All these Surv/Killer main wars are depressing. Let's make up.

No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Survivor mains and Killer mains are always hating each other. Nerf this and git gud, Survs say. Nerf this and git gud, the Killers spit back.

Personally, I've felt the problems of both sides in full force:

As Killer, I've often felt that the game is always massively tipped in the favor of the Survivors. Flashlight spam, easier access to meme strats, the quick speed of Gen repair, and most of all, little response form the Devs to fix any of it. It's an endless struggle and it's rarely fun to play as Killer.

As Survivor, I feel like I'm never allowed to be salty ever. If I do, the Killers always assume it's them I'm salty at and tell me to git gud. They never fathom it might be because I failed a crucial Skill Check that gave me away or because my teammates were uncooperative or because victory was 5 inches from my face and then ripped from me and instead choose to get offended when I'm not even mad at them.

And then I look around and see everyone suffering the same fate—and even worse, they're constantly fighting. Killers make a thread about Killers, they get venom hurled at them by Survivors. Survivors make a thread about Survivors, they get venom hurled at them by Killers. It's just unenjoyable for everyone.

So I thought: If we can't have fun in the game we bought, how about we have some fun in here? To anyone who reads this, I encourage you to give us some info about which side you main, maybe tell us a bit of your story. People who are on the other side of the spectrum to that person's main: Initiate a casual conversation. Chit-chat. Be friends. Make like Bob Ross and make this a happy little thread.

Surv and Killer mains should learn to accept that just because someone mains the opposition doesn't make them bastards.


  • Silas
    Silas Member Posts: 307

    A toxic-proof sanctuary. Sounds too good to be true. :p

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476
    edited June 2018

    @Silas said:

    A toxic-proof sanctuary. Sounds too good to be true. :p

    "69 posts"


  • Silas
    Silas Member Posts: 307

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:

    @Silas said:

    A toxic-proof sanctuary. Sounds too good to be true. :p

    "69 posts"


    How could I almost miss such a beautiful milestone?
    My 69th post would have Bob Ross somewhere in it. And I wouldn't have it any other way ;)

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476
    edited June 2018

    @Silas said:

    How could I almost miss such a beautiful milestone?
    My 69th post would have Bob Ross somewhere in it. And I wouldn't have it any other way ;)

    Bob Ross was too good for this world. If he was a Survivor, he'd woo the Entity with his soothing voice to make it let him go.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:
    Survivor mains and Killer mains are always hating each other. Nerf this and git gud, Survs say. Nerf this and git gud, the Killers spit back.

    Personally, I've felt the problems of both sides in full force:

    As Killer, I've often felt that the game is always massively tipped in the favor of the Survivors. Flashlight spam, easier access to meme strats, the quick speed of Gen repair, and most of all, little response form the Devs to fix any of it. It's an endless struggle and it's rarely fun to play as Killer.

    As Survivor, I feel like I'm never allowed to be salty ever. If I do, the Killers always assume it's them I'm salty at and tell me to git gud. They never fathom it might be because I failed a crucial Skill Check that gave me away or because my teammates were uncooperative or because victory was 5 inches from my face and then ripped from me and instead choose to get offended when I'm not even mad at them.

    And then I look around and see everyone suffering the same fate—and even worse, they're constantly fighting. Killers make a thread about Killers, they get venom hurled at them by Survivors. Survivors make a thread about Survivors, they get venom hurled at them by Killers. It's just unenjoyable for everyone.

    So I thought: If we can't have fun in the game we bought, how about we have some fun in here? To anyone who reads this, I encourage you to give us some info about which side you main, maybe tell us a bit of your story. People who are on the other side of the spectrum to that person's main: Initiate a casual conversation. Chit-chat. Be friends. Make like Bob Ross and make this a happy little thread.

    Surv and Killer mains should learn to accept that just because someone mains the opposition doesn't make them bastards.

    In a perfect world, muslims, christians and all other would get along. Do they? No. This game pits us against them. I dont know why i take flashlights so damn serious but it pissed me off when they abuse them. I always get them in 8 out of 10. I tunnel them till i have them. Same with people who tbag. I eventually get them no matter what rank. At the cost of the game most of the time but it is, very, satisfying when i do slap them on teh hook and nod my head. Then i camp them to death. No hard patrol but seriously camp them to death. Bye bye flashlights and bye bye tbagger

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736
    edited June 2018

    I normally play survivor .. My loadout is selfcare (off and on) Small gamme (screw them totems) We're gonna live forever (who doesn't want more bp lol) and my 4th I normally just mess around with..Ive tried saboteur (what a headache lol..i always die first when I have it on) Adrenaline (its an alright perk but seems like a waste to me) and Empathy (I can't lie I use it to see where the killer is lmao) I also normally play the wild Claudette because who doesn't like to be a sneaky ninja?

