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the idea of a new killer - The Countess

OGRADA_V Member Posts: 6
edited February 2019 in Creations

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**Thanks for the translation:
We apologize if any mistakes are made in the text. We do not know the language and fully rely on the translation provided to us.

The Countess

Name: Aurora Elizabeth Duran
Gender: Female
Realm: Estate Duran
Weapon: Label with lily
Power: Retribution Fire
Speed: 4.4m/s
Terror Radius: 24 meters
Height: Average


In 17 Aurora had been married with graph in southwest France. She was from other country and when she moved to graph's estate, she couldn’t contact with her relatives. Her husband was indifference to her. Though as graph's wife she had influence, remove contemptuous looks from servants she couldn't. Gradually Countess getting more nervous and exacting.
When another servant ignored her request, she beat him. The Countess got, that a force the best way to show who's in charge. And it really brings satisfaction to her. With time her methods getting more different and basements turned to torture rooms. 5 years The Countess satisfied her sadistic needs. So when her husband began to surmise about something, with him happened ”accident happen” on a hunt. She got all his ownership. Then she stopped at nothing, she taking servants for her needs without hiding and instruments of torture didn’t limited only in basements.
After servants, she began to torture villagers from nearby village. But it ended when she got blacksmith’s daughter, who was 10. Girl died with awful tortures like others, but in this time retribution happened. To The Countess came. She had to survive those tortures, what she did to them. They tortured her over the weeks. But all once ends. And end for The Countess was that blacksmith, which daughter she killed last. Mask, made from pure gold, incandescent till white, shone in dark room. Shout of pain spread through the house. Leaving, they fired the estate. But The Countess was already no there.

Weapon: The label with lily.
With this label she marked her servants like her property.


Rare: Nightgown (bronze mask)
In midnight, angry crowd gathered in front of Estate Duran
Very rare: ball gown (silver mask)
In festival someone say “Masks off”, but one mask will not be removed.

Power: The fire of retribution

The Entity has given to Countess ability to control the fire, which absorbed her. "The fire of retribution" lets Countess to attack survivors, lighting them with incandescent light gradually blinds them:

  • Holding a power button, The Countess takes off the mask (this action takes 0.5 seconds) and lighting a place in her view. On survivors, whose enters in lighting place works gradual blindness: at beginning image getting blur, then survivors get burn, those give a hemorrhage effect, then survivor will be blinded.
  • Fire doesn't work if survivors are behind for object.
  • If survivor looks at The Countess' face, he will be blinded faster.
  • When use fire, spends a scale of incandescence.
  • When The Countess uses the ability, she walking slower.
  • When survivor has run from The Countess (after end a chase) a process of blindness and hemorrhage effect decreases.
  • A blindness of survivor works as a blindness of killer. When survivor is blinded he doesn't see and cannot use any kind of objects.
  • A time is needed to blind a survivor is 10 second
  • A blindness duration of survivor is 2 seconds.
  • A range of the fire is 12 meters.
  • Scale of incandescence spends completely for 15 seconds in use.
  • After scale of incandescence is spent, The Countess takes on mask (this action takes 0.5 seconds too).


  • Animation of hit: after successful hit, for a second takes off her mask and incandesces her weapon in front of the face
  • Animation of take off mask for use ability: brings the left hand to mask, clings with fingers on hole for eyes and her face begins to shine, slightly narrows the view.
  • Animation of break pallet or generator: breaks it with 2 hits with leg.
  • Animation of mori: turns a survivor on his back, take off the mask and incandesces her weapon. Next, she stab survivor in heart, marks like her property. Then, she bow to survivor and burns his skin. She stands up and takes on the mask.


1) Suppression

When you stunned by a pallet, on survivor who stunned you will suffer from hindered effect for 5/7/10 seconds.
-“Do you think you escaped? It is temporarily.”

_2) Return fire___

Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability. When you are blinded, reveals survivor's aura to you, who blinded you for 3/5/7 seconds, after blind go off. Perk has a cool down for 30 seconds.
-"How's deceptive this light!"

3) Hex: King's hunt

Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability: reveals survivor's aura that's closer to this hex totem for 10/15/20 seconds every 60 seconds after the first generator is done. For each survivor, who is dead, reloading increases on 20/15/10 seconds. Survivor, who's aura you see suffered from exposed effect for time you see his aura.

