Stop lobby dodging



  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187
    I can see why killers would WANT to dodge. But dodging for items is complete bs and not at all the same as dodging for SWFs or ping. And they need to punish that. It's not the survs fault it you can't deal with an item. That's you as a killer needing to git gud.
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    I can see why killers would WANT to dodge. But dodging for items is complete bs and not at all the same as dodging for SWFs or ping. And they need to punish that. It's not the survs fault it you can't deal with an item. That's you as a killer needing to git gud.
    If you depend on items and perks as a survivor you too need to git gud.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Orion said:

    @Kagrenac said:

    @Orion said:
    You're not going to convince dodgers not to dodge. That's simply not possible. The best you can hope for is that the devs fix the reasons why they dodge. Personally, I don't bring in items and rarely use offerings, but thanks to my teammates, I still get dodged.

    There are so many ways to help make items less usable. Nurse's, Coulrophobia, Overwhelming, Franklin's, Lightborn, Ruin, NOED to help with people who Gen-rush...I don't understand.

    Six out of the seven perks you mentioned are teachables from six different killers, four of whom are from paid DLCs. The seventh can be disabled before it ever activates. Also, killers, like survivors, only have four perk slots. They can't afford to run every single perk just to counter items. Dodging is easier, so they go with that instead.

    But if they disable NOED, you get an extra ~70 seconds from their total cleansing time and about 10-15 for them to find the totem depending on whether they are coordinated. So it'll still help you create pressure anyway.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Poweas said:

    @Orion said:

    @Kagrenac said:

    @Orion said:
    You're not going to convince dodgers not to dodge. That's simply not possible. The best you can hope for is that the devs fix the reasons why they dodge. Personally, I don't bring in items and rarely use offerings, but thanks to my teammates, I still get dodged.

    There are so many ways to help make items less usable. Nurse's, Coulrophobia, Overwhelming, Franklin's, Lightborn, Ruin, NOED to help with people who Gen-rush...I don't understand.

    Six out of the seven perks you mentioned are teachables from six different killers, four of whom are from paid DLCs. The seventh can be disabled before it ever activates. Also, killers, like survivors, only have four perk slots. They can't afford to run every single perk just to counter items. Dodging is easier, so they go with that instead.

    But if they disable NOED, you get an extra ~70 seconds from their total cleansing time and about 10-15 for them to find the totem depending on whether they are coordinated. So it'll still help you create pressure anyway.

    You get a maximum of 70 seconds of cleansing time, and a minimum of 28, not including travel time or any other variables. Regardless, if only one survivor is breaking the totems while the rest do gens, it does not impact the game in any way, since generators will still be repaired in two sets.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @SIlentCetra said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    PiiFree said:

    @SIlentCetra said:
    Did you not read my quoted post?
    I tired to understand your point since you mentioned "banned for lobby dodging" in the end, while talking about disconnects at first. This made it look like you think Lobby Dodging should actually be bannable, just like disconnecting during the trial.
    I should've realized that it was sarcasm as no one would come up with such a ridiculous thing and be honest about it.

    Right now lobby dodging shouldn't since there is an actual reason for it; ping. Once ded servers come out it should be, and I can guarentee you it will.

    Ppl will just quit the game then and the devs know this, this is why lobby dodging will never be banned. Also there's not a single game that I can think of that bans lobbydodging.

    Many do, because disconnecting like that is bs. For Honor doesn't let you, pretty sure R6 Siege has penalties for disconnecting now. Some MOBAs punish this too.

    so when ded servets make lobby dodging no longer an option (there's no reason too without p2p gameplay), they will make killers DCing a banable offence. 

    You are delusional. If I don't want to play against the group I'm not playing against the group and nothing Behav10r says, threatens or does is going to change that. You aren't going to get what you want even if you assert it with confidence.

    When or if the option is play SWF or quit, I and others assuredly, will choose quit. No one enjoys playing SWF to the degree they are going to act as a full time clown service for a broken OP adhoc addition to the game. No one. Not even the number one players in the world who are paid to stream.

    Your friends and your fun doesn't matter to anyone but your friends and you. As a killer I don't consider it for a split second much as your groups do not consider ours. Deal with it. It will forever be your only option.

    I dare Behav10r to come to this thread and state killers are going to be forced to play them. I DARE THEM. How's that for confidence? Put it on record so we have more memes to make fun off when the crickets chirp at server launch.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553
    I can't imagine being afraid of playing a video game. It looks like many of you are. Kind of sad really. Literally the worst case scenario is that you lose. 
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    Worst case scenario is being bullied actually. Losing has nothing to do with it.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @scorpio said:
    Kagrenac said:

    @Orion said:

    You're not going to convince dodgers not to dodge. That's simply not possible. The best you can hope for is that the devs fix the reasons why they dodge. Personally, I don't bring in items and rarely use offerings, but thanks to my teammates, I still get dodged.

    There are so many ways to help make items less usable. Nurse's, Coulrophobia, Overwhelming, Franklin's, Lightborn, Ruin, NOED to help with people who Gen-rush...I don't understand.

    Oh ######### I didn’t know we could run 7 perks!

    Some survivors never play killer, so they dont know that a killer doesnt have 16 perks like survivors

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994
    TheBean said:

    The question I would like to see clarified is... "Do the Developers believe that dodging a lobby is ok when the killer determined that there is a SWF in the lobby, and if it is ok when SWF is the ONLY reason.

    Again, that specific question has been asked, and answered, several times in the dev streams,  Why do you think that the killer is allowed to see what each survivor is bringing into that match?
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheBean said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Pretty sure the Devs said dodging is ok.

    True... but... However, I believe there is a limit to what can be considered ok.

    Maybe we should be asking BHVR a couple simple questions...

    "Does BHVR condone killer players dodging a lobby when that player determines, specifically, that there is a SWF group in the lobby?"

    "What information does the Developer actually believe the Killers should use, when determining, if they want to accept the lobby?"

    Rather then trying to debate little issues of if something might happen or not... Maybe we need to nail down what the developers actually want Killers to see when determining if they accept the match or not.

    Is there a Dev out there that wants to clear this up?

    Its totally ok to dodge lobbies, the devs dont bann for it. And it doesnt matter whether you it once per day to dodge a certain guy, whether you dodge every SWF or whether you dodge 100 lobbies in a row just becuase you feel like it

  • Gunmech04
    Gunmech04 Member Posts: 77
    Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said:
    ######### are you even talking about? 

    1. You bring in an item.
    2. Killer dodges.
    3. Killer gets an instant new lobby.
    4. Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

    Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

    Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 
  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765
    “Stop choosing to have fun and who to play with! I want my easy SWF wins!”
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Gunmech04 said:
    Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    ######### are you even talking about? 

