Camping Fix



  • Lord_Technopapst
    Lord_Technopapst Member Posts: 26

    @SaltyKiller said:
    I'm really sick of people who don't know what editing means.

    Why do you just enter a discussion to be a dick to others?
    And did you just flag every post from @No_Cluie_Louis? I heared that you did that before and I just don''t get why you are even logging into this forum. Take part in normal discussion or just go away and don't abuse the report feature of this forum.

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    And once again - people seem to completely miss the true core of the camping issue.


    Some of you need to watch Marth's group from time to time. If somebody is getting camped, they just gen rush to counter. It hurts the killer's score every time.

    Most of us who aren't newbies as killers KNOW that it's better to chase somebody else because we feel the generator pressure without prompting and chasing somebody instead of camping effectively pulls 3 people off gens. HOWEVER....

    If somebody does a save before I walk 10 steps away - you just guaranteed a tunnel. You just robbed me of time I need people off generators by rescuing them that quickly so I need that guy dead. I also hate being rescued when the killer is nearby, so you bet your ass I'm going to try to hurt your Benevolance score with a quick knock down.

    If you make yourself obvious bait, I'm not going to take it as being obvious like that insults my intelligence. I'm not a chump that's easily baited. I suspect somebody else is nearby in that case... so I've gotten the 3 people I want off gens off the gens. Why should I leave at that point? At the most, I might fake a quick run just to bait your teammate out. Now who's the chump?

    If you are being chased and you run around the hook, you've more or less forced the killer to be in the area.

    Yes, some killers are always going to camp. That can't be helped. But if you want to them to stop, you have to stop encouraging the behavior by engaging in survivor behavior that doesn't force the camp.

    Marth's group does show that there is a inbalance in high rank SWF matches. But they have over 1000hours in the game and are some of the best survivors in the game (imo). But you can't say that this is the only thing that encourages camping. There are also many players that are not perfect looping survivors which could survive everytime but they also have to struggle with camping killers. Not every killer that camps is forced to camp.
    So even if you stop the survivors behavior that forces the killer to camp you will still have campers.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    @Lord_Technopapst said:
    Marth's group does show that there is a inbalance in high rank SWF matches. But they have over 1000hours in the game and are some of the best survivors in the game (imo). But you can't say that this is the only thing that encourages camping. There are also many players that are not perfect looping survivors which could survive everytime but they also have to struggle with camping killers. Not every killer that camps is forced to camp.
    So even if you stop the survivors behavior that forces the killer to camp you will still have campers.

    I never denied that for a moment.

    But I guarantee that if survivors acted properly and punished the behavior, it wouldn't be the "epidemic" everybody claims it is.

    I'm especially getting tired for calling out on it when it's the right move for reasons I've previously mentioned.

  • oafafoxfeather
    oafafoxfeather Member Posts: 30

    @Mister_xD said:
    i stopped rading after "I've come up with this idea for a way to nerf camping and i'd like to know what people think as well as ways to improve it and weather it would work.". Honestly, as soon as you said the word "nerf", this post died for me. Killers dont need more nerfs! They had more than enough already! just give them a little bonus for not camping.
    for example: i heard a lot of people telling the devs, that survivors should simply not loose life on the hook, when they are in the killers terrorradius (thats obviously a nerf), but why dont they make it, so hooked survivors outside the terrorradius loose their life twice as fast than normal (same idea, but instead of punishing the killer for staying close, you reward them for going away) and maybe give them some negative effects (like -5% speed for healing, sabotaging and rapairing) for each time they got hooked (so its actually bad that you already got hooked, since it makes you less effective. right now there is no difference between a survivor who already got hooked and a survivor who never got hooked)
    long story short: stop trying to f*cking nerf the killers. IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA! otherwise the killers will quit and the game will die.

    EDIT: fixed some grammar issue

    How long does it take to get a good 4 men lobby? You're explaining me camping isn't bad but it just kills the fun for one side. They're already nerfing the survivors. Remember not having survivors kills the game also just a little FYI. Also toxicity among survivors started from killers camping and so on a neverending circle of hate. You can't have one side without the other. Some of the streamers came with an idea of giving a debuff to the survivors. I got an idea about gen rushing as well. After a gen is done 20 sec all other gens are blocked from getting done and/or started but the killer can kick them and the regression is faster. Camping is just the BM of killers just like survivors bully the killer.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Sorry. I think it's entirely on the Survivors at this point to stop rewarding the behavior. If they wouldn't feed the Camper, it wouldn't be justified to do it anymore except situationally. If I as a Killer can expect 1-3 Survivors to crouch around and wait while I'm camping their teammate, I'm going to do it. That relieves pressure on me and puts more pressure on them once their teammate dies. If they do not do this, and instead do generators, that puts all the pressure on the Killer.

    Survivors are the ones rewarding Killers for doing this. It doesn't need fixing, Survivors just need to stop feeding the hook. Plain and simple. If they feel it's necessary to YOLO save someone, or crouch around the hook area for the entirety of the death, that is 100% on them. Noone can fix stupid, and that's what a Camping Fix would have to do. It would have to fix the idiots who waste time trying to be a super hero instead of doing generators.

    If you change anything about the hook with regards to Camping, it puts even more pressure on the Killers because they've now lost a tool in their arsenal. It won't be campers, it'll be 100% slug games. Then once everyone is on the ground, Deerstalker over and hook them all. Killer gets a 4k with all their hook stages.

    If you're getting camped, help your team out and struggle the full timer. It happens to everyone. Once Killers are getting punished for Camping by the Survivors, and not some "fix", this strategy will stop being used. Until that time though, expect it to happen with every hook.

    On a side note, this is why I stay around Rank 10. Most of the Survivors there are smart enough to take the wave-off hint and go do generators. I've seen Killers get punished hard for Camping, but not enough people are doing it properly. When that becomes a thing, and Killers are getting a depip with maybe 8k points, Camping will stop except as a situational strategy.

  • Spectrobyss
    Spectrobyss Member Posts: 31

    Wonderful idea! Let me add it to the other 100 exact same ideas

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093
    edited June 2018

    @Mercury said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    The reason i called the thread camping fix is because i think it's broken. Yes it does work at getting a survivor out of play and it isn't against the 'rules' , but it shouldn't do and it shouldn't be. It's people who think its a good strat that ruin the game. Any game can be played in a toxic way, even board games. Its called cheating and its the easiest thing in the world. You can easily not get caught and it makes the game easier, but it's no fun for you or the other people playing. I play both roles in DBD but mostly killer and I've never been able to understand why anyone would want to play like that, and think the way you seem to think.

    Alright: How to fix camping - Fix Looping.
    If you fixed Looping there no longer would be a profound reason to camp someone to death. Right now if I let that person who just looped me for three minutes go, that work was in vain. I will no longer feel inclined to camp, if you fix that problem.

    How about survivors drastically slow down, when they run through the same two pallets or windows over and over again? And their pallet throw down animation only happens at 30% speed once 60 seconds have passed.

    how many ######### times am i going to have to say that i was suggesting this idea for if the game was balanced which its not. Stop ######### telling me im ######### and consider the idea for a game that survivors couldn't bully the killer, but are camped anyway. Use your ######### eyes dude.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @oafafoxfeather said:

    @Mister_xD said:
    i stopped rading after "I've come up with this idea for a way to nerf camping and i'd like to know what people think as well as ways to improve it and weather it would work.". Honestly, as soon as you said the word "nerf", this post died for me. Killers dont need more nerfs! They had more than enough already! just give them a little bonus for not camping.
    for example: i heard a lot of people telling the devs, that survivors should simply not loose life on the hook, when they are in the killers terrorradius (thats obviously a nerf), but why dont they make it, so hooked survivors outside the terrorradius loose their life twice as fast than normal (same idea, but instead of punishing the killer for staying close, you reward them for going away) and maybe give them some negative effects (like -5% speed for healing, sabotaging and rapairing) for each time they got hooked (so its actually bad that you already got hooked, since it makes you less effective. right now there is no difference between a survivor who already got hooked and a survivor who never got hooked)
    long story short: stop trying to f*cking nerf the killers. IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA! otherwise the killers will quit and the game will die.

    EDIT: fixed some grammar issue

    How long does it take to get a good 4 men lobby? You're explaining me camping isn't bad but it just kills the fun for one side. They're already nerfing the survivors. Remember not having survivors kills the game also just a little FYI. Also toxicity among survivors started from killers camping and so on a neverending circle of hate. You can't have one side without the other. Some of the streamers came with an idea of giving a debuff to the survivors. I got an idea about gen rushing as well. After a gen is done 20 sec all other gens are blocked from getting done and/or started but the killer can kick them and the regression is faster. Camping is just the BM of killers just like survivors bully the killer.

    Thank you for trying to see my idea from another point of view. Nerfing camping isn't even a killer nerf, it's a buff as it encourages them not to play such a ######### playstyle. Also why is no one reading where i said this idea was for if the game was balanced.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Mringasa said:
    Sorry. I think it's entirely on the Survivors at this point to stop rewarding the behavior. If they wouldn't feed the Camper, it wouldn't be justified to do it anymore except situationally. If I as a Killer can expect 1-3 Survivors to crouch around and wait while I'm camping their teammate, I'm going to do it. That relieves pressure on me and puts more pressure on them once their teammate dies. If they do not do this, and instead do generators, that puts all the pressure on the Killer.

    Survivors are the ones rewarding Killers for doing this. It doesn't need fixing, Survivors just need to stop feeding the hook. Plain and simple. If they feel it's necessary to YOLO save someone, or crouch around the hook area for the entirety of the death, that is 100% on them. Noone can fix stupid, and that's what a Camping Fix would have to do. It would have to fix the idiots who waste time trying to be a super hero instead of doing generators.

    If you change anything about the hook with regards to Camping, it puts even more pressure on the Killers because they've now lost a tool in their arsenal. It won't be campers, it'll be 100% slug games. Then once everyone is on the ground, Deerstalker over and hook them all. Killer gets a 4k with all their hook stages.

    If you're getting camped, help your team out and struggle the full timer. It happens to everyone. Once Killers are getting punished for Camping by the Survivors, and not some "fix", this strategy will stop being used. Until that time though, expect it to happen with every hook.

    On a side note, this is why I stay around Rank 10. Most of the Survivors there are smart enough to take the wave-off hint and go do generators. I've seen Killers get punished hard for Camping, but not enough people are doing it properly. When that becomes a thing, and Killers are getting a depip with maybe 8k points, Camping will stop except as a situational strategy.


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Sorry. I think it's entirely on the Survivors at this point to stop rewarding the behavior. If they wouldn't feed the Camper, it wouldn't be justified to do it anymore except situationally. If I as a Killer can expect 1-3 Survivors to crouch around and wait while I'm camping their teammate, I'm going to do it. That relieves pressure on me and puts more pressure on them once their teammate dies. If they do not do this, and instead do generators, that puts all the pressure on the Killer.

