How can a survivor be mad that I camped them to death

When they're running around showing off their ass, t-bagging and instahealing in my face?
My response... "Suck my 4k"
Sorry about the rant!
Gosh that rant went on forever.
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Hush xD I'm not known for ranting on here!
I just want to know where it's justified to call me the n-word over it.
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Why did you write a 500 page essay over it? It isn’t justified to call someone the N-Word over and over for being camped those survivors are a disgrace to my kind.(survivor main)
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I don't camp them because I'm really bad at it. I normally have everyone escape when I try to camp.
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Uhm, this game is made for grown ups... You get insulted? Ignore it and just move on lol after having your laugh with camping them. So many people in this game love to intentionally upset other people and it's absolutely not worth putting any time and effort into since it will never get better
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That's what the report system is for to remove said idiots from the community, if they ahve to insult you they've already lost.
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Because they are hypocrites? You see that very often with survivors.
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Ive seen a lot of self entitled surviors. Its fine to T-Bag, Flashlight Spam, Hide in the match and waste your time when the games well and over... oh but heavon forbid you break one of their imposed rules of "proper killer conduct"
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I'm not at all upset lol. I was just bored and wanted to create a discussion.
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I'm not much of a camper myself. I just show survivors I'm not one to be disrespected! >:)
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A Kate just called her teammates trash after I finally caught her and camped her to death, followed by a 4k (she was only the second kill). She took my nurse on a tour around the warehouse map, back and forth over the complete map about 5 times, slalom through ruins, loop around the shack, back through the ruins to the warehouse, through the windows and back. Never a clear line of sight for more than 1 second and no addons for me. Then finally caught her and for sure weren't going to let her go again, especially after she was unhooked once already and also DS'd me.
Her mates did 2 gens in the meantime with Hex:Ruin active and Thanatophobia with 2 stacks.
There was more salt than in the Dead Sea.
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Didn't talk about you specifically, but since I see many people who actually do get upset over it and you created a topic I just mentioned it :p