    * You bring in an item.
    * Killer dodges.
    * Killer gets an instant new lobby.
    * Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

    Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

    Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

    Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.
    Bring a new argument mate

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    Master said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Master said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @SIlentCetra said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said:
    Yeah, I do. And I play both killer and surv, and both sides need to stop whining and crying about every little thing, especially item use. If killers want items removes, then killers can have all addons and offerings removed too. 
    Well, then I hope you and I don't play on the same region, just so you don't make me get dodged.
    Or maybe you shouldn't play into the BS about items justifying lobby dodges. You DC before you get killed too? 
    ColgateAdvancedWhite said:
    You can see the general mindset of killers.
    "Let me farm you, or you don't play at all."
    Pretty much sums up the selfish mentality of the few frequent posters here

    Exactly. That's really what it boils down to. "Make it EZ for me to kill you or I won't play!" Reminds me of those 4 year olds who threaten to hold their breath when they don't get their  way 

    You're the entitled survivor here, if you want the fast 3 min exit game then do that without me. If somebody at my local hobbystore wants to bring some bullshit I also won't play against him because what's the point if I know that I'm gonna lose and not have fun?

    You're an entitled killer. Why should people be forced to play your way or not at all?

    Don't like it don't play the game. BOOM, no longer have to worry about items ;)

    I paid for the game so I do what I want, there's 4 people at my mercy.
    The game is fun for me if survivors dick around with their flashlights, if they wanna escape after 3 minutes they can look for another lobby, I play games to have fun since life is really hard where I live, I have to like work almost 12 hours per week at minimum wage (12,50/hour) so I'm not gonna waste my precious time in a game that I won't have fun in.

    And if you think that dedicated servers are gonna fix this then you're mistaken. Devs also won't ban us because they know that the queuetimes would increase to ridiculous levels. So guess we're slowly becoming the actual power role, deal with it.

    Kids these days think they're entitled to other ppl's time and money.

    And even if they descided to punish lobby dodging, we still can DC ingame like survivors :lol:

    Or just not play like I did during the heavy imbalance period with infinite loops to let survivors enjoy the lobbysimulator. There's a ton of good games out there (apex legends, league, heroes of the storm, war thunder, guild wars 2, Civilization 5/6, the total war series etc etc), I won't waste my time in a game that's as unbalanced as this one with ppl like Cetra who think pushing the limits is acceptable.

    When I play surv I never bring a toolbox or ######### like instaheals because it's simply not neccesary, if a killer is gonna go sweaty tryhard/facecamp inspite of this then I'll just kill myself on hook and go to the next game too.

    I play the most overpowered army in my tabletop game, I won't field the most BS ######### there either because what is the point of playing a game where you know you'll win?

    I just got bullied by a SWF, im deranking again into ranks where I belong.
    I literally went afk a few seconds, didnt see that they all brought items..... well guess my bad

    Bt is insanely op, just ridiculous btw

    Why De rank?You wouldnt belong there. The only way to be where you belong is to play your best, accept the win or loss, and move on. You cant win every game, and not every loss will be close or painless.
  • Gunmech04
    Gunmech04 Member Posts: 77
    Master said:

    @Gunmech04 said:
    Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    ######### are you even talking about? 

    * You bring in an item.
    * Killer dodges.
    * Killer gets an instant new lobby.
    * Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

    Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

    Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

    Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.
    Bring a new argument mate

    No, any idiot with a brain would know that the ability to dodge a lobby is to avoid extremely bad ping, not for you little pansies to run away from any survivor with an item. I NEVER lobby dodge as a Killer because I can deal with the items Survivors bring into the match. It's time for Killers to either nut up or shut up. You've had Survivors nerfed into the ground and you still have to lobby dodge. 
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @Gunmech04 said:
    Master said:

    @Gunmech04 said:

    Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said:
    ######### are you even talking about? 
    • You bring in an item.

    • Killer dodges.

    • Killer gets an instant new lobby.

    • Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

      Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

      Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

      Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.

    Bring a new argument mate

    No, any idiot with a brain would know that the ability to dodge a lobby is to avoid extremely bad ping, not for you little pansies to run away from any survivor with an item. I NEVER lobby dodge as a Killer because I can deal with the items Survivors bring into the match. It's time for Killers to either nut up or shut up. You've had Survivors nerfed into the ground and you still have to lobby dodge. 

    LUL nerfed into the ground, how?

    Exhaustion changes got unnerfed by removing exhaustion from survivors who get hooked.

    Unhook Invul was introduced.

    BT was buffed to oblivion

    You can still loop the same as before, ######### like rotten fields has still not been fixed, you still have massive safe zones on many maps right next to gens or exit gates.

    The only hard nerf was the nerf to selfcare which was LONG overdue due to survivors being able to bodyblock without any consequences.

  • Gunmech04
    Gunmech04 Member Posts: 77
    edited February 2019

    Z@Gunmech04 said:
    Master said:

    @Gunmech04 said:

    Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said:
    ######### are you even talking about? 
    • You bring in an item.

    • Killer dodges.

    • Killer gets an instant new lobby.

    • Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

      Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

      Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

      Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.

    Bring a new argument mate

    No, any idiot with a brain would know that the ability to dodge a lobby is to avoid extremely bad ping, not for you little pansies to run away from any survivor with an item. I NEVER lobby dodge as a Killer because I can deal with the items Survivors bring into the match. It's time for Killers to either nut up or shut up. You've had Survivors nerfed into the ground and you still have to lobby dodge. 

    LUL nerfed into the ground, how?

    Exhaustion changes got unnerfed by removing exhaustion from survivors who get hooked.

    Unhook Invul was introduced.

    BT was buffed to oblivion

    You can still loop the same as before, ######### like rotten fields has still not been fixed, you still have massive safe zones on many maps right next to gens or exit gates.

    The only hard nerf was the nerf to selfcare which was LONG overdue due to survivors being able to bodyblock without any consequences.

    Oh please, Killers got BT destroyed. Killers got mad because Survivors were using BT exactly the way it was meant to be used but since it hurt your poor wittle feelings it got nerfed into the dirt.  Killers basically got DS destroyed, you now have 5 million aura reading perks because apparently Killers can't find any Survivors without help. Legion is just 9 kinds of broken due to his abilities and perks, it's no wonder Survivors D/C when they see him. Killers whine and cry until they get what they want. Lobby Dodging is just pathetic. If you seriously can't handle the items Survivors bring then play another damn game and stop making this one worse. 
  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    @SIlentCetra said:
    Orion said:

    You're not going to convince dodgers not to dodge. That's simply not possible. The best you can hope for is that the devs fix the reasons why they dodge. Personally, I don't bring in items and rarely use offerings, but thanks to my teammates, I still get dodged.

    The problem is the same crap you see in For Honor. These stupid "rules" crybabies make up in their heads and expect people to follow.

