Favorite Dead by Daylight Streamers?



  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731
    edited March 2019

    Puppers-One of the most entertaining streamers in DBD, can watch him for hours on end.

    Monto-Videos are awesome and i love watching his killer builds. Seems a cool guy with a smoking hot gf. If he streamed i'd definately watch.

    Hexy-Watching Hexy you're always guaranteed to laugh, such a fun guy. Very intelligent also regarding the game.


    Noob3-Probably the best most fun survivor streamer to watch, his chat are all 12 year old pubeless annoying virgins though. Slightly offputting, feet.

    TydeTyme-Very rude person who cant take any constructive criticism, you'll get banned.

    Zubat-Best killer streamer to watch, hes a monster at slaying survivors. Funny, dark and witty. Very enjoyable.

    Tofu-Nice guy, had fun watching his No Mither, destroying hook gameplay recently. Again, a nice guy.

    Boomergames-If you want A+ killer and survivor gameplay hes your man. Think hes 6k plus hrs and has every character P3. Should be a fog whisperer but he doesnt kiss ass.

    TruTalent-If i wanted to watch my grandma play games id watch Tru3, boring unenjoyable gameplay. Every survivor uses DH against him apparently. Bleh.

    Coldphazon-Probably the best female player ive seen in the game, bubbly, badass and great personality. Very enjoyable.

    StreamDad-How can you not like Dad.

    Ochido-Probably still one of the best loopers in game but videos are to repetitive and became boring. Need new material duuud.


    Ralph-Top notch killer and a very sound guy.

    AngryPug-If you want to watch an oaf scream, shout and dc then Pugs your guy. Boring gameplay, to many dc's and isnt funny.

    Morf-Can have fun watching Morf, enjoyable streamer and good gameplay.

    PaulieEster-Videos are better than his streaming, to many silent moments. Seems like a nice man.

    Cahla- A very nice girl, nice personality and very attractive. Surprised it took so long for DBD devs to notice her. Enjoyable to watch, ooh and very attractive.

    HybridPanda-Hes cool, hes chill.

    Dont @me, all about opinions.

  • HuN7r3sS
    HuN7r3sS Member Posts: 211

    Feel like plugging myself but nah..I do enjoy watching Tru3Talent play DBD and I watch Monto for killer build ideas

    (P.s. TKX 15 on YT)

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    edited March 2019

    I only watch the live stream of a survivor I am playing against at the moment. I don´t keep watching them after the match is over ;-)