DBD DS Nerf Dying light and such.

This is really good for perks like Remember me because it means you get more chances to hit survivors and the like.
But how will this work on dying light because you kill the obsession and then it changes to another person?
So is it really 1 obsession per match or what?

Tbh i think the nerf is silly, while I hate it on killer its counter-able and it is just something you have to avoid unless you are in control of the momentum.
I am worried that all the bad blood from DS is gone. i find most killers just leave me to bleed out if I run it and tunnel me. Because of this I haven't been able to do adept Laurie but not it seems like It will be harder. The way DS feels it was designed is to counter killer obsession perks. What I feel they should have done is buff obsession perks. I have herd it said that "There is no negative to running DS" but their kind of is. If the killer catches you they often camp you or leave you on the group just for running DS. Aside from the BM obsession perks are suppose to counter this. I think obsession perks should have pros and cons for both sides e.g. DS should make you heal slower or something. I just want to hear other opinions basically, there aren't a large amount of OP survivor perks, I would say as killer I only hate DS and Adren. I think this has created a large gap in the game were I don't think DS was common enough to concern myself with. Obviously 4 DS, Insta heals and flashlights you are going to loose but killer have the same power to force a loss. The Gen snatching spirit, Aura reading billy with insta chainsaw and nurse with lots of things pretty much write off a survivor team being able to escape unless you are boosted.

The killer in my is happy that I will waste less time but the survivor in me is is kinda worried whats next. The game community has been dying and a lot of people like to run DS and get chased, so how many people will leave the game now?


  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515
    edited February 2019

    The game playerbase has only grown over time. Check SteamDB charts. Don't let these forum players tell you that it's dying just because they're growing bored of it.

    Survivors will just have to adapt. This change needed to be a thing, and it's a good change. Let it play out.

  • @DexyIV I'm not saying that a change didn't need to happen but it doesn't feel like this is a fix to the overall game, this is a slight change to one thing debuffing survivors rather than fixing maps and fixing killers. This is a superficial fix.

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    @Nea_Death_Experience said:
    @DexyIV I'm not saying that a change didn't need to happen but it doesn't feel like this is a fix to the overall game, this is a slight change to one thing debuffing survivors rather than fixing maps and fixing killers. This is a superficial fix.

    Why? DS has been a problem for years now, and they're finally making it not so much of a problem. The change also discourages tunneling since there's no way to know who has it and who doesn't before it's too late now. This change was definitely needed. Just because they made this change, doesn't mean they won't address other problems in the next patch or in future patches. That's a ridiculous thought.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Dying Light needs to be tweaked in order for it to be more useable. They've stated that the perk can be deactivated if the Obsession is killed and SOMEONE ELSE becomes the Obsession, it turns off. The perk forces Killers to tunnel or use a Green Mori but now that tactic is fruitless because if you actually manage to kill your O then someone else has D-Strike then your perk turns off and your Green Mori is gone and you have to waste more time to tunnel the next person because odds are you didn't get uch use out of the perk the first time.

    Dying Light needs to be changed so it can be easier to use bu D-Strike looks much better now. Anti-tunneling perks are good to have and this sounds great, I'm leveling up Laurie now because I actually want to use it for once.

  • Casm
    Casm Member Posts: 61

    I'm of the opinion that if you are playing a Dying Light build, then ensure that you do not tunnel once you've killed your obsession. The perk will never deactivate and you won't have an issue. Problem avoided.

  • @DexyIV I think the anti tunnel is very true. Thanks for the input.