    Survivors are the ones rewarding Killers for doing this. It doesn't need fixing, Survivors just need to stop feeding the hook. Plain and simple. If they feel it's necessary to YOLO save someone, or crouch around the hook area for the entirety of the death, that is 100% on them. Noone can fix stupid, and that's what a Camping Fix would have to do. It would have to fix the idiots who waste time trying to be a super hero instead of doing generators.

    If you change anything about the hook with regards to Camping, it puts even more pressure on the Killers because they've now lost a tool in their arsenal. It won't be campers, it'll be 100% slug games. Then once everyone is on the ground, Deerstalker over and hook them all. Killer gets a 4k with all their hook stages.

    If you're getting camped, help your team out and struggle the full timer. It happens to everyone. Once Killers are getting punished for Camping by the Survivors, and not some "fix", this strategy will stop being used. Until that time though, expect it to happen with every hook.

    On a side note, this is why I stay around Rank 10. Most of the Survivors there are smart enough to take the wave-off hint and go do generators. I've seen Killers get punished hard for Camping, but not enough people are doing it properly. When that becomes a thing, and Killers are getting a depip with maybe 8k points, Camping will stop except as a situational strategy.


    With "ifs", you could put Paris in a bottle.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Runiver said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Sorry. I think it's entirely on the Survivors at this point to stop rewarding the behavior. If they wouldn't feed the Camper, it wouldn't be justified to do it anymore except situationally. If I as a Killer can expect 1-3 Survivors to crouch around and wait while I'm camping their teammate, I'm going to do it. That relieves pressure on me and puts more pressure on them once their teammate dies. If they do not do this, and instead do generators, that puts all the pressure on the Killer.

    Survivors are the ones rewarding Killers for doing this. It doesn't need fixing, Survivors just need to stop feeding the hook. Plain and simple. If they feel it's necessary to YOLO save someone, or crouch around the hook area for the entirety of the death, that is 100% on them. Noone can fix stupid, and that's what a Camping Fix would have to do. It would have to fix the idiots who waste time trying to be a super hero instead of doing generators.

    If you change anything about the hook with regards to Camping, it puts even more pressure on the Killers because they've now lost a tool in their arsenal. It won't be campers, it'll be 100% slug games. Then once everyone is on the ground, Deerstalker over and hook them all. Killer gets a 4k with all their hook stages.

    If you're getting camped, help your team out and struggle the full timer. It happens to everyone. Once Killers are getting punished for Camping by the Survivors, and not some "fix", this strategy will stop being used. Until that time though, expect it to happen with every hook.

    On a side note, this is why I stay around Rank 10. Most of the Survivors there are smart enough to take the wave-off hint and go do generators. I've seen Killers get punished hard for Camping, but not enough people are doing it properly. When that becomes a thing, and Killers are getting a depip with maybe 8k points, Camping will stop except as a situational strategy.


    With "ifs", you could put Paris in a bottle.

    man its forum, i was just making a fun idea for a scenario, i didn't expect it to blow up and i didn't expect to get so much hate for it.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Runiver said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Sorry. I think it's entirely on the Survivors at this point to stop rewarding the behavior. If they wouldn't feed the Camper, it wouldn't be justified to do it anymore except situationally. If I as a Killer can expect 1-3 Survivors to crouch around and wait while I'm camping their teammate, I'm going to do it. That relieves pressure on me and puts more pressure on them once their teammate dies. If they do not do this, and instead do generators, that puts all the pressure on the Killer.

    Survivors are the ones rewarding Killers for doing this. It doesn't need fixing, Survivors just need to stop feeding the hook. Plain and simple. If they feel it's necessary to YOLO save someone, or crouch around the hook area for the entirety of the death, that is 100% on them. Noone can fix stupid, and that's what a Camping Fix would have to do. It would have to fix the idiots who waste time trying to be a super hero instead of doing generators.

    If you change anything about the hook with regards to Camping, it puts even more pressure on the Killers because they've now lost a tool in their arsenal. It won't be campers, it'll be 100% slug games. Then once everyone is on the ground, Deerstalker over and hook them all. Killer gets a 4k with all their hook stages.

    If you're getting camped, help your team out and struggle the full timer. It happens to everyone. Once Killers are getting punished for Camping by the Survivors, and not some "fix", this strategy will stop being used. Until that time though, expect it to happen with every hook.

    On a side note, this is why I stay around Rank 10. Most of the Survivors there are smart enough to take the wave-off hint and go do generators. I've seen Killers get punished hard for Camping, but not enough people are doing it properly. When that becomes a thing, and Killers are getting a depip with maybe 8k points, Camping will stop except as a situational strategy.


    With "ifs", you could put Paris in a bottle.

    man its forum, i was just making a fun idea for a scenario, i didn't expect it to blow up and i didn't expect to get so much hate for it.

    Dude, do I have to remind you, that you created a thread about camping ? Not to mention it's a suggestion that have been asked, tested and rejected several times ?

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Runiver said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Runiver said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Sorry. I think it's entirely on the Survivors at this point to stop rewarding the behavior. If they wouldn't feed the Camper, it wouldn't be justified to do it anymore except situationally. If I as a Killer can expect 1-3 Survivors to crouch around and wait while I'm camping their teammate, I'm going to do it. That relieves pressure on me and puts more pressure on them once their teammate dies. If they do not do this, and instead do generators, that puts all the pressure on the Killer.

    Survivors are the ones rewarding Killers for doing this. It doesn't need fixing, Survivors just need to stop feeding the hook. Plain and simple. If they feel it's necessary to YOLO save someone, or crouch around the hook area for the entirety of the death, that is 100% on them. Noone can fix stupid, and that's what a Camping Fix would have to do. It would have to fix the idiots who waste time trying to be a super hero instead of doing generators.

    If you change anything about the hook with regards to Camping, it puts even more pressure on the Killers because they've now lost a tool in their arsenal. It won't be campers, it'll be 100% slug games. Then once everyone is on the ground, Deerstalker over and hook them all. Killer gets a 4k with all their hook stages.

    If you're getting camped, help your team out and struggle the full timer. It happens to everyone. Once Killers are getting punished for Camping by the Survivors, and not some "fix", this strategy will stop being used. Until that time though, expect it to happen with every hook.

    On a side note, this is why I stay around Rank 10. Most of the Survivors there are smart enough to take the wave-off hint and go do generators. I've seen Killers get punished hard for Camping, but not enough people are doing it properly. When that becomes a thing, and Killers are getting a depip with maybe 8k points, Camping will stop except as a situational strategy.


    With "ifs", you could put Paris in a bottle.

    man its forum, i was just making a fun idea for a scenario, i didn't expect it to blow up and i didn't expect to get so much hate for it.

    Dude, do I have to remind you, that you created a thread about camping ? Not to mention it's a suggestion that have been asked, tested and rejected several times ?

    I wanted 2 things from this post, people to actually improve the anti camping idea rather than doing what the devs did early on in the games life and just make a rushed change that didn't work. Please don't lose hope on a fix because all we need is a group effort to think of a way it could work. I also wanted people's advice on how to improve it, not people telling me i'm #########.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Sorry. I think it's entirely on the Survivors at this point to stop rewarding the behavior. If they wouldn't feed the Camper, it wouldn't be justified to do it anymore except situationally. If I as a Killer can expect 1-3 Survivors to crouch around and wait while I'm camping their teammate, I'm going to do it. That relieves pressure on me and puts more pressure on them once their teammate dies. If they do not do this, and instead do generators, that puts all the pressure on the Killer.

    Survivors are the ones rewarding Killers for doing this. It doesn't need fixing, Survivors just need to stop feeding the hook. Plain and simple. If they feel it's necessary to YOLO save someone, or crouch around the hook area for the entirety of the death, that is 100% on them. Noone can fix stupid, and that's what a Camping Fix would have to do. It would have to fix the idiots who waste time trying to be a super hero instead of doing generators.

    If you change anything about the hook with regards to Camping, it puts even more pressure on the Killers because they've now lost a tool in their arsenal. It won't be campers, it'll be 100% slug games. Then once everyone is on the ground, Deerstalker over and hook them all. Killer gets a 4k with all their hook stages.

    If you're getting camped, help your team out and struggle the full timer. It happens to everyone. Once Killers are getting punished for Camping by the Survivors, and not some "fix", this strategy will stop being used. Until that time though, expect it to happen with every hook.

    On a side note, this is why I stay around Rank 10. Most of the Survivors there are smart enough to take the wave-off hint and go do generators. I've seen Killers get punished hard for Camping, but not enough people are doing it properly. When that becomes a thing, and Killers are getting a depip with maybe 8k points, Camping will stop except as a situational strategy.


    I'm actually not hating at all. I do like the idea of stopping camping as it's no fun for anyone, but there is a very fine line on fixing something that is caused by the community and not by the game itself. If there were more objectives, Survivors wouldn't feel the need to rush the hook for points thereby denying the Killer his camping fuel. Right now, unhooks + heals are the best way to get points not to mention the emblem points you get for it.

    Doing gens and leaving won't get you enough for a pip. You have to interact with the Killer in some fashion, be it evading or unhook/heal a teammate who got hurt. I think fixing camping has more to do with people learning how to stop it themselves. No adjustment in the game is going to stop it. Look at BBQ. Fantastic Perk for BP + auras. Lots of people use it. Lots of people still camp. They know they're going to get the moths and get 4 stacks eventually.

    Until Survivors stop feeding the camper, anything you do to deter it isn't going to work. It's not a problem with the game, it's a problem with the people playing it. I really did like your idea, and the discussion that ensued. I just can't see it fixing anything. It'll just cause more problems when the simplest, and best, fix is to just stop feeding the Camper.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Mringasa said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Sorry. I think it's entirely on the Survivors at this point to stop rewarding the behavior. If they wouldn't feed the Camper, it wouldn't be justified to do it anymore except situationally. If I as a Killer can expect 1-3 Survivors to crouch around and wait while I'm camping their teammate, I'm going to do it. That relieves pressure on me and puts more pressure on them once their teammate dies. If they do not do this, and instead do generators, that puts all the pressure on the Killer.

    Survivors are the ones rewarding Killers for doing this. It doesn't need fixing, Survivors just need to stop feeding the hook. Plain and simple. If they feel it's necessary to YOLO save someone, or crouch around the hook area for the entirety of the death, that is 100% on them. Noone can fix stupid, and that's what a Camping Fix would have to do. It would have to fix the idiots who waste time trying to be a super hero instead of doing generators.

    If you change anything about the hook with regards to Camping, it puts even more pressure on the Killers because they've now lost a tool in their arsenal. It won't be campers, it'll be 100% slug games. Then once everyone is on the ground, Deerstalker over and hook them all. Killer gets a 4k with all their hook stages.

    If you're getting camped, help your team out and struggle the full timer. It happens to everyone. Once Killers are getting punished for Camping by the Survivors, and not some "fix", this strategy will stop being used. Until that time though, expect it to happen with every hook.