    I HATE Myers..Doesn't matter whose playing him lol..i hate how stealthy he is and can pretty much grab you off a gen without you even knowing he was behind you (many many times has this happened to me lol) and I also HATE many times have I not heard his chainsaw ( I have no idea how I didn't..I mean its loud af right?) but Ive been downed with him just running across the map and basically getting lucky lol..One time I completely froze up didn't try to run or nothing we both just kinda looked at each other then he killed me lmfao.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051


    Is this an attempt at positivity I hear?

    It would be a shame if anything happened to it...

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    @Visionmaker said:

    Is this an attempt at positivity I hear?

    It would be a shame if anything happened to it...

    I actually just posted a rework idea for DS in Survs lol

  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    MrsMaliciousX said:

     and Empathy (I can't lie I use it to see where the killer is lmao) I also normally play the wild Claudette because who doesn't like to be a sneaky ninja?

    While Empathy has a longer range I would probably use Bond for this.  It allows you to see when people get up qnd start running, slam a pallet, vault through a window, even when uninjured. my thought is who cares about the other side of the map.. show me what is going on in my neck of the woods.
  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Do you guys ever run with Leader or Prove Thyself?

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    Do you guys ever run with Leader or Prove Thyself?

    Yup with bond when I’m doing a gen build. 
  • dilixz
    dilixz Member Posts: 2

    Although I'm playing around 70% survivor / 30% killer , I always tried to be balanced in my opinions and sometimes even side with killers because how dumb survivor mains might be . Hope someday , people will understand that this game should not be about sides. The community shouldn't be split based on sides.

    ELVENDORK Member Posts: 10

    I'm a survivor main, but I really like to play killer sometimes.. I just get mad as killer when survivors start to disrespect me just because I'm bad .. I don't really care about pips either but about bloodpoints.. and I really think that the bp are the reasons why everybody hates everybody, because this is such a grindy game that you can't afford to lose just a single bp per game, I think that's why survivors get salty when they die, because they miss out on 5k points that they can't earn during the game itself or they get mad at campers because they can't get the rescue points.. same goes for killer I guess, but when I play killer I get around 20-30k bp so I can't really tell if they feel they get not enough bp or if they get salty because they didn't got everyone? but on the other hand this game was never supposed to be a 4k everytime but more of a 2/2 statistic(ofc it's not every game a 2/2 some games you have a 4k and som.. bbtw I got rank 1 Killer twice but that was like a year ago and as I said now I only play Killer sometimes & I'm mostly at rank 10-15.. But with player (both sides) purposfully derank all the time, I guess it's somewhat the same on every side at every rank

    For balancing my thoughts are at what side I play.. when I play survivor I'm like "Killers are way to op and they play always toxic and they tunnel me half the time" but when I play killer I'm like "These survivors doesn't respect me.. they're doing gens like crazy and it's just so unbalanced" .. so I guess it's pretty balanced for me personally how it is..

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I'm just here to hang a happy little survivor on a happy little hook.

  • lemoNN
    lemoNN Member Posts: 43
    I am a killer main for now as I really want to get to rank 1 and I am really close (rank 4) but I am also a rank 10 Survivor, I feel both sides, I even play a piece of ######### build on survivor (adrealine, DS, SC, Sprint burst) There isn't much to balance to be honest. It's just the players that are either good at looping or gets a second chance with DS that really hurts me atleast. But I think doing something to the generators would be fun for everyone as it's just way to easy to do the generators without any issues, well expect when you are getting chased.
  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    I'm just here to hang a happy little survivor on a happy little hook.

    So long as their happy little tolboxes don't repair those happy little generators, but that's alright.

    This is your world. The Entity's realm, but your world. You hang as many pizza Dwights as you'd like. Make sure to hang him a Jake, too, since everyone needs a friend.

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Wait wait wait? You’re not a survivor OR killer main? Now that’s an enemy all survivor and killer mains can feel comfortable. 
  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    @GhostEuant said:
    Wait wait wait? You’re not a survivor OR killer main? Now that’s an enemy all survivor and killer mains can feel comfortable. 

    Technically I'm a Survivor main, in the sense that "I play both roughly equally with a little more time on Survivor:.