######### is this? This is so balanced.



  • NoxiousOnnyyxx
    NoxiousOnnyyxx Member Posts: 343
    fcc2014 said:
    Eh we will see what happens. 
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    fcc2014 said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:

    Nerfing DS like it needed, it was Overpowered now its weaker than before

    It isn't really. Here is why. Every killer who tunnels now has to worry about getting hit with DS. They will have to wait 60's to pick them up or waste a perk slot for Enduring. Killers can't even guess anymore by having an obsession. Lots can be done in 60's in this game. Generators, healing up, hook breaking that area, getting in position for flashlight saves, assembling to body block etc... Survivors constantly adapt to changes. Everyone is celebrating on here just like they did for the exhaustion and self-care nerf . Most considered this to be the next step to nerf survivors and get 4k's every match. This just made every killer that tunnels and a large amount(not all do) much weaker as they will have to decide if they want to pick that survivor up or wait. @not_Queen @Patricia @Giddawid I really hope that your team considered the counter play to this.

    I don't think they realize that the 4 DS squads just got even worse when they see they can use it just like the obsession if they get tunneled , killers will have to learn not to tunnel to be effective and win the game ( RIP wraith, pig, and Freddy mains)  those are always the tunnelers because they don't have much of a choice , it's almost a good thing though @fcc2014 because alot of these killers need to learn how to win without camping and tunneling as their main strategy 
    Pig and Freddy are the very last Killers who should tunnel, especially Freddy. Also Make Your Choice is going to be a lot more beautiful now, especislly for Wraith.
  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    Add the SWF icon next to the DS and that blade falls right off.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Add the SWF icon next to the DS and that blade falls right off.

    Bhvr won't do that. They know the killers dodge now. It is why they are going to have everyone load in at the same time. Soon tm. If those players that just play swf leave they take their chapter and cosmetic money with them and this game suffers a major financial loss. Bhvr does dumb things but i don't believe they are that naive.
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I'm assuming this is trolling

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    fcc2014 said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:

    Nerfing DS like it needed, it was Overpowered now its weaker than before

    It isn't really. Here is why. Every killer who tunnels now has to worry about getting hit with DS. They will have to wait 60's to pick them up or waste a perk slot for Enduring. Killers can't even guess anymore by having an obsession. Lots can be done in 60's in this game. Generators, healing up, hook breaking that area, getting in position for flashlight saves, assembling to body block etc... Survivors constantly adapt to changes. Everyone is celebrating on here just like they did for the exhaustion and self-care nerf . Most considered this to be the next step to nerf survivors and get 4k's every match. This just made every killer that tunnels and a large amount(not all do) much weaker as they will have to decide if they want to pick that survivor up or wait. @not_Queen @Patricia @Giddawid I really hope that your team considered the counter play to this.

    I don't think they realize that the 4 DS squads just got even worse when they see they can use it just like the obsession if they get tunneled , killers will have to learn not to tunnel to be effective and win the game ( RIP wraith, pig, and Freddy mains)  those are always the tunnelers because they don't have much of a choice , it's almost a good thing though @fcc2014 because alot of these killers need to learn how to win without camping and tunneling as their main strategy 
    Pig and Freddy are the very last Killers who should tunnel, especially Freddy. Also Make Your Choice is going to be a lot more beautiful now, especislly for Wraith.
    Idk why they do but anytime I have a tunneler that's who they are playing is one of those three at least on PS4
  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @GraviteaUK said:
    So that image highlight the killers addons and 1 perk and just DS on the survivors end?.

    No insta med pack, no brand new parts, no purple flashlights, No Discord logo?

    You really can't cite BNPs and flashlights anymore. They're not even the same plane of existence of power that they used to be.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Master said:

    I dont think that DS actualyl got nerfed tbh.
    Feels more like a buff if you ask me. I prefer the old version (as killer)

    I agree with you. I have just confirmed survivors will be able to save their DS for a potential unhook when the gates are powered/already open. Now there will be close to zero chances to kill them in the endgame.

    I think they buffed DS and nerfed NOED at the same time for this reason.