Perk mechanics: Until in match 4 survivors and 1 generator is done, perk's reloading is 1 minute. When amount of survivors decrease, reloading is increased on 20/15/10 seconds. Reload starts, when perk stops unlock survivor's aura to you. Maximum reload of perk is 120/105/90 seconds. If you have more totems than 1, the closer survivor is defined for this hex. The perk doesn't unlock survivors in dying state. The perk activated after the first generator is done and in the map remaining a dull totem.

Realm: Estate Duran


Family's Estate Duran for so long fascinated its wealth and luxury. A big territory gave a big profit, and in forests were a lot of animals. This territory passed from father to son over the centuries, before graph died, and Countess took estate. Then hosts didn't make balls and manufacture of wine stopped. No one knew what The Countess did in estate after husband died, moreover that she liked hunt. People leaved, but someone said that they didn't leave, they just disappeared. Then The Countess was burnt with estate. Though, even this is a big territory, no one wanted buy it for that bloody story.

"I was looking for a new cover and I came to unknown to place. Buildings around me were elegant, but in air was something worrying. Passed through huge plants, I saw a small building. It was kennel. And I went in. The great three-headed dog attack me, I barely could close a door. Ran as I could away, I came to burnt building. Here I found a way somewhere down, in dungeon. There I found lots of dead bodies and instruments of torture, and that smell burnt my eyes and nose. I will never approach to this place again…" – Benedict Baker's Journal.

Map: Shato Duran ruins

"Centuries-old estate, teeming with luxuries in the past. Now it's no more than burnt walls, but now somewhere from vine plantations reach the screams of dismay and pain. Or it's just hallucination?"

This map made from burnt mansion's ruins, a little terrace with destroyed fountain, and vineyards. In underground map has a tunnel, which is the dungeon where The Countess tortured her victims. An enter in there is in a mansion and vineyards. In garden planted grape, there a lot of walls, winded with vines and ivies. Also, in place where was shed now is killer's shack.
Two-levels mansion, which halls filled with burnt trash, a few holes that are consequences of fire; from second level you can go into balcony with broken barriers. Also, mansion's roof almost burnt, which covered the sky with stars and red color. Main enter in mansion is forked stairs, on the sides were some flowerbeds, in opposite of the facade is a gateway.

Map: Hunted lands

"A Shato Duran's kennel often was visited by hostess. Hellhounds, so called the dogs, those lived there. Hardy and bloodthirsty, they helped to The Countess in a hunt. But, only wild animals was bitten by them?"

A map is divided on two same sides: in the first side are buildings of horse stable and a kennel; in the second side is gate to forest, differing with transition into a little shrubs to the forest. This sides united with a gateway. H-shaped one-level building, united a wide-opened corridor, which united 2 blocks: a kennels and horse stables. Horse stables deserted, in some places barriers are broken, and in somewhere roof is fallen. Too it can be said about kennels, but there still live the three-headed dog, which sleeps. In both blocks you can enter from the outside and from a corridor. In kennel can be stairs to the basement. On the forest's side almost no buildings and ruins, only killer's hut with trees and natural landscape. A small hill, a few rocks and fallen trees.

Map: Died garden

"Big and grand labyrinth of hedgerow is in outskirts of Duran estate. Incredibly easy to lose yourself in this for forever."

Labyrinth's territory divided into small cells, which located randomly each match. Labyrinth size 5x5 those cells. In cells are fallen or/and broken colons, benches, and drinkers for birds. Windows is in walls. In the middle of the map is a greenhouse. In under the roots of a tree is always the basement. For plants in greenhouse no one cared for so long, that's why there anywhere a lot of grass and tree's roots went over the ground. On the greenhouse is a metal stair, that lead on the second level, where you can see the labyrinth from up. In greenhouse a lot of windows, through that you can go in. A small place around the greenhouse has no objects, and it is a lawn with tall grass.

Thanks for the translation: ,
we apologize if we made mistakes, but I hope you will understand)


  • Faiver032
    Faiver032 Member Posts: 1

    Awesome, I think she'll be a good killer.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    She's really cool and the effort put into this is amazing, very well done with the art. Blinding Survivors is cool, I don't know if 2 seconds will be enough but maybe it would be, either way great job.