The Nurse is broken but not op

The Broken part about the Nurse is that she ignores the games basic mechanics like looping windows and palltes (even if its a stupid mechanic)


she is not op (except her addons)..........that means if survivors would actually play good.

From my experience (1200h) survivors in this game got worse and worse over time. Especialy since the Emblem system launched there are mostly bad survivors on rank 1.Its simply to easy tor rank up. same goes for killer. 

I mean i could be wrong but i think survivors got alot less skilled and toxic since Ochido is banned(dont get me wrong. its good that hes banned) its just an idea. could also be the tonnes of partially useless partially good survivor nerfs but that not the topic. 

Like mentioned bevore the addons are what makes the nurse op. like the range addons or extra blinks. if those addons where nerft she she would be balanced. 

The main problem is not the killer itself its the players playing against her. I think most players just dont know how to play against a nurse. (most survivors dont even know how to loop at rank 1. most killer matches are so damn easy cause they play like trash).

For me the game is getting kind of boring since you dont have a real challange anymore. the most fun is to play against good survivors / good killers since it feels really good to have a challanging match. I hate matches were the killer just straight up follows the loop without mindgaming or survivors going down in 5 seconds. 

Its not like every player is bad but most of them are not at a rank where they should be (this is mostly the devs fault since they want everyone to feel good.)

Problem is ..........this cant work in a game where to teams fight against each other.

this is written down in one go. sorry for the non exsisting flow of the text.

i hope you undestand my idea.

also sorry for sounding like blaming everyone to play like trash (sry not sry most of them do).

I also posted this discussion on the steam forum since i want to compare what people here and in steam.

also sorry for non existing english skills