Wake up change idea

Mike2550 Member Posts: 16

I’m not entirely sure how many people bother to run wake up but to me it doesn’t seem like a very popular choice, opening a gate slightly faster is good and all but to an experienced player you know when to go for a gate and where they are in the first place. It just feels like there’s just better choices all around than to run Quintens perks.

so thinking about his character and how he effectively battles Freddy and is prepared for the killers tactics, I thought “why not make a perk for him thats sorta like the killers endurance in a way? But for survivor”

so my idea is let’s change Wake up to where it will allow the player to perform cleanse killer effect statuses faster. If your trapped by the trappers bear trap, you can attempt to escape faster, snapping out of it you will perform faster, mending from legion is faster, waking someone up is faster, digging through a pig box is faster, cleansing toxin from plague is faster. It wouldn’t be too much faster mind you I’m thinking like 5/10/15 percent faster and this is only to urself.

we don’t have anything that performs these actions any faster and sometimes don’t you feel like if You were at least one second faster you could narrowly escape that doctor around the corner or the pig coming for your booty as u attempt to remove that trap. This would have its killer counters but also some killers it won’t work on which is the risk you take just like calm spirit essentially. (You could keep the end game seeing the gates so it has a use still?)

Quintens perks need a bit of love in my opinion and I honestly feel like Wake up, just the name makes me think like he knows what’s up and he wants to get out of the entities realm and he has seen this shiz enough that he learns how to efficiently handle these situations which is why he can do it faster than the rest. I’d love it for him but this could be an idea for a future perk for a survivor, but I think it would fit him a lot. The numbers could be tweaked to see how broken or under powered it is but 20% I feel would be the highest it could be possibly go to, otherwise it could be too strong. That would be 2.4 seconds off of snap out of it at that point.

I cant wait till some of these perks get some love and make the character appear more awesome in my opinion, doesn’t have to be meta but usuable and wanted at the very least, this would be a unique perk as well as no one else has had a thing that affects these killer stuff ever since botany knowledge had its effect removed :D this may not be healing anymore but Quinten knows how to handle a killers ways efficiently!