The One who needs a Nerf is Hillbilly.
No counters?
Literally pallet loops.
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Except now he can use that one addon to go straight through them.
It's at the expense of the instant down but whatever.
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As someone who uses Billy regularly I don't see these changes as a problem at all. I very much doubt this will affect good billy players in any way, more than likely they won't even notice the meter because they don't spam their chainsaw because it gives survivors distance on you if you are not using it smartly. I only see this as a very minor nerf to his map pressure and nothing with his chase potential.
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Never asked for an addon like that.
What I did want to happen to him, was removing double stacking addons for insta-chainsaws, and literally not touching has base-kit at all. It was perfectly fine as is.
But the DEVs can't seem to help them selves and decided to ner- I mean "rework" him. I am so done with these people.
I practically stopped playing the game, but I said a while back if they fu** with Billy i'm giving up with this game. And it seems like that time has come.
Ya'll can call it a rework all you want, it's a nerf. If you can't see that, I am sorry for you. The video sample is more than enough proof, to showcase Billy's spike down in not only generator pressure, but being able to mind game with his chainsaw, cause now it's a ticking fu**ing time bomb.
I just can't anymore. 4 years and we be going backwards again. I'm just done with it.
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Hey I'M not the one calling it a rework. And honestly the devs aren't either.
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Because before you posted this, I posted:
Those perks already made survivors fear Leatherface.
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He’s still the same Killer as before though. You just need a bit more skill to play him. He can still go across the map and down you.
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Did you really have to restart this ######### show?
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Yes, yes I do. :) isn't it lovely :)
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@Mushwin was merely thanking the devs for listening. They do listen.
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To the wrong people.
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Uhm but the devs are the ones whom issued it?
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Seriously, how has your experience been with Billy recently?
You going to go after Slinger next cause he's a distance-denial killer with no map pressure?
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I campaigned for the Ruin nerf. I like people who will at least challenge the consenus.
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I quite like the slinger thank you very much.
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I find Billy to be the most balanced killer. He doesn't need to be touched imo.
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Though i wish he and huntess had a cross hair but love playing him, going against him and i do a great impersonation of his laugh lol
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The difference is that Billy was a noob stomper. Same as old Doc and old Freddy. Deathslinger will never be a noob stomper. Hillbilly never goes against rank 1s because he never pips.
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Yes sir!
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That's the major problem with devs making new killers/balancing in general. I'll admit my bias here that I don't care much for the low ranks.
Yes, the game needs new players to enjoy the game, but nerfing killers instead of letting survivors learn (Or maybe making something to help them learn) the mechanic is simply the easier way. But as @ScottJund says, BHVR has a pretty difficult job of figuring out how to balance a asymmetrical game for multiple skill levels, so it should probably be expected that they choose the easy route.
Ofc people do take advantage of the ranking system not awarding insta-downs as full chases, but Billy isn't the problem, the ranking system is in this case. So going back to his nerf, it's the wrong reaction to a different problem.
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I think perhaps the devs do these things to have it out like Hunger Games!
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And I'm going to stop you right there. I play Slinger instead of Huntress for the ADS. But the big part of a skilled Huntress player (and slinger a little bit) is knowing the center of you screen. It's a matter of skill, like a similar debate on a particular forum thread on versing a certain chainsaw killer. 🤔
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It's very easy to aim at a Post-It note.
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Not everyone has skill though my friends, or wishes such, some people play for fun, learning, our dbd world seems central on git gud, if you aren't red ranks you have no say or been skilled to play someone, some don't take it as such or very much as others, a cross hair could be optional and well to aid and help some players, esp new ones, i mean didn't the devs nerf ruin to aid newbies?