Pig's RBT doesn't trigger on hatch... huge oversite or yet another unfair advantage?


As any killer main will know, survivors have so many unfair advantages that getting a single sacrifice in rank 14 and above is something to celebrate as 95% of the time everyone will get away and not due to a killer's lack of skill either.(STFU all you wannabe liars, you know damn well you rarely get sacrifices in later ranks so quit trolling!)

So most post rank 14 kills will just focus on getting as many points as possible to avoid depipping or at best, get a pip. Then here comes the pig with its powers...

The Reverse Beartrap sounds awesome at first.... AT FIRST!

Until you realize that its just a glorified regular beartrap that barely hinders them like a regular one but you don't get any notification of them removing it unless they screw up the skillcheck at the toy-boxes and most of the time they get the key on the very first box. So the aspiring Pig player may be thinking: I'll just save one for the late game that way I have at least one near guaranteed kill since they can't escape via gate!


Oh so wrong... Because they'll just say "screw removing this thing, i'll just jump in the escape hatch!"

It boils down to this:

Pig only has one power, Ambush. His RBT is barely a deterrent to completing a gen until its off.


  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250
    edited February 2019

    @powerbats said:
    It's almost as if there's not pig mains out there that manage to 4k regularly or have no issue with the last person jumping in the hatch. I mean it's not like you as the killer can't play to your best by pathing better, not putting all your traps on immediately or anything like that.

    You could just you know adapt and get better in how you play and not rely on your reverse bear traps to secure your kills since they're for delaying the game.

    There's several Pig mains on here that can give you good tips on how to play better instead of blaming game mechanics.

    Oh and Pig is a she not a he just for clarity's sake in case you weren't aware, she was an apprentice to another person who was male.

    Oh look, a fanboy who is unable to see the flaws in game design...

    Unlike most people who play this game, I'm not so blinded by "my love" for this game that I'll ignore the many glaring problems it has. The ability to adapt and overcome a glaring game design flaw doesn't suddenly make it "not a flaw". It merely means you've accepted that the game mechanic is flawed and there's no use fighting it.

    Well guess what? I haven't and won't accept it and Its people like me that have made sure the Brand New Part got its nerf and why DP is also getting its nerf!

  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365

    Hatch is not meant for the fun of the killer, it's meant for the fun of the survivors.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,226
    edited February 2019
    Ignore Powerbats, it's one of those guys who REEEEE at everything resembling feasible killer buffs.

    For survivors, Pigs RBT are designed like rollercoasters, thrilling and a rush, but still perfectly safe. 
    The RBT are joke as Main ability and still bad as a secondary. 
    Her addons would need to have boni for both her abilities similiar to the doctor.
  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    @powerbats said:

    @deathsia said:

    @powerbats said:
    It's almost as if there's not pig mains out there that manage to 4k regularly or have no issue with the last person jumping in the hatch. I mean it's not like you as the killer can't play to your best by pathing better, not putting all your traps on immediately or anything like that.

    You could just you know adapt and get better in how you play and not rely on your reverse bear traps to secure your kills since they're for delaying the game.

    There's several Pig mains on here that can give you good tips on how to play better instead of blaming game mechanics.

    Oh and Pig is a she not a he just for clarity's sake in case you weren't aware, she was an apprentice to another person who was male.

    Oh look, a fanboy who is unable to see the flaws in game design...

    Unlike most people who play this game, I'm not so blinded by "my love" for this game that I'll ignore the many glaring problems it has. The ability to adapt and overcome a glaring game design flaw doesn't suddenly make it "not a flaw". It merely means you've accepted that the game mechanic is flawed and there's no use fighting it.

    Well guess what? I haven't and won't accept it and Its people like me that have made sure the Brand New Part got its nerf and why DP is also getting its nerf!

    Oh look a troll that can't refute what I've said and goes for the typical insult that work on 4chan but not here and the only one so blinded here is you.

    You can't see past your own failings as a killer and refuse to accept that not everything is bad game design and instead look for excuses.

    Oh good grief, it wasn't people like you, it was people of the entire community that advocated with well thought out and LOGICAL posts that got these changes done.

    If the devs listened to people like you the game would already be dead which is a good thing they don't listen to people like you.

