Upcoming DS changes - Q&A



  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited February 2019
    The changes are amazing bcoz only killers who tunnel will be punished. No ds at first chase is the most important aspect in my opinion. However timer still running when downed and user getting  higher chances of beeing obsession will make smart killer just slug the obsession for a while and then hook, with perk having no use. Don't you think ds will be literally useless? Im a killer main btw. Please, at least consider ds not making surv an obsession (leave this for object) or activating by beeing downed within the time, not picked up.
  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @Delfador said:

    @PiiFree said:
    They increased the flashlight save window by 0.5 seconds?!?!? If that's true, that's [BAD WORD] insane lol

    As far as I know, they didn't.

    Read the Discord Q&A, which is the 3rd post on the announcement. The window has been increased by 0.5 seconds.

  • godren
    godren Member Posts: 120

    @HazeHound said:
    The changes are amazing bcoz only killers who tunnel will be punished. No ds at first chase is the most important aspect in my opinion. However timer still running when downed and user getting  higher chances of beeing obsession will make smart killer just slug the obsession for a while and then hook, with perk having no use. Don't you think ds will be literally useless? Im a killer main btw. Please, at least consider ds not making surv an obsession (leave this for object) or activating by beeing downed within the time, not picked up.

    so if i see those survivors somehow then i should let him do whatever they want for 60 seconds... well...

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Master said:

    @Kenshin said:
    as long as the 3 second stun stays and enduring works against it its fine. finally a counter to it now. just hope they dont increase the time to 4 seconds again.

    If they increase the stun time back to the value we currently have, then Im done playing killer tbh :wink:

    That also means you'll stop complaining about literally everything in the forums?
    Devs, increase stun time at once!

    Or is that to much to hope for?

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @Kaelum said:

    @Delfador said:

    @PiiFree said:
    They increased the flashlight save window by 0.5 seconds?!?!? If that's true, that's [BAD WORD] insane lol

    As far as I know, they didn't.

    Read the Discord Q&A, which is the 3rd post on the announcement. The window has been increased by 0.5 seconds.

    Wow, just wow.

    I'll slowly turn into a better looking OchiDo, Survivor is way too tempting atm. Good luck, remaining Killers.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Kaelum said:

    Read the Discord Q&A, which is the 3rd post on the announcement. The window has been increased by 0.5 seconds.

    Are you referring to this post? https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/48381/decisive-strike-upcoming-changes#latest

    Horvath: Yes dribbling should no longer be a thing, I do not believe this was mentioned in the blogpost but there is now a 0.5 second delay before a killer can drop a survivor after picking them up. This should avoid dribbling and flashlight dodging right after a pick up. (flashlights can still be avoided by facing away from them)

    I don't think they increased that by 0.5. If this is the one you are talking about, they just removed R, well, 'exploit' that killers do when there is a flashlight save. Now, spamming R will have no effect.

    If you are referring to anything else, do you have time to share that? This definitely doesn't give survivors more time to flashlight save.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Stopping dribbling on a pickup makes sense since the idea is to have the skillcheck finished by the time the pickup is complete anyway.

    The issue is if survivors can exploit this by jumping in lockers to force a pickup and avoid slugging. I asked but haven't receieved an answer so far. I feel that would be unfair.
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    Changes to DS are brilliant! Probably mentioned already, but it's now also an anti-camping mechanic.

    Love it!!!

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    Would it be possible to change Dying Light so that the slow is a stacking percentage up to a maximum amount based upon how many times the obsession is hooked or perhaps occurs while the obsession is hooked at maximum value that would be different to what it currently is to compensate for it?
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    This rework was supposed to be a "nerf" to DS, right?
    Because DS was full meta for … ever?
    And is terribly broken OP and frustrating for killer to play against.
    So... why does the rework include so many BUFFS ?
    Beside the reduced stuntime, which is "under review", so I doubt it ever to go live, I can't see any real "nerfs" to DS.
    It was a one-time-out-of-jail-card before and basically it still is.
    More so, because it now encourages unsafe unhooks and covers up bad ,borderline toxic, survivor gameplay.
    And the existence of the perk alone and the chance that it might be active will basically FORCE all killer to give free unhooks and play stupid by chasing the unhooker instead of the unhooked.
    And as a simple sideeffect a lot of killer perks get totally trashed, like Dying Light, Remember Me and partial STBFL, because all tactical gameplay around the obsession be gone.

