Map Discussion: The Game (Gideon Meat Plant)


One thing I don’t see brought up on this forum a lot is map discussion. There are a lot of bad maps in this game but I think The Game tops all of them. This map introduced a concept of a multi-layered building with 2 floors, 12 rooms on each floor. Some of the rooms start blocked off, waiting until a generator is finished before the sliding the doors will half open allowing entry. The hatch always spawns on the bottom floor along with the fog, escape doors are always on the top floor, and the basement is always in the same location by the bathroom. Also, one generator will always be in the bathroom, and totems are very well hidden.

Now the problem with the map is the design itself. Dead by Daylight doesn’t have a way of distinguishing terror radius from one floor to another. This is a game design issue that can’t be fixed without altering the mechanics thus the map needs to be reworked. The cube layout pictured below is just awful. This allows certain killers to run a distressing/unnerving build (Doctor) where they can reach from one corner to the map the another due to how compact and tiny the map is. This makes it a killer sided map but not for all the killers.

• Trapper’s traps can’t be hidden, they stick out on the gray pavement and can only be used to block vaults or choke points, good survivors won’t fall into them easily.
• Hillbilly has no space for chainsaw travelling, very rarely you can move around easily thus neutering his mobility (not that you need it that much on a small map).
• Nurse is overpowered on this map since they fixed teleport travelling on elevation. She literally breaks the rules of having the doors closed.
• Huntress is literally worthless when it comes to hatchets throws since breaking line of sight is incredibly easy forcing her to close in on her prey and land melee hatchets.
• Stealth killers (Wraith, Myers, Pig) are fine on this map but do they have the advantage of not being easy to see from a distance due to multiple walls that break line of sight. This allows them to get up real close before a survivor can really act.
• Leatherface has no real issues, though it is little bit easy to loop his chainsaw attack around walls.
• Now the problem killer on this map, like mentioned earlier is the Doctor. A doctor can run any of the 3 calm addons allowing him to stretch his terror radius in treatment mode, combine this with distressing and he can cover nearly the whole map on both floors. This makes survivors easy to track since they will constantly be in the terror radius building up madness. Add in unnerving presence or the lesson commonly used overwhelming presence to break things even worse. This creates the most unfun and cancerous experience for survivors in Dead by Daylight. Often if I try running a jigsaw piece with this doctor build, people will disconnect at the beginning of the game.

What needs to happen is this map needs to be pulled from rotation and reworked completely. Unless the mechanics of terror radius can be adjusted to account for elevation levels, the 2-floor layout needs to be abandoned. Ideally the map should have built on a maze-like concept of rooms like it is now, but more spread out wider instead of a cube. Any ideas on how to fix this broken map?

And yes, I know the map is one the few killer sided maps in the game where survivors are currently overpowered but it’s cancerous still in its design either way. Survivors can run balanced landing to take advantage of the drop points, but they lack very few good window vaults on this map.


  • Crabdawg
    Crabdawg Member Posts: 22
    This is my favourite map for both sides. It's nice there's actually a map all killers (Freddy isnt a killer, he's a victim) can excell on but isnt stupid enough that survivors can't escape. Plus I love that Billy can't just sprint from gen to gen with that god level map pressure :D and Piggy has no grass blinding her when she crouches.
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    How to fix it?
    Dont touch it, because it is fine as it is.
  • Najemniczkas
    Najemniczkas Member Posts: 88

    @SaltyKiller said:

    Freddy is always terrible

    I'm sorry, but it made me laugh so bad xD. I know why you think of him that way, but it's still funny for me.

    Anyway, I actually don't mind this map overall, although I'm a new player. I know the "Impossible Skillcheck" build for doc on this map and I know why you can be so frustrated about it. But I'm not sure if reworking this map is a good idea...

    I personaly think it's one of the best maps in terms of balance. Why? It's not so one-sided (unless someone runs Impossible Skillcheck Doc). Although, they could make something with the basement, it's really in a bad spot right now - 2 pallets + far from everywhere. There must be other way to fix "Impossble Skillcheck" Doc on this map. Maybe lowering his terror radius in just height? I'm actually not sure how the terror radius works, if it's a sphere or a cube. It should be a cube tbh.

    If anything than I would change so the top level would be a bit higher + lowering terror radius in height. Or maybe there might be other solution to it.

    Those are just my personal thoughts ofc.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    The Game is the best map in the game. Instead of changing it, I would focus on actually bad maps like Swamp, or Farm.

  • Najemniczkas
    Najemniczkas Member Posts: 88

    @Najemniczkas said:

    @SaltyKiller said:

    Freddy is always terrible

    I'm sorry, but it made me laugh so bad xD. I know why you think of him that way, but it's still funny for me.

    Anyway, I actually don't mind this map overall, although I'm a new player. I know the "Impossible Skillcheck" build for doc on this map and I know why you can be so frustrated about it. But I'm not sure if reworking this map is a good idea...

    I personaly think it's one of the best maps in terms of balance. Why? It's not so one-sided (unless someone runs Impossible Skillcheck Doc). Although, they could make something with the basement, it's really in a bad spot right now - 2 pallets + far from everywhere. There must be other way to fix "Impossble Skillcheck" Doc on this map. Maybe lowering his terror radius in just height? I'm actually not sure how the terror radius works, if it's a sphere or a cube. It should be a cube tbh.

    If anything than I would change so the top level would be a bit higher + lowering terror radius in height. Or maybe there might be other solution to it.

    Those are just my personal thoughts ofc.

    Freddy is the only Killer in the game that cannot get them immediately off of a totem, a gen, or defend a hook. Since the nerfs he's even worse. Self-Care or a Medkit destroys Freddy. #########, you can down someone and someone not in the Dream World can run up and start healing that downed person and you cannot pick up that person. You have to wait until ######### who's doing the healing finally falls into the dream world and you can hit them. And by that time the guy you just downed gets right back up and you have to tag them again.

    You forgot about the hatch. I know the deal with Freddy, I know why he is condiered worst killer (well, if someone is Pro at him, than maybe he isn't that bad, but still...).

    I'm suprised that Devs don't care about him. Like literally, he is being countered by everything - skill checks, game mechanics etc. etc. He should get a buff to be able to insta pull into dream word with grabbing someone of the generator (give the abillity to do so, even if survivor isn't in a dream world) or at least some kind of buff.

    And sorry for the off-topic