said:
    Everyone, NOED is a joke when you use a map with an add-on to show you the killer's belongings! However, being forced to cleanse every totem because the killer is bad shouldn't be a thing in my opinion.

    NOED shouldn't activate if you don't have many hooks and its speed boost should be replaced with a attack cool down decrease %.

    Detectives hunch is also helpful in finding totems.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @NuclearBurrito said:

    You are missing the point. Skill is measured relatively. The Killer has shown himself to be better than at least 3 of the 4 survivors. However since part of a survivors gameplay is teamwork that means having the 3 dying is a count against the 4th survivor. Does that mean he is worse than the killer? No, but he should have to prove that he isn't. The killer had to work to get to that point for sure, even potato survivors need to be found and chased short of griefing, and in that situation the survivors aren't getting even those 2 gens.

    Thus the remaining survivor needs to prove that he is significantly better than the killer and thus the rest of the team. Surviving for that long is easy, just hop in a locker and avoid the generators since the Killer is approaching those all the time. Going for the hatch needs to have risk so that the survivor needs to overcome it by mechanical skill or strategy rather than just luck.

    Yes the killer should have to work too, but he for sure already has at least a little, if the killer is a potato along with the survivors then he wouldn't put up too big of a fight assuming the 1v1 endgame is designed correctly.

    I do understand the point but the common theme in a lot of these complaint threads is I deserve muh 4k because i killed 3 ppl. You might've killed 3 really good survivors or 3 potatoes, it could've been 1 or more people deranking.

    So while skill is relative it also isn't the be all and end all of the equation when you're making an assumption about each event.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    People hate NOED for one reason, it's like the survivor's version of DS. While it does have a counter, it's arduous and sometimes the situation may call on you to do some else besides cleansing.

    I don't think NOED is as bad as DS but what really bothers me is when I cleanse 3-4 dull totems just to be punished by the perk due to my lazy teammates.