    If I have a medkit and think it will help, I'll bring a medkit. If I want to try and go for an epic flashlight save, I'm bringing a flashlight.

    Items are in the game and staying. Just like NOED. People need to stop being little whiners about everything and getting pissy because someone uses what is in the game.

    Dodge me killers, go ahead. Maybe when you keep taking 20 years to find a match or always suck because you never learn to deal with items, you'll finally stop lobby dodging.

    Or when this game ends like friday the 13th, they are gonna stop :)

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    @Master said:

    @SIlentCetra said:
    Orion said:

    You're not going to convince dodgers not to dodge. That's simply not possible. The best you can hope for is that the devs fix the reasons why they dodge. Personally, I don't bring in items and rarely use offerings, but thanks to my teammates, I still get dodged.

    The problem is the same crap you see in For Honor. These stupid "rules" crybabies make up in their heads and expect people to follow.

    If I have a medkit and think it will help, I'll bring a medkit. If I want to try and go for an epic flashlight save, I'm bringing a flashlight.

    Items are in the game and staying. Just like NOED. People need to stop being little whiners about everything and getting pissy because someone uses what is in the game.

    Dodge me killers, go ahead. Maybe when you keep taking 20 years to find a match or always suck because you never learn to deal with items, you'll finally stop lobby dodging.

    Fun fact:
    Its the survivors side having the longer queue times right now :wink:

    Oh and btw, survivors made up a bunch of made up rules, so why should killers not be allowed to do the same?

    What rank are you? AS survivor, i think your rank 20 because you never play survivor, lol.. the longer queue time I had today was 10 seconds..

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2019

    @Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said:
    Yeah, I do. And I play both killer and surv, and both sides need to stop whining and crying about every little thing, especially item use. If killers want items removes, then killers can have all addons and offerings removed too. 

    Well, then I hope you and I don't play on the same region, just so you don't make me get dodged.

    ### you mean? this game is just dying, the matchmaking takes rank 20 survivor/killers for make the matchmaking faster.. now it just take random survivors from different region.., for this the last day i been expected a 400+ ping.. is just ridiculous, for this killers queue are faster than the survivor one..
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    I have longer waiting times as survivor. As killer it's instant.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Kagrenac said:
    Why is it whenever 2 or more survivors run med-kits, keys, maps, or tool-boxes killers leave?

    Do you guys expect me not to use an item that helps me? It's like lobby dodging killers because they're using a good addon.

    I get flash-lights to a degree...but Lightborn exists for a reason.

    Maybe they'll stop dodging when Survivors start having more patience than 5 seconds to wait for the other Survivors to join.

    No, that's not me really saying that, that's me showing there's just a cycle here of blame, and as long as the majority dodges and/or disconnects, only the ones behind the game can change it.

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187
    Gunmech04 said:

    Z@Gunmech04 said:
    Master said:

    @Gunmech04 said:

    Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said:
    ######### are you even talking about? 
    • You bring in an item.

    • Killer dodges.

    • Killer gets an instant new lobby.

    • Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

      Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

      Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

      Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.

    Bring a new argument mate

    No, any idiot with a brain would know that the ability to dodge a lobby is to avoid extremely bad ping, not for you little pansies to run away from any survivor with an item. I NEVER lobby dodge as a Killer because I can deal with the items Survivors bring into the match. It's time for Killers to either nut up or shut up. You've had Survivors nerfed into the ground and you still have to lobby dodge. 

    LUL nerfed into the ground, how?

    Exhaustion changes got unnerfed by removing exhaustion from survivors who get hooked.

    Unhook Invul was introduced.

    BT was buffed to oblivion

    You can still loop the same as before, ######### like rotten fields has still not been fixed, you still have massive safe zones on many maps right next to gens or exit gates.

    The only hard nerf was the nerf to selfcare which was LONG overdue due to survivors being able to bodyblock without any consequences.

    Oh please, Killers got BT destroyed. Killers got mad because Survivors were using BT exactly the way it was meant to be used but since it hurt your poor wittle feelings it got nerfed into the dirt.  Killers basically got DS destroyed, you now have 5 million aura reading perks because apparently Killers can't find any Survivors without help. Legion is just 9 kinds of broken due to his abilities and perks, it's no wonder Survivors D/C when they see him. Killers whine and cry until they get what they want. Lobby Dodging is just pathetic. If you seriously can't handle the items Survivors bring then play another damn game and stop making this one worse. 
    Wish I could give you more upvotes. This is seriously something that needed said, and I say this as someone who likes to play killer!
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @Gunmech04 said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Z@Gunmech04 said:

    Master said:

    @Gunmech04 said:
    Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said: ######### are you even talking about? 


    * You bring in an item.

    • Killer dodges.

    • Killer gets an instant new lobby.

    • Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

      Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

      Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

      Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.

      Bring a new argument mate

      No, any idiot with a brain would know that the ability to dodge a lobby is to avoid extremely bad ping, not for you little pansies to run away from any survivor with an item. I NEVER lobby dodge as a Killer because I can deal with the items Survivors bring into the match. It's time for Killers to either nut up or shut up. You've had Survivors nerfed into the ground and you still have to lobby dodge. 

      LUL nerfed into the ground, how?

      Exhaustion changes got unnerfed by removing exhaustion from survivors who get hooked.

      Unhook Invul was introduced.

      BT was buffed to oblivion

      You can still loop the same as before, ######### like rotten fields has still not been fixed, you still have massive safe zones on many maps right next to gens or exit gates.

      The only hard nerf was the nerf to selfcare which was LONG overdue due to survivors being able to bodyblock without any consequences.

      Oh please, Killers got BT destroyed. Killers got mad because Survivors were using BT exactly the way it was meant to be used but since it hurt your poor wittle feelings it got nerfed into the dirt.  Killers basically got DS destroyed, you now have 5 million aura reading perks because apparently Killers can't find any Survivors without help. Legion is just 9 kinds of broken due to his abilities and perks, it's no wonder Survivors D/C when they see him. Killers whine and cry until they get what they want. Lobby Dodging is just pathetic. If you seriously can't handle the items Survivors bring then play another damn game and stop making this one worse. 

    BT got buffed with the Deep Wound change, before that you could usually just follow the survivor till he inevitably went down. If you're talking about the old BT, that ######### was broken beyond belief.

    The only aura reading most killers use is Barbecue and yes, in fact, we cannot really find survivors without them unless we LISTEN for them. I don't have a headset so I cannot hear survivor breathing or footsteps which makes it impossible for me to track them without BBQ. Listening is not a skill so I don't give a crap, not everybody has a good headset and I won't buy one for 1 silly indiegame, if the devs made other forms of finding survivors viable then we might talk, auraperks are neccesary now with all the nerfs to sounds that survivors make.
    Also who gives a ######### about 5 million aura reading perks if most killers will just use 1 per match, I have never seen more aura reading perks at the same time, most u will see is BBQ&Chilli and MAYBE Bitter Murmur but I can't even remember the last time I saw somebody use BM.

