Build Saving

I'd love to be able to create specific builds and then save and recall them when needed.

As an example: When I see four survivors load in together flashlights, it would be great if I could pull up my anti-flashlight build without having to :
1. Remember what my anti-flashlight build is (I like chasing overly altruistic flashlight users with Agitation and Mad Grit)
2. Remember which killer has those perks unlocked and at the highest level available to me
2. Choose the killer
3. Swap out my defaults for the build
4. Remember what I originally had and put it back afterwards for a normal game

If I could just save the build as "Flashlight Billy" I could call it up at a moments notice and put it back to "Default Billy" after the game.

Survivors could have a toxic build for SWF and a standard build for solos too.