    On a side note, this is why I stay around Rank 10. Most of the Survivors there are smart enough to take the wave-off hint and go do generators. I've seen Killers get punished hard for Camping, but not enough people are doing it properly. When that becomes a thing, and Killers are getting a depip with maybe 8k points, Camping will stop except as a situational strategy.


    I'm actually not hating at all. I do like the idea of stopping camping as it's no fun for anyone, but there is a very fine line on fixing something that is caused by the community and not by the game itself. If there were more objectives, Survivors wouldn't feel the need to rush the hook for points thereby denying the Killer his camping fuel. Right now, unhooks + heals are the best way to get points not to mention the emblem points you get for it.

    Doing gens and leaving won't get you enough for a pip. You have to interact with the Killer in some fashion, be it evading or unhook/heal a teammate who got hurt. I think fixing camping has more to do with people learning how to stop it themselves. No adjustment in the game is going to stop it. Look at BBQ. Fantastic Perk for BP + auras. Lots of people use it. Lots of people still camp. They know they're going to get the moths and get 4 stacks eventually.

    Until Survivors stop feeding the camper, anything you do to deter it isn't going to work. It's not a problem with the game, it's a problem with the people playing it. I really did like your idea, and the discussion that ensued. I just can't see it fixing anything. It'll just cause more problems when the simplest, and best, fix is to just stop feeding the Camper.

    It's easy to forget that it works both ways, killers encourage toxic play styles from survivors too. A killer that camps for no reason means the only way those survivors can save, is by swarming the hook. It's a cycle and its neither teams fault, but it needs to be forced to stop by a new game mechanic. You get me?

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Runiver said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Runiver said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Sorry. I think it's entirely on the Survivors at this point to stop rewarding the behavior. If they wouldn't feed the Camper, it wouldn't be justified to do it anymore except situationally. If I as a Killer can expect 1-3 Survivors to crouch around and wait while I'm camping their teammate, I'm going to do it. That relieves pressure on me and puts more pressure on them once their teammate dies. If they do not do this, and instead do generators, that puts all the pressure on the Killer.

    Survivors are the ones rewarding Killers for doing this. It doesn't need fixing, Survivors just need to stop feeding the hook. Plain and simple. If they feel it's necessary to YOLO save someone, or crouch around the hook area for the entirety of the death, that is 100% on them. Noone can fix stupid, and that's what a Camping Fix would have to do. It would have to fix the idiots who waste time trying to be a super hero instead of doing generators.

    If you change anything about the hook with regards to Camping, it puts even more pressure on the Killers because they've now lost a tool in their arsenal. It won't be campers, it'll be 100% slug games. Then once everyone is on the ground, Deerstalker over and hook them all. Killer gets a 4k with all their hook stages.

    If you're getting camped, help your team out and struggle the full timer. It happens to everyone. Once Killers are getting punished for Camping by the Survivors, and not some "fix", this strategy will stop being used. Until that time though, expect it to happen with every hook.

    On a side note, this is why I stay around Rank 10. Most of the Survivors there are smart enough to take the wave-off hint and go do generators. I've seen Killers get punished hard for Camping, but not enough people are doing it properly. When that becomes a thing, and Killers are getting a depip with maybe 8k points, Camping will stop except as a situational strategy.


    With "ifs", you could put Paris in a bottle.

    man its forum, i was just making a fun idea for a scenario, i didn't expect it to blow up and i didn't expect to get so much hate for it.

    Dude, do I have to remind you, that you created a thread about camping ? Not to mention it's a suggestion that have been asked, tested and rejected several times ?

    I wanted 2 things from this post, people to actually improve the anti camping idea rather than doing what the devs did early on in the games life and just make a rushed change that didn't work. Please don't lose hope on a fix because all we need is a group effort to think of a way it could work. I also wanted people's advice on how to improve it, not people telling me i'm #########.

    The fix is already in game. They increased the hook time.
    Just look at yesterday's tournament if you're not convinced that survivors are just plain broken against most killers.

  • DasMurich
    DasMurich Member Posts: 67

    The reason i called the thread camping fix is because i think it's broken. Yes it does work at getting a survivor out of play and it isn't against the 'rules' , but it shouldn't do and it shouldn't be. It's people who think its a good strat that ruin the game. Any game can be played in a toxic way, even board games. Its called cheating and its the easiest thing in the world. You can easily not get caught and it makes the game easier, but it's no fun for you or the other people playing. I play both roles in DBD but mostly killer and I've never been able to understand why anyone would want to play like that, and think the way you seem to think.

    It's broken, because it can work, but shouldn't work, because it shouldn't even be an option, but the people that made the game disagree, but you're correct, because using an intended strategy is toxic, toxic is also cheating. 

    So basically camping needs to be removed because you realize, knowing better than the developers, it shouldn't have been a part of the game to begin with and is actually an outright cheat? 

    I think you need to find a different game. 
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    No FIX required it’s not broken.
    Stop going on about camping it’s not even a problem unless your a poor and or
    salty survivor.
  • SuperRavenSn1per
    SuperRavenSn1per Member Posts: 34

    No, it's a legit strategy, you can't punish a legit strategy. It's like if devs punished survivors for genrushing. Each side should be able to use a legit strategy without being punished for it.

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Camping is fine as it is right now. The problem is Survivors feeding the campfire and even providing some marshmallows for it. Most matches, even after the usual signals and a quick scout reveal a hard patrol or legitimate camper, people still go for the unhook right in the Killer's face. The Altruism points, even if someone is rehooked immediately, are ridiculous. If they actually manage a good save, horribly rare, they can post it on their YouTube account and polish their ego.

    Once Survivors start playing smarter and quit feeding the Camper, it's use will become much more situational instead of how it is right now. There is absolutely no reason for people to play how they do now against a Camper, but it's their game so they can play how they want even if it screws up the rest of the match.

    But that idea works both ways, as survivors get used to killers camping, so just assume they always have to go in for the save even if the killer in nearby. It's not just the survivors feeding the camper, the camper is also feeding the survivors. Just because survivors are OP right now doesn't mean people should look at this idea only from a killers perspective. Camping is stupid as its the killer essentially taking the game hostage just because he's salty. At the moment that salt is justified, but i'm talking about a future where the 2 roles are balanced

    This is ... really ludicrous. Taking the game hostage? You have one individual hook while the rest are free to do gens, cleanse totems and work towards their escape. I am not adivicating for first hook in your face camping, but I think you have very bad basis and perspectives that counter your understanding to the issue. Not all camping is chainsaw in your face for 3 mins.

    You see, the killer is nothing like the dev's betray. He is not in control, in fact his actions for most of the general game play is re-active. He responds to stimuli; to sound and notices, he responds to gen rushes ect ect. In general he only has a few ways to make the survives play by his rules and set the behavior of the match (such as 3 gen strat, chasing 1 of em, ect). Camping is a tactical element when done correctly. It allows killers to see how altruistic a group is, how likely you can exploit it, it offers a chance for interception, to hook or at least keep 2 from doing gens or after a short time seeing how un-altruistic the group is and plan accordingly (back to gen patrol). As well if the gates are open it is common sense to make sure the sausage you have on the hook stays there at times. It is a tool which can help or harm a killer, but what survives seem to hate (along with 3 gen) is that the killer is forcing them to change their own style. The killer is doing mind games... hes... setting the conditions of the game besides! :ohnoes:

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @DasMurich said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    The reason i called the thread camping fix is because i think it's broken. Yes it does work at getting a survivor out of play and it isn't against the 'rules' , but it shouldn't do and it shouldn't be. It's people who think its a good strat that ruin the game. Any game can be played in a toxic way, even board games. Its called cheating and its the easiest thing in the world. You can easily not get caught and it makes the game easier, but it's no fun for you or the other people playing. I play both roles in DBD but mostly killer and I've never been able to understand why anyone would want to play like that, and think the way you seem to think.

    It's broken, because it can work, but shouldn't work, because it shouldn't even be an option, but the people that made the game disagree, but you're correct, because using an intended strategy is toxic, toxic is also cheating. 

    So basically camping needs to be removed because you realize, knowing better than the developers, it shouldn't have been a part of the game to begin with and is actually an outright cheat? 

    I think you need to find a different game. 

    Thanks for understanding where you're coming fro, however despite its imperfections, i love this game and i don't think i'l be bored of it for a long time, I just hope one day the devs will start adding what the community wants but using their skills to think about it.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @SuperRavenSn1per said:
    No, it's a legit strategy, you can't punish a legit strategy. It's like if devs punished survivors for genrushing. Each side should be able to use a legit strategy without being punished for it.

    That's a stupid thing to say as you might as well say, no it's legit for every survivor to run the meta builds + flashlights + SWF, it's a legit strategy its a legit strategy. Both these toxic play styles are and it doesn't mean they should. Stop being so single minded.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @TeaLeaf said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Camping is fine as it is right now. The problem is Survivors feeding the campfire and even providing some marshmallows for it. Most matches, even after the usual signals and a quick scout reveal a hard patrol or legitimate camper, people still go for the unhook right in the Killer's face. The Altruism points, even if someone is rehooked immediately, are ridiculous. If they actually manage a good save, horribly rare, they can post it on their YouTube account and polish their ego.

    Once Survivors start playing smarter and quit feeding the Camper, it's use will become much more situational instead of how it is right now. There is absolutely no reason for people to play how they do now against a Camper, but it's their game so they can play how they want even if it screws up the rest of the match.

    But that idea works both ways, as survivors get used to killers camping, so just assume they always have to go in for the save even if the killer in nearby. It's not just the survivors feeding the camper, the camper is also feeding the survivors. Just because survivors are OP right now doesn't mean people should look at this idea only from a killers perspective. Camping is stupid as its the killer essentially taking the game hostage just because he's salty. At the moment that salt is justified, but i'm talking about a future where the 2 roles are balanced

    This is ... really ludicrous. Taking the game hostage? You have one individual hook while the rest are free to do gens, cleanse totems and work towards their escape. I am not adivicating for first hook in your face camping, but I think you have very bad basis and perspectives that counter your understanding to the issue. Not all camping is chainsaw in your face for 3 mins.

    You see, the killer is nothing like the dev's betray. He is not in control, in fact his actions for most of the general game play is re-active. He responds to stimuli; to sound and notices, he responds to gen rushes ect ect. In general he only has a few ways to make the survives play by his rules and set the behavior of the match (such as 3 gen strat, chasing 1 of em, ect). Camping is a tactical element when done correctly. It allows killers to see how altruistic a group is, how likely you can exploit it, it offers a chance for interception, to hook or at least keep 2 from doing gens or after a short time seeing how un-altruistic the group is and plan accordingly (back to gen patrol). As well if the gates are open it is common sense to make sure the sausage you have on the hook stays there at times. It is a tool which can help or harm a killer, but what survives seem to hate (along with 3 gen) is that the killer is forcing them to change their own style. The killer is doing mind games... hes... setting the conditions of the game besides! :ohnoes:

    Again, i'm talking about killers who don't care weather the survivors are gen rushing while they're camping. They just want to secure the kill by standing in the survivors face. This is taking the game hostage in a sense as you're making it virtually impossible to save the survivor. If you want to find out how the enemy team is playing, (altruistic or unaltruistic) leave your first hook to patrol generators and judge it off how quick they're saved. Also i have now thought of a reward for the killer leaving the hook as well as a punishment for staying and i do now think that my idea should be affected by the number of gens left, as when the exit gates are open, camping is a very justified option.