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    I thought survivors hated tunneling? Isn't this a good option to help prevent it?

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    @The_Crusader said:
    Pinky finger is fine. Clown is very rarely used, pinky finger even less so, and many killers still struggle to get a clear shot with it.

    Iridescent head is fine, it's the combo with the infantry belt that needs to go. You get 5 hatches and +2 with infantry belt, that's a free 40%. So why is it an extra 2 with iri heads? make it 40% extra rather than 2, this would mean iri head + infantry belt = 2 hatches total. Might be more manageable, if not then just don't let them be used together.

    NOED - Yeah this needs a nerf.

    Myers add ons - yeah I've said these are busted for a long time lol but the killer mains gave me salt for it.

    Noed has been nerfed so many times. when will it end. Give up on the nerf. go do totems or GTFO.

    Iridescent head takes 4 hatchets away from her. making it only 1 Hatchet then reload. so combining that + the belt. its 3 hatchets. Making it fair. Survivors already get away with broken crap as it is. Don't nerf the killers only things that can carry it to acouple kills.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @The_Crusader said:
    Pinky finger is fine. Clown is very rarely used, pinky finger even less so, and many killers still struggle to get a clear shot with it.

    Iridescent head is fine, it's the combo with the infantry belt that needs to go. You get 5 hatches and +2 with infantry belt, that's a free 40%. So why is it an extra 2 with iri heads? make it 40% extra rather than 2, this would mean iri head + infantry belt = 2 hatches total. Might be more manageable, if not then just don't let them be used together.

    NOED - Yeah this needs a nerf.

    Myers add ons - yeah I've said these are busted for a long time lol but the killer mains gave me salt for it.

    Noed has been nerfed so many times. when will it end. Give up on the nerf. go do totems or GTFO.

    Iridescent head takes 4 hatchets away from her. making it only 1 Hatchet then reload. so combining that + the belt. its 3 hatchets. Making it fair. Survivors already get away with broken crap as it is. Don't nerf the killers only things that can carry it to acouple kills.

    Fair? Iridescent head and infantry belt are the lamest games you can get.

    All they do is camp hooks with 1 shot hatchets. It's abysmal.

    No idea why you say these are the only things that can carry killers to a couple of kills. Killers are fine without these.
  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @The_Crusader said:
    Pinky finger is fine. Clown is very rarely used, pinky finger even less so, and many killers still struggle to get a clear shot with it.

    Iridescent head is fine, it's the combo with the infantry belt that needs to go. You get 5 hatches and +2 with infantry belt, that's a free 40%. So why is it an extra 2 with iri heads? make it 40% extra rather than 2, this would mean iri head + infantry belt = 2 hatches total. Might be more manageable, if not then just don't let them be used together.

    NOED - Yeah this needs a nerf.

    Myers add ons - yeah I've said these are busted for a long time lol but the killer mains gave me salt for it.

    As a Myers main I rarely use the Infinite Tier 3 add on let alone lock of hair, since it takes too long to charge and its more beneficial if you just use hair bow + Memorial Page.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:

    Nerfing DS like it needed, it was Overpowered now its weaker than before

    It isn't really. Here is why. Every killer who tunnels now has to worry about getting hit with DS. They will have to wait 60's to pick them up or waste a perk slot for Enduring. Killers can't even guess anymore by having an obsession. Lots can be done in 60's in this game. Generators, healing up, hook breaking that area, getting in position for flashlight saves, assembling to body block etc... Survivors constantly adapt to changes. Everyone is celebrating on here just like they did for the exhaustion and self-care nerf . Most considered this to be the next step to nerf survivors and get 4k's every match. This just made every killer that tunnels and a large amount(not all do) much weaker as they will have to decide if they want to pick that survivor up or wait. @not_Queen @Patricia @Giddawid I really hope that your team considered the counter play to this.