    The combatterm "tunneling" is only used to shame killer for playing efficient.
    The game is way to face paced now as "just chase a next fresh target" to be a good option.
    Killer NEED to remove survivor from the game fast to stand a chance and chasing those injured players is key to that.
    How will the killer get compensated for this change?

    This change won't "change up the meta", because survivor will now pick DS more often.
    Before it came down to like 2xDS per match, because a lot of people feared to be not the obsession and did not want the 35% wiggling, but with this changes this would be gone and everybody can pick his personal version of Borrowed Time.

    Overall this "rework" seems to be a global survivor buff.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    @Wolf74 said:
    This rework was supposed to be a "nerf" to DS, right?
    Because DS was full meta for … ever?
    And is terribly broken OP and frustrating for killer to play against.
    So... why does the rework include so many BUFFS ?
    Beside the reduced stuntime, which is "under review", so I doubt it ever to go live, I can't see any real "nerfs" to DS.
    It was a one-time-out-of-jail-card before and basically it still is.
    More so, because it now encourages unsafe unhooks and covers up bad ,borderline toxic, survivor gameplay.
    And the existence of the perk alone and the chance that it might be active will basically FORCE all killer to give free unhooks and play stupid by chasing the unhooker instead of the unhooked.
    And as a simple sideeffect a lot of killer perks get totally trashed, like Dying Light, Remember Me and partial STBFL, because all tactical gameplay around the obsession be gone.

    The combatterm "tunneling" is only used to shame killer for playing efficient.
    The game is way to face paced now as "just chase a next fresh target" to be a good option.
    Killer NEED to remove survivor from the game fast to stand a chance and chasing those injured players is key to that.
    How will the killer get compensated for this change?

    This change won't "change up the meta", because survivor will now pick DS more often.
    Before it came down to like 2xDS per match, because a lot of people feared to be not the obsession and did not want the 35% wiggling, but with this changes this would be gone and everybody can pick his personal version of Borrowed Time.

    Overall this "rework" seems to be a global survivor buff.

    Preach, bro.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Welcome back @Wolf74 Not surprising to see you unhappy with an anti-tunnel perk!

    Jokes aside, I agree with you. I don't intentionally tunnel and early game I always go after a fresh target anyway while the first person chills out on the hook. Having said that I don't think anyone can say they've never hooked the same person twice less than 60 seconds after the unhook. Sometimes that's just the situation you find yourself in, especially if survivors try to rush unhooks right in front of you which they will probably do more now, and I do feel more people will take this perk. This is why I think the timer shoud be reduced to 40 seconds, discourages hard tunneling at least because honestly tunneling was a major problem in low ranks and it needed a drastic change.

    I do think overrall this will help survvivors. Sometimes you 2 hook a few people and it gets down to 1-2 gens left and you need someone out of the gane pronto, and someone gets unhooked near you and they're already injured etc it sucks but it's the nature if the game. That is no longer an option now.  Or sometimes the injured unhooked person is the only person you can find etc

    I'm just hoping that if this hurts killers overrall then the new endgame content will balance it out again.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Wolf74 said:
    This rework was supposed to be a "nerf" to DS, right?
    Because DS was full meta for … ever?
    And is terribly broken OP and frustrating for killer to play against.
    So... why does the rework include so many BUFFS ?
    Beside the reduced stuntime, which is "under review", so I doubt it ever to go live, I can't see any real "nerfs" to DS.
    It was a one-time-out-of-jail-card before and basically it still is.
    More so, because it now encourages unsafe unhooks and covers up bad ,borderline toxic, survivor gameplay.
    And the existence of the perk alone and the chance that it might be active will basically FORCE all killer to give free unhooks and play stupid by chasing the unhooker instead of the unhooked.
    And as a simple sideeffect a lot of killer perks get totally trashed, like Dying Light, Remember Me and partial STBFL, because all tactical gameplay around the obsession be gone.

