Proposal for Blindness status effect change

So, I don't know if this is a good change or not, but I feel that the blindness effect is quite underpowered. Yes, it can be powerful in certain situations but overall it doesn't have that much if an impact against intelligent survivors anyway. Perks and add-ons that utilize the Blindness status effect are nearly useless. They are so situational and to have an entire hex around it is quite mind-boggling.

So, my big change is keeps the hidden auras, but also making it so that when blind, Hex Totems are concealed. This means that hex totems will not appear lit to you.

I don't know if this is good or not but I deal it would benefit killers that want to use the blindness effect in conjunction with Hex perks. This is good especially for Hex: The Third Seal.

So, tell me what you guys think. Survivors and killers.


  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Make it similar to a killer blind, center visible but the frame darkens to block out the hud and stops auras. Giving them a narrow view that limits visual awareness without bumping into walls.

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    Honestly? Seems kind of balanced and a needed change. All it really affects is players with Bond and Empathy, honestly, and while I guess it affects those on hooks too, it doesn’t really matter all too much if you’re in a SWF. I feel like this would be a nice buff to the effect, while not being too incredibly powerful.