    This change gives an addition counter to tunneling someone off the hook, but takes away some of the unfun aspects of killer imo. You will no longer have to worry about the fresh person you chased down having a hidden DS as you're taking them to the hook. You no longer have to worry about leaving someone on the ground after spending a good amount of time chasing them just because they're obsession. As someone who doesn't typically tunnel, I don't see this change as an issue. I can see the benefit of this change for both sides.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @AshleyWB said:
    @EntitledSurvivor Typical entitled survivors.

    I mean, it's in the name.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551
    Oooooof said:



    idk what the devs are doing with this game.

    Totally true
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Right, OP, I love to play my Freddy with Tombstone and Iridescent Heads.

    In all seriousness, none of these add-ons are overpowered. This image is wrong on so many levels.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @The_Crusader said:
    Verconissp said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Pinky finger is fine. Clown is very rarely used, pinky finger even less so, and many killers still struggle to get a clear shot with it.

    Iridescent head is fine, it's the combo with the infantry belt that needs to go. You get 5 hatches and +2 with infantry belt, that's a free 40%. So why is it an extra 2 with iri heads? make it 40% extra rather than 2, this would mean iri head + infantry belt = 2 hatches total. Might be more manageable, if not then just don't let them be used together.
    NOED - Yeah this needs a nerf.

    Myers add ons - yeah I've said these are busted for a long time lol but the killer mains gave me salt for it.

    Noed has been nerfed so many times. when will it end. Give up on the nerf. go do totems or GTFO.

    Iridescent head takes 4 hatchets away from her. making it only 1 Hatchet then reload. so combining that + the belt. its 3 hatchets. Making it fair. Survivors already get away with broken crap as it is. Don't nerf the killers only things that can carry it to acouple kills.

    Fair? Iridescent head and infantry belt are the lamest games you can get.

    All they do is camp hooks with 1 shot hatchets. It's abysmal.

    No idea why you say these are the only things that can carry killers to a couple of kills. Killers are fine without these.

    You can do that with leatherface too, but he doesnt need to invest ultra rare addons for that

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Master said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Verconissp said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Pinky finger is fine. Clown is very rarely used, pinky finger even less so, and many killers still struggle to get a clear shot with it.

    Iridescent head is fine, it's the combo with the infantry belt that needs to go. You get 5 hatches and +2 with infantry belt, that's a free 40%. So why is it an extra 2 with iri heads? make it 40% extra rather than 2, this would mean iri head + infantry belt = 2 hatches total. Might be more manageable, if not then just don't let them be used together.
    NOED - Yeah this needs a nerf.

    Myers add ons - yeah I've said these are busted for a long time lol but the killer mains gave me salt for it.

    Noed has been nerfed so many times. when will it end. Give up on the nerf. go do totems or GTFO.

    Iridescent head takes 4 hatchets away from her. making it only 1 Hatchet then reload. so combining that + the belt. its 3 hatchets. Making it fair. Survivors already get away with broken crap as it is. Don't nerf the killers only things that can carry it to acouple kills.

    Fair? Iridescent head and infantry belt are the lamest games you can get.

    All they do is camp hooks with 1 shot hatchets. It's abysmal.

    No idea why you say these are the only things that can carry killers to a couple of kills. Killers are fine without these.

    You can do that with leatherface too, but he doesnt need to invest ultra rare addons for that

    Yeah but he has to stand next to the hook at least. huntress can throw hatchets at anyone who is in the area.

    Plus normally they can walk away to bait an unhook, then long range shot the survivor down anyway.

    She's definitely more effectice at getting 2 on the hook than LF.
  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619
    edited February 2019

    What a survivor biased image.
    If you put addons and offerings in killer side why you don't put the instaheal addon for medkit in the right side along with DS? or the BNP? or 4 times DS + instaheal addon + Toolbox with BNP?
    "But...but is rare to play a trial in which 4 survivors use DS". OK, playing a trial with killer pink addons and/or pink mori is rare too. And NOED can be countered destroying totems, but in the genrush tryhard in 4 minutes mentality of most of survivor mains wasting time looking for and cleansing totems cannot be considered, of course.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    On the right side there should be toolboxes, instaheals and the skeleton key that in fact EVERY survivor can use but I guess that wouldn't make it seem as biased.