    Oh and if you'd actually bothered to read some of my posts you'd see where I've commented on bugs that needed to be fixed, buffs for killers, nerfs for survivors etc. But that'd mean you'd have to admit you tried and failed to troll me before even getting your facts straight.

    facepalm I can't believe you actually went there... This toxic community NEVER FAILS to NOT surprise me.

    I point out a glaring flaw:

    I'm just a bad player.

    I point out that you refuse to see the flaw:

    I'm just a butthurt troll.

    What's next? Because I'm pointing out how toxic you are that I am "part of that toxic community" and that a person like you never does any wrong and is the most perfect and best player in all the multiverse?

    Still reading?(inb4 you say that you didn't bother reading any of this even though you did) Good. Because what I said was that you allowed being a fanboy to blind you to the glaring flaws in this game.

    Also: If calling you a "fanboy" is an insult then I'd LOVE to see what "a complement" looks like.

    a male fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics, music, movies, or science fiction.

    Huh, that's funny. It's not defined as an insult at all, in fact, I'd say it was the opposite of an insult! But what do I know, right? I'm just a butthurt troll according to you.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Some killers just are not meant to be viable, its sad but it is what it is

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @deathsia said:


    facepalm I can't believe you actually went there... This toxic community NEVER FAILS to NOT surprise me.

    I point out a glaring flaw:

    “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” –** Christopher Hitchens**.

    It's not a glaring flaw, you pointed out something you disagreed with and claimed it was a glaring flaw. Just because you claim it's a design flaw doesn't make it so.

    I'm just a bad player.

    Glad we agree on that, it's the 1st step in moving on and becoming a better player.

    I point out that you refuse to see the flaw:

    No you point out that I refuse to accept your baseless and inaccurate claim of a design flaw. The only flaw here is with your refusal to accept you're wrong and it's not a design flaw.

    I'm just a butthurt troll.

    Well again it's nice for you to admit it again.

    What's next? Because I'm pointing out how toxic you are that I am "part of that toxic community" and that a person like you never does any wrong and is the most perfect and best player in all the multiverse?

    Ah yes the typical Straw Man and Ad Hominem when you basically admit you have no real argument so you've go to resort to logical fallacies galore.

    Still reading?(inb4 you say that you didn't bother reading any of this even though you did) Good. Because what I said was that you allowed being a fanboy to blind you to the glaring flaws in this game.

    No you resorted to the typical troll insults because you knew you had no real argument and your made up claims got debunked.

    Also: If calling you a "fanboy" is an insult then I'd LOVE to see what "a complement" looks like.

    a male fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics, music, movies, or science fiction.

    Huh, that's funny. It's not defined as an insult at all, in fact, I'd say it was the opposite of an insult! But what do I know, right? I'm just a butthurt troll according to you.

    Ah yes more troll nonsense because you still have nothing, what's next more insults and childish behavior most likely given how quickly you went troll.

    But do tell how a intentional design aspect is a design flaw when it's working as intended whereas Legions Moonwalking exploit is in fact a design flaw.

    In easy to understand terms that means it's a design flaw or not working as intended.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250
    edited February 2019

    @powerbats said:

    @deathsia said:


    facepalm I can't believe you actually went there... This toxic community NEVER FAILS to NOT surprise me.

    I point out a glaring flaw:

    “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” –** Christopher Hitchens**.

    It's not a glaring flaw, you pointed out something you disagreed with and claimed it was a glaring flaw. Just because you claim it's a design flaw doesn't make it so.

    I'm just a bad player.

    Glad we agree on that, it's the 1st step in moving on and becoming a better player.

    I point out that you refuse to see the flaw:

    No you point out that I refuse to accept your baseless and inaccurate claim of a design flaw. The only flaw here is with your refusal to accept you're wrong and it's not a design flaw.

    I'm just a butthurt troll.

    Well again it's nice for you to admit it again.

    What's next? Because I'm pointing out how toxic you are that I am "part of that toxic community" and that a person like you never does any wrong and is the most perfect and best player in all the multiverse?

    Ah yes the typical Straw Man and Ad Hominem when you basically admit you have no real argument so you've go to resort to logical fallacies galore.

