Starting locations

rexydon Member Posts: 42

When I started playing hardly any of the survivors started together unless they used a shroud. Even when they did with out a shroud it was usually only two survivors. Now a days it seems every match, with or without a shroud all four of the survivors start together, and half the time the killer starts two steps away from them. I feel this may be the biggest reason for the "gen rush" when almost every map all four survivors start together right next to a 4 top gen...



  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Genrush is most effective when each survivor does a gen ALONE

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    Having the survivors next to each other is actually ideal. Survivors are less efficient when working together on a single generator, and having everyone in one place makes it easier for the killer to apply pressure. If everyone's in the same spot, all you need to do is interrupt that one generator and all progress stops. If everyone's on separate generators, apply pressure to one generator still leaves three others being powered at full speed.

  • rexydon
    rexydon Member Posts: 42

    I will be honest, I never thought about it this way. My thought has been even if the killer chases one off of the gen then the others can still work on it, either that or the killer had to stop chasing one survivor to get the others off of that gen.