  • Giddawid
    Giddawid Member Posts: 102

    As I was mentioned in this thread I would like to say that this game is continually going through changes in the hopes of improving the game. Every game is a continuous work in progress, as developers want to add more enjoyable content to their games - if the change doesn't work, it will be revised until we can find a stable medium.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Oh man, I didn't know today was going to be this sweet. Ha Ha.

    You didn't realize that the day the devs changed DS was going to be the day that all the salt from the survivors was going to ignite in to a fire?... 
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Mister_Holdout said:

    Oh man, I didn't know today was going to be this sweet. Ha Ha.

    You didn't realize that the day the devs changed DS was going to be the day that all the salt from the survivors was going to ignite in to a fire?... 

    I am a survivor main and I like this DS rework

  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    Lol Judith's Tombstone OP? It's basically one of the worse ultra rare add-ons along with Tatto's Middle Finger, principally while being paired with Tuft of Hair.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Mister_Holdout said:

    Oh man, I didn't know today was going to be this sweet. Ha Ha.

    You didn't realize that the day the devs changed DS was going to be the day that all the salt from the survivors was going to ignite in to a fire?... 

    I am a survivor main and I like this DS rework

    I should reword my stuff better so I dont sound like I hate survivors... I know that theres unbiased survivor mains that are cool.... 
  • This content has been removed.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @jackmadrox said:
    DS is cancer. NOED is cancer. Both need to be taken out of the game.

    Good news, if you break totems, NOED is out of the game.

  • This content has been removed.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @jackmadrox said:
    Orion said:

    @jackmadrox said:

    DS is cancer. NOED is cancer. Both need to be taken out of the game.

    Good news, if you break totems, NOED is out of the game.

    Nah. If you take out DS, you gotta take out NOED. Otherwise it'll be "unbalanced".

    The comparison between noed and DS is stupid. NOED would be comparable to DS if NOED was active all game and gave you a free exposed effect on each survivor.

  • This content has been removed.
  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    @Oooooof said:
    @ToxicFengM1n And what about the 7 carry perks/addons killers have?

    and what about 18 2nd chance perks and add ons survivors have? insta heal, ds, sc, sb, bt... those are all perfectly fine, survivors deserve 17 chances to try and survive yes

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited February 2019

    @jackmadrox said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @jackmadrox said:

    Orion said:

    @jackmadrox said:
    DS is cancer. NOED is cancer. Both need to be taken out of the game.
    Good news, if you break totems, NOED is out of the game.

    Nah. If you take out DS, you gotta take out NOED. Otherwise it'll be "unbalanced".

    The comparison between noed and DS is stupid. NOED would be comparable to DS if NOED was active all game and gave you a free exposed effect on each survivor.

    Well, players seem to always compare the two as equals. You'll put the survivor mains in an uproar if they don't get something too. NOED is a dumb perk anyways. I used it as training wheels.

    training wheels, ppl complain about NOED yet nobody calls bubba or billy stupid. NOED is mostly used on killers who don't have an instadown because once the gates are open killers without instadowns are ######### due to the crappy gamedesign here. (exception being nurse and somewhat huntress)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    edited February 2019

    At first, i wondered why you made this.
    Then i realized you only count yourself.

    Once i get in the single-digit ranks, it's currently not uncommon for me to run into 4 Decisive Strike users.
    So y'know, the scales get tipped 4 times as hard for me at least than shown here.

    Also: The finger Add-on strong? Really?
    People are already good at dodging Hatchets, idk how you get hit by those slow-ass bottles...

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Pinky Finger and Iridescent Head+Infantry Belt combo: You still need skill to hit the Survivor. Otherwise, the add-ons are useless.

    Moris: They have a requirement for them to activate.

    NOED: Just. Cleanse. Totems. Stop. Rushing. Gens.