    The combatterm "tunneling" is only used to shame killer for playing efficient.
    The game is way to face paced now as "just chase a next fresh target" to be a good option.
    Killer NEED to remove survivor from the game fast to stand a chance and chasing those injured players is key to that.
    How will the killer get compensated for this change?

    This change won't "change up the meta", because survivor will now pick DS more often.
    Before it came down to like 2xDS per match, because a lot of people feared to be not the obsession and did not want the 35% wiggling, but with this changes this would be gone and everybody can pick his personal version of Borrowed Time.

    Overall this "rework" seems to be a global survivor buff.

    If you don't tunnel its not an issue, it's as simple as that. Killers will be compensated at some point since they normally are. This is coming from a killer main and I love the rework, although youre a Freddy main so maybe this will hurt your character but the rework will be coming. Probably before dedicated servers ;) (yeah I dont play survivor anymore at all, only sometimes but its boring. Im still survivor sided.)

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Poweas said:

    If you don't tunnel its not an issue, it's as simple as that.

    Sorry, but to be honest, that is just a lame excuse (borderline survivor memeing).
    There are tons of situations where this would come into play without the killer actually "tunneling".
    The same thing was said about BT -"just don't camp"- but in fact the survivor hook rushed to actually trigger BT.
    This change will encourage bad/unsafe unhooks and the best counter atm would be to just hardcamp every victim on the hook. Problem solved.
    But than again, every survivor wills tart complaining about "camping" and we are in full circle again.

    Just an every day example: survivor is running towards the hook and you follow the scratchmarks and find him unhooking with you -the killer- already at his tail. Is it "tunneling" to actually chase the unhooked instead of the unhooker?
    In my opinion not, but if I actually play efficient and insta redown the unhooked, I get punished for it, by either risking a Dstrike or forced to waste time slugging to avoid DS. and risk a run-by-pick-up.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Wolf74 said:

    @Poweas said:

    If you don't tunnel its not an issue, it's as simple as that.

    Sorry, but to be honest, that is just a lame excuse (borderline survivor memeing).
    There are tons of situations where this would come into play without the killer actually "tunneling".
    The same thing was said about BT -"just don't camp"- but in fact the survivor hook rushed to actually trigger BT.
    This change will encourage bad/unsafe unhooks and the best counter atm would be to just hardcamp every victim on the hook. Problem solved.
    But than again, every survivor wills tart complaining about "camping" and we are in full circle again.

    Just an every day example: survivor is running towards the hook and you follow the scratchmarks and find him unhooking with you -the killer- already at his tail. Is it "tunneling" to actually chase the unhooked instead of the unhooker?
    In my opinion not, but if I actually play efficient and insta redown the unhooked, I get punished for it, by either risking a Dstrike or forced to waste time slugging to avoid DS. and risk a run-by-pick-up.

    See here's the thing, I've been playing killer at rank 1 for ages now and I gotta admit, yes I tunnel if someone does an unsafe unhook to punish the unhooker. And this new DS will stop me from doing it but I honestly don't mind. And when I am survivor I don't get mad when this happens to me and it's playing efficiently, but from the survivors perspective that's unfair on the person who was unhooked. The devs need to add a punishment for unsafe unhooks since unsafe unhooks just punishes the person who was unhooked. Thats why they added DS plus its not as cancerous anymore so I dont mind it anymore.

    Personally, I'm all for the new DS at least its not a free escape for nothing so Im happy that chasing down someone will actually let me get a hook now,

  • Nea_Death_Experience
    Nea_Death_Experience Member Posts: 316

    Do you think it would make it more sense for dying light to effect everyone but the obsession. Meaning the more non-obsession survivors that die the worse the effects. This way you don't tunnel one person, have it change to another person, then have to tunnel someone else.

    • The more survivors that are not the obsession decrease the speed all actions are completed.

    Another tweak could be that if the obsession is killed the hatch doesn't spawn till 1 extra gen is complete (2 gens done changes to 3 for last survivor)

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    With these changes all the other killer obsession perks get trashed.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    I've said it once and I'll say it again.... these changes are brilliant and have me excited to see what else is in store for the upcoming update <3