The Hag


For the past several months for me playing as a survivor I have noticed that The Hag was literally extinct. No killer would choose her whatsoever. Ever since the announcement of her buff/rework earlier in the afternoon, I noticed that a few killers finally started to pick up The Hag. Now currently I am playing as a rank 1 survivor and the past several games that I had I was facing similar ranked killer Hags. Some Hags had tier 1 perks or just her basic perks. The thing that I found upsetting about all this, is that all Hags that I encountered today were typically trapping areas at the beginning, but once they found their first survivor they chose to tunnel them and completely disregard any generators being done. I literally did a whole generator with another survivor in front of the Hag. Every single Hag just tunneled and camped the first survivor they find and then repeat the process with the next survivor that either tries to rescue or is inevitably the next to be tunneled and camped. Don't get me wrong, The Hag needed some buffs for her to be a viable hunter to eventually get kills or sacrifices, but the fact that it has become apparent to me that she is getting buffs with all Hag killers using her to essentially camp and tunnel terrifies me and gives me trauma of the time when all Trappers would tight patrol hooked survivors while having bear traps underneath them.


  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369
    edited June 2018

    That's why you shouldn't give Hag a 115% movement speed ~

    The Hag Cube will give survivors more tools to counter ultra camping Hag players. As for now, consider them like Insidious Leatherface and just do gens. They won't have traps on the map (so, easy to escape from them) and are probably too bad anyways to know how to properly trap during chases!