    Still reading?(inb4 you say that you didn't bother reading any of this even though you did) Good. Because what I said was that you allowed being a fanboy to blind you to the glaring flaws in this game.

    No you resorted to the typical troll insults because you knew you had no real argument and your made up claims got debunked.

    Also: If calling you a "fanboy" is an insult then I'd LOVE to see what "a complement" looks like.

    a male fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics, music, movies, or science fiction.

    Huh, that's funny. It's not defined as an insult at all, in fact, I'd say it was the opposite of an insult! But what do I know, right? I'm just a butthurt troll according to you.

    Ah yes more troll nonsense because you still have nothing, what's next more insults and childish behavior most likely given how quickly you went troll.

    But do tell how a intentional design aspect is a design flaw when it's working as intended whereas Legions Moonwalking exploit is in fact a design flaw.

    In easy to understand terms that means it's a design flaw or not working as intended.

    OH, so you're THAT KIND OF TROLL... must resist urge to laugh manically.

    Okay lets start from the top:

    You claim I'm a butthurt troll because I point out a glaring flaw.

    Have the gal to claim that I can't refute anything you pointed out when you pointed out absolutely nothing.(seriously, I wanted to ping you for this one from the get-go but I thought I'd try to remain civil)

    In your latest reply to me you quote me out of context right and left in some vain attempt to piss me off so badly that your ill-conceived notion of "I'm right and they're just a nooblet" would be proven true as I fire back with insult after insult.

    But wait... I'm not flinging insults at all, I'm merely pointing out the flaws in everything you've replied to me with so far.

    You claim that if i read your other posts that I'd see that you post bug reports and stuff that helps the game improve... well guess what? I Checked your profile and all of your posted threads

    You know what I found? A player who mostly complained about bugs that have zero impact on actual gameplay with the exception of a couple which are actually nerfs but you did a fine job of disguising them as a "buff" with your description and most of the others you whining and moaning about the game "not working".

    Funny...what exactly have you done that has benefited this community? Because from where I stand, You've done nothing at all.

    Hell, the ONLY THING you were right about that i got wrong was the pig's gender... Oops, my bad.

    Oh and lets not forget the torrent of insults you've been flinging at me from your very first reply post to me. You're calling me a troll who is flinging insults because they have no idea what they are talking about? Look in the mirror bub, I think you'll find that you're merely looking at your own reflection. ;)

    Post edited by deathsia on
  • KingSavageGaming
    KingSavageGaming Member Posts: 148
    This is getting juicy lol
  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250
    edited February 2019

    @KingSavageGaming said:
    This is getting juicy lol

    Lol don't hold your breath. I'm not going to feed this troll for much longer. I'm expecting a reply from him anytime as he feebly attempts to turn everything I've said back at me when all he's doing it providing me more fuel to make him look even stupider than he's already done on his own. Of course, after reading my reply to you, he will most likely change tactics in order to try and remain unpredictable as he keeps trying to make himself sound right and me sound wrong.

    Spoiler alert @powerbats :

    You won't.

    Stop now before you make yourself look even more stupid.

    Next time you try to make someone look like a nooblet, make sure they aren't smart enough to figure out your BS.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    The RBT not triggering on the Hatch is a deliberate design choice by the devs, for better or worse.

    Personally, I would like to see the trap trigger on the Hatch, provided that measures are taken to make sure that the Hatch is still a realistically attainable goal for a Survivor with an RBT to obtain.  I understand why the devs were careful with this, but I think it's a flavor fail to allow Survivors a way to escape the game without having to complete it (since, to my understanding, people who tried to run away from their games in the movies would be met with swift punishment).  Even with the logic that "we don't want the last Survivor to have virtually no chance of escape if they're wearing a RBT" (which is a very reasonable line of thinking, to be fair), the fact that they can also just escape the trial completely if someone has a key is a HUGE flavor fail in my book that doesn't even make much sense from a balance standpoint.
  • KingSavageGaming
    KingSavageGaming Member Posts: 148
    TAG said:
    The RBT not triggering on the Hatch is a deliberate design choice by the devs, for better or worse.

