New Survivor: Edward Richtofen (The Doctor)


After all he had been through. How long he had fought, how much he had seen, how much he had done. Everything he had done to repel his fate had been for nothing.

He had been left behind in that awful contraption whilst his allies simply moved onwards with a quest in which he was no longer involved, or at least he personally was not involved. It was a complicated matter which had given Edward no shortage of headaches.

When all hope for him was lost and the world began to darken, maybe literally from what he could perceive, something… happened. Something strange and unnatural. Even more so than all he had been through before which was a monumental achievement from his perspective.

In one instance the claustrophobia and pain of the devilish contraption he had himself confined disappeared in the fog that devoured his world. And then he awoke, finding himself once more in yet another forest. But before any semblance of hope could build up within himself he felt it. The presence of this world. It felt cold, he was no stranger to horrible temperatures, but it just felt wrong to be there.

But then a spark of hope was ignited. There were others here, there must be. The campfire that waited just beyond the tree line indicated this to Edward. So he cleaned himself up as much as he could in that instance and got his charisma back in order. Time to introduce himself to whoever waited in the darkness.


  • A couple steps ahead

You know what you're doing after doing trial after trial. You can recognise where you are after just a couple moments in a new trial. When a trial begins or a generator is repaired, all other generators in a trial are highlighted for 3/5/10 seconds. The exit gates stay highlighted indefinitely when all generators are repaired.

“I have been here before, I know vhat we must do. Trust me, I'm a doctor.” -Edward Richtofen

  • Lacking armaments

Weaponry is lacking to say the least when taking part in a trial. Your desperation for defence makes you search faster chests faster (35/40/45% faster searching) and there is an increased chance of finding the closest thing to a weapon that the entity will allow, a flashlight. Chances to find a flashlight are increased by 50/60/70%.

“Do you not know who I am?! I am Doctor Edward bloody Richtofen, und I do not need this right now!” -Edward Richtofen

  • Breaking the cycle

Being chased is an event that occurs far too frequently for any survivors liking. It's simply another cycle that needs to be broken. The entity’s influence is temporarily disrupted after being in a chase for 60/45/30 seconds and a survivor will gain the chance to stun and also blind the killer for 5 seconds. Scratch marks also disappear for that survivor for 10/15/20 seconds.

“I'm so sorry, I really don't have time to explain. I have a universe to set right. Thank you, und goodbye.” -Edward Richtofen

(Creator notes)

The Richtofen I'm using is from the ending of ‘Blood Of The Dead’ and is the pre-Revelations Richtofen who is sacrificed to cause the Alcatraz pocket dimension to collapse (the story of zombies is an absolute nightmare to explain so I won't try it here to any great extent) So a few things are different than usual in terms of Richtofen’s character. Using Richtofen from the ending of BOTD could become a reasonable explanation as to why he is not that vocal, and also why he is so dejected and not trying to really escape from the entity.

I struggled to find a better moniker for this character, there are no other particularly fitting alias for Primis Richtofen to use. So I'm using ‘The Doctor’ more as a placeholder than anything else until I come up with something else that fits. Also yes I know that ‘The Doctor’ is the name of a killer already which is why I want a different name.

The image I used is the best render I could really find that shows of off he should look like. A few differences would be made to make sense for BOTD, those being how he would obviously not have a weapon, a few more cuts and bruises about his hands and face, and probably most noticeably would be that the blood vials on his chest would not be there as they are taken from him at the end of BOTD.

This is also my first thing posted on the DBD forums so I'm open to criticism on how things like my descriptions and justifications could be improved as I'm still not entirely satisfied with the perk descriptions for the perks in general really. Also expecting criticism on the killer I'm going to upload ASAP, who I think a few people could probably guess is going to be going off of the Richtofen justification.