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Advice on how to play hag?

Where do i set the traps? Best perks? add-ons?


  • Shaokon
    Shaokon Member Posts: 4

    Set Traps at loop spots, windows, and hex totems, and high traffic areas. Build that works for me is monitor and abuse, ruin, make your choice, and nurses calling. Usually use the add on the increase the distance you can teleport, and one one that increases the effective trap range

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    perks: make your choice, ruin, haunted grounds, bbq (bbq for points mostly, if not then sloppy)

    addons: personally I like to combine the add-on that lets u set traps faster with the add-on that lets u teleport to traps from a further distance (they come in common, uncommon, and rare qualities). rusty shackles is also really good right now because for some reason her traps dont have a terror radius anymore.

    traps: not really sure how to explain but be sure to trap chokepoints and areas u know survivors will cross, such as shack or the main building most maps have. remember to trap the hooked guy, try not to be aids about it and only use 1-2 traps.

    finally try to always have 10 traps down and focus on not actually chasing, but herding survivors towards your traps, you are 110% movement speed after all

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Start of by putting your traps on either side of pallets, if survivor activates them you got 2 possible hits, the survivor either keeps running and you teleport and hit him OR you don't teleport and wait for him to pallet jump and hit him again

    Traps in random places is always great in hag since survivor will expect you to trap gens and pallets but the more random the better, and if you using NOED place some traps in the lever at the exit for easy kills

    and try experimenting hag addons, she got really interesting addons where her traps can have collision or even remove your terror radius!

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    edited March 2019
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    edited March 2019


    Try placing the traps on possible loops and close to pallets, put one on the shack, in the middle slightly towards the window.

    I don't know about the perks that work well for her exactly but I personally love Save The Best For Last, since she is slow having a faster wiping animation helps, Enduring is always great.

    For the add-ons I personally use the faster setting time and distance ones. Mint Rag is a lot of fun to use, put one next to a hooked survivor, wait for them to be rescued, teleport and scare the living sh_t out of them.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    These guys have all hit the general points. Here are a few more.


    Monitor and Abuse (MaA): One of the absolute best picks for her due to her naturally small terror radius (24m). This brings you down to 16m. This allows you to close a gap on an unwary survivor to give you less of a chase or an easy first strike. Your height will also help conceal your physical presence, making this perk very useful. It also pairs well with....

    Nurse’s Calling: At rank 3, you will see healing survivors at 32m. With your terror radius being reduced to 16m, you can see survivors before they know you are there. This is an incredibly powerful combination that can give you the element of surprise.

    As for other perks, it’s whatever you want to use. Ruin is a way to buy yourself time to set up your trap network, sloppy butcher goes well with the other perks, make your choice is wonderful on a hag as well. Play and see what fits your needs.


    Spacecoconut made a guide that is still relevant today. I highly advise you look at that video on YouTube. General information is to not set obvious traps. Set traps where survivors will land when vaulting a window, set them in traveled pathways, set them on the way to rescue a survivor from a hook. If you do nothing but trap gens, you won’t see a lot of success. It’s going to take time to learn as you need strong map knowledge to truly make a Hag shine.

    Addons are what you want to use. Just play with them, see what fits your style. People love using mint rag whereas I do not. I don’t like that style of play.

    Good luck. Always realize too that no matter how well you play, you are not guaranteed perfect results or 4ks. You will get outplayed and you will outplay others. These are only suggestions to help you on your way.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited March 2019

    I'm a rank 1 hag. I stay at rank 1 all month long, every single month. And these are a few things to know about the hag that can get you to single digit ranks easy.

    1: The hag can be insanely effective without perks or add-ons. Which means you can use any set-up that helps you. Some people like to take tracking so they know where to set traps. I don't, but many do.

    2: Hag takes time at the start to set up. Don't get frustrated if they get a gen before you get a chase. Try to get someone on the hook around the second gen. Her game actualy starts now.

    3: After hooking, place ONE trap at the base of the hook, then make a perimiter. you know what direction they will be running from (the hook) so set traps on the opposite side of escapes.

    4: Your best traps will always be RUN PATHS. not windows, or pallets. Area's where people run from generator to generator, or loop to loop. Survivors will call these "random traps" but they aren't random, at all. When you start a game, THESE SHOULD BE MOST OF THE TRAPS YOU PUT DOWN IN THE FIRST 2 MINS.

    5: AKA my fave perk setup.

    I run all hexes on Hag. Ruin, Huntress' Lullaby, Devour Hope, and Thrill of the Hunt.

    Why?Well, besides tip 1, and 2 above, it's simple. As a hag I want people to move around the map and set off my traps at the run paths. The totems I chose are damning if they aren't cleansed. Which means survivors will cleanse them. WHich means they aren't doing generators. Once you get your first hook,k this game slower set-up really hits it's stride. Now they have to do gens, save someone, and cleanse totems. And I'm a hag, unhooking against me usualy take 2 people to do safely.

    Hope this helps! There's a LOT more to her, she has so many add-on combos that can make her play many different ways. Hope you enjoy her.

    Ps: If you are having trouble tracking survivors, use pussy willows. The aura reveal will help you, especially in corn fields and other places with grass.

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164

    Check out @SpaceCoconut 's hag guide on YouTube. Great guide and he's a hag main.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    It's out of date but it does show people the basics of trap set up at least. Join me in bugging him on his vids and stuff, asking him to update the guide.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Everyone has already beaten me to the punch about Spacecoconut lol I was going to try and use the ancient summoning technique lol.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Ok ok . I'll get to work on a script for a new updated hag guide...