    Personally, I would like to see the trap trigger on the Hatch, provided that measures are taken to make sure that the Hatch is still a realistically attainable goal for a Survivor with an RBT to obtain.  I understand why the devs were careful with this, but I think it's a flavor fail to allow Survivors a way to escape the game without having to complete it (since, to my understanding, people who tried to run away from their games in the movies would be met with swift punishment).  Even with the logic that "we don't want the last Survivor to have virtually no chance of escape if they're wearing a RBT" (which is a very reasonable line of thinking, to be fair), the fact that they can also just escape the trial completely if someone has a key is a HUGE flavor fail in my book that doesn't even make much sense from a balance standpoint.

    It does say F u to the lore though there were no shortcuts. 
  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897
    The point of the reverse bear traps is to waste the survivors time, not to kill them. Can they kill? Sure, but if you're relying on them to secure kills you're playing them wrong. 
  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Children, don't make me pull this Jigsaw Box over.

    As for your statement, all you have to do is find the hatch before them. Once you're there, just crouch on top of it as you laugh maniacally while they attempt to shove you off of it, killing themselves since they'd rather feel like they deserve a free escape rather then save themselves.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Oh, well, as of now they don't even trigger at the exit gates (I have a screenshot, I'll post it later when I get home). Just so you know.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    What about the fact the timer doesn't progress during a chase or while hooked/slugged? Even that is an unfair advantage?

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068


    But doesn't that use up a lot of time? Plus it's holding up the match so therefore a reportable offence?

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    If their RBT is ticking down, you are holding them to their death not hostage. If they're dumb enough to not attempt to save themselves then that's on them. The devs ruled a while back that the dumbass who got body blocked by the killer against the chest at the top of Thompson House with a ticking RBT wasn't considered holding a person's game hostage but rather the survivor's fault for going for loot when he should have been trying to get the trap off. In the case of this it's a hatch standoff with a guaranteed outcome eventually.

    Also, 2.5 minutes unaltered and 2 minutes with Tampered Timer.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Using RBTs is more of a means to slow survivors down. Does it accomplish that? Debatable. Some games I can get them to slow way down dealing with hook saves and working on boxes rather than gens. Other games the traps are just barely even a bump in their gameplan. That said as pig you're never really hoping to get an RBT kill until the end game, but honestly the best use is to make them go do jigsaw boxes and harass them into wasting time. Pig also does better sometimes if you just leave a trapped person on the floor. Let them bait their teammates in to heal and ambush them. Get two people trapped at one time at most and down them again to go for hooks. Others will make the save and then you just get them on death hooks. Save two traps for endgame. Get one down trap them and hook them. Or Throw them in the exit and run away from them enough to break chase. That can cause a RBT death or bait the last survivor.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    I wouldn't exactly call it fun for either side - but it remains a reason why survivors will keep playing to the end or risk going into a trial with three randoms.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    and then you get called "a camper" its a lose/lose situation.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Hatch stand-off is not a reportable offense, especially when an active RBT means that the Survivor will die if they don't do anything about.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    oh but they'll try, they scream: "Held the game hostage!" in the report section.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That's called "False Reporting" and accomplishes nothing.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    Not everyone is good with each killer. You might just not be good with the Pig.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited March 2019

    Are you just an insanely bad killer, or trolling? The only time I've had less than 2 sacrifices in a match, since 2017 started the survivor nerf train, was a week or two ago when I was testing perks on an alt killer and doing a daily.

    If you're getting less than 2, you're going to be stuck in lower ranks most of the time, though Emblem will still rank you up pretty easily.

    Pig is a mid-game/snowball killer, and the traps aren't supposed to secure the endgame. I've had four traps out with both exit gates open, but that didn't guarantee me four kills.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    I just want for now QoL for pig like :Survs dont see aura of jigsaw boxes from start if they got or dont got rbt on head and surv see aura box only when trap start count down on head not before right after put on head.Mayby last buff less time to 2 min for take rbt from head not 2min 30 sec.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Powerbats you have the best of responses lol I had a good laugh at that one. Well written.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    Honestly, is getting a 4K every single time THAT important to you?