    Legion is unanimously one of the worst killers in the game by far, people are still arguing wether it's him or freddy, everybody agrees on this, he takes way to much time to down survivors unless you're using franklins at which point he becomes a worse nurse.

    I will continue to dodge 4 toolbox lobbies, they are very rare but if they occur dodging is the least I can do, sometimes I'll just equip franklins on legion, hit them out of their hands then dodge.

    I paid for this game so I can do what I want, end of story.

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @Gunmech04 said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Z@Gunmech04 said:

    Master said:

    @Gunmech04 said:
    Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said: ######### are you even talking about? 


    * You bring in an item.

    • Killer dodges.

    • Killer gets an instant new lobby.

    • Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

      Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

      Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

      Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.

      Bring a new argument mate

      No, any idiot with a brain would know that the ability to dodge a lobby is to avoid extremely bad ping, not for you little pansies to run away from any survivor with an item. I NEVER lobby dodge as a Killer because I can deal with the items Survivors bring into the match. It's time for Killers to either nut up or shut up. You've had Survivors nerfed into the ground and you still have to lobby dodge. 

      LUL nerfed into the ground, how?

      Exhaustion changes got unnerfed by removing exhaustion from survivors who get hooked.

      Unhook Invul was introduced.

      BT was buffed to oblivion

      You can still loop the same as before, ######### like rotten fields has still not been fixed, you still have massive safe zones on many maps right next to gens or exit gates.

      The only hard nerf was the nerf to selfcare which was LONG overdue due to survivors being able to bodyblock without any consequences.

      Oh please, Killers got BT destroyed. Killers got mad because Survivors were using BT exactly the way it was meant to be used but since it hurt your poor wittle feelings it got nerfed into the dirt.  Killers basically got DS destroyed, you now have 5 million aura reading perks because apparently Killers can't find any Survivors without help. Legion is just 9 kinds of broken due to his abilities and perks, it's no wonder Survivors D/C when they see him. Killers whine and cry until they get what they want. Lobby Dodging is just pathetic. If you seriously can't handle the items Survivors bring then play another damn game and stop making this one worse. 

    BT got buffed with the Deep Wound change, before that you could usually just follow the survivor till he inevitably went down. If you're talking about the old BT, that ######### was broken beyond belief.

    The only aura reading most killers use is Barbecue and yes, in fact, we cannot really find survivors without them unless we LISTEN for them. I don't have a headset so I cannot hear survivor breathing or footsteps which makes it impossible for me to track them without BBQ. Listening is not a skill so I don't give a crap, not everybody has a good headset and I won't buy one for 1 silly indiegame, if the devs made other forms of finding survivors viable then we might talk, auraperks are neccesary now with all the nerfs to sounds that survivors make.
    Also who gives a ######### about 5 million aura reading perks if most killers will just use 1 per match, I have never seen more aura reading perks at the same time, most u will see is BBQ&Chilli and MAYBE Bitter Murmur but I can't even remember the last time I saw somebody use BM.

    Legion is unanimously one of the worst killers in the game by far, people are still arguing wether it's him or freddy, everybody agrees on this, he takes way to much time to down survivors unless you're using franklins at which point he becomes a worse nurse.

    I will continue to dodge 4 toolbox lobbies, they are very rare but if they occur dodging is the least I can do, sometimes I'll just equip franklins on legion, hit them out of their hands then dodge.

    I paid for this game so I can do what I want, end of story.

    And **I** bought this game and likewise will do what I want when playing surv and use an item if I damn well please, your lobby dodging ass be damned.

    You know, as many killer mains as it pisses off, I may start bringing an item every game. I rarely bring items because I don't wanna waste them, but when killers throw these manchild hissy fits, it really tempts me to bring a toolbox or flashlight EVERY GAME.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @SIlentCetra said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @Gunmech04 said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    Z@Gunmech04 said:
    Master said:

    @Gunmech04 said: Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said: ######### are you even talking about? 

    * You bring in an item.

    * Killer dodges.

    • Killer gets an instant new lobby.

    • Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

      Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

      Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

      Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.

      Bring a new argument mate

      No, any idiot with a brain would know that the ability to dodge a lobby is to avoid extremely bad ping, not for you little pansies to run away from any survivor with an item. I NEVER lobby dodge as a Killer because I can deal with the items Survivors bring into the match. It's time for Killers to either nut up or shut up. You've had Survivors nerfed into the ground and you still have to lobby dodge. 

      LUL nerfed into the ground, how?

      Exhaustion changes got unnerfed by removing exhaustion from survivors who get hooked.

      Unhook Invul was introduced.

      BT was buffed to oblivion

      You can still loop the same as before, ######### like rotten fields has still not been fixed, you still have massive safe zones on many maps right next to gens or exit gates.

      The only hard nerf was the nerf to selfcare which was LONG overdue due to survivors being able to bodyblock without any consequences.

      Oh please, Killers got BT destroyed. Killers got mad because Survivors were using BT exactly the way it was meant to be used but since it hurt your poor wittle feelings it got nerfed into the dirt.  Killers basically got DS destroyed, you now have 5 million aura reading perks because apparently Killers can't find any Survivors without help. Legion is just 9 kinds of broken due to his abilities and perks, it's no wonder Survivors D/C when they see him. Killers whine and cry until they get what they want. Lobby Dodging is just pathetic. If you seriously can't handle the items Survivors bring then play another damn game and stop making this one worse. 

      BT got buffed with the Deep Wound change, before that you could usually just follow the survivor till he inevitably went down. If you're talking about the old BT, that ######### was broken beyond belief.

      The only aura reading most killers use is Barbecue and yes, in fact, we cannot really find survivors without them unless we LISTEN for them. I don't have a headset so I cannot hear survivor breathing or footsteps which makes it impossible for me to track them without BBQ. Listening is not a skill so I don't give a crap, not everybody has a good headset and I won't buy one for 1 silly indiegame, if the devs made other forms of finding survivors viable then we might talk, auraperks are neccesary now with all the nerfs to sounds that survivors make.

    Also who gives a ######### about 5 million aura reading perks if most killers will just use 1 per match, I have never seen more aura reading perks at the same time, most u will see is BBQ&Chilli and MAYBE Bitter Murmur but I can't even remember the last time I saw somebody use BM.

    Legion is unanimously one of the worst killers in the game by far, people are still arguing wether it's him or freddy, everybody agrees on this, he takes way to much time to down survivors unless you're using franklins at which point he becomes a worse nurse.