    Fragrant Tuft of Hair and Judith's Tombstone: Both of these add-ons have weaknesses that balance them out. They are hard to use against decent Survivors because both have a 200% increase to evil needed to reach tier 3. Tombstone is harder because it also has decreased movement speed and kinda requires a certain build. If he gets to tier 3, then someone was either bad and fed Michael or they made a mistake and he capitalized on it. Running them together makes it even harder to get to tier 3 and almost always requires a certain build. If Michael manages to reach tier 3 before 3-5 gens are done, then you guys either made some serious mistakes or at least two Survivors are bad and fed Michael.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @MaxiferPriest said:

    @Oooooof said:
    @ToxicFengM1n And what about the 7 carry perks/addons killers have?

    and what about 18 2nd chance perks and add ons survivors have? insta heal, ds, sc, sb, bt... those are all perfectly fine, survivors deserve 17 chances to try and survive yes

    Wow i didn't know i could equip 18 second chance perks with only 4 perk slots while playing solo and I also didn't know that as a killer I couldn't simply you know wait out BT.

    I've only ever run DS for the adept and 5x trying it and never hitting the skill check until the 6th time against a Freddy 1v1 after the other 3 quit at 5 gens.

    I don't run SB unless it's a lower level toon that has nothing better, I don't run BT because I don't go for stupid unhooks right in front of the killer.

    I don't run insta heals unless it's a daily and I need to ensure I escape or it's with a friend and they need to
    escape for the daily.

    But sure survivors can down the killer and hook them oh wait no we can't so we have to have something to help us out.

    As a killer main all the excuses in your posts says one thing, you're the issue for your games not the survivors and perhaps you just need to improve and stop complaining so much.

    @fcc2014 I don't really have a problem with the change other than a few small changes since this is similar to what I and other suggested for so long.

    The 60 second timer shouldn't start counting if you're on the ground and the perk should be active for everyone until the 1st person is downed and uses it. After that it's inactive unless they do an unhook and the person that used it 1st it's no longer usable during the game.

    But that 1st person can get bonus bp for doing at least 1 SAFE unhook during the trial and the others in order for their DS to unlock have to do SAFE unhooks.

    The issue that killers don't realize is that if they start going full on slugging you'll see 4 man swf's much more often and 4 medkits with instal heals of some type.

    You'll also start seeing Saboteur perk setups with Unbreakable and probably No Mither/Iron Will setups as well.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    @Giddawid said:
    As I was mentioned in this thread I would like to say that this game is continually going through changes in the hopes of improving the game. Every game is a continuous work in progress, as developers want to add more enjoyable content to their games - if the change doesn't work, it will be revised until we can find a stable medium.

    @Vietfox Oops He got banned

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2019

    Totally agree, as a 60/40 player i am tired of seeing all nerf on survivor, devs dont remember op addons, perks and killer and btw let me fix this image :)

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    Gotta leave my low quality edit here

  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221

    @fcc2014 said:

    I also think this will hurt weaker killers(the Character not the actual player) who have to tunnel with certain killers to have some success because they can't apply map pressure.

    No killers have to tunnel except maybe Freddy. Even with wraith I can 4k regularly without tunneling and get WAY more points and more fun doing so.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    Why do so many people think they need DS? I don't use it at all and I can still survive.
    @Oooooof just learn how to play without these training wheels and your game experience will get better. (If you like challenges, tho)
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    powerbats said:

    @MaxiferPriest said:

    @Oooooof said:
    @ToxicFengM1n And what about the 7 carry perks/addons killers have?

    and what about 18 2nd chance perks and add ons survivors have? insta heal, ds, sc, sb, bt... those are all perfectly fine, survivors deserve 17 chances to try and survive yes

    Wow i didn't know i could equip 18 second chance perks with only 4 perk slots while playing solo and I also didn't know that as a killer I couldn't simply you know wait out BT.

    I've only ever run DS for the adept and 5x trying it and never hitting the skill check until the 6th time against a Freddy 1v1 after the other 3 quit at 5 gens.

    I don't run SB unless it's a lower level toon that has nothing better, I don't run BT because I don't go for stupid unhooks right in front of the killer.

    I don't run insta heals unless it's a daily and I need to ensure I escape or it's with a friend and they need to
    escape for the daily.

