Issues with the new ranking system

Crythor Member Posts: 296

First i would like to say i think that its a good idea to make ranking up harder because rank is so meaningless at the moment, however i have a few issues with the new ranking system, which i would like to highlight via 2 matches i had and 1 theoretic example.

1 Match:

I downed all 4 survivors within 1 and a half min and then hooked them. They all died on their first hook and they didnt do a singel gen. Now i got iridescent gatekeeper gold devout, silver malicous and silver chaser. This means a total of 11 Points however i need 13 points to rank up (red ranks).

There was literally nothing i could have done better and i should be rewarded for totally destroying my opponent, however this new system punishes me for playing too good or it punishes me for the survivors beeing too bad. Both should never happen.

2: Match

The match was between 4 and 5 min the survivors got 2 gens done i killed 3 and the last one refused to save his 2 hooked teammates and escaped via hatch. Now i got iridescent gatekeeper silver devout, silver malicous and gold chaser for a total of 11 points of the 13 needed for a pip in red ranks. I got punished because the survivor refused to unhook anyone and got out via hatch which i couldnt prevent as i didnt know where it spawned. The new system punishes for things that are out of your controll and again bad opponents.

3: Disconnects:

With the more points needed for piping in the higher ranks survivors can depip you on purpose by just all dcing and you will down rank since you get a maximum of 8 points which is minus 1 pip in the higher ranks.


1: Change devout emblem back to what it used to be 1 point per kill and make red rank pipping 12 points (maybe even 11?).

2: Also make it so, that if a survivor dcs it gives you 1 point in devout and 1 point in malicous. Like this they cant depip you on purpose.


  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    They should also count DCs as 2-3 hooks, as it seems fair, as you need 10 hooks to get a iridescent devout.

  • Naiad
    Naiad Member Posts: 194

    In your 1st scenario I'm guessing the survivors were just bad. I'm hoping after a few days to a week these survivors/killers will have downpipped. So your games shouldn't be this easy in the future allowing you to actually do enough to safety pip/pip. That's why I'm saying give the new ranking system a bit of time to see how it plays out since at the minute we have a lot of survivor/killers that shouldn't be the rank they are just because they put in enough hours to get there.

    With scenario 2 & 3 I can see where the survivors made the killer depip. I still would want to give it a bit of time to see how it works out in the long run and then tweak it a bit. I'd personally like to see the devout emblem change iridescent to 8 hooks + 4k, that gives killers a bit more room to gain it and see how that works.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited March 2019

    The issue, as I see it, is the conflict between the idea of what the ranking system is, and what the emblem system is meant to do.

    People want the ranking system to be a measure of skill.. and the Devs made an emblem system as a tool to guide playstyles for both sides. These two ideas don't mesh together and it is being shown with those changes in the PTB.

    Basically the Devs are saying unless you play in these sorts of ways you aren't skillful. So like your example above, you killed 4 players, but cause it wasn't fun for the other side, it wasn't skillful. The survivors handed you the match. Isn't that a discouraging system? That is why this system isn't a "skill" based system. They need to stop treating it like it is.

    You as a killer are penalized on how the survivors play and you as a survivor are penalized on how the killer plays. So how can you measure your skill when your skill requires skill from the other player? It doesn't add up.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    I see the pips as the entitity's way of assessing how entertained he was (eg. The Entity is displeased).

    In the old system I once tried the Insidious Leatherface camping in the basement trick. (I was new to the game, I didn't know any better!) I killed everyone but it wasn't satisfying for me, the survivors, or more importantly, the Entity.

    An easy victory doesn't deserve much reward. I didn't pip, I didn't get many points, I got what I deserved.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    I just had a match with 3 kills, one escaped trought the hatch and I got the entity displeased. Match lasted a fair amount, chases were won and I got the BP.

    Just what the hell is this system? I get the idea but this isn't working at all.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    At worst that HAS to be a black pip. (e.g. if you one hooked everyone) I don't want to see people slugging to prevent hatch escapes because I hate slugging and being slugged.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    @JawsIsTheNextKiller Everyone were hooked at least once. 3 of them died by triple hook (so no Mori involved). If this system gets in live everyone will be back at rank 20 in less than a month!

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    @NurseMainBTW Entity displeased as one escaped. You know how the Entity hates true hope.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    So basically you are punished for being good.

    Pretty good job so far.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    I still dont care about ranks, when they add rewards i will be more motivated

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    question to the people who think u should get all points from the survivor that dc'd, why do u feel u deserve an easier pip if someone disconnected making the game 10x easier? wouldnt it support rank not being a good representation of skill? (I still feel that way) at most u should get a black pip if someone dc'd early

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    This new system is like pulling teeth. You've got to hope that survivors are smart enough to unhook each other, not do silly things like run around the hooked survivor causing you to stay there chasing them while also being dumb enough to no do gens efficiently. As a killer main, this change feels really bad. Getting a 2k and getting depipped sucks. Getting a 3k and getting depipped or just barely black pipping sucks. We're already being forced to adhere to a small set of playstyles and then we're getting hamstrung even further by scoring being left up to playing some magical game where survivors get 3 hooked every time. I can't take the survivors off the hook and if they get left to die I'm expected to lose points? A game can end in 3-5mins, but somehow I'm supposed to consistently defend everything and stop everyone while somehow ensuring they get to play the game just enough so they can have chances to win? Might as well just go back to slugging at this rate.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Based on what you ask, the answer I would come back with is.. What is the point of playing that match?

    Once a survivor DCs, they screwed you on the emblems, why bother playing it. Sure get some points and get out and move on. However if your intention is to rank up and the moment you get screwed out of it, why continue?

    People say rank doesn't mean much but once you get screwed out of a reward from the match.. it ruins it. Doesn't matter if you could get a white pip or not, when not allowed to continue to "win" then why bother.

    If everytime you play you get a survivor that DCs and prevents you from getting a white pip.. how long will that wear you down mentally when the game is constantly telling you that you lost because they DC'd.

  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130

    i know how u feel. i got a 4k . 25k points and deranked. i dont get it. yes we wanted a harder ranking system but thats n overkill lol

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    @Hythinger Literally had the same thing right now. Give it a month and all killers will be back to rank 20 bullying new survivors.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Then killer DC's should count as a couple gens and chases. Survivors already get significantly less bp than killer, it is the primary reason I switched over.

    As for the ranking system, it won't matter until there is a reason tied to it. I could not care less about rank. I'd rather lose rank and have fun then rank every match. Pips mean absolutely nothing, whether they are easy or hard to get won't matter.

    The problem in this game is there is very limited code of conduct. Maybe I'm just old school and was raised in an era of sportsmanship and a level of decorum, but a lot of this game's issues would be lessened with an enforceable code of conduct. Such as taunting after matches, unnecessary taunting during matches, hard camping without doors open, tunneling, etc. All of these things are toxic and promote bad game play and DC'ing.

    That will never happen though, so we deal with it. This company wants to make money. If they hardcore ban and punish for every DC, they lose players, and therefore revenue. Get over it, and move on.

  • Crythor
    Crythor Member Posts: 296

    An other reason why this new matchmaking sytem is bad is that its too harsh and means those of us who rank up will have difficult times to find matches unless they let us find lower rank people faster and just let us pip(depip on our rank regardless.