    I will continue to dodge 4 toolbox lobbies, they are very rare but if they occur dodging is the least I can do, sometimes I'll just equip franklins on legion, hit them out of their hands then dodge.

    I paid for this game so I can do what I want, end of story.

    And I bought this game and likewise will do what I want when playing surv and use an item if I damn well please, your lobby dodging ass be damned.

    You know, as many killer mains as it pisses off, I may start bringing an item every game. I rarely bring items because I don't wanna waste them, but when killers throw these manchild hissy fits, it really tempts me to bring a toolbox or flashlight EVERY GAME.

    Then have fun getting dodged alot, it's not like you have control. We killers do and the devs won't change that (as hillarious as it is giving 20% of the playerbase control over 80% LOL)

    Btw your entitlement is showing thinking you can force others to play with you. there's a difference between ppl not wanting to play with others and ppl trying to force others to play with them but that seems to be a hard concept for you ppl.

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @SIlentCetra said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @Gunmech04 said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    Z@Gunmech04 said:
    Master said:

    @Gunmech04 said: Orion said:

    @SIlentCetra said: ######### are you even talking about? 

    * You bring in an item.

    * Killer dodges.

    • Killer gets an instant new lobby.

    • Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

      Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

      Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

      Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.

      Bring a new argument mate

      No, any idiot with a brain would know that the ability to dodge a lobby is to avoid extremely bad ping, not for you little pansies to run away from any survivor with an item. I NEVER lobby dodge as a Killer because I can deal with the items Survivors bring into the match. It's time for Killers to either nut up or shut up. You've had Survivors nerfed into the ground and you still have to lobby dodge. 

      LUL nerfed into the ground, how?

      Exhaustion changes got unnerfed by removing exhaustion from survivors who get hooked.

      Unhook Invul was introduced.

      BT was buffed to oblivion

      You can still loop the same as before, ######### like rotten fields has still not been fixed, you still have massive safe zones on many maps right next to gens or exit gates.

      The only hard nerf was the nerf to selfcare which was LONG overdue due to survivors being able to bodyblock without any consequences.

      Oh please, Killers got BT destroyed. Killers got mad because Survivors were using BT exactly the way it was meant to be used but since it hurt your poor wittle feelings it got nerfed into the dirt.  Killers basically got DS destroyed, you now have 5 million aura reading perks because apparently Killers can't find any Survivors without help. Legion is just 9 kinds of broken due to his abilities and perks, it's no wonder Survivors D/C when they see him. Killers whine and cry until they get what they want. Lobby Dodging is just pathetic. If you seriously can't handle the items Survivors bring then play another damn game and stop making this one worse. 

      BT got buffed with the Deep Wound change, before that you could usually just follow the survivor till he inevitably went down. If you're talking about the old BT, that ######### was broken beyond belief.

      The only aura reading most killers use is Barbecue and yes, in fact, we cannot really find survivors without them unless we LISTEN for them. I don't have a headset so I cannot hear survivor breathing or footsteps which makes it impossible for me to track them without BBQ. Listening is not a skill so I don't give a crap, not everybody has a good headset and I won't buy one for 1 silly indiegame, if the devs made other forms of finding survivors viable then we might talk, auraperks are neccesary now with all the nerfs to sounds that survivors make.

    Also who gives a ######### about 5 million aura reading perks if most killers will just use 1 per match, I have never seen more aura reading perks at the same time, most u will see is BBQ&Chilli and MAYBE Bitter Murmur but I can't even remember the last time I saw somebody use BM.

    Legion is unanimously one of the worst killers in the game by far, people are still arguing wether it's him or freddy, everybody agrees on this, he takes way to much time to down survivors unless you're using franklins at which point he becomes a worse nurse.

    I will continue to dodge 4 toolbox lobbies, they are very rare but if they occur dodging is the least I can do, sometimes I'll just equip franklins on legion, hit them out of their hands then dodge.

    I paid for this game so I can do what I want, end of story.

    And I bought this game and likewise will do what I want when playing surv and use an item if I damn well please, your lobby dodging ass be damned.

    You know, as many killer mains as it pisses off, I may start bringing an item every game. I rarely bring items because I don't wanna waste them, but when killers throw these manchild hissy fits, it really tempts me to bring a toolbox or flashlight EVERY GAME.

    Then have fun getting dodged alot, it's not like you have control. We killers do and the devs won't change that (as hillarious as it is giving 20% of the playerbase control over 80% LOL)

    Btw your entitlement is showing thinking you can force others to play with you. there's a difference between ppl not wanting to play with others and ppl trying to force others to play with them but that seems to be a hard concept for you ppl.

    And YOU can't seem to grasp that you dodging a lobby because a survivor is using an in game item is WRONG.

    Newsflash buddy, it wastes your time too. Maybe every surv should start bringing items just to make you cry harder. You have no "power" either, you just think you do because on p2p killer is host. gonna be hilarious when ded servers hit.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @SIlentCetra said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    @Gunmech04 said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Z@Gunmech04 said: Master said:

    @Gunmech04 said:    Orion said:
    @SIlentCetra said:    ######### are you even talking about? 
    • You bring in an item.

      • Killer dodges.
    • Killer gets an instant new lobby.

    • Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

      Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

      Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

      Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.

      Bring a new argument mate

      No, any idiot with a brain would know that the ability to dodge a lobby is to avoid extremely bad ping, not for you little pansies to run away from any survivor with an item. I NEVER lobby dodge as a Killer because I can deal with the items Survivors bring into the match. It's time for Killers to either nut up or shut up. You've had Survivors nerfed into the ground and you still have to lobby dodge. 

      LUL nerfed into the ground, how?

      Exhaustion changes got unnerfed by removing exhaustion from survivors who get hooked.

      Unhook Invul was introduced.

      BT was buffed to oblivion

      You can still loop the same as before, ######### like rotten fields has still not been fixed, you still have massive safe zones on many maps right next to gens or exit gates.

      The only hard nerf was the nerf to selfcare which was LONG overdue due to survivors being able to bodyblock without any consequences.

      Oh please, Killers got BT destroyed. Killers got mad because Survivors were using BT exactly the way it was meant to be used but since it hurt your poor wittle feelings it got nerfed into the dirt.  Killers basically got DS destroyed, you now have 5 million aura reading perks because apparently Killers can't find any Survivors without help. Legion is just 9 kinds of broken due to his abilities and perks, it's no wonder Survivors D/C when they see him. Killers whine and cry until they get what they want. Lobby Dodging is just pathetic. If you seriously can't handle the items Survivors bring then play another damn game and stop making this one worse. 

      BT got buffed with the Deep Wound change, before that you could usually just follow the survivor till he inevitably went down. If you're talking about the old BT, that ######### was broken beyond belief.

