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Remove quick switch !!

Im new to game and I notice thats quick switch is so bad
Toxic SWF 2/3/4 using it so bad they join game with survivor normal Dress then switch to survivor with tools + flashlights in last 6secound on lobby time so i cant dodge them 👎
######### skilled survivors doing in rank 18 ?


  • Stinky
    Stinky Member Posts: 45

    It's their answer to killers who DC whenever they see a flashlight or a SWF team.
    I'm absolutely awful with the flashlight and mostly forget to use it, but when I put one on my Char suddenly i get a lot more Host Disconnects. It gets tiresome.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    If they aren't ready by 10 seconds remaining just skip the lobby and find a new one.
  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    edited February 2019
    Don't be a coward! man/woman up!
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Toxic squads are a pain when you're new. But eventually, you'll learn that they are usually more bark than bite. These groups tend to be predictable and have easy counters to boot. Let's focus on the flashlights for now.

    Flashlights can be used for only the following:
    - Flashlight Blinds
    - Shoulder Saves
    - Burning The Wraith
    - Burning The Nurse
    - Burning Phantasm (Hag) Traps

    Knowing this, let's move onto counters.

    The Wraith can only be burned while he is in the spirit world. Just uncloak before charging the flashlight person and you'll be good.

    The Nurse can be denied the ability to blink while the flashlight's light is on her. So to counter this she can just start charging blinks early. Alternatively, if the survivors got cocky she can always just lunge at them once they're close enough.

    Hag, unfortunately, has no counters other than maybe using a Minty Rag to manually teleport to traps being affected.

    So for general flashlight blinds/shoulder saves we have 2 types of counters available, perks, and knowledge.

    In the perk area, there are several perks that make using Flashlights harder or riskier.
    - Lightborn increases your base resistance to blinds and helps you recover from a successful blind faster.
    - Overwhelming Presence makes using flashlights consume 80%/90%/100% more charges than normal when used within your terror radius. (Provided you can regain control before the blind is complete you can move your head to chew through their durability.
    - Franklin's Demise lets you just knock a survivor's item out of their hands and also removes 0%/5%/10% of the item's base charges. (If you can get a lucky pallet lunge you can sometimes lock their item under a pallet. When this happens I strongly encourage you to never break that pallet regardless of the consequences just to make these "bullies" realize that they need killers in the game.)

    So if flashlights seem to be a common thing for you, consider grabbing one of the above perks.

    In terms of game knowledge, the key thing to know about flashlight blinds is that in general, they require timing and space to pull off. For example, if you down a survivor next to a wall, or just near a wall in general, try to grab them while facing the wall. By doing this you make it harder for the blinder to get in position to blind you. Additionally, if you suspect that there is a blinder lurking nearby and you have no perks or walls to help, do a quick circle around the downed survivor and see if anyone is nearby. If you do find anyone just give them a smack and usually they run off to heal.

    To summarize countering flashlights without perks:
    - If a wall is nearby, just face the wall while you pick up the downed survivor, the closer you are to the wall the better.
    - If a wall isn't nearby, spend 10-15 seconds quickly patrolling around the downed person making sure that nobody is hiding just around the corner to blind you.

    That's all I got. Good luck!

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    I agree and on ps4 it's annoying accidentaly switching because r2 and l2 are so sensitive.
  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    yeah definitely not
  • NuclearBurrito2
    NuclearBurrito2 Member Posts: 262
    Peasant said:

    Toxic squads are a pain when you're new. But eventually, you'll learn that they are usually more bark than bite. These groups tend to be predictable and have easy counters to boot. Let's focus on the flashlights for now.

    Flashlights can be used for only the following:
    - Flashlight Blinds
    - Shoulder Saves
    - Burning The Wraith
    - Burning The Nurse
    - Burning Phantasm (Hag) Traps

    Knowing this, let's move onto counters.

    The Wraith can only be burned while he is in the spirit world. Just uncloak before charging the flashlight person and you'll be good.

    The Nurse can be denied the ability to blink while the flashlight's light is on her. So to counter this she can just start charging blinks early. Alternatively, if the survivors got cocky she can always just lunge at them once they're close enough.

    Hag, unfortunately, has no counters other than maybe using a Minty Rag to manually teleport to traps being affected.

    So for general flashlight blinds/shoulder saves we have 2 types of counters available, perks, and knowledge.

    In the perk area, there are several perks that make using Flashlights harder or riskier.
    - Lightborn increases your base resistance to blinds and helps you recover from a successful blind faster.
    - Overwhelming Presence makes using flashlights consume 80%/90%/100% more charges than normal when used within your terror radius. (Provided you can regain control before the blind is complete you can move your head to chew through their durability.
    - Franklin's Demise lets you just knock a survivor's item out of their hands and also removes 0%/5%/10% of the item's base charges. (If you can get a lucky pallet lunge you can sometimes lock their item under a pallet. When this happens I strongly encourage you to never break that pallet regardless of the consequences just to make these "bullies" realize that they need killers in the game.)