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @TeaLeaf said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Camping is fine as it is right now. The problem is Survivors feeding the campfire and even providing some marshmallows for it. Most matches, even after the usual signals and a quick scout reveal a hard patrol or legitimate camper, people still go for the unhook right in the Killer's face. The Altruism points, even if someone is rehooked immediately, are ridiculous. If they actually manage a good save, horribly rare, they can post it on their YouTube account and polish their ego.

    Once Survivors start playing smarter and quit feeding the Camper, it's use will become much more situational instead of how it is right now. There is absolutely no reason for people to play how they do now against a Camper, but it's their game so they can play how they want even if it screws up the rest of the match.

    But that idea works both ways, as survivors get used to killers camping, so just assume they always have to go in for the save even if the killer in nearby. It's not just the survivors feeding the camper, the camper is also feeding the survivors. Just because survivors are OP right now doesn't mean people should look at this idea only from a killers perspective. Camping is stupid as its the killer essentially taking the game hostage just because he's salty. At the moment that salt is justified, but i'm talking about a future where the 2 roles are balanced

    This is ... really ludicrous. Taking the game hostage? You have one individual hook while the rest are free to do gens, cleanse totems and work towards their escape. I am not adivicating for first hook in your face camping, but I think you have very bad basis and perspectives that counter your understanding to the issue. Not all camping is chainsaw in your face for 3 mins.

    You see, the killer is nothing like the dev's betray. He is not in control, in fact his actions for most of the general game play is re-active. He responds to stimuli; to sound and notices, he responds to gen rushes ect ect. In general he only has a few ways to make the survives play by his rules and set the behavior of the match (such as 3 gen strat, chasing 1 of em, ect). Camping is a tactical element when done correctly. It allows killers to see how altruistic a group is, how likely you can exploit it, it offers a chance for interception, to hook or at least keep 2 from doing gens or after a short time seeing how un-altruistic the group is and plan accordingly (back to gen patrol). As well if the gates are open it is common sense to make sure the sausage you have on the hook stays there at times. It is a tool which can help or harm a killer, but what survives seem to hate (along with 3 gen) is that the killer is forcing them to change their own style. The killer is doing mind games... hes... setting the conditions of the game besides! :ohnoes:

    Again, i'm talking about killers who don't care weather the survivors are gen rushing while they're camping. They just want to secure the kill by standing in the survivors face. This is taking the game hostage in a sense as you're making it virtually impossible to save the survivor. If you want to find out how the enemy team is playing, (altruistic or unaltruistic) leave your first hook to patrol generators and judge it off how quick they're saved. Also i have now thought of a reward for the killer leaving the hook as well as a punishment for staying and i do now think that my idea should be affected by the number of gens left, as when the exit gates are open, camping is a very justified option.

    This is still not taking the game hostage however. I agree doing this before the first gen's poped is a poor strategy for the killer often but these individuals are going to depip if the survivors in turn focus on gens. Also individuals who rely on this type of style only and don't care about gens probably can't prevent a team of decent survivors from hook rushing and proper use of body blocks. Tricky but vs a really unskilled killer very possible. Remember true face camping as the term was originally coined is not possible these days even if the term is thrown around.

    There are also a hand full of variables which have to be considered here if the goal is to balance. SWF has an element, as in say we make the drain on life slower. Well VOIP means all the survivors buddies can direct them on if the killers looking to ambush or intercept. I don't mean the clear hes reeving chainsaw in your face but even if hes trying to be sneaky around a corner. Additionally taking a stance that the killer HAS to leave the hook removes a mind game, if a survivor knows they are free to run to a hook to save a buddy what kinda suspense is that? Just having this knowledge removes caution as well where with out knowing for sure requires more time to do it safely. There are likely several other variables that a patch to fix what is perceived as a problem will thus create more.

    You may not like camping, but its at its heart a viable strategy when applied properly and you can't expect to punish the strategist, offer more boons to the survivor, or even really incentive the killer for going away (case if the problem is specifically individuals who don't care about gens they don't care about BPs either I would say). Remember after all we even have perks and killers specifically geared toward defensive and ambush tactic styles of game play, suggesting the presence of camping is intended by the devs.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @TeaLeaf said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Camping is fine as it is right now. The problem is Survivors feeding the campfire and even providing some marshmallows for it. Most matches, even after the usual signals and a quick scout reveal a hard patrol or legitimate camper, people still go for the unhook right in the Killer's face. The Altruism points, even if someone is rehooked immediately, are ridiculous. If they actually manage a good save, horribly rare, they can post it on their YouTube account and polish their ego.

    Once Survivors start playing smarter and quit feeding the Camper, it's use will become much more situational instead of how it is right now. There is absolutely no reason for people to play how they do now against a Camper, but it's their game so they can play how they want even if it screws up the rest of the match.

    But that idea works both ways, as survivors get used to killers camping, so just assume they always have to go in for the save even if the killer in nearby. It's not just the survivors feeding the camper, the camper is also feeding the survivors. Just because survivors are OP right now doesn't mean people should look at this idea only from a killers perspective. Camping is stupid as its the killer essentially taking the game hostage just because he's salty. At the moment that salt is justified, but i'm talking about a future where the 2 roles are balanced

    This is ... really ludicrous. Taking the game hostage? You have one individual hook while the rest are free to do gens, cleanse totems and work towards their escape. I am not adivicating for first hook in your face camping, but I think you have very bad basis and perspectives that counter your understanding to the issue. Not all camping is chainsaw in your face for 3 mins.

    You see, the killer is nothing like the dev's betray. He is not in control, in fact his actions for most of the general game play is re-active. He responds to stimuli; to sound and notices, he responds to gen rushes ect ect. In general he only has a few ways to make the survives play by his rules and set the behavior of the match (such as 3 gen strat, chasing 1 of em, ect). Camping is a tactical element when done correctly. It allows killers to see how altruistic a group is, how likely you can exploit it, it offers a chance for interception, to hook or at least keep 2 from doing gens or after a short time seeing how un-altruistic the group is and plan accordingly (back to gen patrol). As well if the gates are open it is common sense to make sure the sausage you have on the hook stays there at times. It is a tool which can help or harm a killer, but what survives seem to hate (along with 3 gen) is that the killer is forcing them to change their own style. The killer is doing mind games... hes... setting the conditions of the game besides! :ohnoes:

    Again, i'm talking about killers who don't care weather the survivors are gen rushing while they're camping. They just want to secure the kill by standing in the survivors face. This is taking the game hostage in a sense as you're making it virtually impossible to save the survivor. If you want to find out how the enemy team is playing, (altruistic or unaltruistic) leave your first hook to patrol generators and judge it off how quick they're saved. Also i have now thought of a reward for the killer leaving the hook as well as a punishment for staying and i do now think that my idea should be affected by the number of gens left, as when the exit gates are open, camping is a very justified option.

    There is no hostage situation in any sense of the word. You screwed up in the first place by being found, mistake #1. You screwed up again by not breaking LoS and hiding properly during the chase, mistake #2. You are expecting a Killer to not use a tool in his aresenal that is 100% legal, acceptable, and useful, mistake #3.

    This is why Camping does not need fixed at all. It sucks, but the counter to it is Don't Get Caught. To top that is Don't Be Seen. All this discussion and the ideas are is a way to force Killers to not use a weapon that works almost everytime because of the insanely point hungry and altruistic Survivors who play.

    If Camping, a 100% legitimate tactic at any point in time, bothers you so much, change your style of play to avoid it. Go stealthy, scout a hook before charging into it, do gens if a Killer is too close. It's much the same as "Looping needs fixed". It is a part of the game, you just need to accept it and look for ways to get around it rather than trying to fix something that isn't broken.

    I will say it once more: When Survivors quit feeding the Killer standing at the hook, Camping will go away and/or become purely situational. Until that time, no fix is needed because the tactic is working exactly like it's supposed to work. It sucks the moths into the flame and burns them for their poor gameplay.

  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326
    edited June 2018

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mercury said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    The reason i called the thread camping fix is because i think it's broken. Yes it does work at getting a survivor out of play and it isn't against the 'rules' , but it shouldn't do and it shouldn't be. It's people who think its a good strat that ruin the game. Any game can be played in a toxic way, even board games. Its called cheating and its the easiest thing in the world. You can easily not get caught and it makes the game easier, but it's no fun for you or the other people playing. I play both roles in DBD but mostly killer and I've never been able to understand why anyone would want to play like that, and think the way you seem to think.

    Alright: How to fix camping - Fix Looping.
    If you fixed Looping there no longer would be a profound reason to camp someone to death. Right now if I let that person who just looped me for three minutes go, that work was in vain. I will no longer feel inclined to camp, if you fix that problem.

    How about survivors drastically slow down, when they run through the same two pallets or windows over and over again? And their pallet throw down animation only happens at 30% speed once 60 seconds have passed.

    how many [BAD WORD] times am i going to have to say that i was suggesting this idea for if the game was balanced which its not. Stop [BAD WORD] telling me im ######### and consider the idea for a game that survivors couldn't bully the killer, but are camped anyway. Use your [BAD WORD] eyes dude.

    I'm sorry if it felt like it, but no where did I say that I think you're #########. You say 'if' the game was balanced. Aren't we clearly skipping something then? An even bigger problem is at hand. Until it's fixed this issue can not be looked at properly. We need to properly fix the game and then we can look at how people react. Do they still feel so inclined to camp? Yes- what's making that happen? No- problem solved.

    Yes- is it purely because they want to camp? Then let's make it a harder playsytle. But we should focus on what's the biggest issue first... Pallet looping. If we can balance this game out I'll be happy to look further into solving camping with you.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Mercury said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mercury said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    The reason i called the thread camping fix is because i think it's broken. Yes it does work at getting a survivor out of play and it isn't against the 'rules' , but it shouldn't do and it shouldn't be. It's people who think its a good strat that ruin the game. Any game can be played in a toxic way, even board games. Its called cheating and its the easiest thing in the world. You can easily not get caught and it makes the game easier, but it's no fun for you or the other people playing. I play both roles in DBD but mostly killer and I've never been able to understand why anyone would want to play like that, and think the way you seem to think.

    Alright: How to fix camping - Fix Looping.
    If you fixed Looping there no longer would be a profound reason to camp someone to death. Right now if I let that person who just looped me for three minutes go, that work was in vain. I will no longer feel inclined to camp, if you fix that problem.

