Why you dont want tunel!?
So after last games i start think why i dont want tunel to death one person in time.This is why:Got chase hook somone leave him.Somone unhook him and now i can go after unhook person and hook him again or leave him and chase person who rescue mate from hook.All killers know the biger enemy is time so we want buy such many time as we can.So i go after rescue surv not this fresh from hook.Why you ask? This hurt one from hook will waste time use sc or find other surv to heal him or go to gen but will be easy target.But we as killer make presure for next surv so basicly we turn off from game 2 persons.One we chase second use sc or he is heal by 3 surv so only one or 2 can work on gens.We buy more time to us imo.Of curse depend from what hook that was for this surv but no one like to be tunel for deatch.
Because if you camp or tunnel someone that person hardly have a chance of survival. It's unfair if they are nice.
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I do. Tunneling is great. It's camping that's usually bad.
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Tunneling and camping general leads to being genrushed. If you are solely focusing on one person, you aren't playing very optimally. A good game imo is when I've hooked one person and by the time they got the save I already have another chase initiated, with damage and/or anothet hook. I generally try and ping pong survivors so that 2 are being hooked at all times, which means someone else/multiple people are going for saves, thus nobody is doing gens.
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As far as I can tell this game has never been fair and is not meant to be. The real issue is that this game tries to make a competitive asymmetrical game when what survivors want is the killer to act like a DM or Story Teller in a table top RPG. Giving them thrills and adventure, however the games not that way. Its set up with objective goals for 2 opposing sides and too many variables to balance under single game mode and varying factors of players.
This game is great.. in kill your friends. Case thats the role a killer takes, every one laughs and you tailor rules with your friends to make it enjoyable. When you play in competitive mode, you don't get that. The killers win condition is killing and giving chances isn't a logical step for some one who is playing to win. Tunneling can be highly effective at times, so can camping, so can gen rushing and looping. Both sides have tactics they don't like but are part of the competitive experiences... - because the game its self - frames it to be competitive weather it is or isn't or should be or shouldn't. Its becase of how its framed and players on both side wanting to win fair isn't the responsibility of the players who use the tools in the game, its the Dev's job... and they just can't do that with huge gaps between SWF vs Solo and High vs Low ranks players.
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At lot of killers dont understand this though. They're used to ranks 10-15 where tunneling actually works.
Once you get to red you don't have time to do that. So all the crappy killers rely on noed then come to cry about genrush.
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They are basically the same thing, with tunneling you wait just far enough to be able to race back to the hook quickly and down the saved even ignoring other readily available targets. The risk of possibly losing them in exchange for speeding up their death on hook.
Funny I respect campers more (and that isn't saying much) cause they are at least owning what they are doing.
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Depends on who you tunnel. If the team is VERY altruistic, tunneling usually works. Get one out of the way early on and having a 3V1 with 4 or 5 gens left is a lot easier to handle.
If the team is objective focused then tunneling will usually not work.
This also goes for camping. Altruistic teams feed campers while objective based teams punish campers.
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Tunneling is singling someone out to kill them for whatever reason. If the survivor unhooks when you're 20 feet away and you double back to insta-down that survivor, it's not tunneling, it's punishing bad altruism. If you happen to find the same survivor twice in a row because they aren't good at hiding, it's not tunneling, it's punishing the worst survivor on the team.
Some killers will "play nice" and try to avoid targeting that person. That's nice, but just know, you are purposely handicapping yourself for the sake of the opposing team. You need to be aggressive and try to confirm a kill as soon as you can. If you are actively trying to give survivors a chance and hooking them one at a time, you're probably gonna lose. You will end up at the end of the trial with 4 survivors remaining who have been hooked twice each.
That's good and all if you want to play like that, but at the end of the game, did they ease up on generators for you? Did they take pity on you when they instantly found your Ruin? I am playing killer to chase and hook you, I do not expect you to do me any favors and sacrifice yourself to make it easy for me and I will return that same favor in my general gaming.
This is just my opinion so play how you want.
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I never camp, tunneling though? Why would you waste your time in a chase with some survivor while the others can heal up and work on gens while you waste time rather than you killing the survivor who failed a chase against you, it's survival of the fittest, they were not fit enough to survive, oops.
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I'm guessing a lot of time that the tunneling is just bad luck, happens to me a lot, when i get the unhook notification and I look back and the first person I see, if the injured person running, sucks to be that person, but I am not going to ignore them and waste time trying to find the un-hooker who could be some immersed God
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I tunnel most of the time. The injured Survivor is an easier target and closer to death. The only times I don't tunnel is if the Survivor is decent at looping, I don't see the injured Survivor, or it's early in the game and I need to get my BBQ stacks. Sometimes I will tunnel if someone tries to bodyblock the injured Survivor because it can be funny to imagine their reaction when I continue tunneling. If I can get around the bodyblocker or if they go to a good looping spot after I hit them, then I'll stop chasing them. If I think can down the bodyblocker sooner, then I'll stop tunneling and go after them.
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I want everyone to be scared of me, of course one big way to do that is to tunnel the first Survivor to death because it makes everyone think they'll get the same treatment but that's not what I want.
I'm trying to go for ''oh ######### he's targeting me now'' instead of ''chase me, #########''. This is a Survival horror game and being scared/stressed is fun that's why people play them and that's what I try to get people to feel. Of course I rarely know when it works but I like to imagine I'm doing a ''pretty good job so far''.
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Then don't complain if survivors who play politely become toxic when you play that game.
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If I'm not already in a chase across the map and come back to stop the save, im going to go for whichever survivor is easier to down. For example, if the survivor that saved you sprint bursts away and you don't also have sprint burst, then I'm not going to chase the person that saved you when you're a lot easier to chase. Playing killer is about time efficiency, and it's not very efficient to chase a healthy survivor through loops when you can chase an injured one.
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Actually its been the other way around, at least for me personally.
I was a nice guy once, but after ~400 hours of wading through the mess of toxicity, I gave up =)
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They can be toxic all they want at the after game chat once they are sacrificed. I chat with them and have a laugh every time
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I don't want to become like that. -.-
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People can play however they choose to play, but I personally don't tunnel and it annoys me when other killers do. I've literally sat in front of killers before to block them from tunneling and they've refused to hit me, as they're just so fixated with wanting to down the survivor who's just been unhooked. I am literally giving them the opportunity to down and hook me but they refuse to take it. I just don't understand game play like that. I find it embarrassing.
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Tunneling is not bad, just survivors don't like it because you are fleshing out the weak who got caught and lost the chase.