    So if flashlights seem to be a common thing for you, consider grabbing one of the above perks.

    In terms of game knowledge, the key thing to know about flashlight blinds is that in general, they require timing and space to pull off. For example, if you down a survivor next to a wall, or just near a wall in general, try to grab them while facing the wall. By doing this you make it harder for the blinder to get in position to blind you. Additionally, if you suspect that there is a blinder lurking nearby and you have no perks or walls to help, do a quick circle around the downed survivor and see if anyone is nearby. If you do find anyone just give them a smack and usually they run off to heal.

    To summarize countering flashlights without perks:
    - If a wall is nearby, just face the wall while you pick up the downed survivor, the closer you are to the wall the better.
    - If a wall isn't nearby, spend 10-15 seconds quickly patrolling around the downed person making sure that nobody is hiding just around the corner to blind you.

    That's all I got. Good luck!

    First of all toxic is the wrong word for these squads as they are just playing to win. Competent squad describes them better.

    As for flashlights I always find it funny how survivors think I can't hit them after they blind me. I always lunge where I think they are when I'm blinded and I've had multiple games where I hit them this way. It's so satisfying to do
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @leafreak said:
    Im new to game and I notice thats quick switch is so bad
    Toxic SWF 2/3/4 using it so bad they join game with survivor normal Dress then switch to survivor with tools + flashlights in last 6secound on lobby time so i cant dodge them 👎

    ### skilled survivors doing in rank 18 ?

    Just lobby dodge if they havent readied up 10 sec before.
    Its the survivors having to reorganize SWF and they will enjoy a nice queue again :smile:

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230
    Lol there around rank 18 cause they know they can't handle high ranks so they can stay between rank 20-15 to make them feel good about beating someone that's new to the game I came up against this many times when I first started so don't worry too much about it just keep on trying an you'll get to the point where you'll getting 4k most matches 
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @Peasant said:
    Toxic squads are a pain when you're new. But eventually, you'll learn that they are usually more bark than bite. These groups tend to be predictable and have easy counters to boot. Let's focus on the flashlights for now.

    Flashlights can be used for only the following:
    - Flashlight Blinds
    - Shoulder Saves
    - Burning The Wraith
    - Burning The Nurse
    - Burning Phantasm (Hag) Traps

    Knowing this, let's move onto counters.

    The Wraith can only be burned while he is in the spirit world. Just uncloak before charging the flashlight person and you'll be good.

    The Nurse can be denied the ability to blink while the flashlight's light is on her. So to counter this she can just start charging blinks early. Alternatively, if the survivors got cocky she can always just lunge at them once they're close enough.

    Hag, unfortunately, has no counters other than maybe using a Minty Rag to manually teleport to traps being affected.

    So for general flashlight blinds/shoulder saves we have 2 types of counters available, perks, and knowledge.

    In the perk area, there are several perks that make using Flashlights harder or riskier.
    - Lightborn increases your base resistance to blinds and helps you recover from a successful blind faster.
    - Overwhelming Presence makes using flashlights consume 80%/90%/100% more charges than normal when used within your terror radius. (Provided you can regain control before the blind is complete you can move your head to chew through their durability.
    - Franklin's Demise lets you just knock a survivor's item out of their hands and also removes 0%/5%/10% of the item's base charges. (If you can get a lucky pallet lunge you can sometimes lock their item under a pallet. When this happens I strongly encourage you to never break that pallet regardless of the consequences just to make these "bullies" realize that they need killers in the game.)

    So if flashlights seem to be a common thing for you, consider grabbing one of the above perks.

    In terms of game knowledge, the key thing to know about flashlight blinds is that in general, they require timing and space to pull off. For example, if you down a survivor next to a wall, or just near a wall in general, try to grab them while facing the wall. By doing this you make it harder for the blinder to get in position to blind you. Additionally, if you suspect that there is a blinder lurking nearby and you have no perks or walls to help, do a quick circle around the downed survivor and see if anyone is nearby. If you do find anyone just give them a smack and usually they run off to heal.

    To summarize countering flashlights without perks:
    - If a wall is nearby, just face the wall while you pick up the downed survivor, the closer you are to the wall the better.
    - If a wall isn't nearby, spend 10-15 seconds quickly patrolling around the downed person making sure that nobody is hiding just around the corner to blind you.

    That's all I got. Good luck!

    What if when playing Wraith I get burned while I'm uncloacking? It happened so many times I don't even care anymore. Otherwise these are great suggestions

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    To be fair not all of these lobby switchers are swf. Some are solo, some 2 man.