    How about survivors drastically slow down, when they run through the same two pallets or windows over and over again? And their pallet throw down animation only happens at 30% speed once 60 seconds have passed.

    how many [BAD WORD] times am i going to have to say that i was suggesting this idea for if the game was balanced which its not. Stop [BAD WORD] telling me im ######### and consider the idea for a game that survivors couldn't bully the killer, but are camped anyway. Use your [BAD WORD] eyes dude.

    I'm sorry if it felt like it, but no where did I say that I think you're #########. You say 'if' the game was balanced. Aren't we clearly skipping something then? An even bigger problem is at hand. Until it's fixed this issue can not be looked at properly. We need to properly fix the game and then we can look at how people react. Do they still feel so inclined to camp? Yes- what's making that happen? No- problem solved.

    Yes- is it purely because they want to camp? Then let's make it a harder playsytle. But we should focus on what's the biggest issue first... Pallet looping. If we can balance this game out I'll be happy to look further into solving camping with you.

    I get you man. I think the problem is, we can't just say fix one thing. If we imagined a world without pallet looping, the survivors would start a chase and die, if we just removed camping, every killer would stop playing as it would be impossible to win certain scenarios. The only way to balance the game is to balance everything at once. I'm trying to think of ways that a camping fix could actually buff the killer but stop them from camping. I thought about saying my original idea with the closer the killer is to the hook within 32 meters, the faster the killer slows down and the faster the hook kill speed slows down with a minimum speed they can both be reduced to. I then realised this affect would have to reverse at the same speed if the killer is in chases within 32 meters so if survivors are all sitting next to the hook, your camping is justified and there for unaffected but the nerf. I then thought to add a gradual increase in speed if a survivor is hooked outside of the 32 meter range. The speed at which your speed increases would be faster than the average speed decrease if your within 32 meteres, to make up for the fact the survivor may be saved early on. However, the maximum it could increase to would be smaller. Eg. perhaps 10% faster as the maximum. This on top of bloodlust 1 alone would make pallet looping almost impossible after the survivor has been hooked for a short amount of time, without being too OP. I think this would actually be a buff to none-camping playstyles, whilst nerfing campers. Tell me what you think.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    Facecamped the moment he hooked me, if he didn't enjoy chasing me, he should have gone for someone else, Its not like i wanted to be chase.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Mringasa said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @TeaLeaf said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Camping is fine as it is right now. The problem is Survivors feeding the campfire and even providing some marshmallows for it. Most matches, even after the usual signals and a quick scout reveal a hard patrol or legitimate camper, people still go for the unhook right in the Killer's face. The Altruism points, even if someone is rehooked immediately, are ridiculous. If they actually manage a good save, horribly rare, they can post it on their YouTube account and polish their ego.

    Once Survivors start playing smarter and quit feeding the Camper, it's use will become much more situational instead of how it is right now. There is absolutely no reason for people to play how they do now against a Camper, but it's their game so they can play how they want even if it screws up the rest of the match.

    But that idea works both ways, as survivors get used to killers camping, so just assume they always have to go in for the save even if the killer in nearby. It's not just the survivors feeding the camper, the camper is also feeding the survivors. Just because survivors are OP right now doesn't mean people should look at this idea only from a killers perspective. Camping is stupid as its the killer essentially taking the game hostage just because he's salty. At the moment that salt is justified, but i'm talking about a future where the 2 roles are balanced

    This is ... really ludicrous. Taking the game hostage? You have one individual hook while the rest are free to do gens, cleanse totems and work towards their escape. I am not adivicating for first hook in your face camping, but I think you have very bad basis and perspectives that counter your understanding to the issue. Not all camping is chainsaw in your face for 3 mins.

    You see, the killer is nothing like the dev's betray. He is not in control, in fact his actions for most of the general game play is re-active. He responds to stimuli; to sound and notices, he responds to gen rushes ect ect. In general he only has a few ways to make the survives play by his rules and set the behavior of the match (such as 3 gen strat, chasing 1 of em, ect). Camping is a tactical element when done correctly. It allows killers to see how altruistic a group is, how likely you can exploit it, it offers a chance for interception, to hook or at least keep 2 from doing gens or after a short time seeing how un-altruistic the group is and plan accordingly (back to gen patrol). As well if the gates are open it is common sense to make sure the sausage you have on the hook stays there at times. It is a tool which can help or harm a killer, but what survives seem to hate (along with 3 gen) is that the killer is forcing them to change their own style. The killer is doing mind games... hes... setting the conditions of the game besides! :ohnoes:

    Again, i'm talking about killers who don't care weather the survivors are gen rushing while they're camping. They just want to secure the kill by standing in the survivors face. This is taking the game hostage in a sense as you're making it virtually impossible to save the survivor. If you want to find out how the enemy team is playing, (altruistic or unaltruistic) leave your first hook to patrol generators and judge it off how quick they're saved. Also i have now thought of a reward for the killer leaving the hook as well as a punishment for staying and i do now think that my idea should be affected by the number of gens left, as when the exit gates are open, camping is a very justified option.

    There is no hostage situation in any sense of the word. You screwed up in the first place by being found, mistake #1. You screwed up again by not breaking LoS and hiding properly during the chase, mistake #2. You are expecting a Killer to not use a tool in his aresenal that is 100% legal, acceptable, and useful, mistake #3.

    This is why Camping does not need fixed at all. It sucks, but the counter to it is Don't Get Caught. To top that is Don't Be Seen. All this discussion and the ideas are is a way to force Killers to not use a weapon that works almost everytime because of the insanely point hungry and altruistic Survivors who play.

    If Camping, a 100% legitimate tactic at any point in time, bothers you so much, change your style of play to avoid it. Go stealthy, scout a hook before charging into it, do gens if a Killer is too close. It's much the same as "Looping needs fixed". It is a part of the game, you just need to accept it and look for ways to get around it rather than trying to fix something that isn't broken.

    I will say it once more: When Survivors quit feeding the Killer standing at the hook, Camping will go away and/or become purely situational. Until that time, no fix is needed because the tactic is working exactly like it's supposed to work. It sucks the moths into the flame and burns them for their poor gameplay.

    You do realise what your saying right? That very attitude is the cause of toxicity for survivor and kill in this game. If survivors think don't get caught, they use the crutch perks and play SWF with brand new parts and insta heals every time. Only way to win against a killer doing the same thing. It makes the game boring for both teams when really both things i just said shouldn't be an option. The killer should be forced to play fair and survivors should be scared of the killer and not be able to run around for half the game. You can say don't be seen all you like, but you can't do that in the games ranking system and even then, you're going to get seen at some point and if you're unlucky, camped for the rest of the game. Why do people like you refuse to think the game can be improved and just put down any new idea rather than trying to improve it.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @TeaLeaf said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @TeaLeaf said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Camping is fine as it is right now. The problem is Survivors feeding the campfire and even providing some marshmallows for it. Most matches, even after the usual signals and a quick scout reveal a hard patrol or legitimate camper, people still go for the unhook right in the Killer's face. The Altruism points, even if someone is rehooked immediately, are ridiculous. If they actually manage a good save, horribly rare, they can post it on their YouTube account and polish their ego.

    Once Survivors start playing smarter and quit feeding the Camper, it's use will become much more situational instead of how it is right now. There is absolutely no reason for people to play how they do now against a Camper, but it's their game so they can play how they want even if it screws up the rest of the match.

    But that idea works both ways, as survivors get used to killers camping, so just assume they always have to go in for the save even if the killer in nearby. It's not just the survivors feeding the camper, the camper is also feeding the survivors. Just because survivors are OP right now doesn't mean people should look at this idea only from a killers perspective. Camping is stupid as its the killer essentially taking the game hostage just because he's salty. At the moment that salt is justified, but i'm talking about a future where the 2 roles are balanced

    This is ... really ludicrous. Taking the game hostage? You have one individual hook while the rest are free to do gens, cleanse totems and work towards their escape. I am not adivicating for first hook in your face camping, but I think you have very bad basis and perspectives that counter your understanding to the issue. Not all camping is chainsaw in your face for 3 mins.

    You see, the killer is nothing like the dev's betray. He is not in control, in fact his actions for most of the general game play is re-active. He responds to stimuli; to sound and notices, he responds to gen rushes ect ect. In general he only has a few ways to make the survives play by his rules and set the behavior of the match (such as 3 gen strat, chasing 1 of em, ect). Camping is a tactical element when done correctly. It allows killers to see how altruistic a group is, how likely you can exploit it, it offers a chance for interception, to hook or at least keep 2 from doing gens or after a short time seeing how un-altruistic the group is and plan accordingly (back to gen patrol). As well if the gates are open it is common sense to make sure the sausage you have on the hook stays there at times. It is a tool which can help or harm a killer, but what survives seem to hate (along with 3 gen) is that the killer is forcing them to change their own style. The killer is doing mind games... hes... setting the conditions of the game besides! :ohnoes:

    Again, i'm talking about killers who don't care weather the survivors are gen rushing while they're camping. They just want to secure the kill by standing in the survivors face. This is taking the game hostage in a sense as you're making it virtually impossible to save the survivor. If you want to find out how the enemy team is playing, (altruistic or unaltruistic) leave your first hook to patrol generators and judge it off how quick they're saved. Also i have now thought of a reward for the killer leaving the hook as well as a punishment for staying and i do now think that my idea should be affected by the number of gens left, as when the exit gates are open, camping is a very justified option.

    This is still not taking the game hostage however. I agree doing this before the first gen's poped is a poor strategy for the killer often but these individuals are going to depip if the survivors in turn focus on gens. Also individuals who rely on this type of style only and don't care about gens probably can't prevent a team of decent survivors from hook rushing and proper use of body blocks. Tricky but vs a really unskilled killer very possible. Remember true face camping as the term was originally coined is not possible these days even if the term is thrown around.

    There are also a hand full of variables which have to be considered here if the goal is to balance. SWF has an element, as in say we make the drain on life slower. Well VOIP means all the survivors buddies can direct them on if the killers looking to ambush or intercept. I don't mean the clear hes reeving chainsaw in your face but even if hes trying to be sneaky around a corner. Additionally taking a stance that the killer HAS to leave the hook removes a mind game, if a survivor knows they are free to run to a hook to save a buddy what kinda suspense is that? Just having this knowledge removes caution as well where with out knowing for sure requires more time to do it safely. There are likely several other variables that a patch to fix what is perceived as a problem will thus create more.

    You may not like camping, but its at its heart a viable strategy when applied properly and you can't expect to punish the strategist, offer more boons to the survivor, or even really incentive the killer for going away (case if the problem is specifically individuals who don't care about gens they don't care about BPs either I would say). Remember after all we even have perks and killers specifically geared toward defensive and ambush tactic styles of game play, suggesting the presence of camping is intended by the devs.

