A problem with players that DC.

It seems a LOT of players DC, Which makes no sense to me because they get NOTHING, And yeah it hurts the killer somewhat but not too bad since as a killer we get blood for rage quitters.
My concern is the fact that while i am killer main i have played quite a bit of survivor and i joined a game earlier and i caught a glimpse of the killer and i was like 'Oh great, Its Legion' As soon as this thought went through my head 2 of my teammates DC'd and the third one was already on the hook and suicided.
This COMPLETELY ruined the game for me, I think there should be more severe punishments for players who DC, and i don't mean report and they get banned, I mean like in game natural consequences, Yeah they get no blood, Lose items/addons, Any offering they used and they lose a pip. But this is obviously not enough. I remember a game i played called Robocraft, Back in the time i played it, if you disconnected from 2 games within a 3 hour time period you were forced to wait 30 minutes before you could play at all. Maybe they could implement this some way? Or maybe something where you lose 5 pips? Or maybe 15% of your current blood balance?
Another idea i had is for players who DC a lot, they get a little icon next to their name in game so the killer can see if they are a frequent rage quitter before even starting the game, This could be incentive for players to stay and tough it out and it would offer the killer some warning at least. I can see a lot of people having a hard time joining a game if they have that icon, That being said, When they learn their lesson they should be able to work it off.. So say.. 30 games where they play from start to end and the icon gets removed, Even if they do not survive. This brings a new issue however, People who suicide or run straight to the killer. People do this to De-pip and would do that to get the icon removed as well i would guess, So we would also need to implement a punishment for doing that as well.. Likely a similar system where if they die within the first 3 minutes of the game several times in a row they get an icon next to their name.. and so on. I say 3 minutes because it would be nearly impossible to die in the first 3 minutes 5 times in a row unless your REALLY trying to. You can be on the hook for almost 2 whole minutes if you dont try to unhook and you struggle until death, and most teams will save you from the hook as well. In the first 3 minutes there should be 3 other people to help you, (Unless they DC'd, and if my idea was implemented.. well hopefully they would not do that anymore.)
I know this was long, But i wanted to get my thoughts out there since as a Legion main i have been extremely affected by this as i ALWAYS get 1-2 people to rage quit. (Hate on me if you want, I like legion because hes fast, not because he does deep cut.)
Those who disconnect and lose bloodpoints are losers. However, so many legions use their frenzy attack to tunnel instead of causing fun blood baths. I am not ashamed to admit I do not struggle when hooked against the legion. Even the killers themselves hardly seem to gain much bloodpoints.. it's a waste of game time. There is some great legions who murder the ######### out of me and can still make it enjoyable, but as a whole.. you guys ruin it
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Definitely need to temporarily disable lobbies to those who dc though. I repeat.. DCers are LOSERS
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Yeah but still, people who rage quit RUIN the other players, Any FULL team of 4 can gen rush legion hard and at least 2 people can get out every match, Even against the BEST legions. Legion is good for getting kills, But not total victory. When even 1 player rage quits, I win completely. I'm thrilled that i always pip up, But i hate how when i play survivor my experience is ruined by people like that.
All that aside, I still have people rage quit a lot when i play Pig and Huntress because i am a legitimately good killer and they want an easy win, One person leaves. The whole team is screwed unless 2 gens are already done before they DC, Which is rare.
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It's never going to fair system. I've DC'd because I found myself in farming match and I just wanted to play the game. I've DC'd because the killer held the game hostage. I've DC'd because something happened in real life that required my attention.
In all those cases, I've been penalized for DC'ing. I don't care about rank, so it doesn't bother me.
That said, I imagine a better system would have new players replace DC'ing players. Maybe this will be possible with dedicated servers, but there's never going to be 100% fair solution.
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All I want to add is that what ever is done needs done for killers as well. The number of killers that DC because of the map or their hex was found or w/e is annoying as well . My biggest issue is the offerings that are wasted. I had a match where I took bloody party streamers. It ended up being the swamp and the killer dced right away. Killers get bounes blood points when a survivor DC's and the other survivors get screwed) but survivors get nothing when a killer DC's. I would like to see more penalty for dcing on both sides.
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People DC because nothing is being done about it. There are no "harsh" punishments for it. Unlike some games where you DC and get a limited amount of time before you can play your matches once again, or lessen the XP to let others know that constant DCing is not okay (it will lessen possible DC).
It's understandable to have real life situations, but realistically you can't be having one EVERY single time. There seriously needs to be a system to fix this. For both survivors and killers btw.
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I have a love hate relationship with DC'ing. I hate the generic DC because you got downed too fast, or you are just mad that you are going to die, or you missed DS. Heck, I see a lot of DC's as soon as I log in, and it can't be because Trapper is so OP.
On the other hand, I kind of understand when I'm playing survivor and another player DC's due to hard tunneling or camping. It is miserably not fun to be camped/tunneled and destroys the spirit of the game in the same sense that a hit squad that hunts the killer with flashlights does.
