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Shame on Devs for no licensed killer

I can not believe out of 4 releases this year they did not include a Licensed killer. The whole reason that this game has this big of a fan base is because they have the Licensed killers and for them not to carry that on every year is lame. you can't tell me that once you all found out that Freddy or Michael was in the game that you didn't get excited to play them? and For me once I found out Freddy was in the game I then knew I was getting the game no matter what you all feel on his game play. which brings up the other point of them promising for over a year they would fix Freddy and don't.

Don't get me wrong I love this game and will continue to play it even though I am upset. I just wish the DEVS Would realize what they created and not shy away from the responsibilities that they created when they brought in multiple licensed killers from the start.


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  • Member Posts: 3,387

    They should target one a year as I'm sure potential new players will be attracted to the pull of well known characters. The original killers have more scope because they are not subject to any licencing or pre-existing lore that must be adhered to but seeing Freddy or Michael Myers in DBD is something special.

    I especially feel sorry for poor Terminator who probably thought he was getting in this game and ended up alone in the Deathgarden with nobody playing with him.

  • Member Posts: 839

    Don't worry OP, I'm sure will get one or two licensed killer(s) out of the 3 more killers to be released later this year. The devs talked/teased about Pennywise for one thing.

    Last year Behaviour wanted to prioritize original killers because they allow more creative freedom to design their gameplay, come with no licensing fees, and best of all the devs can earn loads of money off of continuous cosmetics releases.

  • Member Posts: 327

    I think, from a marketing pov, they gonna release a licensed killer this summer.

    Having dedicated servers is huge, so they kinda need to go huge on the killer aswell.

    Thid summer dbd will burst its playerbase, if there is a licensed killer.

    New chucky movie comming this summer, you never know what bhvr might pull off

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    I really hope we don't end up with new robot chucky.

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    I actually don't care if a chapter is licensed or not. I prefer original killers however, since they are a product of a Developers love and care. Their stories are much more interesting as the killer is, for all intents and purposes, new. Fresh.

    A licensed character is always cool, but a original character will always be a product of imagination and innovation. Something I enjoy.

    Maybe you'll get your licensed killer soon though. (What is the deal with people wanting Pinhead? Makes no sense to Shad.)

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    Honestly I don't think Behaviour should add in many more Licensed Killers.

    They can only be bought with real money, so you can't use shards, they also lack cosmetic rights to these characters.

    Overall, it seems that it's a lot of money to get the rights to a killer with all of one or two outfit choices and perks that are either revolutionary or sub par.

    Not to mention that due to the lack of cosmetic options they can't make BHVR money is the cosmetic store.

    Meanwhile, with original killers BHVR has all of the rights to them and can make as many cosmetics they want and they let dedicated players acquire the new content free of charge or with cash if they please.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    They decided to make only original killers this year because we got three licensed ones in a row. Wait and you might get what you want. I'm happy as it is, except Legion.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Not gonna lie....the fact that this game has some of the most iconic horror killers to ever touch a big screen is nothing short of amazing and separates it from all other games that try to copy the style. And to be honest with the success this game has, the the titanic fan base that it has, they should monopolize on that concept by adding more. There's literally nothing else like it on the market. And while their unique killers are great.....theres just something extra special about knowing Amanda, Michael myers, Leatherface, and Freddy Kruger could exist in 1 game is nothing short of remarkable. Just imagine if there were more! Ghostface, The Nun, Chucky, Pinhead, The Grudge, IT the clown, Pumpkinhead, Creature from the black lagoon, I mean the list could go on for hours but theres a plethora of iconic movie monsters to pick from. ######### if I was some horror movie director it'd be a huge honor to have my character in this game, that means that your movie stands concrete for generations to come as one of the most iconic horror villains of all time! Imagine that....Michael Myers right now has more clout than his rival Jason Vorhees. Amanda Young and the legacy of Jigsaw can never be forgotten. Leatherface is no longer just some old slasher horror that you can just forget about, he is an Icon now, cemented in this player base and transcending generational movie barriers! And no matter how critical reviewers were of the last Freddy movie, this game still stands as one of the best ways to get behind the wheel of freddy and do the carnage from his view. (Although, I am hoping the skill rework expands upon his concepts in the dream world even more, him shapeshifting or suddenly having arms as long as a bus in the dream world are really iconic to his powers)

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Ehh, 5 bucks for a licenced killer isn't a big deal, its worth paying for without shards, BHVR has done a good job, they deserve the money. As for having further ways to monetize a licensed killer......ehhh, I dunno, I think they should be allowed to do more with them, There may not be a whole lot you can do as far as cosmetics go because some killers never change their form or ever have other skins. But I'm telling you right now, I'd throw down 15 dollars for the jigsaw theme to play while I'm in a chase with the pig, and I'd throw down extra money to pay for the black jacket version of pig that also appeared in the movies.

