Break a chase for someone easier?
I have been playing for a couple years, mostly Killer, and I can't seem to feel good about breaking a chase to find someone easier.
If I get looped, I tend to want to stay in the chase, just to get this jackhole. Yet, all the decent Killers on YouTube seem to break the chase and look for someone else. I try this, but, it seems like now, you wasted 2 minutes in the chase and now, have to go find people. This could take another 2-3 minutes and you are not sure if they are going to be just as toxic in a chase. My mindset is, I already know where THIS guy is, and if I catch him, it forces at least one of the others off a gen and must come help, and then, I will know at least the general area of 2 players.
Yes, this is not the mindset of the pros, but this is why I am asking here. How do you let yourself give up the chase of someone you can see for someone you have no clue where they are on the hope they might be a little easier to catch?
You have to leave your ego out. It’s like a QB throwing at the best cornerback in the nfl. No, be smart throw in the other half of the field and make that person not matter. Half of the time they’ll follow you to get you to chase them again so you will be wasting their time anyways.
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Depends, on some Killers with poor pressure like Huntress it can be preferable, on other Killers like Freddy, Doctor, Billy and Wraith its actually preferable to let them go injured because they can be on top of someone else right away. The fact that they have to spend a lot of time healing will slow down the game while you chase someone else.
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You have to throw the mindset of being a powerful killer out of the window. I know thats probably why you bought the game and started playing killer, but that simply isnt DBD sadly. Unless you play nurse, you have to find a survivor that doesnt know how to loop properly and focus him. When there are only 3 survivors left, you have enough room to take a longer chase aswell, but if you do that with 4 survivors alive, your gens will pop in light speed
Especiaally if there is some kind of guy sprinting literally towards you (accompanied with the obession chase sound usually lul), then NEVER chase him. He is trying to waste your time so that this pleb friends that are not as experienced just have to press M1 at the gens.
Find his friends and watch him following you around everywhere, wasting even more time. Oh, and dont be afraid to slugg, thats especially important vs the flashlight wannabes
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If you break a chase at the right time you can make the first guy think you are still chasing them while the second guy has no idea you are coming. If you catch someone out of position, that's a free hit. I often break chases I know will take too much time and do my best to keep survivors scrambled. Just following someone until you catch them is the worst way to play killer because you give the other 3 free reign of the map. If you break a chase to get hits on the others you put them on edge and they are more likely to screw up.
You have to know how to prioritize as killer. Breaking a chase to kick gens, break pallets, set up traps, scramble other survivors, etc is important because you need to pressure the group not the individual. If you know a gen is >50% and it's close then go over and kick it to scramble the survivors. Most of the time survivors get a chubby for particular gens, so if you keep interrupting them it can really mess them up. Sometimes they get desperate to finish it too and then they make big mistakes.
My general rule of thumb is that if I chased someone for more than 20 seconds and haven't gotten a hit or forced a pallet to drop I leave them. Most of the time when you leave them it takes them maybe 15 seconds to reset and find a gen, so you have time especially if you know where another survivor is. If you have no clue where another survivor is then it's not really a good idea to break a chase unless it's at a really strong loop.
You win more as killer through attrition and disruption than you do brute force.
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It's a tactical decision. If you can find a weak link in the team that you can chase much easier, you can create a snowball effect.
Long chases can be good if the survivor is wasting a lot of pallets right away, but overall a too long chase will hurt the killer, especially if the survivor are good and watch out for good gen placement and leave you with ondone gens that are far away from each other.
Sometimes you need to break the chase after a couple of broken pallets to keep patrolling the gens.
Usually you do not want to chase those guys that WANT to get chased. Most likely they are the better runner of the team and waste the most of your time.
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Screw this new quote system, I'll do it myself...
@Wolf74 said: "Long chases can be good if the survivor is wasting a lot of pallets right away"
Yea this is the only time you want to be chasing for a while. Some survivors drop pallets like crazy and if you chase them they waste all the safe pallets right away.