I'd rather see the devs come up with some hard answers to those styles of play than produce another broken killer. Shame we won't see that though.
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You do realise there is ways to get away from Legion easily right? There is easy ways to beat him, Someone like you only complains and moans about him, try PLAYING Legion and you will understand his power, In turn. You will understand his weakness. I can list 3 killers who's power FAR surpasses Legion with ease.
Any of these three killers puts Legion to shame, Played by the right person, They are practically unstoppable. My friend plays Trapper and i've watched him play. He always seems to win the game completely with traps alone, His trap placement is godlike.
My second is Huntress, If you have good aim and the right addons, The game is yours without even trying.
Nurse, I do not even need to explain why she is the top killer of the game.
And as for Legion... Playing as Legion can be just as frustrating as playing against him, If not more. If your a legion that tunnels it can be extremely frustrating because after your frenzy wears off there is a 3-4 second period where you cannot see scratch marks, or any scratch marks made in that time period. This USUALLY offers survivors a very very good way to get away as they can sprint into a locker and duck away, Or sprint to a tree and just walk around the tree as i try to find them.
If anything Legion needs a buff, Or better yet, a total rework. Don't hate on something you don't understand.
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This was the WHOLE point of the Decisive Strike rework, This is why its only active when you get let off the hook now, This is also the point of Borrowed Time, They are TRYING to give survivors a way to combat tunnelling.
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Your best argument is that he ignores pallets and windows, He can only do this for about 10 seconds at a time, with a 30 second cooldown. Any well skilled survivor can easily get past this and continue a chase, Many times as legion ive been led on 5 minute chases, and i have also done the same to legions when i played survivor.
No i did not ignore you, I told you how to get AWAY from legion. You are just another toxic player, I bet you are the kind that TBag's at pallets and the exit gate. Anyone who does that or who DC's because they got downed too fast should have no say whatsoever.
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How about add this timer to the same 24 hour schedule as daily rituals:
Make the time to re-join lobby:
- 5 minutes for the first dc
- 10 minutes for the second
- 15 minutes for the third
- and so on till 30 minutes.
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Nah not unlucky, thats pretty common nowadays..... sadly
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It probably won't happen, but wouldn't it be nice if all the dcing man baby where all throw in some kind of elo hell where they only are matched with other mass dcing survivor and killer.
Giving them long ass queue time to get matched just to end up with the killer dcing or one or two team mates.
One can dream
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That is also a very very good idea.
And that is why i made this thread, Maybe the Dev's will see my suggestions and possibly implement them, or something similar.
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It's kinda difficult to punish that, because last week as soon as I entered a game I was immediately booted for some reason, and that was not my doing. So it would have shown me as dc though I didn't. So, I assume this happens to others and it's not fair to be punished for a dc that was not someone choice. Or their internet goes or something.
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anyone who hates looping hates on a survivor's way of surviving. its literally all we have other than hiding, and most people don't find fun in that. and i wouldn't complain about that completely hypothetical situation because for 1 its a horrible comparison. comparing dcing against 1 killer because they're horribly designed to a survivor's means of surviving is idiotic. and 2 it would never happen. even the bad killers who can't run loops well don't dc from it lmfao. it'd just be hilarious if it ever got to that point
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I'm the child but I gave u a fair argument that you replied with "you're the kind of person I despise", and now you're telling me to leave? right
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you're complaining about BNPs in 2019 so I'm just gonna leave it at that
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They need to remove legion, if you wanna ban for DC I'll just suicide on first hook, good luck banning people for that. Btw 100 bucks tells me anyone who wants to "punish the evil dcers' are just legionmains salty that everyone is rejecting their braindead killer.
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you fool! you're speaking facts! you better run while you still have legs!
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This is why i said it wont do that if it happens 2-3 times, more like 5+ How can you DC 5 times in 15 minutes if your not doing it on purpose? Bad internet? Play when its not bad, How can a punishment hurt you when you cant even play to begin with.
I'm reporting you for harassment now.
Uhm, I can list a bunch of killers that are more likely to get a 4k than legion. Legion sucks as a survivor, but if you cant avoid him, Stop being trash at the game lol. Every time ive played against legion i had no issue getting away. OR even when i wanted to be chased, i knew how to not get hit. The thing is, If you cant play against legion, try PLAYING legion, and youll learn how he works from the inside. Stop getting salty, And actually learn how to play.
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So do you DC against the nurse?
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no where near as often as I do vs legion, but if I'm solo I'm not gonna deal with omega blink + ruin nurse. at least with nurse you're not braindead botting at everyone u see
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Every disconnect should cause a ten minute cool down before they can host or join a game. A second within an hour doubles the time. So on and so forth, with ten minutes dropping off every hour of play without a disconnect.
Harsh? Yes. And if you can’t remain connected because your internet is bad, that’s as bad to the other players as if you meant to quit. It’s indistinguishable.
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Last game Meghead dc'ed because I bamboozled the shack window.
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And if you have garbage internet and DC often, Its time to invest in a singpleplayer game :D