My 2 cents on Deep Wounds

It's stupidly broken.
I play a lot more killer than I play survivor and even I can agree that the legion's ability down survivors by moon walkingor staying too far away to start a chase is just unfun. Here is my two cents on what I think should be done to legion, and I know it's not the best balanced, but at least it's an idea. If you have any ideas about how this could be improved feel free to comment below.

Deep Wounds as a whole
-Deep wounds doesn't go down within a chase
-Deep wounds takes less time to mend.
-Deep wounds drains at 3/4 of it's normal speed within the terror radius
-The Deep wound timer can't progress beyond 10% while mending (this is so that if the killer finds you when mending you have a chance to run away instead of immediately going down)
-Deep wounds goes down at normal speed outside of a chase and tr

Legion specific changes
-All Frenzy attacks against survivors inflict the Scarred status
-Frenzy no longer resets mend progress on successful attacks
-Franks Mixed tape and Stab Wound study now do the following

Frank's mixed tape
-Gain an audio notification whenever a survivor's scarred level goes down.
Stab wound Study
-Increases the time it takes for scarred to wear off by 5 seconds

Scarred Status
"The legion's violent attacks leave horrible scars which are reopened upon receiving deep wounds."
-Scarred stacks up to 4 times
-Stacks are additive and determine how much damage is dealt to the deep wound timer by a frenzy attack.
-Each stack increase damage done to the deep wound timer by 20%.
-The first stack is granted when the survivor enters deep wound, meaning that the killer initially deals 20% of the deep wound bar on their, and deals a maximum of 80% when scarred 4 has been reached.
-Survivors only recover from the scarred status when healthy or when hooked.
-While healthy it takes 15 seconds to lose a stack of scarred.
-When Hooked, all stacks of scarred are lost.


  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    The issue with Legion isn't the Deep Wounds unless you moonwalk. It's mostly that he's so bad that he has to tunnel in order to kill someone, and his ability to vault allows him to do this brainlessly. If they turn him back into a 2 hit killer and rework him so he can't vault, then he'll be better. The whole identity is just flawed in general.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Problem: What is a chase? I often had this problem when using Lithe. The conditions on when there is a chase going on must be reworked too.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I really do just think that the Killer should always be STRONGEST in the chase. Meaning that he should never under any circumstances prefer to not be in a chase (unless that would mean having downed you)