    If you read some of my other suggestions for improving my original idea, i suggested an incentive for killers to leave the hook.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    I know many people are saying camping was intended by the devs, but at the same time, we all know the devs aren't always right, as proven by perks like no mither. Also the reason it hasn't be removed is because it would be ridiculous to add a killer nerf. Again i'll say, this idea wouldn't work without a change to game mechanics that i can't think of, work together as a community and we may come up with something.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Name one reason why killers shouldn't be allowed to defend the hook.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @TeaLeaf said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Camping is fine as it is right now. The problem is Survivors feeding the campfire and even providing some marshmallows for it. Most matches, even after the usual signals and a quick scout reveal a hard patrol or legitimate camper, people still go for the unhook right in the Killer's face. The Altruism points, even if someone is rehooked immediately, are ridiculous. If they actually manage a good save, horribly rare, they can post it on their YouTube account and polish their ego.

    Once Survivors start playing smarter and quit feeding the Camper, it's use will become much more situational instead of how it is right now. There is absolutely no reason for people to play how they do now against a Camper, but it's their game so they can play how they want even if it screws up the rest of the match.

    But that idea works both ways, as survivors get used to killers camping, so just assume they always have to go in for the save even if the killer in nearby. It's not just the survivors feeding the camper, the camper is also feeding the survivors. Just because survivors are OP right now doesn't mean people should look at this idea only from a killers perspective. Camping is stupid as its the killer essentially taking the game hostage just because he's salty. At the moment that salt is justified, but i'm talking about a future where the 2 roles are balanced

    This is ... really ludicrous. Taking the game hostage? You have one individual hook while the rest are free to do gens, cleanse totems and work towards their escape. I am not adivicating for first hook in your face camping, but I think you have very bad basis and perspectives that counter your understanding to the issue. Not all camping is chainsaw in your face for 3 mins.

    You see, the killer is nothing like the dev's betray. He is not in control, in fact his actions for most of the general game play is re-active. He responds to stimuli; to sound and notices, he responds to gen rushes ect ect. In general he only has a few ways to make the survives play by his rules and set the behavior of the match (such as 3 gen strat, chasing 1 of em, ect). Camping is a tactical element when done correctly. It allows killers to see how altruistic a group is, how likely you can exploit it, it offers a chance for interception, to hook or at least keep 2 from doing gens or after a short time seeing how un-altruistic the group is and plan accordingly (back to gen patrol). As well if the gates are open it is common sense to make sure the sausage you have on the hook stays there at times. It is a tool which can help or harm a killer, but what survives seem to hate (along with 3 gen) is that the killer is forcing them to change their own style. The killer is doing mind games... hes... setting the conditions of the game besides! :ohnoes:

    Again, i'm talking about killers who don't care weather the survivors are gen rushing while they're camping. They just want to secure the kill by standing in the survivors face. This is taking the game hostage in a sense as you're making it virtually impossible to save the survivor. If you want to find out how the enemy team is playing, (altruistic or unaltruistic) leave your first hook to patrol generators and judge it off how quick they're saved. Also i have now thought of a reward for the killer leaving the hook as well as a punishment for staying and i do now think that my idea should be affected by the number of gens left, as when the exit gates are open, camping is a very justified option.

    There is no hostage situation in any sense of the word. You screwed up in the first place by being found, mistake #1. You screwed up again by not breaking LoS and hiding properly during the chase, mistake #2. You are expecting a Killer to not use a tool in his aresenal that is 100% legal, acceptable, and useful, mistake #3.

    This is why Camping does not need fixed at all. It sucks, but the counter to it is Don't Get Caught. To top that is Don't Be Seen. All this discussion and the ideas are is a way to force Killers to not use a weapon that works almost everytime because of the insanely point hungry and altruistic Survivors who play.

    If Camping, a 100% legitimate tactic at any point in time, bothers you so much, change your style of play to avoid it. Go stealthy, scout a hook before charging into it, do gens if a Killer is too close. It's much the same as "Looping needs fixed". It is a part of the game, you just need to accept it and look for ways to get around it rather than trying to fix something that isn't broken.

    I will say it once more: When Survivors quit feeding the Killer standing at the hook, Camping will go away and/or become purely situational. Until that time, no fix is needed because the tactic is working exactly like it's supposed to work. It sucks the moths into the flame and burns them for their poor gameplay.

    You do realise what your saying right? That very attitude is the cause of toxicity for survivor and kill in this game. If survivors think don't get caught, they use the crutch perks and play SWF with brand new parts and insta heals every time. Only way to win against a killer doing the same thing. It makes the game boring for both teams when really both things i just said shouldn't be an option. The killer should be forced to play fair and survivors should be scared of the killer and not be able to run around for half the game. You can say don't be seen all you like, but you can't do that in the games ranking system and even then, you're going to get seen at some point and if you're unlucky, camped for the rest of the game. Why do people like you refuse to think the game can be improved and just put down any new idea rather than trying to improve it.

    How is my attitude the cause for toxicity? If anything, it does the complete opposite. If a Killer camps, I do gens and leave. If a Killer leaves the hook, or patrols, I try for the save. It seems like common sense to me.

    Why anyone would even attempt to make a save on a Camping Killer is beyond me. It almost always ends badly for multiple people. If you are stupid enough to try it, more power to you. And yes, I say stupid because trying it is just that. Punish the Killers often enough and they will stop Camping the hook. THAT is the fix. No outside actions need taken. It is something every Survivor can do, but they are too dense to understand it.

    Multiple games I've seen the hot mess go down, and as soon as it does I go looking for the hatch if exit gates aren't powered. I am not going to feed the campfire like a moron. When Survivors play smart, the Killer gets hurt by Camping. When they play stupid s/he gets rewarded. It really is that simple. It does not need any Perk, new gimmick game mechanic, or Developer interference. It just needs people to play smart.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Orion said:
    Name one reason why killers shouldn't be allowed to defend the hook.

    I mean i already did say why they shouldn't stand there for no reason when there's nobody nearby and the gates aren't open but they're just a salty ######### who wants to secure one kill. It's boring for both teams, it encourages toxicity from survivors as camping puts pressure on them to use crutch perks, play SWF with flashlights, and go for saves the moment the killer hooks them. This then encourages killers to camp more as survivors are always sitting around the hook as it becomes a habit. Another reason it's bad is it rewards killers for getting salty, rather than playing the game how it's supposed to be played, rewarding them for standing there, hitting their victim because they didn't like the fact they wasted their time, when really they should have just left that survivor if they were hard to catch and gone for someone else. If you can't catch someone, leave them and go for easier prey, don't be a baby and ruin everyone's game because you're bad and stubborn. I gave you plenty of good reasons why killers camp. I have no problem with justifiably defending their hooks though, which i think you may have misunderstood. And before you call me an entitled survivor, i'm a killer main and camping without survivors swarming you or the exit gates open is disgusting, if you want to get to rank 1, go defend the objectives not the poor soul whose game you're ruining, while making yours as boring as possible.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Mringasa said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @TeaLeaf said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Camping is fine as it is right now. The problem is Survivors feeding the campfire and even providing some marshmallows for it. Most matches, even after the usual signals and a quick scout reveal a hard patrol or legitimate camper, people still go for the unhook right in the Killer's face. The Altruism points, even if someone is rehooked immediately, are ridiculous. If they actually manage a good save, horribly rare, they can post it on their YouTube account and polish their ego.

    Once Survivors start playing smarter and quit feeding the Camper, it's use will become much more situational instead of how it is right now. There is absolutely no reason for people to play how they do now against a Camper, but it's their game so they can play how they want even if it screws up the rest of the match.

    But that idea works both ways, as survivors get used to killers camping, so just assume they always have to go in for the save even if the killer in nearby. It's not just the survivors feeding the camper, the camper is also feeding the survivors. Just because survivors are OP right now doesn't mean people should look at this idea only from a killers perspective. Camping is stupid as its the killer essentially taking the game hostage just because he's salty. At the moment that salt is justified, but i'm talking about a future where the 2 roles are balanced

    This is ... really ludicrous. Taking the game hostage? You have one individual hook while the rest are free to do gens, cleanse totems and work towards their escape. I am not adivicating for first hook in your face camping, but I think you have very bad basis and perspectives that counter your understanding to the issue. Not all camping is chainsaw in your face for 3 mins.

    You see, the killer is nothing like the dev's betray. He is not in control, in fact his actions for most of the general game play is re-active. He responds to stimuli; to sound and notices, he responds to gen rushes ect ect. In general he only has a few ways to make the survives play by his rules and set the behavior of the match (such as 3 gen strat, chasing 1 of em, ect). Camping is a tactical element when done correctly. It allows killers to see how altruistic a group is, how likely you can exploit it, it offers a chance for interception, to hook or at least keep 2 from doing gens or after a short time seeing how un-altruistic the group is and plan accordingly (back to gen patrol). As well if the gates are open it is common sense to make sure the sausage you have on the hook stays there at times. It is a tool which can help or harm a killer, but what survives seem to hate (along with 3 gen) is that the killer is forcing them to change their own style. The killer is doing mind games... hes... setting the conditions of the game besides! :ohnoes:

    Again, i'm talking about killers who don't care weather the survivors are gen rushing while they're camping. They just want to secure the kill by standing in the survivors face. This is taking the game hostage in a sense as you're making it virtually impossible to save the survivor. If you want to find out how the enemy team is playing, (altruistic or unaltruistic) leave your first hook to patrol generators and judge it off how quick they're saved. Also i have now thought of a reward for the killer leaving the hook as well as a punishment for staying and i do now think that my idea should be affected by the number of gens left, as when the exit gates are open, camping is a very justified option.

    There is no hostage situation in any sense of the word. You screwed up in the first place by being found, mistake #1. You screwed up again by not breaking LoS and hiding properly during the chase, mistake #2. You are expecting a Killer to not use a tool in his aresenal that is 100% legal, acceptable, and useful, mistake #3.

    This is why Camping does not need fixed at all. It sucks, but the counter to it is Don't Get Caught. To top that is Don't Be Seen. All this discussion and the ideas are is a way to force Killers to not use a weapon that works almost everytime because of the insanely point hungry and altruistic Survivors who play.

    If Camping, a 100% legitimate tactic at any point in time, bothers you so much, change your style of play to avoid it. Go stealthy, scout a hook before charging into it, do gens if a Killer is too close. It's much the same as "Looping needs fixed". It is a part of the game, you just need to accept it and look for ways to get around it rather than trying to fix something that isn't broken.

    I will say it once more: When Survivors quit feeding the Killer standing at the hook, Camping will go away and/or become purely situational. Until that time, no fix is needed because the tactic is working exactly like it's supposed to work. It sucks the moths into the flame and burns them for their poor gameplay.