    Leatherface could be monetized a step further by allowing him to wear his classic Suit and Tie like he did in the movies, or sell different chainsaw and hammer skins, people would definitely pay for those.

    As for freddy, they could sell his black jacket skin, or give you the option to pick the hatless version of him. Or the devil faced version of his face. Or a ripped shirt skin where he has the faces of people lodged in his chest like in the movie.

    The options are there, I'm just not sure what kind of legal mumbo jumbo would be involved to get it into the hands of players.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Putting terminator in a game that did not pick up very well was a titanic #########.

  • Member Posts: 1,433

    All those killers you mention got released when Starbreeze Studios owns the right of this game, but they sell it to Behaviour Interactive.. So I think that's the problem.. I really want a licensed killer

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Bought the game day 1 release because the concept seemed fun and I really liked the Trapper as an original killer. This game was not made nor is it sustained on licensed killers.

    It takes more than a familiar face to keep a game going, look at the god awful "Friday The 13th" game.

  • Member Posts: 1,832

    I want pyramid head.

  • Member Posts: 474

    Silent Hill would fit nicely in DbD, but I don't think Konami cares about their properties enough to even pimp them out.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    The last licensed killer wasn't that good anyways.

  • Member Posts: 93

    Please everyone don't think that I am talking down on the original killers because I like them as well and the game for sure needs them also, I just think the devs need to uphold the unspoken contract that they have with their fans by producing Licensed killers also.

  • Member Posts: 93

    Well aren't you civilized in your words. lol I am just presenting my opinions and I am sorry that you feel differently. but to each their own.

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    @RabidWabbitz ". . .unspoken contract. . ." I think you mean imaginary contract. The Devs never took any oaths to make Licensed killers. Furthermore, on what authority are you demanding such a contract from the devs? Unless you're prepared to help them pay for the endeavor I think you might want to quiet down.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    If you give them enough money, Konami will suck your dick. They'd go for it.

  • Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2019

    It is funny that so many people keep saying things like the money that they (The DEVS) pay for Licensed killers is a lot and that is why they don't do it. But here is something that maybe you overlooked. That money that you pay in order to play that character ends up paying for it. "What you must be joking there Rabid? Nope I am not, Crazy how that works isn't it?" lol And as far as unspoken Contract, it is exactly that UNSPOKEN. When you set a precedent with bringing Licensed killers into your game then you create a once again "UNSPOKEN" contract with your customers. Funny how that works. lol

    @Peasant Also you say that I might want to quite down. lol This is called a Forum Son. This place is exactly designed for me to talk up!

    Post edited by RabidWabbitz on
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  • Member Posts: 93

    For some reason my quote isn't working so I will just reply.

    @DeadGavin I am not downplaying the fact that the original killers are amazing as I love them also. I am just saying that I feel they owe their customer base at least one licensed killer per year. Just my opinion once again and I realize that it is not shared by all. but I also guarantee that there are many that feel the same way I do.

  • Member Posts: 392

    Do you want dedicated servers or a licensed killer that they can’t do much with?

    I can only assume that licensed killers are NOT cheap. I would prefer that money be better spent towards improving the quality of the game then being able to run around as a movie character.

    Not that I wouldn’t mind Pinhead or the Tall Man running around in DbD

  • Member Posts: 93

    @Divinitye9 I actually feel personally that they could do both if properly managed. As far as the dedicated servers, you buy them, put the game on them, and make them live so not sure why that is taking so long.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    you do know that the devs can not decide weather they get a licensed killer or not, right?

    its the decision of the license holders. the devs ask them weather they are allowed to use the killer or not and the license holders say yes or no. and since the devs need to pay for licensed killers, their DLCs will also cost us money and cannot be purchased with ingame currency.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    i for one am happy the devs are using their creativity and putting together truly original killers rather than going for licensed ones. Licensed killers although good for marketing if the character is well known does not do much for the game past that. A licensed killer/survivor comes with a whole host of strings attached. We cannot buy them with shards (playtime), we cannot get custom cosmetics for them past the prestige clothing, the power is limited within the scope of the characters lore and obviously the devs are not given agency on the aesthetics of the character.