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    Wow at the fighting... Okay so, not a Pig main, but she's a close second. I have no problem with survivors escaping through the hatch with the RBT on. The hatch is the entity giving a survivor one final chance at redemption. One final chance to escape. If you want to fix the issue of trapping one person at the end and everyone else escapes, then the trapped one gets hatch, I DO think that the hatch shouldn't open if exit gates are ALREADY opened. If you're the last survivor and you finish the last generator, take your three escape options. But if you want to let your friends escape and grab the hatch for a couple extra points? No. Just get out the exit and stop wasting my time looking for the hatch.

    TL;DR - hatch escapes with RBT fit with lore. Don't let the hatch open for free if doors are open.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited March 2019

    The 14 types of Design Flaws.


    A design that fails to achieve planned functionality. For example, software that allows users to configure it but then ignores configuration settings.Customer Experience

    A feature, function, behavior, look, feel or flow that results in a poorcustomer experience such as a device that is always beeping with no easy way to turn beeps off.Usability

    A user interface that customers find to be clumsy, slow, counterintuitive or useless. For example, software that is crowded with cryptic icons with no clear function or hint as to what each does.Feasibility

    A design that can't be built due to constraints that the design fails to consider. This typically results from incorrect assumptions or miscalculation such as an interior design that doesn't actually fit into the available space.Errors

    A design that fails to handle errors in a reasonable way. For example, unnecessarily halting on minor errors.Performance

    Products, services, processes, tools and machines that fail to achieve a reasonable level of performance such as a car navigation system with a slow processor and bloated software.Sensory Design

    A design that fails with respect to sight, sound, touch, taste or smellsuch as a child's toy with a chemical smell to it.Accessibility

    A design that is difficult for some people to use such as a building that can't be accessed by people with disabilities.Risk

    A design that introduces needless or unacceptable risks such as a child's toy with needlessly sharp edges.Latent Human Error

    A user interface that is likely to produce human error due to unclear controls or lack of validation. For example, a stock trading app that allows users to enter quantity as price and vice versa.Structure

    Poor structure such as a building filled with odd shaped rooms that are difficult to use.Operational

    A product, service, process, facility, environment or machine that is unreasonably expensive or dangerous to operate. For example, a building that fails to consider energy loss that is unacceptably expensive to heat and cool.Compatibility

    A design that isn't compatible with the real world. For example, electronics that place connection ports too close together that don't work with the width and shape of many cords available on the market.Reliability

    A product, service, infrastructure component or machine that experiences excessive downtime due to design issues. For example, a network device that is prone to overheating and crashing due to a power saving design that often turns off cooling features.

    While that's not a design flaw that doesn't means it's not a mechanic that can't be improved upon. Hopefully Amanda gets her rework soon as well so she's not so hit or miss.

    Post edited by powerbats on
  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I get three mans and four mans almost every game at red rank. If you can't manage to do that you should just get better at playing killer. This isn't an unfair advantage either considering they normally don't find the hatch and even if they do you can have a hatch standoff until they die. Just crouch

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Its not gameplay mechanics. Its the fact that your ego is too big to admit you suck at killer so you have to blame everything and everyone but yourself to justify why you suck.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    Her traps are supposed to hinder, not kill. And as a Pig, you are supposed to learn when to put them on, not just throw them all on whenever.

    Judging by your previous forum posts though, I am really not too surprised to see this is another topic by you.

    From what it looks, you just aren't a very good killer, and like to blame your shortcomings on the game being badly designed.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Intentional, it's so the last survivor can still escape, i don't like it either but i'm guessing the devs prefer having this rather than legions of survivors crying about it on the forums or streams, since there is more surv players than killers.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Or they could have just.....I dunno....go remove the bear trap?

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Baby Pig, I know the frustration is real, you hate the survivors you really do, you're tired of their bullshit. The booty dunking, the flashlights, their incessant need to help their friends, but as a pig player, you should take your time, and realize that you're dealing with humans. Flawed humans. Disgusting, self centered, humans who need to be cleansed by the hands of the pig. Lets go over some of the basics in understanding our targets yes?

    The game starts in the lobby, but your arsenal starts with a wealth of tools and perks all of which the pig can dish out with extra functionality. So the first step, is to make sure you have as many tools as possible.