      The only aura reading most killers use is Barbecue and yes, in fact, we cannot really find survivors without them unless we LISTEN for them. I don't have a headset so I cannot hear survivor breathing or footsteps which makes it impossible for me to track them without BBQ. Listening is not a skill so I don't give a crap, not everybody has a good headset and I won't buy one for 1 silly indiegame, if the devs made other forms of finding survivors viable then we might talk, auraperks are neccesary now with all the nerfs to sounds that survivors make.

      Also who gives a ######### about 5 million aura reading perks if most killers will just use 1 per match, I have never seen more aura reading perks at the same time, most u will see is BBQ&Chilli and MAYBE Bitter Murmur but I can't even remember the last time I saw somebody use BM.

      Legion is unanimously one of the worst killers in the game by far, people are still arguing wether it's him or freddy, everybody agrees on this, he takes way to much time to down survivors unless you're using franklins at which point he becomes a worse nurse.

      I will continue to dodge 4 toolbox lobbies, they are very rare but if they occur dodging is the least I can do, sometimes I'll just equip franklins on legion, hit them out of their hands then dodge.

      I paid for this game so I can do what I want, end of story.

      And I bought this game and likewise will do what I want when playing surv and use an item if I damn well please, your lobby dodging ass be damned.

      You know, as many killer mains as it pisses off, I may start bringing an item every game. I rarely bring items because I don't wanna waste them, but when killers throw these manchild hissy fits, it really tempts me to bring a toolbox or flashlight EVERY GAME.

      Then have fun getting dodged alot, it's not like you have control. We killers do and the devs won't change that (as hillarious as it is giving 20% of the playerbase control over 80% LOL)

      Btw your entitlement is showing thinking you can force others to play with you. there's a difference between ppl not wanting to play with others and ppl trying to force others to play with them but that seems to be a hard concept for you ppl.

      And YOU can't seem to grasp that you dodging a lobby because a survivor is using an in game item is WRONG.

    Newsflash buddy, it wastes your time too. Maybe every surv should start bringing items just to make you cry harder. You have no "power" either, you just think you do because on p2p killer is host. gonna be hilarious when ded servers hit.

    I don't care if it's wrong, I'm an alphamale, I do what I want.

    Dedicated servers will hit and we will still dodge, nothing will change, the only thing that'll change is that you don't have to reinvite your friends again, congratz you saved 20 seconds.

    Most survivors aren't such sweaty tryhards anyways and it approximately takes a dodge like every 5th lobby because some think it's fair to bring 4 items, I'd rather play with ppl who don't take some indiegame where you press like 3 buttons so seriously.

    Could I just bring an Ebony Mori to offset the items? Sure I could, but I'd rather let you guys play lobby simulator or outright let you farm iridescent shards for me in a deadly boring game while I eat or watch youtube on my second monitor.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SIlentCetra said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    @Gunmech04 said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Z@Gunmech04 said: Master said:

    @Gunmech04 said:    Orion said:
    @SIlentCetra said:    ######### are you even talking about? 
    • You bring in an item.

      • Killer dodges.
    • Killer gets an instant new lobby.

    • Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

      Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

      Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

      Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.

      Bring a new argument mate

      No, any idiot with a brain would know that the ability to dodge a lobby is to avoid extremely bad ping, not for you little pansies to run away from any survivor with an item. I NEVER lobby dodge as a Killer because I can deal with the items Survivors bring into the match. It's time for Killers to either nut up or shut up. You've had Survivors nerfed into the ground and you still have to lobby dodge. 

      LUL nerfed into the ground, how?

      Exhaustion changes got unnerfed by removing exhaustion from survivors who get hooked.

      Unhook Invul was introduced.

      BT was buffed to oblivion

      You can still loop the same as before, ######### like rotten fields has still not been fixed, you still have massive safe zones on many maps right next to gens or exit gates.

      The only hard nerf was the nerf to selfcare which was LONG overdue due to survivors being able to bodyblock without any consequences.

      Oh please, Killers got BT destroyed. Killers got mad because Survivors were using BT exactly the way it was meant to be used but since it hurt your poor wittle feelings it got nerfed into the dirt.  Killers basically got DS destroyed, you now have 5 million aura reading perks because apparently Killers can't find any Survivors without help. Legion is just 9 kinds of broken due to his abilities and perks, it's no wonder Survivors D/C when they see him. Killers whine and cry until they get what they want. Lobby Dodging is just pathetic. If you seriously can't handle the items Survivors bring then play another damn game and stop making this one worse. 

      BT got buffed with the Deep Wound change, before that you could usually just follow the survivor till he inevitably went down. If you're talking about the old BT, that ######### was broken beyond belief.

      The only aura reading most killers use is Barbecue and yes, in fact, we cannot really find survivors without them unless we LISTEN for them. I don't have a headset so I cannot hear survivor breathing or footsteps which makes it impossible for me to track them without BBQ. Listening is not a skill so I don't give a crap, not everybody has a good headset and I won't buy one for 1 silly indiegame, if the devs made other forms of finding survivors viable then we might talk, auraperks are neccesary now with all the nerfs to sounds that survivors make.

      Also who gives a ######### about 5 million aura reading perks if most killers will just use 1 per match, I have never seen more aura reading perks at the same time, most u will see is BBQ&Chilli and MAYBE Bitter Murmur but I can't even remember the last time I saw somebody use BM.

      Legion is unanimously one of the worst killers in the game by far, people are still arguing wether it's him or freddy, everybody agrees on this, he takes way to much time to down survivors unless you're using franklins at which point he becomes a worse nurse.

      I will continue to dodge 4 toolbox lobbies, they are very rare but if they occur dodging is the least I can do, sometimes I'll just equip franklins on legion, hit them out of their hands then dodge.

      I paid for this game so I can do what I want, end of story.

      And I bought this game and likewise will do what I want when playing surv and use an item if I damn well please, your lobby dodging ass be damned.

      You know, as many killer mains as it pisses off, I may start bringing an item every game. I rarely bring items because I don't wanna waste them, but when killers throw these manchild hissy fits, it really tempts me to bring a toolbox or flashlight EVERY GAME.

      Then have fun getting dodged alot, it's not like you have control. We killers do and the devs won't change that (as hillarious as it is giving 20% of the playerbase control over 80% LOL)

      Btw your entitlement is showing thinking you can force others to play with you. there's a difference between ppl not wanting to play with others and ppl trying to force others to play with them but that seems to be a hard concept for you ppl.

      And YOU can't seem to grasp that you dodging a lobby because a survivor is using an in game item is WRONG.

    Newsflash buddy, it wastes your time too. Maybe every surv should start bringing items just to make you cry harder. You have no "power" either, you just think you do because on p2p killer is host. gonna be hilarious when ded servers hit.