    You do realise what your saying right? That very attitude is the cause of toxicity for survivor and kill in this game. If survivors think don't get caught, they use the crutch perks and play SWF with brand new parts and insta heals every time. Only way to win against a killer doing the same thing. It makes the game boring for both teams when really both things i just said shouldn't be an option. The killer should be forced to play fair and survivors should be scared of the killer and not be able to run around for half the game. You can say don't be seen all you like, but you can't do that in the games ranking system and even then, you're going to get seen at some point and if you're unlucky, camped for the rest of the game. Why do people like you refuse to think the game can be improved and just put down any new idea rather than trying to improve it.

    How is my attitude the cause for toxicity? If anything, it does the complete opposite. If a Killer camps, I do gens and leave. If a Killer leaves the hook, or patrols, I try for the save. It seems like common sense to me.

    Why anyone would even attempt to make a save on a Camping Killer is beyond me. It almost always ends badly for multiple people. If you are stupid enough to try it, more power to you. And yes, I say stupid because trying it is just that. Punish the Killers often enough and they will stop Camping the hook. THAT is the fix. No outside actions need taken. It is something every Survivor can do, but they are too dense to understand it.

    Multiple games I've seen the hot mess go down, and as soon as it does I go looking for the hatch if exit gates aren't powered. I am not going to feed the campfire like a moron. When Survivors play smart, the Killer gets hurt by Camping. When they play stupid s/he gets rewarded. It really is that simple. It does not need any Perk, new gimmick game mechanic, or Developer interference. It just needs people to play smart.

    No i wait for the killer to leave, if the killer doesn't leave, then what? A survivors first hook shouldn't be their last, otherwise they wouldn't add 3 stages, you can't use the excuse of the survivors are around the hook when you've already been standing there for 5 or whatever minutes. Also, i already said that if survivors stand around the hook, the power i suggested doesn't take affect as i agree that survivors feed the killer. But just as often it's the killer standing there because he's salty he didn't catch the survivor, which annoys me so much as they'd do better if they left the hook to go for someone else and protect gens(as long as the gate's not open) but they just camp out of spite, only to say after that they were just protecting the hook or its a viable strategy. My problem is that doing it unjustifiably is a working strat and it shouldn't be in a scenario where the killer is acting like an angry 3 year old who didn't win a game. I'm a killer main and i do agree that often i must camp as survivors are running circles around the hook, but never would i without a very good reason.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Orion said:
    Name one reason why killers shouldn't be allowed to defend the hook.

    I mean i already did say why they shouldn't stand there for no reason when there's nobody nearby and the gates aren't open but they're just a salty [BAD WORD] who wants to secure one kill. It's boring for both teams, it encourages toxicity from survivors as camping puts pressure on them to use crutch perks, play SWF with flashlights, and go for saves the moment the killer hooks them. This then encourages killers to camp more as survivors are always sitting around the hook as it becomes a habit. Another reason it's bad is it rewards killers for getting salty, rather than playing the game how it's supposed to be played, rewarding them for standing there, hitting their victim because they didn't like the fact they wasted their time, when really they should have just left that survivor if they were hard to catch and gone for someone else. If you can't catch someone, leave them and go for easier prey, don't be a baby and ruin everyone's game because you're bad and stubborn. I gave you plenty of good reasons why killers camp. I have no problem with justifiably defending their hooks though, which i think you may have misunderstood. And before you call me an entitled survivor, i'm a killer main and camping without survivors swarming you or the exit gates open is disgusting, if you want to get to rank 1, go defend the objectives not the poor soul whose game you're ruining, while making yours as boring as possible.

    I mean a valid reason that takes into consideration the game's mechanics, as opposed to a reason that takes into consideration wild guesses and player entitlement.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Orion said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Orion said:
    Name one reason why killers shouldn't be allowed to defend the hook.

    I mean i already did say why they shouldn't stand there for no reason when there's nobody nearby and the gates aren't open but they're just a salty [BAD WORD] who wants to secure one kill. It's boring for both teams, it encourages toxicity from survivors as camping puts pressure on them to use crutch perks, play SWF with flashlights, and go for saves the moment the killer hooks them. This then encourages killers to camp more as survivors are always sitting around the hook as it becomes a habit. Another reason it's bad is it rewards killers for getting salty, rather than playing the game how it's supposed to be played, rewarding them for standing there, hitting their victim because they didn't like the fact they wasted their time, when really they should have just left that survivor if they were hard to catch and gone for someone else. If you can't catch someone, leave them and go for easier prey, don't be a baby and ruin everyone's game because you're bad and stubborn. I gave you plenty of good reasons why killers camp. I have no problem with justifiably defending their hooks though, which i think you may have misunderstood. And before you call me an entitled survivor, i'm a killer main and camping without survivors swarming you or the exit gates open is disgusting, if you want to get to rank 1, go defend the objectives not the poor soul whose game you're ruining, while making yours as boring as possible.

    I mean a valid reason that takes into consideration the game's mechanics, as opposed to a reason that takes into consideration wild guesses and player entitlement.

    I've already stated many times that this idea would only work if the game was balanced. Read the thread before complaining. I don't understand what you mean by wild guesses and like i said i'm a killer main, and as a killer main yes i do believe players are entitled to be hooked more than one time.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Orion said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Orion said:
    Name one reason why killers shouldn't be allowed to defend the hook.

    I mean i already did say why they shouldn't stand there for no reason when there's nobody nearby and the gates aren't open but they're just a salty [BAD WORD] who wants to secure one kill. It's boring for both teams, it encourages toxicity from survivors as camping puts pressure on them to use crutch perks, play SWF with flashlights, and go for saves the moment the killer hooks them. This then encourages killers to camp more as survivors are always sitting around the hook as it becomes a habit. Another reason it's bad is it rewards killers for getting salty, rather than playing the game how it's supposed to be played, rewarding them for standing there, hitting their victim because they didn't like the fact they wasted their time, when really they should have just left that survivor if they were hard to catch and gone for someone else. If you can't catch someone, leave them and go for easier prey, don't be a baby and ruin everyone's game because you're bad and stubborn. I gave you plenty of good reasons why killers camp. I have no problem with justifiably defending their hooks though, which i think you may have misunderstood. And before you call me an entitled survivor, i'm a killer main and camping without survivors swarming you or the exit gates open is disgusting, if you want to get to rank 1, go defend the objectives not the poor soul whose game you're ruining, while making yours as boring as possible.

    I mean a valid reason that takes into consideration the game's mechanics, as opposed to a reason that takes into consideration wild guesses and player entitlement.

    I've already stated many times that this idea would only work if the game was balanced. Read the thread before complaining. I don't understand what you mean by wild guesses and like i said i'm a killer main, and as a killer main yes i do believe players are entitled to be hooked more than one time.

    I did read that part, and even if the game were balanced, this change would still be asinine. Punishing a killer for defending his objective would be like making the gates close if too many survivors approached them. I don't care if you're a killer main or not, because your idea is bad.

    Players are not entitled to anything outside the scope of the rules and game mechanics. The Wraith is not entitled to teleport. Jake is not entitled to sabotage the Hillbilly's chainsaw.

    A Survivor is not entitled to getting off the hook after the Killer spent an inordinate amount of time to get them there, not to mention outplaying the Survivor at every turn. At that point, it's up to the remaining Survivors to mount an effective rescue. If they can, good for them. If they can't, then the Survivor will die. The Killer is not obligated to give them more chances than the game already presents them with.

  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678

    I feel like this would be really good. I play killer myself and rarely camp (A survivor trying to rat out others or just being scummy to other survivors) and I feel like this would really work against the ones who camp nonstop. just add it in the next update and not put it in the patch notes at all, only inform people when they get really salty because they can't camp as efficiently. The campers would be so salty it's like the Dead Sea washed over the DBD community.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @BigBadPiggy said:
    I feel like this would be really good. I play killer myself and rarely camp (A survivor trying to rat out others or just being scummy to other survivors) and I feel like this would really work against the ones who camp nonstop. just add it in the next update and not put it in the patch notes at all, only inform people when they get really salty because they can't camp as efficiently. The campers would be so salty it's like the Dead Sea washed over the DBD community.

    This was already tried in a PTB. Survivors abused it to the point the devs decided to never try something like this again. Bottom line is, there is absolutely no reason to punish the killer for defending his kill.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    All in all, any such discussion is pointless from the start.

    The devs have tried two separate anti-camping mechanics in two separate PTBs. Both times, the Survivors abused the mechanics so thoroughly, to both the detriment of the Killer AND the hooked Survivor, that the devs eventually decided to scrap any anti-camping mechanic for good and never implement one ever again.

    The devs will only ever give incentives now to leave the Hook (mainly Perks like Pop Goes The Weasel, Devour Hope, Make Your Choice, Barbecue & Chilli) instead of punishments for not doing so.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Mercury said:
    It's always punishment instead of reward. Why not make it, that if a survivor is unhooked outside of the killer's terror radius, the survivor is dead upon next hook, skipping the summoning phase. There, fixed camping.

    that definitely wouldn't work as it would encourage farming, overly nerf survivors (Ik they need it but not that much), and it would buff all killers with small terror radii

    Oh yeah, we can't allow to buff already weak killers, we must nerf them even more, so our sweet survbois can escape at rate of 101%.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Orion said:

    @BigBadPiggy said:
    I feel like this would be really good. I play killer myself and rarely camp (A survivor trying to rat out others or just being scummy to other survivors) and I feel like this would really work against the ones who camp nonstop. just add it in the next update and not put it in the patch notes at all, only inform people when they get really salty because they can't camp as efficiently. The campers would be so salty it's like the Dead Sea washed over the DBD community.

    This was already tried in a PTB. Survivors abused it to the point the devs decided to never try something like this again. Bottom line is, there is absolutely no reason to punish the killer for defending his kill.

    I've said previously that they have indeed done it before. But with no reward for the killer leaving and no time it wouldn't work (eg when survivors are in the area/the exit gates are open). I'm so annoyed that everyone is so hostile to this idea just because the devs ######### it up once. They didn't have any variables to it and it was rushed idea with no thought. Purely if the killer is near, you die slower. And also, the idea i suggested would be a killer buff. Leaving the area causes a speed increase is insane, you could go and find someone else, and catch them faster.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited June 2018

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Orion said:

    @BigBadPiggy said:
    I feel like this would be really good. I play killer myself and rarely camp (A survivor trying to rat out others or just being scummy to other survivors) and I feel like this would really work against the ones who camp nonstop. just add it in the next update and not put it in the patch notes at all, only inform people when they get really salty because they can't camp as efficiently. The campers would be so salty it's like the Dead Sea washed over the DBD community.

    This was already tried in a PTB. Survivors abused it to the point the devs decided to never try something like this again. Bottom line is, there is absolutely no reason to punish the killer for defending his kill.

    I've said previously that they have indeed done it before. But with no reward for the killer leaving and no time it wouldn't work (eg when survivors are in the area/the exit gates are open). I'm so annoyed that everyone is so hostile to this idea just because the devs ######### it up once. They didn't have any variables to it and it was rushed idea with no thought. Purely if the killer is near, you die slower. And also, the idea i suggested would be a killer buff. Leaving the area causes a speed increase is insane, you could go and find someone else, and catch them faster.