    It sucks as solo survivor. They run around taunting the killer with a flashlight, mess up all their flashlight saves, contribute nothing to the team, and more than likely disconnect once their Decisive is gone.

    I hate them.
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    @LCGaster In general if you are playing Wraith and flashlights are around uncloaking behind obstacles is all you can do. Once folks realize that the killer is a Wraith the flashlight folks will be on high alert and will try to blind or burn you as much as possible. It sucks, but there are noticeably fewer pallets nowadays than there were during the days of "just use pallets to counter Wraith".
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @Peasant said:
    @LCGaster In general if you are playing Wraith and flashlights are around uncloaking behind obstacles is all you can do. Once folks realize that the killer is a Wraith the flashlight folks will be on high alert and will try to blind or burn you as much as possible. It sucks, but there are noticeably fewer pallets nowadays than there were during the days of "just use pallets to counter Wraith".

    I try, but sometimes I have to use the power in a chase, and they just turn around and burn me

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    First of all toxic is the wrong word for these squads as they are just playing to win. Competent squad describes them better.

    As for flashlights I always find it funny how survivors think I can't hit them after they blind me. I always lunge where I think they are when I'm blinded and I've had multiple games where I hit them this way. It's so satisfying to do
    Eh, I was just using the same words as the OP. Besides, while not everyone who uses flashlights is a (explicitive referring to a feminine hygiene product) I have more memories than I would like of being new and having surviviors constantly T-bagging and blinding me.

    If you go for a save or burn because you have WGLF or you just care about your team or just want points I have no trouble with that. When you start T-bagging between blinds and spew toxicity in the post-game chat I see no reason to not brand you as toxic.
  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    Peasant said:

    Toxic squads are a pain when you're new. But eventually, you'll learn that they are usually more bark than bite. These groups tend to be predictable and have easy counters to boot. Let's focus on the flashlights for now.

    Flashlights can be used for only the following:
    - Flashlight Blinds
    - Shoulder Saves
    - Burning The Wraith
    - Burning The Nurse
    - Burning Phantasm (Hag) Traps

    Knowing this, let's move onto counters.

    The Wraith can only be burned while he is in the spirit world. Just uncloak before charging the flashlight person and you'll be good.

    The Nurse can be denied the ability to blink while the flashlight's light is on her. So to counter this she can just start charging blinks early. Alternatively, if the survivors got cocky she can always just lunge at them once they're close enough.

    Hag, unfortunately, has no counters other than maybe using a Minty Rag to manually teleport to traps being affected.

    So for general flashlight blinds/shoulder saves we have 2 types of counters available, perks, and knowledge.

    In the perk area, there are several perks that make using Flashlights harder or riskier.
    - Lightborn increases your base resistance to blinds and helps you recover from a successful blind faster.
    - Overwhelming Presence makes using flashlights consume 80%/90%/100% more charges than normal when used within your terror radius. (Provided you can regain control before the blind is complete you can move your head to chew through their durability.
    - Franklin's Demise lets you just knock a survivor's item out of their hands and also removes 0%/5%/10% of the item's base charges. (If you can get a lucky pallet lunge you can sometimes lock their item under a pallet. When this happens I strongly encourage you to never break that pallet regardless of the consequences just to make these "bullies" realize that they need killers in the game.)

    So if flashlights seem to be a common thing for you, consider grabbing one of the above perks.

    In terms of game knowledge, the key thing to know about flashlight blinds is that in general, they require timing and space to pull off. For example, if you down a survivor next to a wall, or just near a wall in general, try to grab them while facing the wall. By doing this you make it harder for the blinder to get in position to blind you. Additionally, if you suspect that there is a blinder lurking nearby and you have no perks or walls to help, do a quick circle around the downed survivor and see if anyone is nearby. If you do find anyone just give them a smack and usually they run off to heal.

    To summarize countering flashlights without perks:
    - If a wall is nearby, just face the wall while you pick up the downed survivor, the closer you are to the wall the better.
    - If a wall isn't nearby, spend 10-15 seconds quickly patrolling around the downed person making sure that nobody is hiding just around the corner to blind you.

    That's all I got. Good luck!

    I agree with you, that flashlights can be dealt with, without add-ons and perks.

    But in your elaborate post you listed alot of reasons to prohibit the use of last second switching.

    If you are a player that has trouble with handling flashlights, toolboxes, keys or medikits, you appreciate the info and chose your build accordingly.
    If you don't see any flashlights and you decide to switch Franklin's for something different only to be switched in the last second it feels just cheesey and unfair. Not a good start into a match.
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited February 2019
    Dislike it for one reason;
    Was playing Survivor and while waiting in the lobby another teammate decided they were bored and continuously switched as we waited for a fourth member after about five minutes of them doing this non-stop I couldnt take anymore and I bailed on the lobby.