Survivor stereotypes?

CJsDBD Member Posts: 85

Hey guys,

I want to know about what you think is the stereotype for each survivor!

Some ive heard:

Megs and neas are best at loops

Dwights hide in lockers

There was that whole thread about jakes being useless.

Do you guys think people who choose a certain survivor have certain playstyle? Ive noticed lately that my survival rate as Dwight is way higher than Nea, despite the fact that i have every perk on Nea... you guys ever notice anything like this? Killers, do you ever choose to kill a certain survivor first?


  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I always like to have an Adam in my team. He'll be the one that comes for me when the exit gates are open, he'll be the one that takes a hit so I can escape, he won't farm me for bloodpoints.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    Bills and Lauries are the hard workers doing gens seriously

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    Megs are stupid, rarely good at the game.

    Nea's are either boosted or actually good at the game

    Blendette's suck ass.

    Ace's are either an ok teammate or an amazing teammate.

    David's are stupid as well.

    Dwight's tend to not know what they are doing.

    Kate's are stupid as well.

  • idaelyni
    idaelyni Member Posts: 15

    Its always the feng min with the bob blowing up a generator lmfao

  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678

    Claudettes will find a dark place and hide. Oh wait, that's not a stereotype, that's actually true.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    I’ll just say what others have said for my mains

    Bald Dwights tend to be the most toxic is what I’ve heard by many already

    Davids are cocky and usually end up always trying to distract killer or “bullying” them

    Default Jakes are the worst because they act like the biggest noobs in the entire game

    Ironically, Feng Mins are the ones that rage quit a lot faster than others lmao

    In my experience Feng Mins and default Jakes are true.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Stealth beiing the same as immersion. Stealth doesn't meen hiding in a corner of the map doing nothing like immersion. Stleah is about beeing good at juking the evading the killer while doing gens. Always annoys me when people consider them the same.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Claudettes toxic

    @Gamzello If you played Console (Xbox) I would prove you wrong very fast

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904
    edited March 2019

    Every word in this thread about Dwights is lies. LIES!

    Actually the one about bald Dwights has some truth to it.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    Dwight locker meme died ages ago.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Feng Mins that blow up generators are people that have had a couple of beers and have equipped their "drunk build" that includes the technician perk to lessen the effect of missed skill checks.

    Source: I play as Feng Min with a bob and the technician perk after I have had a couple of beers.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    @Gamzello Sounds like pain, do they disconnect to legion like everyone should not do?

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    Claudette's keep on hiding and crouching around.

    Nea's are bad at doing a chase and bait the killer to a fellow teammate.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    @Hoodedfengm1n Actually yeah, it’s pretty common. Nobody really likes to play against Legion on PS4 (expect for a few people) but I see lots of dcs against them. It’s rare if nobody dcs against Legion in my matches at least.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    From my own experience in,playing and watching

    Nea being toxic if they bring a flashlight (my main is Nea xD and I sometimes forget I looted an item from the last game and still have it equipped, which is often...a,flashlight)

    Meg is a megamind and makes all the super sick plays *pours heavy sarcasm on sentence*

    Jakes, Quentins Kates and certain Dwights can be super tryhard/toxic. Often they biggest culprits I've seen

    Adams I feel always stay as far away from the action xD.

    Fengs are super weird...either they DC when downed or miss DS or they run around like a mad person.

    If there are two Dwights..they often troll,and/or potato a LOT.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    @Nikkiwhat Run around like a mad person is me in a nutshell, but accept its with the killer I am running around

  • Crow
    Crow Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2019

    Quentins can be either a huge noob or the first ones to escape.

  • makayla
    makayla Member Posts: 287

    Davids are awful teammates who farm you is a completely true stereotype.

    They're ALWAYS bad, they ALWAYS farm, and they ALWAYS blame their team for dying when 99.9% of the time it's their own damn fault. I hate David and anyone who mains him.

    I don't know if this is a stereotype between my friends and I or if everyone can universally agree that Davids suck.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Bills are mostly on PC, i don't think i've ever seen someone play Bill on consoles...




    Please don't let this go over your head.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    @makayla Not true..I’m a good hearted David :^(

    I want to help my teammates out! I’m good at looping too. I don’t really farm off teammates like ever tbh lmao.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
    edited March 2019

    In my experience:

    • Dwight players tends to always DC first;
    • Meg players are filled with hatred;
    • Claudette players tends to be the most "experienced" ones. I have yet to meet a terrible Claudette;
    • Jake players are rapidly going extinct;
    • Nea players are often the most complaining one post-game but will always say "GG" at the end;
    • Laurie players are often the first to suicide on hook;
    • Bill players are garbage;
    • Feng players are the sweetest of things;
    • David players are obvious and predictable;
    • Ace players are man-child;
    • Quentin players are extremely toxic;
    • Tapp players are... a mistery;
    • Kate players are pretty chill, seems the one I have more "GGs" from.
    • Adam players are terrible at loops but are always in first line to help someone else
    • Jeff players are okay-ish, I just met too little to classify them.