    And how are dedicated servers supposed to affect this? If executed properly by BHVR (which I doubt), then we wouldnt even see a difference in the game besides from less lagg

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited February 2019

    @Master said:
    Its totally ok to dodge lobbies, the devs dont bann for it. And it doesnt matter whether you it once per day to dodge a certain guy, whether you dodge every SWF or whether you dodge 100 lobbies in a row just becuase you feel like it

    I don't care if they don't ban for it.

    I'm curious though if the Devs actually want killers to dodge lobbies based on the survivors being SWF. The Devs provide a clear picture of who is in the lobby and what items, but no clear picture of determining if the survivors are SWF. You can look at profiles, if they aren't private.

    Access to profiles can be given at the end of the match, in the summary. Is it really needed in the initial lobby?

    You can make your profile private, but then some killers will dodge if everyone has a private profile in their lobby. So why not just remove that whole criteria in the first place.

    It isn't about stopping lobby dodging but minimizing it, by not providing criteria that the developers don't intend you to use as a reason to dodge.

    ** This is all based on if they don't want you to use SWF as a reason, since their actions so far show that they don't. IMO Cause if they did want killers to dodge based on that info, then it should be provided.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited February 2019

    @Kaelum said:
    Again, that specific question has been asked, and answered, several times in the dev streams,  Why do you think that the killer is allowed to see what each survivor is bringing into that match?

    I'm not talking about their items. There is many things being shown in the lobby.. but...

    Other then looking at a public profile, can you determine who is SWF in the lobby? This information isn't directly supplied by the Developers, except through some quasi method of looking up a players public profile.

    So... If the Developers want killers to use SWF as an indicator for dodging a lobby. Then, why not provide a SWF flag in the lobby?

    Because I would like it. I'm certain there are many many others that would. So lets get the developers to answer this question.

    "Do the Developers believe that dodging a lobby is ok WHEN the killer determined that a SWF is in the lobby, and if it is ok if SWF is the ONLY reason. No other reason. The only single reason for dodging that lobby is because of SWF, that is it."

    Cause if it is YES, then we all need to be asking for that indicator. If it is NO, then they need to remove Profiles and Names from the lobbies.

    And I don't think that specific question has been asked sorry. They've answered more generalized questions about dodging not if it is SPECIFICALLY ok to use SWF as a reason, otherwise I need to see it.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @Master said:

    @SIlentCetra said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    @Gunmech04 said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Z@Gunmech04 said: Master said:

    @Gunmech04 said:    Orion said:
    @SIlentCetra said:    ######### are you even talking about? 
    • You bring in an item.

      • Killer dodges.
    • Killer gets an instant new lobby.

    • Three other survivors get screwed because you decided your feelings of self-righteousness were more important than everyone else's time.

      Is that clear enough for you? You're not going to get lobby dodgers to stop dodging items because killers have extremely fast queues. You're not doing anything to help the situation by bringing in items. All you're doing is screwing over other survivors.

      Well maybe the cry baby killers need to find a new game if they can't handle someone using tools that are IN the game. Personally, I bring in flashlights just to piss off Killers because I'm sick of their self-righteous, I'm better than you, pampered attitude. 

      Lobby dodging is a tool that is IN the game aswell.

      Bring a new argument mate

      No, any idiot with a brain would know that the ability to dodge a lobby is to avoid extremely bad ping, not for you little pansies to run away from any survivor with an item. I NEVER lobby dodge as a Killer because I can deal with the items Survivors bring into the match. It's time for Killers to either nut up or shut up. You've had Survivors nerfed into the ground and you still have to lobby dodge. 

      LUL nerfed into the ground, how?

      Exhaustion changes got unnerfed by removing exhaustion from survivors who get hooked.

      Unhook Invul was introduced.

      BT was buffed to oblivion

      You can still loop the same as before, ######### like rotten fields has still not been fixed, you still have massive safe zones on many maps right next to gens or exit gates.

      The only hard nerf was the nerf to selfcare which was LONG overdue due to survivors being able to bodyblock without any consequences.

      Oh please, Killers got BT destroyed. Killers got mad because Survivors were using BT exactly the way it was meant to be used but since it hurt your poor wittle feelings it got nerfed into the dirt.  Killers basically got DS destroyed, you now have 5 million aura reading perks because apparently Killers can't find any Survivors without help. Legion is just 9 kinds of broken due to his abilities and perks, it's no wonder Survivors D/C when they see him. Killers whine and cry until they get what they want. Lobby Dodging is just pathetic. If you seriously can't handle the items Survivors bring then play another damn game and stop making this one worse. 

      BT got buffed with the Deep Wound change, before that you could usually just follow the survivor till he inevitably went down. If you're talking about the old BT, that ######### was broken beyond belief.

      The only aura reading most killers use is Barbecue and yes, in fact, we cannot really find survivors without them unless we LISTEN for them. I don't have a headset so I cannot hear survivor breathing or footsteps which makes it impossible for me to track them without BBQ. Listening is not a skill so I don't give a crap, not everybody has a good headset and I won't buy one for 1 silly indiegame, if the devs made other forms of finding survivors viable then we might talk, auraperks are neccesary now with all the nerfs to sounds that survivors make.

      Also who gives a ######### about 5 million aura reading perks if most killers will just use 1 per match, I have never seen more aura reading perks at the same time, most u will see is BBQ&Chilli and MAYBE Bitter Murmur but I can't even remember the last time I saw somebody use BM.

      Legion is unanimously one of the worst killers in the game by far, people are still arguing wether it's him or freddy, everybody agrees on this, he takes way to much time to down survivors unless you're using franklins at which point he becomes a worse nurse.

      I will continue to dodge 4 toolbox lobbies, they are very rare but if they occur dodging is the least I can do, sometimes I'll just equip franklins on legion, hit them out of their hands then dodge.

      I paid for this game so I can do what I want, end of story.

      And I bought this game and likewise will do what I want when playing surv and use an item if I damn well please, your lobby dodging ass be damned.

      You know, as many killer mains as it pisses off, I may start bringing an item every game. I rarely bring items because I don't wanna waste them, but when killers throw these manchild hissy fits, it really tempts me to bring a toolbox or flashlight EVERY GAME.

      Then have fun getting dodged alot, it's not like you have control. We killers do and the devs won't change that (as hillarious as it is giving 20% of the playerbase control over 80% LOL)

      Btw your entitlement is showing thinking you can force others to play with you. there's a difference between ppl not wanting to play with others and ppl trying to force others to play with them but that seems to be a hard concept for you ppl.

      And YOU can't seem to grasp that you dodging a lobby because a survivor is using an in game item is WRONG.

