Devout changes: dc survivors should automatically be 3 hooks
This is the only change in the ptb notes that I take umbrage with. This change of requiring killers to get 10 hooks for red emblem is literally putting power into toxic survivors’ hands. All they need to do is dc or intentionally suicide on hook to screw the killer over. That is not fair.
Agree, I think for each stage you should get points for hooking.
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I agree fully here. The sheer number of DCs one experiences in one night alone will definitely be enough to take a toll given these new requirements. This is definitely something I hope they reconsider and restructure; it's not a good call.
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DC yeah. Suiciding no. There might be a reason to suicide. When I get hooked by the Insidious Leatherface in the basement, I will not hang there and wait for another person to die in the Basement.
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As a survivor I agree with DCs but not Suicides.
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Yeah I was starting to think about this. With how easy it is to make a Survivor salty, they can just DC or suicide and deny the Killer points out of spite. Reaching a new stage should definitely count otherwise the Killer is being punished for preventing an unhook.
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I like it, I dont wanna rank up anyway.
Give me the bloodpoints, but take away as much emblem points as you want =)
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They probably will never make it 3 for DCs but maybe 2 is more realistic.
And if someone kills himself on first hook it should be at least 2 points
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Deranking should not ever be encouraged. A healthy competitive environment is when everyone strives to play their best and are matched with other players of similar ability. Slaughtering survivors or killers at lower ranks than you is weak and cowardly.
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It should but I don't really mind. Ranking up still doesn't give any reward except facing "better" players more frequently so there isn't much point in doing it faster.
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Suicides should count the same as DC-s. It's basically the same thing: screwing your teammates denying points to the killer.
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This is true but I believe they're trying to make it harder to rank up since it's so easy ATM, so that way more people who don't belong at high ranks don't end up there, deranking may be wrong but it's the only way some of these guys feel they can enjoy the game when they're totally out matched at the rank they're currently at, me personally I don't do it or condone it but I get why they do.
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I think derankers on both-sides will like how the pipping is now achieved. Killers will camp more to derank and survivors will figure what they need to do not to pip. Maybe we get less disconnects.
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But why would you want to rank up, now the red ranks will TRULY be the sweaty ranks.
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Regarding those Basement Parties, I usually hang there as long as I can, to give teammates time to hit gens. Sometimes you get a helpful ally coming in, but usually they know what's up at the first attempt and will stay away.
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There is an simple solution, just dont play legion or hostage doctor and people wont dc even a quarter as much. Because honestly, as someone who plays both killer and survivor I dont want to waste 30 minutes against a hostage doc or a legion who immediately breaks chase and follows or tunnels off hook. Furthermore if they suicide or DC they screw themselves over more than the killer by getting less or no points themselves.
We killers get more BP rn than survs anyways tbh.
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Permitted gameplay is not a justification for DCing.
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IMO it should have stayed the same considering they are also making it harder to pip.