    Punishing the Killer for staying close to the hook - regardless of the situation - will never work, because catching a Survivor is not worth the potential trade-off of allowing the one you already have to be rescued and healed, thereby resetting your progress.

    Buffing a Killer for not being near the hook might work, but only if the buff is so massive that it considerably shortens the length of a chase or otherwise completely stops the Survivors' progress. For example, if generator repairs were impossible if there was a hooked Survivor and the Killer was more than 10m from the hook (or actively engaged in a chase), that might be a trade-off worth having.
    In the end, though, Survivors will always be the problem. Make it so they can't be within 8m of the hook for the Killer debuff to trigger, and they'll stay at 9m. Make it so the debuff doesn't apply if they're being chased, and they'll just abuse the chase triggers.

    Unhooking takes a fraction of the time it takes to hook, with massive rewards for both Survivors and a near-total reset of the Killer's progress. Inversely, hooking a Survivor can take anywhere from 40% to 100% of the generators, and any incentive the Killer might need to let all that work go to waste would need to be beyond broken.

    We're "hostile to this idea" because it is a bad idea. That's what you're not getting: your idea is bad. It was bad when the devs tried it (twice), it's bad now, and it will always be a bad idea. Stop blaming us because you can't accept that fact.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Orion said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Orion said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Orion said:
    Name one reason why killers shouldn't be allowed to defend the hook.

    I mean i already did say why they shouldn't stand there for no reason when there's nobody nearby and the gates aren't open but they're just a salty [BAD WORD] who wants to secure one kill. It's boring for both teams, it encourages toxicity from survivors as camping puts pressure on them to use crutch perks, play SWF with flashlights, and go for saves the moment the killer hooks them. This then encourages killers to camp more as survivors are always sitting around the hook as it becomes a habit. Another reason it's bad is it rewards killers for getting salty, rather than playing the game how it's supposed to be played, rewarding them for standing there, hitting their victim because they didn't like the fact they wasted their time, when really they should have just left that survivor if they were hard to catch and gone for someone else. If you can't catch someone, leave them and go for easier prey, don't be a baby and ruin everyone's game because you're bad and stubborn. I gave you plenty of good reasons why killers camp. I have no problem with justifiably defending their hooks though, which i think you may have misunderstood. And before you call me an entitled survivor, i'm a killer main and camping without survivors swarming you or the exit gates open is disgusting, if you want to get to rank 1, go defend the objectives not the poor soul whose game you're ruining, while making yours as boring as possible.

    I mean a valid reason that takes into consideration the game's mechanics, as opposed to a reason that takes into consideration wild guesses and player entitlement.

    I've already stated many times that this idea would only work if the game was balanced. Read the thread before complaining. I don't understand what you mean by wild guesses and like i said i'm a killer main, and as a killer main yes i do believe players are entitled to be hooked more than one time.

    I did read that part, and even if the game were balanced, this change would still be asinine. Punishing a killer for defending his objective would be like making the gates close if too many survivors approached them. I don't care if you're a killer main or not, because your idea is bad.

    Players are not entitled to anything outside the scope of the rules and game mechanics. The Wraith is not entitled to teleport. Jake is not entitled to sabotage the Hillbilly's chainsaw.

    A Survivor is not entitled to getting off the hook after the Killer spent an inordinate amount of time to get them there, not to mention outplaying the Survivor at every turn. At that point, it's up to the remaining Survivors to mount an effective rescue. If they can, good for them. If they can't, then the Survivor will die. The Killer is not obligated to give them more chances than the game already presents them with.

    What you're comparing it to is ridiculous. I'm saying i want it to be in the game mechanics, so why do you keep saying it's not. I wouldn't make this thread if it was. As for your ridiculous comparisons, i provided an idea that could work in this game and people would like if they actually tried to listen to me. Don't compare it to something as stupid as a teleporting wraith. You're so reluctant to listen my idea and you're going on about defending hooks and so on but when did i say you couldn't do that with a good reason. If survivors are swarming the hook, the idea i suggested wouldn't affect you. If the gates are open , it wouldn't affect you. If you actually leave the hook, (i know that's a big deal to a few killers out there) you get a quite nice speed boost which would make pallet looping impossible. The objectives the killer defends are the generators, not the hooks and people need to start seeing it as that. I mean look at the emblems. There's one for stopping gens from being done and one for stopping people healing, not stopping people from being saved. My idea would make it more fun for survivors as they don't have to have their first hook being their last, and it would be more fun for killers as they would be buffed and actually have a chance on this game, as well as the fact they don't have to sit in the same 10 meter area for the entire game waiting or the hooked survivor to die. Can you please just try and see the positives and suggest some improvements rather than putting the idea down.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @DocOctober said:
    All in all, any such discussion is pointless from the start.

    The devs have tried two separate anti-camping mechanics in two separate PTBs. Both times, the Survivors abused the mechanics so thoroughly, to both the detriment of the Killer AND the hooked Survivor, that the devs eventually decided to scrap any anti-camping mechanic for good and never implement one ever again.

    The devs will only ever give incentives now to leave the Hook (mainly Perks like Pop Goes The Weasel, Devour Hope, Make Your Choice, Barbecue & Chilli) instead of punishments for not doing so.

    I'l say it again that the devs seem to think the solution is more simple than it is. They need to stop rushing their ideas and really make a long thought out game changing mechanic that would benefit the killer more than the survivor. It's what i'm doing but i'm asking for improvements.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @DocOctober said:
    All in all, any such discussion is pointless from the start.

    The devs have tried two separate anti-camping mechanics in two separate PTBs. Both times, the Survivors abused the mechanics so thoroughly, to both the detriment of the Killer AND the hooked Survivor, that the devs eventually decided to scrap any anti-camping mechanic for good and never implement one ever again.

    The devs will only ever give incentives now to leave the Hook (mainly Perks like Pop Goes The Weasel, Devour Hope, Make Your Choice, Barbecue & Chilli) instead of punishments for not doing so.

    I'l say it again that the devs seem to think the solution is more simple than it is. They need to stop rushing their ideas and really make a long thought out game changing mechanic that would benefit the killer more than the survivor. It's what i'm doing but i'm asking for improvements.

    To be honest, they do not rush, look how frequently the patches are being released compared to other big online games.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    edited June 2018

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @DocOctober said:
    All in all, any such discussion is pointless from the start.

    The devs have tried two separate anti-camping mechanics in two separate PTBs. Both times, the Survivors abused the mechanics so thoroughly, to both the detriment of the Killer AND the hooked Survivor, that the devs eventually decided to scrap any anti-camping mechanic for good and never implement one ever again.

    The devs will only ever give incentives now to leave the Hook (mainly Perks like Pop Goes The Weasel, Devour Hope, Make Your Choice, Barbecue & Chilli) instead of punishments for not doing so.

    I'l say it again that the devs seem to think the solution is more simple than it is. They need to stop rushing their ideas and really make a long thought out game changing mechanic that would benefit the killer more than the survivor. It's what i'm doing but i'm asking for improvements.

    Tough luck. The devs were quite clear: no more punishments for camping, only incentives not to do it.

    Camping is a strategic choice made by the Killer that can work out in their favour or backfire horribly, all depending on what the other Survivors do.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @DocOctober said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @DocOctober said:
    All in all, any such discussion is pointless from the start.

    The devs have tried two separate anti-camping mechanics in two separate PTBs. Both times, the Survivors abused the mechanics so thoroughly, to both the detriment of the Killer AND the hooked Survivor, that the devs eventually decided to scrap any anti-camping mechanic for good and never implement one ever again.

    The devs will only ever give incentives now to leave the Hook (mainly Perks like Pop Goes The Weasel, Devour Hope, Make Your Choice, Barbecue & Chilli) instead of punishments for not doing so.

    I'l say it again that the devs seem to think the solution is more simple than it is. They need to stop rushing their ideas and really make a long thought out game changing mechanic that would benefit the killer more than the survivor. It's what i'm doing but i'm asking for improvements.

    Tough luck. The devs were quite clear: no more punishments for camping, only incentives not to do it.

    Camping is a strategic choice made by the Killer that can work out in their favour or backfire horribly, all depending on what the other Survivors do.

    The devs also said they weren't adding a clown, things happen. Tbh man i mainly made this thread for fun and to know what people think.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @DocOctober said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @DocOctober said:
    All in all, any such discussion is pointless from the start.

    The devs have tried two separate anti-camping mechanics in two separate PTBs. Both times, the Survivors abused the mechanics so thoroughly, to both the detriment of the Killer AND the hooked Survivor, that the devs eventually decided to scrap any anti-camping mechanic for good and never implement one ever again.

    The devs will only ever give incentives now to leave the Hook (mainly Perks like Pop Goes The Weasel, Devour Hope, Make Your Choice, Barbecue & Chilli) instead of punishments for not doing so.

    I'l say it again that the devs seem to think the solution is more simple than it is. They need to stop rushing their ideas and really make a long thought out game changing mechanic that would benefit the killer more than the survivor. It's what i'm doing but i'm asking for improvements.

    Tough luck. The devs were quite clear: no more punishments for camping, only incentives not to do it.

    Camping is a strategic choice made by the Killer that can work out in their favour or backfire horribly, all depending on what the other Survivors do.

    The devs also said they weren't adding a clown, things happen. Tbh man i mainly made this thread for fun and to know what people think.

    People think your idea is bad. I've said this ad nauseam, yet you keep blaming us for "not getting" your idea.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Orion said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @DocOctober said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @DocOctober said:
    All in all, any such discussion is pointless from the start.

    The devs have tried two separate anti-camping mechanics in two separate PTBs. Both times, the Survivors abused the mechanics so thoroughly, to both the detriment of the Killer AND the hooked Survivor, that the devs eventually decided to scrap any anti-camping mechanic for good and never implement one ever again.

    The devs will only ever give incentives now to leave the Hook (mainly Perks like Pop Goes The Weasel, Devour Hope, Make Your Choice, Barbecue & Chilli) instead of punishments for not doing so.

    I'l say it again that the devs seem to think the solution is more simple than it is. They need to stop rushing their ideas and really make a long thought out game changing mechanic that would benefit the killer more than the survivor. It's what i'm doing but i'm asking for improvements.

    Tough luck. The devs were quite clear: no more punishments for camping, only incentives not to do it.

    Camping is a strategic choice made by the Killer that can work out in their favour or backfire horribly, all depending on what the other Survivors do.

    The devs also said they weren't adding a clown, things happen. Tbh man i mainly made this thread for fun and to know what people think.

    People think your idea is bad. I've said this ad nauseam, yet you keep blaming us for "not getting" your idea.

    No man, i'm just asking for people to have constructive criticism rather than go on the thread just to tell me i'm #########. Some people have told me i'm wrong, but they told me could make it work. If you're just coming to the thread to feel superior to me by treating me like an idiot, go find some other ######### on these forums to abuse, trust me there's plenty.