Some changes to make sabotage more viable

White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
edited February 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

The last toolbox changes were great, but currently sabo is still deeply flawed: it requires a lot of time, the risk outweights the reward by a lot and it is very strong/annoying in a coordinated swf group, while being mostly useless for solo survivors. If we add that kllers tend to be toxic towards saboteurs, it's not a surprise no one bothers anymore with this mechanic unless they have a daily.
That said, I would like to propose some changes that could make sabo more viable for anyone (note that I won't give numbers since I'm not sure on how they would work out).

Let's start with a simple change to sabotage:
the progress of not fully sabotaged hooks regresses over time.
Why this? Mainly because, while 99ing hooks currently is the most effective way to sabo, I think this is what makes it "abusable" by coordinated swf teams, while immensly more difficult for solo survivors. This would be basically a "nerf" to swf.
A second change would be to reduce the time hooks stay sabotaged.
This to prevent situations where a survivor creates a safe area and the killer can't do nothing about it except leaving the survivor on the floor for 3 minutes.

Now let's look at the perk Saboteur: currently it has two effects. The first one is to enable sabotage without a toolbox at the penalty of 50% speed. This penalty makes it not worth to sabo without a toolbox for many reasons, but mainly because to help teammates often it's needed to be very fast at sabotaging, not really possible at half the base speed. In general though sabo at 50% speed is a waste of time.
The second effect is to increase the time hooks need to respawn by 30 seconds. That means an increase of 16.7% of the base time. Not really worth it imo.
So I suggest to change the perk to this:
**Your ability with tools allows you to sabotage hooks X% faster, at the cost of x% sabotage efficiency. Fully sabotaging a hook doesn't give a notification to the killer. **

The effect of these changes would be essentially of making sabotage a fast paced action, so that it can be done by anyone when there is the occasion and without the need of voice comm. Considering the faster the toolbox is, the less the charges it has, the most troublesome ones (like Alex's Toolbox) would have still limited uses, so the killer wouldn't be condemned to not hook anybody for the whole match.
99ing hooks could still be done, but just on the go to prepare the 2 (3?) nearest hooks, instead of having all the hooks in the map ready to be destroyed. This would allow the killer to know that the "dangerous" area is limited and act accordingly.
On the other hand sabo could be done in a sneaky way (which fits Jake, btw), so that the survivor doesn't sign his death sentence by just sabotaging one hook (as it happens too often).