    Newsflash buddy, it wastes your time too. Maybe every surv should start bringing items just to make you cry harder. You have no "power" either, you just think you do because on p2p killer is host. gonna be hilarious when ded servers hit.

    And how are dedicated servers supposed to affect this? If executed properly by BHVR (which I doubt), then we wouldnt even see a difference in the game besides from less lagg

    Just dodge the groups that bring items you find likely SWF. Two toolboxes, a medkit and a flashlight is pretty standard. It all depends on the changes they implement and how it all pans out. If nothing really changes and killers are just a clown show for hidden groups, dodge the game by playing something better until the queues dry up and you can read the complaints on the forum. I hear Civilization is a solid choice.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheBean said:

    @Master said:
    Its totally ok to dodge lobbies, the devs dont bann for it. And it doesnt matter whether you it once per day to dodge a certain guy, whether you dodge every SWF or whether you dodge 100 lobbies in a row just becuase you feel like it

    I don't care if they don't ban for it.

    I'm curious though if the Devs actually want killers to dodge lobbies based on the survivors being SWF. The Devs provide a clear picture of who is in the lobby and what items, but no clear picture of determining if the survivors are SWF. You can look at profiles, if they aren't private.

    Access to profiles can be given at the end of the match, in the summary. Is it really needed in the initial lobby?

    You can make your profile private, but then some killers will dodge if everyone has a private profile in their lobby. So why not just remove that whole criteria in the first place.

    It isn't about stopping lobby dodging but minimizing it, by not providing criteria that the developers don't intend you to use as a reason to dodge.

    ** This is all based on if they don't want you to use SWF as a reason, since their actions so far show that they don't. IMO Cause if they did want killers to dodge based on that info, then it should be provided.

    So lets only talk about dodging SWF now.
    Your suggestion to remove the names would also disable the killer from dodging known "toxic" survivors or streamers (like I do e.g.). However if they are not able to dodge them in lobby, they will simply DC ingame because you cant force them to play vs them. I doubt that this is a good solution tbh.

    And there is a difference between enabling a SWF-filter mechanic that enables the killer to only search for solo survivors or making them go thruogh the effort of manually lobby dodging them.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited February 2019

    @Master said:
    So lets only talk about dodging SWF now.
    Your suggestion to remove the names would also disable the killer from dodging known "toxic" survivors or streamers (like I do e.g.). However if they are not able to dodge them in lobby, they will simply DC ingame because you cant force them to play vs them. I doubt that this is a good solution tbh.

    I could see that, but that would be up to the Devs. Since in a way this is no different then having a blocking feature, just manual and per person.

    They could also remove names from the match, and just put symbols or whatever as identifiers players can use to remember who is who. Then increase DC punishments.

    @Master said:
    And there is a difference between enabling a SWF-filter mechanic that enables the killer to only search for solo survivors or making them go thruogh the effort of manually lobby dodging them.

    Of course there is a difference. One being an acknowledgment from the Devs that they feel it is ok to match make based on that information, and the other is not.

    What we have now is a "if we don't acknowledge it, then we don't need to address it" type of system.

    Since there are people complaining about balancing SWF in the matches, don't prevent people from dodging SWF as a specific reason, but don't acknowledge either so it doesn't need to be addressed. Then people can freely do as they wish. However, what happens once the devs get killers and solo survivors to where they want them?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheBean said:

    @Master said:
    So lets only talk about dodging SWF now.
    Your suggestion to remove the names would also disable the killer from dodging known "toxic" survivors or streamers (like I do e.g.). However if they are not able to dodge them in lobby, they will simply DC ingame because you cant force them to play vs them. I doubt that this is a good solution tbh.

    I could see that, but that would be up to the Devs. Since in a way this is no different then having a blocking feature, just manual and per person.

    They could also remove names from the match, and just put symbols or whatever as identifiers players can use to remember who is who. Then increase DC punishments.

    @Master said:
    And there is a difference between enabling a SWF-filter mechanic that enables the killer to only search for solo survivors or making them go thruogh the effort of manually lobby dodging them.

    Of course there is a difference. One being an acknowledgment from the Devs that they feel it is ok to match make based on that information, and the other is not.

    What we have now is a "if we don't acknowledge it, then we don't need to address it" type of system.

    Since there are people complaining about balancing SWF in the matches, don't prevent people from dodging SWF as a specific reason, but don't acknowledge either so it doesn't need to be addressed. Then people can freely do as they wish. However, what happens once the devs get killers and solo survivors to where they want them?

    But you will always be able to check each other steam profiles and this way get to know their names aswell, its embedded in steam....

    I know, it sucks for both sides and I wish the game was balanced around SWF, but it simply isnt and it will never be. The only way to balance SWF would be adding ingame vioce comms and balancing the game aruond that, but that would be a HUGE effort, requiring a rework of the whole game and BHVR will never do that (just look at how slow they are when it comes to things like DS,sc,hatch etc)

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553
    Master said:

    @TheBean said:

    @Master said:
    Its totally ok to dodge lobbies, the devs dont bann for it. And it doesnt matter whether you it once per day to dodge a certain guy, whether you dodge every SWF or whether you dodge 100 lobbies in a row just becuase you feel like it

    I don't care if they don't ban for it.

    I'm curious though if the Devs actually want killers to dodge lobbies based on the survivors being SWF. The Devs provide a clear picture of who is in the lobby and what items, but no clear picture of determining if the survivors are SWF. You can look at profiles, if they aren't private.

    Access to profiles can be given at the end of the match, in the summary. Is it really needed in the initial lobby?

    You can make your profile private, but then some killers will dodge if everyone has a private profile in their lobby. So why not just remove that whole criteria in the first place.

    It isn't about stopping lobby dodging but minimizing it, by not providing criteria that the developers don't intend you to use as a reason to dodge.

    ** This is all based on if they don't want you to use SWF as a reason, since their actions so far show that they don't. IMO Cause if they did want killers to dodge based on that info, then it should be provided.

    So lets only talk about dodging SWF now.
    Your suggestion to remove the names would also disable the killer from dodging known "toxic" survivors or streamers (like I do e.g.). However if they are not able to dodge them in lobby, they will simply DC ingame because you cant force them to play vs them. I doubt that this is a good solution tbh.

    And there is a difference between enabling a SWF-filter mechanic that enables the killer to only search for solo survivors or making them go thruogh the effort of manually lobby dodging them.

    As a survivor I don't always get to see the killer's name beforehand. There are definitely toxic killers that I'd like to avoid playing as well. So if survivors have to deal with not knowing if they're playing someone toxic, why shouldn't killers?
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @Master said:
    But you will always be able to check each other steam profiles and this way get to know their names aswell, its embedded in steam....

    They did remove survivors from seeing who the killer was in the lobby. As killer you can't see who the recent players are either.