    I have also many things to say about the killer mains, too. If you are going to open a thread about that 8)

  • The_Bogeyman
    The_Bogeyman Member Posts: 269
    edited March 2019

    Dwights are good sorts who get stuff done.

    Megs are dc ragers. Hate to get caught.

    Neas are toxic cows.

    Lauries are ok mostly. Nearly always ds users.

    Quentins are are mix of ok and toxic twats.

    Claudettes are generally useless and toxic. Usually cloak moding around instead of doing stuff.

    Davids are clueless. Just run around and farm ya off the hook.

    Fengs are mostly ok.

    Kates are usually good. Know what they're doing.

    Aces are dumbasses. Drop pallets when they don't need to. Blow gens. Fast vault windows when they should be creeping around quietly.

    Adams are mostly trash.

    Tapps are an extinct bunch.

    Jeffs are ok except for the white faced ones. They're usually dumb.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited March 2019

    P3 Claudette with flashlight is toxic and/or looper.

    Harajuku graffiti Nea is Toxic and/or looper.

    Laurie is always using DS.

    Meg users are the most ragequitters or hook suicides.

    Two Dwights are always SWF and overaltruistic to each other.

    Jake usually play bad and is bad looper (why?).

    P3 Adam is a tryhard.

    Bill is always in one extreme, sometimes is a totally potato and sometimes is very good, never average.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    @makayla Ever heard of a David who sacrifices himself for his team 😩😩

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    For pc, from worst to best:

    Bill: Goes down quickly and hookrushes to throw the game. Combines low skill with bad strategy.

    Meg: Meg main huge brain.

    Claudette: Immersed and useless. Has no plan b when spotted.

    David: Farms his teammates and prefers tokens over winning. Often does bad plays for the bloodpoints.

    Jake: Egoistic players who prefer hatch over teammates.

    Laurie: I want DS Reeee

    ... Lesser used survivors somewhere in the middle.

    Kate: Experienced Meg players. Rarely toxic

    Dwight: Playing Dwight puts a bulls-eye on you, they want to get chased. Doesnt really care about the game, more about fun and memes.

    Nea: Toxic. Not as skilled as the other survivors, but takes every 2nd chance they can get, which makes them hard to catch. Hugs infinites and knee bends

    Feng: Skilled, but in the opposite way of Nea. They're rarely toxic or use crutches, they just outplay you.

    Ace: His built-in Iron Will attracts loopers like Claudette attracts stealth players. Long chase ahead.

  • FallenOrpheus
    FallenOrpheus Member Posts: 58

    Well I had a David who sacrificed himself for me against a noed trapper. I don't know why he dc'd when the killer didn't have bbq and he hadn't been hooked yet.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I've heard that all P3 players are toxic XD

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited March 2019

    Megs are just stupid.

    Claudettes and Neas are awesome at loops.

    Tapps are either stupid or ridiculously smart.

    Bald Dwights are skilled af.

    Dwights are bad and in lockers.

    Most Davids ######### their pants because of BBQ and hide in lockers.

    Jane and Kate are dominant over the survivors and tend to organise hook rescues and such.

    Jakes are always breaking hooks.

    Lauries and Aces always run DS and try to bully the killer but get rekt.

    Bills an old fart and uncommon.

    Quentin is extinct.

    Adams are smart team players.

    Fengs are really knowledgeable and tend to be almost as smart as Tapp mains.

    Jeff mains are always altruistic and protective. I've noticed they seem to love protecting Claudettes.

    Legions try to be a killer.

    Post edited by Poweas on
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Pretty much what @Poweas said.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    I feel like i am the small percentage of Tapps that are really smart....on some days.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Megs can be slow (like not quick with the uptake), Claudettes will either crouch in the shadows (like ninjas) or run to your rescue with the flashlights, and Neas can be toxic and may sandbag you are some I know of.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Some of the Davids I've come across were really good with saves and protecting the team. While a lot of them are as you say, I don't think it's correct to say they're all like that.

  • ImAGirl
    ImAGirl Member Posts: 147

    Kate's think they're good, but they're not and usually die quick.