Collab idea for a new (licensed?) chapter.

d11ss Member Posts: 4

So, DbD being a game about killers and people trying to escape their twisted minds, I was thinking of the devs having one person in particular to collaborate with them and share his ideas for the creation of a new chapter that might turn out as one of the best ever released (along with Spark of Madness, a personal favorite). I'm talking about George "the Corpsegrinder" Fisher (death metal band Cannibal Corpse's singer, for those of you who might not know him). Given his career in writing songs about numerous ways in which a human can be tortured and killed, he won't have any problems comming up with cool ideas that'd make DbD even better.Don't know if he's aware of the existence of this game tho, although I'm sure he'd enjoy it almost as much as WoW.


  • bambusratte_xD
    bambusratte_xD Member Posts: 39

    lol nice idea xD but isnt George a big wow fan anymore? I'm not sure what he prefers, smashing a giant Axe in Human Heads with his Orc or getting looped by meg :D

  • d11ss
    d11ss Member Posts: 4

    @bambusratte_xD said:
    lol nice idea xD but isnt George a big wow fan anymore? I'm not sure what he prefers, smashing a giant Axe in Human Heads with his Orc or getting looped by meg :D

    lol i guess you're right. Next album called "looped to death" including songs like "hooks in my basement" and "pretty good f'ing job so far"

  • DupstepAlex078
    DupstepAlex078 Member Posts: 33

    An Outlast Chapter I believe would be a perfect fit I mean the survivor would be Miles Upshur and the killer most probably the Wallrider