    Original characters negate all these problems and in general are superior. I like being able to earn them instead of having to shell out more cash and all those cosmetics that are available is nice because i can make my character really stand out. Original characters are my preference and i hope the devs continue this trend.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    I'm glad we're getting original killers. They generally seem more creative and interesting than franchised ones. Especially with Plague recently who I think is the most original killer we've gotten.

  • Member Posts: 193

    I'd rather have cosmetics for licensed characters we already have or Bill on consoles (That ones probably not possible though).

  • Member Posts: 93


    What is funny about words is that when presented alone they mean one thing but when put together they convey another meaning. Weird how the Word Contract by itself is one meaning but when I put the word unspoken in front of it, it then conveys the meaning that I want expressed. Oh how the English language is amazing and useful. LMAO!

  • Member Posts: 544

    Oh boy. I remember when The Pig came out people liked her and the franchise she came from, but people were also dissapointed because it was another licensed killer and not a original killer. This is why the devs specifically acknowledge this in their live stream and reassured us that more original content would be coming and here we are after that promise with the clown, spirit, legion and the plague. Sure let's have another licensed killer after the Plague, but lets not get out pitchforks just because they gave us original content after we pleaded them to do so after they gave us Leatherface, Freddy and the pig.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    Could not have said it better myself. The community begged for original content after we got quite a few licensed chapters. the devs listened and gave us what the community asked for. In my opinion one licensed chapter per year would be fine. The vast majority of chapters should be original content. Its better for the game.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Not only is it better for the game, but the devs' designs and backstories are almost always more imaginative and just straight-up more interesting than licensed killers'.

  • Member Posts: 684

    I wish we can get Jason Voorhees but that never happen because of their own game

  • Member Posts: 93


    well I guess you are completely missing the meaning of what I am saying, and that is fine. have a good day!

  • Member Posts: 93

    I know that a lot of people are saying that people where upset that there wasn't enough original content when they released the pig and I would agree with that. All I am saying with this whole post is that I think the Devs should have put in at least one Licensed out of the 4 released this year. I am not down grading the original content nor saying that there should only be Licensed killers.

    And for those saying that the Licensed killers cost a lot and that is why they can't get them, I know that is not the case for all of the licensed killers in movie slasher history. There are tons of them that they could draw from and I would venture to say there are many of them that would jump at the chance to have their licensed killer in this game even!

  • Member Posts: 71

    None of the licensed killers are good or fun to play against. I wasn't a fan of Myers in 2016 and I hate what they did with Leatherface. I hope they don't put anymore in for the rest of the game's life

  • Member Posts: 93

    @ViolentSh4de and you are entitled to that opinion, I however strongly disagree. There have been many fun times I have had with friends when a Meyers pops around a corner and scares the ######### out of me or a friend and we laugh.

  • Member Posts: 71

    Seems like you're easily entertained

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I didn't get ONE BIT excited to play Nightmare or Shape JUST because they are Freddy & Michael.

    And it certainly isn't as simple as: "We should do a licensed Killer every 2 Killers."

    The devs are slow on some things though, can't deny that.

    My Wraith sucked for too long...

  • Member Posts: 193

    I think they're the most killers in the game for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 505


  • Member Posts: 316

    I vote they should get Jaws. Do the gens to power the boat before it breaks it and eats you.

  • Member Posts: 93


    it is so funny, I have come across so many people that hate on this game day in day out and yet they play it all of the time. so I am glade that I take joy in something that I play and can find fun in all of the killers. I don't think I would play it if I hated half of what came out but luckily I am not that jaded.

  • Member Posts: 750

    You must be boring to want something that everyone has already seen/knows instead of an original concept made by the developers.

  • Member Posts: 93


    LOL I must be boring huh? You act like I am the only one that wants Licensed killers when in fact there are way more than you think. Also you act like we knew exactly what the powers of a licensed killer would be. you can't tell me that you knew how it would react or the addons or anything really. lol you are funny my friend. and once again I am not attacking anyone that likes original killers. I like them also I just am requesting that they offer licensed with originals and equal distribution so to speak.

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