    In the lobby, is when you read these imperfect human beasts and prepare your tools for their demise. Maybe you've done some research before by talking to survivor mains, asking them what killers they hate the most, which perks they hate killers using the most, so with this information, we're going to play a game.

    There's a flashlight in the lobby, a toolbox, and 2 med kits. Now realize this. These are humans remember. The one with a flashlight is an egotist, they will be the first to charge into a situation blindly, they are full of themselves, bring franklins. Pride, the sin of pride, some will even be so prideful that shortly after knocking it out of their hands, they will within the same chase return to pick it up.

    The guy with the toolbox, thats greed. See, these people want victory, at any cost, they won't dive into a situation to save their friends <---key point as this will come in handy later. You already have franklins right? Good, because 6/10 times you may not see this person in time to remove their precious item, but remember, they will be the first ones to hide and avoid you at all costs.

    You see the two people over there with med kits. Thats lust. They are always overly altruistic. And in some cases insecure, they won't carry self care and instead run a med kit alll for themselves...Use Franklins, remove their med kit, and remove their hope.

    Remember what lust does, it brings people together, sloppy butcher yeah? It even has your piggy little face on it to let you know you should have it. Bring it, punish them for being altruistic, bonus points if you can force them to go the extra mile with knockout to find their collapsed friend, extra bonus points if you have the mind sharp enough to track peoples positions in your head and predict where they will be going. Place a trap, leave them on the ground.

    You see all these crows flying around yeah? You have 1 guys body on the ground with a trap on it, surely by now you've heard the other survivors trip the bird traps set up all over the map. Remember everything is a trap and can be used by you. Go slit the next guys wrist but don't down him, remember where you left the body. He's likely trying to crawl to safety or pull himself back up, go back to him, he's our hostage remember? Go ahead and hook him to burn off the save. The egotist should be approaching soon with his flashlight, and if you don't know where he is thats fine, the crows will give him away because he's too bullheaded to watch his steps. Stab and down him, don't worry about the hooked survivor its almost time to punish the unhooked survivor. You were keeping track of where the boxes were when you hooked them right? Thats fine, place a trap on the egotist, leave them on the ground, you should be hearing the unhook notification by now if you haven't already.

    Humans are lazy remember? He's going to rush straight to the closest box from the area you hooked them, assuming you didn't bring ruleset no.2. Try to stab the person who saved him. Go to that box and for the love of god do not crouch, we're short on time. Knock them down, if anyone gets in the way between the time you've left the egotist to the time you're going for the first guys box attempt tag them and keep moving. You may be wondering but what about the gens? If they are a survive with friends team they aren't going to do them, you can guage that within the first trap and knockout. If they do them anyway, that just means for the traps activated you can go put pressure on the ones running into the jigsaw boxes, if making a head pop is what you really....really want. Ignore the gens, unless an RBT has been removed. I know it sounds crazy, but isn't this entire situation crazy? Keep the process going, knock one down, tag another, trap another, hook wisely, memorize and predict, memorize and predict. Remember where they removed a trap, try to flush a trapped survivor into a box where someone has already removed their trap because that box will fail. And if you're good enough at counting you can crouch right in front of it before it explodes and wait for them. Its 1000% an exploration of the mind while playing the pig, use your brain, memorize where the hatch is, stop looking at Megs booty mid chase and widen your view to take in the surroundings, the whole screen. If you've followed my instructions carefully, and maybe modified them a bit to your own tastes everyone should be dead. And if they aren't, why be bitter over 1 cracked egg when you have a collection of dozens? Tick tock tick tock, they managed to open the gates? Maybe you should run 5 RBTs? Maybe you should run NoED until you've properly guaged and predicted enough survivors to read their every step? Maybe 6 jigsaw boxes is in order? Maybe you need to run tampered timer. Maybe keeping them blind is an option? Maybe you prefer exhaustion? Maybe you need to double down on the time it takes to search a jigsaw box. Maybe your understanding of the concept of time needs to be refined. Either way, every killer requires a different skillset to perform optimally. Pig requires more brain, less reliance on her RBT's to carry the entire game. More spacial awareness. And 1 hatch isn't the end of the world.