Changes on Prices?


Hello fellow members of the fog for both Entity friendly/foe , so as I was checking the Shrine of Secrets I found out that it wasn't available until the next console update but I heard that the prices for the Old Perks would be 2000 Shards while for new ones, 2700. I decided to compare prices (on Shards) for cosmetics and non-licensed killers/survivors to perks (in the Shrine of Secrets) and my personal opinion is that the prices for the Perks in the Shrine of Secrets may be a "tad bit" expensive. Any chances that they would go down a bit even?


  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433

    Everything added in the patches are always up for review. I haven't been able to check how efficient is the new shards system since the update isn't out for PS4. But if it's harder than before, I'm sure it will be adjusted later.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         An interesting point. But perhaps the better question, is: What is of more value? Perks or Cosmetics? 
         Perhaps our perks are more valuable than we think... Although personally I’d take a new look for The Wraith over a perk any day!

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,116

    Form before Function, amirite? =D

  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    @TheTimeMachine said:
         An interesting point. But perhaps the better question, is: What is of more value? Perks or Cosmetics? 
         Perhaps our perks are more valuable than we think... Although personally I’d take a new look for The Wraith over a perk any day!


    You can also say hmm if I grid out the perks on the Killer or survivor they belong to , I also up my time played, which means you get Cosmetics and Perks for the same play time!!!

  • Sargeant_Jaguar
    Sargeant_Jaguar Member Posts: 3

    @TheTimeMachine said:
         An interesting point. But perhaps the better question, is: What is of more value? Perks or Cosmetics? 
         Perhaps our perks are more valuable than we think...


    To be honest, the fact that to unlock a non-licensed killer/survivor costs 9000 Shards while 1 single perk either new or old goes between 2000/2700 Shards considering the amount of Perks there is, I think either the perks cost too much or unlocking a new Killer/Survivor is too cheap (considering that afterwards you want to unlock more perks or more cosmetics on that character which will cost you more). Dunno, if you nonstop play the game I suppose it's do-able but not everybody can do that (yeah, some people have a life to live or work to do rather than 'killing' some time [sorry for the killer pun, had to do it] ).

    What are your actual opinions on it? Is it worth the value for you guys?

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         I think everyone is already trying to do the math of: How much playtime equals FREE goodies. Don’t get me wrong, free is almost always better than NOT FREE. Although, for the devoted players (and those who love the concept) of Dead by Daylight; They no doubt would be happy to monetarily aid the very ones who created the game. I mean, yes, most of us have other priorities than a game. But this game is their priority; Their job.
    Besides, they’ve been pretty generous with what resources they have. Remembering the free DLC I’ve come to enjoy so much.