    But sure survivors can down the killer and hook them oh wait no we can't so we have to have something to help us out.

    As a killer main all the excuses in your posts says one thing, you're the issue for your games not the survivors and perhaps you just need to improve and stop complaining so much.

    @fcc2014 I don't really have a problem with the change other than a few small changes since this is similar to what I and other suggested for so long.

    The 60 second timer shouldn't start counting if you're on the ground and the perk should be active for everyone until the 1st person is downed and uses it. After that it's inactive unless they do an unhook and the person that used it 1st it's no longer usable during the game.

    But that 1st person can get bonus bp for doing at least 1 SAFE unhook during the trial and the others in order for their DS to unlock have to do SAFE unhooks.

    The issue that killers don't realize is that if they start going full on slugging you'll see 4 man swf's much more often and 4 medkits with instal heals of some type.

    You'll also start seeing Saboteur perk setups with Unbreakable and probably No Mither/Iron Will setups as well.

    It was well established that DS was most powerful when it robs the killer if that first hook. Your idea brings that back, and by eliminating the timer it aldo leaves no real counterplay to it once again.
  • A_Crow
    A_Crow Member Posts: 193
    Oooooof said:



    idk what the devs are doing with this game.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771

    I thought survivors hated tunneling? Isn't this a good option to help prevent it?

    Good news for us Freddys (and Pigs) though, we will never be affected by DS anymore. 
  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    Pinky finger is fine. Clown is very rarely used, pinky finger even less so, and many killers still struggle to get a clear shot with it.

    Iridescent head is fine, it's the combo with the infantry belt that needs to go. You get 5 hatches and +2 with infantry belt, that's a free 40%. So why is it an extra 2 with iri heads? make it 40% extra rather than 2, this would mean iri head + infantry belt = 2 hatches total. Might be more manageable, if not then just don't let them be used together.

    NOED - Yeah this needs a nerf.

    Myers add ons - yeah I've said these are busted for a long time lol but the killer mains gave me salt for it.

    I agree with you on a lot of this except for the Myers add-ons part. I play Myers a lot because for me he's legitimately the only actual scary killer in the game to play against since he gets the most jump scares and yoinks, plus he's fun.

    Tombstone, Tuft of Hair & Scratched Mirror seem very op but they're really not. What I mean is... Myers has to sacrifice speed and waste a lot of time which actually gives the survivors the control over the game.

     At T1 he's already super slow and adding Tombstone & Tuft of Hair to him makes him even slower and another downside to using these add-ons is that it takes him forever to stalk and gain evil, so once again... Survivors control the game and time it takes for him to stalk.

     Scratched Mirror is kind of op... But only on Lery's (with The Game as a back up option). Using Scratched Mirror on any other map, he would get demolished!

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Giddawid said:
    As I was mentioned in this thread I would like to say that this game is continually going through changes in the hopes of improving the game. Every game is a continuous work in progress, as developers want to add more enjoyable content to their games - if the change doesn't work, it will be revised until we can find a stable medium.

    In all fairness, yes, games go through lots of changes. That said, there is some strange level of short-sightedness in DbD development. Take the new DS changes for example. Great core changes, then you toss in Obsession change that makes zero sense, and jacks up multiple survivor/killer perks for absolutely no reason. Why should the survivor who already used DS become the obsession? For a roleplay purpose? ######### cares?! I'd rather the dead Obsession that triggered Dying Light stay dead! Or if I ran OoO I now get to hand it off to the jackball that ran DS? I never, ever run DS because I hate 1 time use perks. So you are taking my perk and giving it to him?! Do the developers ever sit around and talk about potential short-falls/exploits at all? Based on what I see in this game, no, they never do.

    Ya'll seriously need to step it up in that department. I've been noticing more and more people on my friends list not playing DbD anymore and it is because of short-sighted changes/nerfs to either side. Legion is a prime example of this insanity. I don't know if you need to hire a quality control expert, or just take some critical thinking courses, but you seriously need a Devil's Advocate process in your development team.